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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. It's a MMO with a pvp section.....not a competitive multiplayer game...that's a MOBA or similar, people should stop confusing the two
  2. Obligatory : " revenant is a class favoured by the best players...and best players tend to win"
  3. People call anything that beats them...OP and low skill, including you.....there is nothing left in this game that has not been called OP/broken/low skill...not a single ranger...guardian...thief...engi build has been left untouched....seems to me...just your typical salty online player when he realizes the world is not his oyster I seen players die easily even instatly on every class..and yet people claim that or that other profession is OP when and only because they lost to it. There is something called SKILL LEVEL , there are and there will be always better players out there, you win some and you lose some but ofc, it will be always easier to ask for nerfs than getting better. Let me guess....a willbender simply kitied out your aoe mele condi spam rotations and teleport bursted on you when the CD are up....basically the willbender player was not as stupid as the subjects of your youtube videos...therefore willbender is OP
  4. There are better players out there....no amount of nerfs will ever change that....cried for nerfs for the last 10 years..the same people still lose...they will cry for another 10 years...but they will still lose
  5. Bumped the sustain?.. They have been consistently reducing ele sustain and damage for years, the only thing you see now played it's a bunker spec with the remaining no ground nerfed utilities. Eles started as dmg dealers with a scepter build...these days all ele has is a mele condi bunker....anything that get promoted on these forum...it's a condi melee bunker, nothing else works on this class, it has 0 ranged pressure, go bunkee or go home. If I'd remove the last 2× healing/vitality amulets, you'd kill the class permanently
  6. Ele is trash worthy outside bunkering down on a point in pvp...basically worthless and unused in all other parts of the game...but I guess we have to remove the only things that make ele worth making outside...nothing else..lol
  7. Surprisingly.....most thief players have reached easily that basic level of expertise...where they just wait out your swirling winds or magnetic aura....or engage mele to force CD...
  8. You will do better with a scepter...staff ele is pure trash at this point, some will sacrifice everything for few mins of glory on youtube when they manage to get off a well placed meteor storm...that one time out of 20 times they tried already, the time you waste looking for that, it's better spent playing tempest/catalyst aura share..you will get 3-4× time the amount of bags, in terms of fun factor and overall better for your allies. If you insist in doing dmg with ele from range, use scepter, dragon's tooth does like 1.5x more dmg that a wasted meteor storm, you can crit people for like 7k dmg...where meteor does 3k dmg when lucky, also scepter offers better survival when paired with focus and it's overall less time wasted trying to get the best positioning
  9. Not that a light field has much use when you are getting condi bombed to death, I prefer to clear condis to an aura reducing condi dmg/duration
  10. The major concern is Dolyak stance, it defines soulbeast and there would be no soulbeast without dolyak stance. Getting rid of immobilize/chill is a must now in GW2 , and for a class with a single source of block...mobility is the end game.
  11. I can feel that soulbeast will receive a spec changing nerf in a short amount of time. It was initially nerfed because soulbeast was and now will be again , just too good compared to other elites because it gets rid of the most ill designed mechanic in the game while offering some of the best utilities in same ballpark Too much is the same package to be left alone without either overbuffing the rest or ground nerfing the to the same level and that's what I feel will end up being. In the same stream, CMC stated that a profession like necro didn't need trade off because it was giving up something for another thing...and that's what an elite supposed to be, an alternative gameplay without downgrading too much on the base.....but soon soulbeast will be again core ranger 3.0 and it will butchered even more than before, when instead soulbeast should have simply been a "ranger that gives up pet swap for more focused gameplay/ress mechanic and more dmg/support" As others have said...the devs don't play the class and really have no clue about the repercussions of their ill thought decisions. It's a kittening shame, because regardless of what some may think, the spec was actual fine to play and could offer viable options in wvw still...but now in the same patch where they nerfed "immortal scrapper"...they overbuff soulbeast and they will end overnerfing it...like removing the ressing option and you would end up with a worst Untamed.....
  12. I believe the term "discussion" is not fully understood by the average populace. To preface, starting from an unbiased position, inviting others to an open conversation on how to improve the whole and not the individuals.....that's discussion. By contrast starting a thread with a list of things you hate to face, asking to have them removed/heavily changed ......belittling any who disagree while citing your "accomplishments" as some sort of mark of quality....all of this, it's not discussion, it's just whining in its purest form. Most of you just don't get it : this is a MMO, you win some and you lose some, you can't walk out there like a kitten Rambo unstoppable killing machine , coming on the forum every time starting a new nerf thread about that spec or class that gave you a hard time today...that's not discussion and definitely not the sign of a competitive player, that's just a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum.
  13. So I can look at your history and find posts citing counterbalance for warrior without sounding like another mary sue?..
  14. The only reason you can keep your "pewpew from the ledge " gameplay is because there is counterplay, once you remove the counterplay, there will be zero reason to keep your longbow gameplay in the game. I pray you don't really think longbow ranger would remain the same as it is now if they start nerfing projectile denial....which all it does.. it's forcing some basic reasonining rather than leave mindless 2222222 spam. What you still don't realize is that your GS/Lb would be the first casualty would the devs team ever start really considering the balance suggested on the forum...luckily for us all (including you)..the GW2 forum is largely ignored
  15. On one side we have @Trevor Boyer.6524 with his "projectile denial is OP, please nerf" threads and from the other side we have you with your warrior making a nerf threads every time you lose in PvP....
  16. You forget that Projectile denial got increased over the years as the ranged burst become more and more oppressive, if one goes down..the other must follow not too far behind. If people dream of sitting on a ledge with their pewpew build without having to worry about a thing in the world...then they will keep dreaming for a very long long time. And they are increasing grenade dmg in PvP, while giving distortion to virtuoso with more to come...your "concern" for mesmers is unnecessary. That bubble gives Untamed a small room to breath between a ranged spike and another , and it's a god send to rangers. And I really tired of these threads...the same "projectile denial is OP pls nerf" , just how many of these threads the OP makes per week?, this is the 3rd one with the same pretext and content, just different forum "Paper is fine, rock is OP, signed Scissors"
  17. Just request to make Unnatural traversal a Ground targeted teleport
  18. With Untamed is "get in and stay there"...there is no cucu settete with teleporting back or ignoring the z axis, or insta stealth to cover a failed burst, that's why you only see untamed being played like that in PvP by some macro user or some try hard who muscle recorded the whole combo to perfection, outside of that you don't see Untamed at all.
  19. Dear Anet, Paper is balanced and needs no changes, but Rock on the other hand...it's broken OP and I don't know why you can't see what I am seeing, Rock should be either removed or have its CD tripled at least. Hope to hear from you soon Kind Regards Scissor Experienced Game Designer
  20. Every thread from Trevor: 1) A wall of text with the same context.... 2) Just remove anti projectile from the game....
  21. I can tell you now that in PvP, gold tier up to plat 2, the soulbeast will be deemed OP : with "Shared anguish" and "eternal bond", I don't know how it will interact with buffed warrior/revenant in that role but I know sb will be nerfed there in the long run. In WvW, it will be complained about in small scale...a lot...very a lot, even more because many FOTMers will switch from nerfed super sayan scrapper to "boonbeast"..mark my words, while in large fights I guess SB will be just better to use
  22. Rare to use all 13 cleanses? Just try to roam for few mins during peak times and you will be condi bombed to kingdom come in no time. Mass condi clear is so important right now and to reduce the condi cleanse from 13 to just 3 it's a uber nerf. Druidic clarity has supported ranger for years through all the condi spam metas, the whole point of roaming on druid was to have a chance against heavy condi roaming meta, which has been years for almost a decade now. Honestly who gives an absolute kitten about the "group removal", you still have pets wiped during group fights and now druid is that much weaker to massive condi burst, it's not just me...other "prominent" ranger players have noticed too The ranger changes on paper look good...but people will realize when they start playing
  23. Worried now SB will go from "balanced niche" to target of nerfs for months to come. While many are celebrating the change, I find it unnecessary and without any real forethought behind it, I'd assume they will rely on the old and trusted "overnerf later if it becomes too strong". It is at this stage that I suggest CMC to apply any of the teo changes below: 1) Double CD of pet swap for Soulbeast in PvP/WvW 2) Remove ability to ress pet from Soulbeast I welcome all the negative emojies but I'd rather take the hit now when ranger can afford it and where it won't make SB a pain to play, than wait for later when they will try to nerf around the issue, simply speaking this change makes Soulbeast too good of an option compared to everything else on ranger, the main benefit of playing soulbeast was the ressing of the pet and its removal when notn needed during group fights..but now a soulbeast will be able to play like a normal ranger...without any of the weaknesses ...and no, that's not a good thing
  24. Soulbeast will be nerfed later on....removing the "trade off," removed the only reason to play core ranger over soulbeast, now you will have a core ranger with dolyak stance..and ability to ress pets instantly for a fraction of the time, now soulbeast will take over Untamed too
  25. I mean...after 4 years of scrapper meta, 2 years of unkillable scrapper roamer grenade spammer cele god super sayan mode...you should have expect changes coming. Furthermore scrapper is not ruined at all...simply now people will have to use brain on where and when to use the gyro wards..rather than superspeed facetank their way to victory....at least for you there is no casting time on these wards
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