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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Way too late for that....they should have never added quickness and alacrity ,superspeed to the game and now gl trying to remove them
  2. It's the mastery of English language completely lost nowadays? "The padding started after season 2" , like....do please read properly before commenting or ask...jesus
  3. The padding started after season 2 which was using still the original matchmaker...the one that was pairing bronze players....against other bronze players, platinum vs platinum and so on....then the bronzies, who tend to live off their delusions came down crushing and crying on the forum....they were too good to be stuck in bronze...yeah. So anet entered carebears mode and changed the MMR so that high playrate/winrate players would consistently get 3-4 bronzies...to carry to victory each match. With time , the old vets got tired of the BS and left the gamemode. Do you remember all the threads from years ago with plats complaining about the MMR and bronzies replying:"if you're so good...you can carry us"....there you go
  4. The only way to fix Matchmaking...and PvP in general would be: 1)Let players realize, the vast majority of them belong to Silver...Gold at best 2)Balance the game around people who know where the dodge button is and who generally have a good sense of timing and common sense 3)Balance the game around effort=reward....a spec that press 2-3 buttons should not be as effective as specs where the user needs to go through loops and more to get results Basically go back to the original GW1 idea of PvP and abandon the carebear "everybody a platinum legend" sort of mentality that GW2 has 4)Matchmaker based on contribution rather than win/loss stat 5)Let people finally realize that any title acquired in a random arena mode is worthless compared to those titles acquired in organized game mode
  5. Ha...The king of Rangers is here.....killed by a staff ele..... So now you jump on ele .....I have 9k hrs on ele...and you come here with "rely on 11k hp and 1/10 of the dmg of willbender".....ok...
  6. Pls move aside ....your power herads stands no chance against the massively buffed willbender and the power of Heaven's palm and rolling right! Nothing will stand in their way!
  7. Righteous Instincts has been a key piece of power guardian builds for as long as it's been in the game. Core power guardian currently sees average success in lower ranked play, but it hasn't been a major player in higher ranks or serious tournament games for quite a while. While we were looking at updates for willbender, we floated the idea of enhancing Righteous Instincts and saw it as an interesting option. This is another change that we'll be keeping a very close eye on to measure the impact and see if it's something that we need to reevaluate. Righteous Instincts: Increased bonus critical chance from 25% to 40% in PvP only. While the Righteous Instincts effect is potentially a big one for willbender, we felt that there were a few other pieces that were worth adjusting. A longer immobilization on Advancing Strike gives willbender slightly more potential to set up its own damage, and lower virtue cooldowns solidify the specialization as a high-mobility roamer. Advancing Strike: Increased immobile duration from 1 second to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW. Lethal Tempo: Increased damage bonus per stack from 2% to 3% in PvP and WvW. Flowing Resolve: Reduced ammo recharge from 30 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Increased initial base heal from 783 to 1,331 in PvP and WvW. Crashing Courage: Reduced cooldown from 50 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW. Roiling Light: Reduced cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP and WvW. Heaven's Palm: Reduced cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW. Mighty Blow: Reduced cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW. Zealot's Embrace: Increased power coefficient from 0.8 to 1.2 in PvP and WvW. Ring of Warding: Reduced cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP and WvW. Please! Please! Please! I want a video of @Arthurdent playing a physical willbender in PvP and not get rolled over in 10s ....c'mon I am being fair, given the state of gw2 pvp right now...that's defintely possible, actually I am sure you can play physical willbender and make it to platinum ..so give me a video pls.
  8. Really nobody cares what rank you call yourself on the pvp forum....anybody reaches plat if they have time to waste or deludes himself enough to think winning a a misfit bunch of random games. and.they become balance experts...like seriously ..GW2 ranked arena is the equivalent of Random arena from GW1..and all the titles got exactly the same value...none. Still...let's have some fun I see no willbenders...power revs though... Oh is this guy you are talking about? https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1445404449 ...Yeah..I can see him being overwhelmed by willbenders....you know what?! Once more..my comment: "Given how nobody plays willbender in MAT or serious roaming in WvW.....we can realize where the complaints are coming from...." All in all...to compare willbender to herald...jesus....whatever
  9. Given how nobody plays willbender in MAT or serious roaming in WvW.....we can realize where the complaints are coming from....
  10. I don't think you understand the message I am trying to convey: In Open WvW, people are free to run whatever the hell they want, you are not forced to fight anybody and only large scale balance matter, whoever want to force their idea of balance....can go here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Obsidian_Sanctum There you can create your own Fight club and put your own rules for combat, I hate the idea the entire playerbase must bend over to please a handful of individuals so they can have their little duel and upload on youtube for whatever ego boost they can get out of commenting sycophants . Remove this...and remove that....been there and done that, but the same lot will come again asking to remove more....because they keep losing fight , all because somebody playing a bruiser spec that survive their wambo combo and they get upset
  11. You can assume all you want...but I won't be here spoiling all I accomplished by theorycrafting, min/max and go out there testing builds, fail and go back to drawing board.....I do that rather than come on the forums after a single loss using a copy/paste build and that's where better knowledge of the game comes from. I am not here trying to convince anybody...oh god no....it's a waste of time trying to convince the angry mob...I am here though just to make things right, first and foremost, you lot must stop talking about "balanace" like you give an actual kitten what balance is really about, we had celestial amulet even in PvP...the lots of you cried even there asking it to be removed...and after they removed it..you simply went after another amulet.....and then another...and then another ...then another...then you moved to the skills...then utilities. The gamemode got abandonded then, the meta got stale, no diversity available, no options available and only few professions able to make use of what's left.......all because a bunch of "know better than anybody else" lost their little duel with their cookiecutter build and the world came down crushing on their over inflated ego. We won't remove anything from WvW, if you want very few options...go PVP......if we want talk about actual balance then again prove that you know what you're talking about! Anybody who come rushing on the forum shouting :" Class X is broken" without specify exactly what it's OP...that person doesn't understand anything of balance, if you don't know what the problem is...that means you don't even know how to play the profession you're complaining about and that automatically invalidate anything you have to say! Let me tell you how smart feedback works : -"Ok harbinger is overperforming, because those elixirs have poor animations, let's make animations clearer to understand, let's start from there and if more needed, we will work from there" Removing celestial would not fix the lack of clear animations on harbinger or make grenades less oppressive or whatever more uses celestial, removing gear only makes the game worst, less options to play with, less build crafting, less fun. FIX FIRST THE ACTUAL kitten ISSUE WHICH IS THE SPEC ITSELF
  12. 3. The people losing live in denial...I have been accused of running celestial even when I was full diviner+couple of cavalier gear....it's mental, even more sad people thinking that removing celestial will suddenly make things change for them. After celestial you'll realize that the same players can replicate more or less the same results with other gear stats...so you lot will go after another gear stat..."remove X, makes everything OP QQ"
  13. Yeah, I play warrior as 4th main, one of my favourite builds is this But I don't like celestial stats and I use a custom, more tanky set up, but I still have other build set ups on warrior, I have a tanky Berseker roaming build that can tank few nabs and don't die nearly as easily as many "war mains" claim http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKAEsF4pOp2uB-w Something like this, can't remember the rest, it works very well for me and you are free to hate it..but killed many wannabe wars with it so.....I don't claim though to be a pro war..there is that too. So..please explain what you mean by...wanting balance, some you win..and some you lose...if I lose ..I respawn , change and go again, if I keep losing..I leave or ask help...I don't live by my ego
  14. Why there should be balance in smallscale while we have access to pve gear? The statement "go to PvP for small scale so balanced gameplay" completely adhere to your ideology. WvW is Realm VS Realm...it's not there to let people live their duellist fantasies. The main attraction of WvW is the high build customisation and people love it, we play for the fun of it, if you and people who think the same, want to have limited options..then go PvP and buy custom arena token, it's that simple. It really doesn't matter what gear you have...when 10+ people run you over so.....nobody forces you to fight 1v1 anything in WvW, when I get home from work...I can link screenshots of some salty thief from HUNT, who I oneshot using a LB ranger...he was a SA thief wannabe hero, who thought the world is his oyster..well I simply ran off and forced him in facing another poor fella...while I swapped build and oneshot him from existence, it was fun to read his page long insults but the in the end...I win because I play the gamemode and I don't care about your personal rules for duelling. Anybody thinking differently..can go PvP and fight 1v1s all day long...personally..done that already, got the titles, the badge ..plat 2...blah blah blah.....nobody cares, I play for fun..and don't care about the feelings of all egomaniacs out there...it's a videogame kitten. I am so tired of this "small scale balance" crowd, tired of the constant stream of insulting whispers...."too tanky....too much dmg.....run away dog...blah blah". I suspect that many of you from the "small scale balance" crowd realistically refuse to go PvP because...you'd lose access to many stats/options allowed in WvW, I suspect your current 1v1 Godmode build would not be as Godlike in PvP and that's why you want to instead remove options from WvW so that only your Godmode build remains as such...please change my mind
  15. I strongly dislike necro gameplay....I hate the condition system in GW2...I don't care about celestial gear and you can remove it today....but what most I hate it's this constant whining about nerf this and remove that that this playerbase does on a constant basis.
  16. GW2 players don't want balance....they want to win
  17. And I am sure you have been dominating with willbender...
  18. And yet....the second someone mention condis...he gets swamped by confuse emojis....so many "condi enthusiasts" for something so underpowered and useless....
  19. This has been known since 2015 really....overnight almost, a bunch of "never seen or heard from before" reaches P2-3 and start talking big in and around the forum, a bunch of individuals who previou held around 30-40% win rate...all of sudden they jump to 50-70% win rate and they all had one thing in common...they started to play necro and at that time it was reaper spam....then we had scourge spamm...at least this harbinger got "shaved" enough to avoid an harbinger spam...just enough. But it wasn't just necro really...all these "stable to stardom" players had also condi chrono....then condi mirage....then condi herald....condi berseker....all condi based cheese. Left pvp around that time....every match was just a button smashing on each point to see who could spam aoe condis the faster, especially necro gameplay has always been "zug zug zug, me run mid and roll face"...that's how bad that condi patch ruined GW2 forever
  20. Mate...the OP is right...if I jump on a willbender..I'd be on you in a blink of an eye and destroy the oneshot lb build, once you know how ranger works..it becomes the easiest class to down and that's the reason you don't see the class being played at the highest levels of PvP or picked as top roamer by gank groups. The confuse emotes on the OP post are from silver/bronzies who don't know where the dodge button is In reality ranger suffers from very obvious issues : 1) Low access to stability...lowest among all classes...only better than thief at this point but yeah...thief won't even need that much stability 2) Pets are mostly dead weight at this point after several nerfs, I don't use anything outside smokescale/birds/gazelle...everything is stupidly useless against decent players 3) Class didn't keep very well with mobility power creep..even my core ele is faster than my ranger....even when I use the staff/gs power build 4) Rather bad at fightning multiple opponents, when they are good is literally impossible on ranger to do anything but run. The OP is entirely correct, the class was much much stronger in the past and the power level went way lower compared to other professions playing in a similar role. Sustain and dmg on soulbeast is much lower compared to the past, meanwhile scrapper/holo is almost the same...say if ranger and engi were both 10 before, now ranger is a 5 where engi got lowered to just 7. In wvw a cele scrapper/holo will outsustain a cele sb any day of the week and this is just an example, the dmg on ranger is quite subpar unless you heavily invest into and the sustain is good...but not great
  21. Celestial is a "base" gear , a jack of all trades stat combination that gives modest results in all area but make it easy for new player to gear their character...you really can't go wrong with celestial on any class. For maximum results though, you will need to min/max stats to find your favourite spot.
  22. Right now d/d catalyst is the closest thing to old school valkyrie d/d ele you will get in GW2, you can actually melee pressure enemies without insta dieing to the ever present pewpew aoe condi crap in wvw and pvp
  23. ......You can literally see what class each player likes and main by looking at their idea: "necro= a 50% dmg reduction shroud supplied by endurance...which can be given free by 50% by a sigil ..
  24. Yeah....let's just say all that condi spam doesn't do good to one's ability to strategize ...say no more...the mods are on us
  25. Short story short : WvW is like Hotjoin now , unless you are willing to spend 1800 gems to bandwagon to the same 3-4 servers...you'll just end up being farmed all day on other servers alongside PvE farmers and gift of mastery hunters....there is not even the resemblance of fight, one server just solo push and players on these farm servers are dead even before you can blink once, I seen PvE mobs offering more resistance and put up a better fight
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