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Dark Red Killian.3946

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Everything posted by Dark Red Killian.3946

  1. Can we add customizable buttons on screen too? Like if I wanted a shared slot pinned on-screen so I don’t have to open inventory to use it?
  2. What if this set could be one of many sets, as it was made efficiently as possible, maybe they could have a new set every 6 mo that could give variety? The only thing I hate about them all being the same is now I gotta figure out which one I want to choose to do.
  3. Same here. I got another booster from the EoD 3000g pack. My shared slot finally delivered with lvl 80 booster, and the booster I got from the 3000 gem pack is taking up one of my current shared slots, so 2 shared alots I am unable to use now.
  4. Perhaps the Canthans are storing magic much like the dragons and bloodstones. This could actually begin Guild Wars 2.0?
  5. To be fair PoF revealed 2 months prior to release, which had less of a timeframe to show all features. This event was a first look, so doesn’t include every feature, but I really hope they are saving BIG surprises for later.
  6. I got a Green +5 condi +9 ar infusion from the Marionette last night. Thought that was a pretty cool random drop
  7. In a future update to armory, could we please get an option possible to change glider skins (mount skins) within a template? An example I could see where this would come into play would be let’s say one template I have Ad Infinitum as back piece. I would have the glider skin to match. Let’s say next template I have the aetherblade back item. When I glide, the Ad infinitum back item is still being used and not the one for ad infinitum. This kind of creates a problem with trying to keep these in sync. Also, mounts and dyed could be added to templates to allow matching of colors, mount skins, etc per template outfit. Thanks for any consideration of updates to this.
  8. From feedback I have seen from people, I thought I would suggest an idea that if able to be implemented, could help one of the biggest gripes people have had about the armory. This could be added in a future update to armory to refine the current system. The idea is simply this, when you pull a legendary weapon into a template, you add runes, sigils, set stats like normal, but then that configuration is remembered within the template, and let’s say you want to swap quickly, you press the H key, click on the weapon you want to swap and click the legendary weapon you predefined within the template, and wham, it’s swapped with sigils, stats ready to go. In a way, doing this, you can actually have one template be a berzerkers template (or marauders, harrier, viper, etc) and say if you had predefined weapons within that template, you shouldn’t have as many problems running out of room on equipment templates. You could have all your berzerker weapons defined on one template and you don’t have to swap templates just to switch to a diff power build that could have different weapons being used, you just swap the weapon in the template and you are good to go. Another way is simply to have a weapon history of recently defined weapons that you can choose.
  9. So living world releases always had a different trinket to go with, and this isn’t different. I could see in the future possibly having another pve ring to get, a legendary aquabreather, etc with living world. They can also expand fractals and raids and include other new effect trinkets, etc. in a way you will be able to have more options (of course with slumbering version, etc). I think if they gave you an option to choose it would be an effectless legendary. I doubt they are going to make new legendaries without effects otherwise it would be boring to go after and useless to get if you already have a legendary trinket (exception being runes sigils they don’t need effects). I like going for this amulet thinking I might get a new effect, and it’s not taking away money I’m using to make other legendaries I need. I already have pvp amulet so getting a duplicate would have to be worth getting to do it. These new achievements will def be worth. So don’t worry, there may be more options to look forward to, but unfortunatel we’ll be waiting a while for those releases if they do come.
  10. Sounds cool. If you have extra wvw armor you can choose raid specific armor without even raiding? Heck yeah. Or getting runes or sigils? Great! Unless you have all of those already.
  11. As someone who has the pvp amulet I don’t care about the end result. I mean if they make it with effects more than likely it will have a toggle. I love getting 9 extra mystic coins a week, and the other tiered rewards are definately worth it. You get so much more rewards than just the amulet. In the end if it isn’t an effect, it will just be redundant in my legendary armory. I bet it will have effects to give people more legendary effect options.
  12. As someone who took a break during season 1 I have not done this fight. I also happen to be on vacation this week and not playing, so I will have very little time if any to learn and I hope to not be excluded from this content if it goes to Squad only and people say no I’m not teaching you.
  13. If they do Beta runs this year you could see Cantha sooner…
  14. It really does take a lot of practice. I spent many hours on this a couple years ago after watching videos with no luck. Finally I obtained a position rewinder and was able to make it through for Aurora. When this came out on Tuesday, I actually loaded Taco and had my position rewinder, and yes it probably only took me 15 min tops. No mesmer portal required. You do have to have max gliding though or else it’s impossible. Given that you’re going for a legendary item without the money sink, the achievements have got to be somewhat challenging at a certain point. I don’t think it’s reasonable to ask to remove this. You have a couple of different ways and tools to use to do it.
  15. Unless I am missing something, I don't think these two topics were addressed. 1. Since now there are no costs for transmutation charges on legendaries, will you be able to skin each legendary item separately in each equipment template? This would allow for more customization per build you run and potentially people buying more skins to use. 2. Will you be able to automatically select a predefined set of stats for your legendary items? For example, if you want all celestial stats, you customize your armor or weapon, choose celestial, and apply to all legendaries at once. This is a much needed feature. If it wasn't added I would really be shocked, and I would hope this could be added as an update in the future. Besides that I think the armory has just about everything I need. I think it will be a good start, and I hope there will more more QoL changes added as they get more feedback on this.
  16. Future legendary collections can be involved around the content it was released for. For example, gen 3 legendaries would revolve around content mostly from EoD or future LW episodes. There could be a side story made just for that legendary. I mean we have a whole 19 legendaries from gen 1 that use core tyria content. I think that’s enough. You could make stories for gen 2 leges that are more centered around HoT, LW3, PoF, LW4 maps, and make the stories for each related to those times.
  17. Imagine if a feature of WoD would be having your own side-kick. You choose its race, profession, etc. Anytime out of battle you can swap to it and play as that race or profession. You can gear it up, fashion wars, etc. This could be a great way to implement race change, and it could have some kind of story element to make it work. They could of course add other elements to having a side-kick, like combo skills, etc, depending on your race/profession combination. Could make it interesting.
  18. First, I understand the original reason that Anet stopped doing the collections. A lot of time involved, etc etc etc. I had just finished up Chuka and Champawat collections. Anyone who has done it could probably agree. A great story to it, lot’s of different things to do, you get a few tiger cubs of your own to carry around with you. It was just so fun and engaging. After almost 9 years playing I had found some content to do that I normally wouldn’t think of doing or otherwise would not have done. This collection had such an impact on me that I went and bought all the legendary weapon collections I didn’t have just so I could play through each of them. They give you direction and something to do especially when you only have 10-20 min to do something. Legendary weapon collections open up opportunities to replay existing content, even on Living world maps, to help keep those maps relevant. On Gen 2 precursors, they could have tied each legendary released to the map it was released with, so you could do certain events, etc. to work towards that legendary weapon. And no, I’m not talking about collecting a crap ton of map currency. Make it event specific, or maybe make it so you have to hunt a certain monster for a special item, etc. Anet, I implore you, please bring back Legendary Weapons collections for Gen 3 weapons. This shard method of making Legendaries is sooo boring and doesn’t accomplish anything. If you can it’d be great to rework and add collections for Gen 2’s as well.
  19. Maybe each area could have a transition cut scene from one map to the other, making it look like you are entering a new area. During which the next map loads without taking you from the world. Myself I would much like to have more ways to get into maps by venturing on foot. Like Grothmar Valley in icebrood saga. You should be able to go from Grothmar to Bjora by walking, and somehow have a way to get to Drizzlewood coast. I don’t like how they separated each map into their own separate area not connected to everything. They could do the same with sirens landing to the rest of orr, and Fields of ruin to the crystal desert. Verdant Brink to Bloodstone fen. I could probably go on and on. They should have implentented far more maps in the far shiverpeaks in the area around eye of the north and have everything connected.
  20. They could more easily tie race change to end of dragons and make it tied to story from there on out. It would be just like mounts or gliding, you can’t take it in previous stories, etc. Details on how this would happen, that would be up to Anet. Just throwing that out there that it’s not entitely impossible.
  21. Like seriously I have played dragonstorm every day since launch. I got one goft of aurene, two volcanic weapons so far. Still waiting on Frostsaw. One guy I know got a frostsaw two days in a row after trying for a while. If anything I think the eyes would be a good guarantee drop after 100 tries or so. Who knows it could very well be we just don’t know it yet.
  22. I think the point here is that the value of the weekly vendor is not consistent between festivals. Like SAB and Lunar New Year are very easy to save up currency to get the weeklies, while dragon bash, wintersday, and Halloween are very expensive and hard to save up to get all the weekly stuff. I will note that if you do the dailies, you can choose 5 jorbreakers from the chest after 5 consecutive days instead of the weapon skin. This should help bring that down. I know once I am done with the weapon skins that’s what I’m going to get, but that will take a few years time. I don’t know. It’s just too much for me to spend 10 of them so I don’t do it. It’s not like this is the ONLY way to get the currencies. Play the game mode if you need the currencies that much.
  23. When you get into higher fractal tiers and learn cms in fractals, doing All cms and T4s can take about an hour. 45 min if you are real good.
  24. I used GW2 Taco for the buried chests. I was able to be 9/10 for both achievements in one go around. It really helps.
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