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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Yeah? You can build unkillable anything in this game if you add enough minstrel, cele gear or have access to the right mechanics, there are ventari/jalis renegade, shout bladesworn, cele scrappers, cele harbingers, set core necro, condi druids, boonbeast, shadow art deadeye, cele mirages... Obsidian flesh? ha yes the 50s CD skill and then doubled using a 60s CD elite...rest of the time, the ele survives because the enemies are clueless and just spam skill off CD, I can imagine an ele winning vs X..with people ranged bursting into swirling winds or reflect....warriors dancing into shocking aura and condibots spamming condis while water off CD. More tools? The catalyst line got no swiftness or regen ...so eles go fire line, outside access to 2x extra boons, a catalyst is exactly a core ele with few extra gimmicks...and nobody runs it outside trolling newbs in wvw at 3am. Yet have to see a single catalyst winning even a single 1v1 vs decent player....within the 5m mark and you want to nerf catalyst....yes ofc no problem you can nerf catalyst..but only after we demolish out of existence the builds I have mentioned P.S A single burst from my build on ranger and the catalyst goes down...the same burst...a cele scrapper will laugh at me while superspeed away spamming grenades and supported by barrier spam...the cele mirage does x2 distortion into stealth and jaunt away...laughing and the de thief..and the bladesworn spamming might makes me right........but yeah....let's complain about the catalyst...
  2. "Unkillable...ele"...my reaction... Dear god......what a claim for gw2 ele in 2022...... 1vs10?...yeah average player can vs x10 AI bots I guess, or something similar
  3. Celestial harbinger is broken OP in wvw , there is literally no ele build that come close to that and in PvP unless the ele player truly experienced and skilled at the game....it will be nowhere close to necro, you literally see 1-2 eles every 2-3 MAT by comparison every MAT team has 1-2 necros...hardly a class "below" ele
  4. GW1 elementalist and GW2 elementalist should not be used in the same sentence..the gw2 variant is utter trash/garbage/joke by comparison
  5. Why not though? They do that to basically every other class where you can obliterate things everywhere after few hours playing, on a necro for example anybody can press F1-elixir of ambition and rip the sky apart...but on ele they expect you to go through loops and more to do barely the same thing. I am not having a go at you by all means, it's just I hate this notion from Anet that only ele must go through hell to just play the game where other professions press a button and get a gazillion effects while doing burst dmg from 900-1200 range
  6. The issue with elementalist is that, you need to be great ...to do great while on other professions, you can be mediocre....and still do good and that's where the frustration of players come from and reason why only this class get balanced based on the performances of a handful of individuals, which is an asinine way of balancing. You don't need to be @Holts to smash things on a necro and neither you need to be @Vans to own things on a bladesworn, or a @Helseth to condi burst with a condi mirage/virtuoso, so things should not be different for elementalist
  7. Easy list: 1) instant or close animation on more than 80% of skills 2) mobility on short CD 3) Stability 4) Great condi clear 5) Good dmg coefficients 6) Good defensive options like blocks or stealth Hmm...basically a ranged ele spec based on GW2 gameplay like other professions and not Dark Souls hard mode
  8. I seen this "insanely OP" from Blam....it stalls in 1vs1 and forced to run in most +1 situations where a dominator renegade, scrapper, bladesworn etc..can take on 2 players pretty handily. Basically Blam is playing a side noder with some sustain, outside the scarce extra stats, the catalyst traitline got no regeneration or swiftness, mostly carried by core d/d gameplay. I seen Blam calling OP even the LR weaver....he was the only one running it with success anywhere People are just surprised to have a playable and accessible ele spec after years of neglect and secretly afraid it will be taken away soon and go back to meme class status...don't blame them, it has been years since I last seen more than couple eles in wvw and I am very happy
  9. The buffs were necessary and most welcomed, other professions have been buffed to heavens and behind for years. I have been fighting cele scrappers, reapers, boonbeasts and renegades for years now....the recent OF dagger buffs bring the ele up to par with them...and catalyst offers boons to mitigate the busted condi dmg. No regrets! I fully deserves these dagger OF buffs....will catalyst remains as it is for more than few months from now?...I have no illusions about that....it's ele after all we are talking about.
  10. Competitiviness doesn't make you toxic, truly competitive individuals know to accept both victory and defeat with grace and respect...on the other hand, a complete lack of sportmanship and decency is what make people toxic. Win or lose, you can still choose to be a decent human being and make the game enjoyable for both sides, striving to be the better you can be, aiming to improve as much as you can....or you can choose to be a sociopath. In the past, it was common for people to show respect for the opponent regardless of the outcome...these days is the norm to act like a mental asylum convict, be it with whispering or messages....a sure way to push people away from PvP...and it's got nothing to do with PvP itself
  11. Maybe we can ask anet devs not to buff their mains to stupid levels....by giving themselves: perma quickness, superspeed, immense condi burst on 10s CD, super mobility....maybe GW2 wvw would be balanced if the devs would stop turning SOME professions into a literal walking fortress or UNCATCHABLE monsters
  12. The kind of people who die to power specs these days..can be surely found on this forum..meanwhile the actual game looks like this: But there is more...and it's against actual players...no afkers...or "friends" standing still with a glass build: But enough wvw... Now how many condi specs do we see here?...
  13. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSQAoGBA ....Press 1....
  14. Thus this statement come from individuals who die to a rapid fire or a full trap dh or true shot or a mesmer shatter...or similar builds?.......'Cause in that case I can't even laugh anymore
  15. A power thief regardless of him using SA or not....surely takes more risk than a condi specter, or double pistol core and that's the crux of the whole debate. Condition damage after the 2015 patch has been steadily removing any sort of diversity in team/small scale gameplay, literally these days everything saves ofc ele and war are some sort of pewpew condi, insta animation with no much tell, auto-attacks stacking 5-6 condis on the target. The dev Jon Peters before leaving did acknowledge the problem with condition damage after the rework, sadly nothing has been done....imagine if we had power spec dealing burst with the autoattack and then tell people to dodge...having specs stacking 20+ torment with the auto-attack...then people tell you to dodge...or cleanse.. I can dodge a shatter...a backstab from stealth...rapid fire....trueshot...power herald...most times multiple opponents at time....people call it hard.. Then you face ranged specs stacking torment with the autoattack and people tell you to dodge...or don't move....or cleanse..like...jesus
  16. Everybody and his dog goes condi because....only one stat required to do dmg while investing the rest in sustain stats...so
  17. And how do you know what people are running? ...I have been accused of running celestial when I was 80% marauder with 2 cav trinkets...it's safe to assume that 80% of claims in this thread are just from people getting outplayed than blaming gear and whatelse for their shortcomings as player
  18. It's a class good vs low tier players.. but has limited skill ceiling, no busted skills doing a trilliong things with a single button, clear animations and enough time to down between one rotation and another, easy to lock down and almost no access to stability, plenty of skills/utilities with 1s+ cast time
  19. What weakness? I see none...almost everything which used to counter, has been nerfed to the ground and below...and that's why there is a gazillion necros across all game modes
  20. Without any doubt...necro players are the foremost complainers with victim mentality. Everytime anybody tries to bring arguments against necro...the necro police comes running shouting :" cc and range them"...like other professions are immune to CC and range....-_-
  21. Support specs are not supposed to DPS on top! Every other support spec has been nerfed throughout and scrapper finally getting addressed after years
  22. Ranger main here.....I am waiting you mechanist at the bottom.....join us....we float down here....float....WE ALL FLOOOAT
  23. ele buffs.....am I dreaming?...If so...I don't want to wake up...ever
  24. Do you know what bias? It's to dare to compare a kitten slap on the wrist to an actual heavy handed nerf https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Cascade 1k barrier with a 1.5 coefficient on a 12s CD base......"QQ I GOT NERFED SO HARD" Then we have elementalist with ..barrier ... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Refreshment Min dual attack CD is 18s CD......1/4 of scourge barrier number and 1/3 of the healing coefficient. Necro mains say they got nerfed all the times....the GW2 playerbase ....god
  25. GW2 players only have fun when they win.....before damage was too high...now damage too low.....complaining about specs you can't kill....and tell others to L2P when dealing with your class.....that's like the whole GW2 playerbase in a nutshell
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