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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. I was so frustrated with ele notes that only got around to read other thief notes today and....has SA thief finally been dealt with? Is this truly happening?....
  2. Imagine you dropping ele to play "real" class...this is your future...
  3. So.....you're a random dude in need of a new game...then come across a MMO with 9 classes...but only 2-3 getting played constantly across all game mode and....
  4. If the game would be balanced based mostly on forum feedback....none of us would be here, because there would be no game, over 90% of forum feedback in general is pure illogical drivel
  5. Good thing on warrior you can have multiple sources of block while you have only gs on ranger then you need to be quick on running away from dmg but that is the the part which is usually missing from the commentary
  6. What anger?...Warhorn has been given a flat base 2s quickness instead than random +10% dmg next two random attacks and that is bad?
  7. After all this and what still need to come, if you still log in on ele....you are hopeless, simple as that. If you waste time coming to the forum to complain about the state of the class...while still playing it...you are hopeless. If you want real changes...stop playing the class, and changes would come soon after not because they care..but because you send a clear and strong message to the outside audience, especially the stream community, you show them how this game is far from being the Gem of MMO as those corporate suck up on Youtube would want you to believe. If you want real changes these days..you need to hit people where it actually matter: the wallet! Anything else is a wasteful excercise in frustration and more of a laughable act, if you hate this class design...but still play it and come on this forum to complain....simply speaking you are a living meme.
  8. Untamed is a PvP designed elite, that it is really
  9. I dunno...right now after numerous nerfs/and more, I can safely say that Untamed/core ranger are the better duellist specs overall, with some niche situations where sb and druid can shine. Yeah sure...dpssssss, go double axe sb and have a nerdgasm watching that whatever is called dmg meter. but other than that, sb is used mostly as a +1 burst in WvW now as it hasn't got anymore the sustain and mobility to be a powerful threat solo roaming..and druid...it's druid, good there and bad there. The ambush skill and aoe projectile block make Untamed a pure joy to play...add Nature Traversal and you have a little gem to play, plus an utility to save your kitten when condi bombed out of nowhere from stealth....and an elite which in some occasions can save your life while running like no tomorrow. What makes sb bad to play in PvP/WvW right are the super nerfed pets , so outside +1 pewpew and some tryhard boonbeast with condis.....sb is really not that amazing in PvP/WvW true story...while druid is really niche, for now Untamed is my main duellist ranger spec
  10. Killed all 3 of them on druid, one of my best duelling specs is druid and that's why I am scared shitless of the June patch: staff is my 3rd favourite weapon on ranger with mobility/heal and projectile block.....and druid provides some of the best defensive traits on ranger ....that's why I always wished those pvers crying about druid would simply change class, I am sure this quickness BS gonna ruin best traits on druid because ..."now druid provides quickness"
  11. MX axe and GS are without doubt the best ranger weapons, can be played in every game mode using any stats (depending on gameplay choices). You are bound to be a threat/addition while using at least one of the two, every ranger should have legendary axe/GS no questions asked.....you simply can't go wrong with axe/gs
  12. I am suggesting war mains not to use ranger ..or ele..or mesmer as their target for "admiration", even if you sit with them at the same table...you will still be quite far from actual meta status just saying
  13. Every class should have a 50% chance at killing all others and nobody is asking to deny the same privilege to warriors. Problem is war mains tend to forget how low is the skill floor required to play their class .
  14. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEd7lJwSYiMMGKA-w And in this build I have a stun, a knockdown, a 3s block, 3 stunbreaks including pulsing stability, 3x mass condi clear, an evade, plus another if traited, 2x dodges...and this is a core war, not even a spellbreaker. It's all fine and dandy when fightning against potatoes from 1500 range...when you face proper players ....I'd like to see your amazing skills at that point. -I could do : judge's intervention+spear of justice ....for example on a dh...and the wombo combo described by @Azure..goes down the drain and that's the limitation of every GW2 player when talking about professions/specs they don't play in fantasy scenarios in their mind when fightning actual hamsters on a wheel -I could do million things to ruin your fantasy scenario , I could lightning flash+burning speed you down the stairs
  15. I fought proper sic em on core war...and ranger remains the easiest class to down in wvw....when played by a potato. People can post all they want on the forums...but "skill level" remains an undeniable truth. It's one thing to face a player who position himself properly and counts your dodges and stunbreaks before firing off...and another it's to die to an average tower ranger....
  16. An actual sic em build that can really kill a target....will have literally zero sustain, full zerker/assasin/diviner stats, and will fire entire build including elite on 60s cd to kill anything on two legs and capable of rationale thought...literally anything that can dodge and rush will kill that sic em build in 2 hits. A 1 shot sic em is not a celestial grenades scrapper which has similar dmg but 10x the sustain. Anything else different from what I have described.....won't have enough dmg to even kill a newb d/d ele with soldier gear....let alone an actual T1 roamer with cele stats or similar
  17. NO! For starters, CC should do no dmg, disabling the opponent is more than enough, and that was the idea in GW1, which was, is and will remain the better game....always. CC should not be spammable! You should not be able to CC an already CCed target...the devs are aware of that and basically anybody who actually played a balanced game before knows that. Diminishing return on CC would be the only thing possibly left to justify dmg on CC, the disabling effect would stop working if applied to the same target..but the dmg stays.
  18. Only necro and guardian have ever received this luxury treatment...other professions more or less take some months but eventually get nerfed.....but elementalist...it only happened once in 2015 during an AT tournament...a team played 4 eles and won...that was it for the class
  19. Please ignore....and read carefully what I am about to say: 1) DO NOT EVER EVER, come to the PvP forum specifically to ask for help 2) You may want to try the specific subforum for the class you are struggling against....a shot in the dark but better idea than coming here to this wasteland 3) No spec is good against everything everytime, your favourite spec may be good in 8 cases out of 10, the remaining 2, you have to switch build, learn multiple playstyles and most importantly...learn when to switch gear, do not focus on winning that 1v1..focus on winning the fight 4) Playing against thieves, when they are good ....it's always miserable experience for any class but another thief, they have access to skills like : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Return https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infiltrator's_Arrow Few examples to show you how hard it is to pin down a thief, of course it is possible to kill thieves, taking them by surprise and all but do not waste months pondering on how to kill thieves, for now just focus on how to contain them...later you may think on how to kill them 5) Dragon hunter is annoying to fight due to traps , one of which will heal them almost to full when triggered , then most of them use longbow, with 3x skills you want to look out for: the burst one, the knockback and the cage to stop your movements...then they have the dragon hunter pull F1, they literally throw a lance at you, with which they can pull you inside their traps. There is really no much point in describing though. Go and watch a youtube video of how dragon hunter plays out, even better make one 6) Play the game....ignore the rest, duel any spec, whenever you can ...you win and you get better....you lose...and you get even better
  20. You don't come on the forums to ask for help and suggestions...especially no the PvP forum where dots go to moan and whine on how they lost despite their uber supa high skill level and how everything is because the enemy playing OP spec/class.
  21. Huh?? Everyday is a witch hunt on GW2 PvP forum....the same 10 cats creating 1-2x nerf thread for each class...every other day, it depends against what they lose against yet another side node 1v1 or they get +1 and come to rage/vent on the forums
  22. Because most devs...play necro.....and no...I am not kidding, just check all the wvw streams on the original gw2 twitch, 5x devs streaming....always playing necro
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