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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Anet should remove PvP and just introduce dragonbash arena..there you can have your 1x build with 3-4 skills on it...that's the only way to please the constant pvp whining. It'd be easier to realize that pvp not for everybody....and effort is required to win
  2. ....3/4 of the time your team will be dead even before you can stomp anything when playing a glass spec..that's how bad is the matchmaking and population in general, you can only play glass spec when in duo..and you play with somebody who doesn't insta die to a gust of wind. With pugs..you will be outnumbered on a glass spec within 10s from the start of the game
  3. The level of salt in your system is so high....you order chips with sugar on top to taste anything
  4. Because unless sweeping changes (aka Remove X spec from equation) the angry mob will keep crying their eyes out on this forum....which for some non sensical and absurd reason it gets seriously considered...one of the main reasons why GW1 was so great...there was no PvP forum so the devs were free to do their job rather than bending over for an entitled community ...although back in the days players were not this whimsical and entitled so it was easy to balance too. Back in the days players would recognize when they actually suck at the game and would seek advise from vets...but today?! Even Timmy who played the game for 50 hrs think he should be legendary rank....just because he plays..and if he loses it's because the game balance sucks....
  5. I still don't get how people can claim that Untamed in WvW can be tankier than soulbeast or even druid.....all the "video evidence" I can find online of "How amazing Untamed is"...it's just a collection of parts where the 90s CD elite is off CD, people pop it...use WHAO with their diviner/celestial and then teleport in to kill engaged lowbies .... It's no worth money to pay for something that gets to be somehow useful once every 90s or so for 6s and no...it's worth money to even pay for something thay theoritically good in a single gamemode, where people just force themselves to play it to convinve themselves it was a good investment this EoD expansion. The vast majority of the ranger playerbase waited 4+ years and pay full price for an expansion....just to keep playing soulbeast/druid Look at 1:50....how easily the thief dispatched the Untamed...soulbeast would have worked otherwise, just a small example but really you guys are clamoring a gameplay that consists of the ranger sitting on the outskirts of fights..waiting for miracle where it can teleport in to deliver significant dmg...all the while hoping he doesn't get targeted bya thief or some bruiser...and we waited 4 years and paid for this?
  6. There was already close to zero reason to play untamed before at launch, it was barely holding up when judged against soulbeast and druid. But then after the buffs and changes to the latter, I have found myself with zero reason to even play an Untamed, to a point where I wish I could get a refund for the money spent on EoD I never needed a freaking boat as I have a water bound pet...not interested in fishing in a mmo and...Im not a pver if I can help it and that leaves me with PvP/WvW : Why would I play an Untamed in PvP or WvW? -Slowest elite, can't roam on it at all...not disengage like druid or the mobility of a soulbeast -Based on a dead and terrible mechanic like pets -You lose access to the actual mechanic once the pets die....at least on druid you can still use Celestial Avatar when the pets die....once the pet dies on an untamed you become a core ranger with less sustain ( not that the pet alive add that much more sustain to start with on untamed) -The teleport utility is just a random addition and somehow it's now the only reason to play an Untamed ...sad really -The boonrip is laughable against heavy boon centric specs the ones....ranger actually needed help with the most, removing boons from weaker specs does not make much difference compared to before -Where is the actual sustain to justify taking the elite? the 10% dmg reduction? haaa.....need blocks or mobility, how is this elite described as a brawler?...no boon output except that 90s CD elite with a huge 1s cast time that just shout :"Interrupt me please please...do it now" Am I alone in feeling this way about Untamed?
  7. Pet elite??? Ranger pets are the worst implemented mechanic I ever seen in a videogame..Untamed is already borderline useless....if they release another pet centered elite...I am sure many rangers won't even bother this time to pay money for a 4th exp
  8. I mean...this is absurd really xd....GW1 ele was scepter/staff only...d/d were introduced in gw2 to great dismay of gw1 playerbase....elementalist is supposed to be a freaking ranged mage. Nerf it all you want...but scepter was supposed to be main ele weapon since kittening launch. During GW2 2012 all GW1 players were on scepter/dagger then scepter/focus......If I wanted to play melee I'd would have started with a warrior or a guardian
  9. Yeaaahhh....there is always something to nerf isn't there? The object of hatred may change but those at the losing side of every meta...are always the same and lose they will till the end of this game.
  10. Seriously now? Your class is next on the line once the angry mob done with ele and warrior, I wouldn't celebrate I'd be you. Oh and engies too...their turn just around the corner. Like one profession out of line nerfed to the brink....the fotm crowd will simply move to the next best thing, they can win with while facerolling...so your distortion happy trigger build is soon to be a destination for the migrating lemmings...or it may be another and mesmer spared for now....doesn't matter though...you'll be here soon trying to "reason" with the angry mob demanding mesmer blood...mark my words
  11. Using hard logic(unusual and unwelcome around here) there is not a single class, you lot know how to play against, as you just jump from a "nerf profession A" to "nerf profession B" going through all the alphabet between balance patches....with ele and warrior nerfed...you'll just jump to the next best thing to nerf and cry about for next 2-3 months, rinse and repeat at infinitum ...been like this for years, is there actually something you lot can win against....without having a mental breakdown every time a better player owns you? .
  12. Both AG and SFR full of below average players who won't fight anything with less than 5 people helping them, they run from equal number fights and they camp the closest tower 24/7, with that sort of skill level they should not expect anything but roflstomping when it matters
  13. Yeah...maybe when the set up it's not on a 30-40s CD like it is on ele with Gale..not like renegade with a 12s CD set up followed by sevent shot on a similar CD/dmg than dragon tooth...on top of being faster...... Faster?...please...people were happy when Dragon's tooth couldn't hit anything but the most obtuse of monkeys when heavily drunk And that's where the issue is...can't step aside and laugh anymore so people are getting mad...
  14. That's what I mean for "new generation can't stand complexity"...I can't imagine current gw2 players being able to survive in a pvp enviroment from over a decade ago..when you had to rely on strategies like fake cast to avoid interruptions, spacebar side steps to avoid CC, precise kiting etc etc etc etc A GW2 player being able to respond to a magebane spike? hammer warrior bala strike? invoke ele spike?....hmm..anet would need to host an additional website to hold all the whine threads alone
  15. The new generation of players can't stand complexity, rewarding hard work ahd the beauty of strategy and tactics. Literally all the new generation cares about and want is to go in, faceroll on the keyboard and get kills. And it's all fine and dandy if they can do that on any class...but they will start shouting bloody murder if somebody else does the same thing on another class. If you want complexity and hard fought battles...search for older games as these days any game requiring hard work will meet its demise within months from launch ( Wildstar anyone?)
  16. Before catalyst, ele was almost nowhere to be seen, weaver had been nerfed to oblivion with the removal of stability on stance and dmg/sustain nerfs plus the inability to remain on target to do any dmg...there were no ele roamers or dps in wvw. All eles had was a weakish support tempest which got relevance the more nerfs guardian and scrapper were getting. Basically ele was kitten to play for 4 years and many had swapped class...indeed many of those who swapped have return like roaches
  17. They are used in all gamemodes, as you see, to claim that an elite should be good just for a gamemode it's not anet plans. You still need to explain what ranger would need a rifle for....to play ranged? We have already plenty of ranged weapons...the most among all classes and people want another ranged weapon because....hunter theme. And you know what? I actually would see a rifle ranger despite what I am saying, the problem is that what is required to make it work is very unlikely to be given to ranger: Unblockable AoE ranged?....no chance
  18. Since when an elite is created for pve, pvp or wvw? People spend money to play an elite so it matters not what people like to play, if the weapon is not acceptable in all game modes then it's useless and not worth the money. Even more important is the mechanic behind the weapon itself, as long as the mechanic is solid....few cares about the weapon. Soulbeast is the favourite elite because it can be played everywhere and with any weapon, same argument with Druid to a minor lesser scale..but Untamed, right now can't be played effectively without hammer and we want avoid a similar issue. Even with untamed, it may have been based on a gw1 concept, but they still tried to build something widely usable : "thematic" is no worth money or development time and widely unaccepted Given the plethora of blocks/reflect in the game, every class now farts reflects...longbow is virtually useless outside some gimmick one shot sic'em with the Hunter Signet...where you fire entire utility bar in the hope of killing some Timmy who strayed far from the flock and likewise longbow is not used by the pve playerbase who prefer axes, GS, hammer,shortbow.
  19. With all the projectile hate in the game...to a point where the only longbow build I run is sic'em with hunt signet....at that point...the rifle is the favourite weapon?I wasn't expecting this
  20. Hyperboles and false rhetoric will only make you even madder, they won't revert the tracking because rightfully so after a decade, Anet wants you lot to finally fear a scepter ele and not laughing at it. All professions have high dmg skills on similar CD even if under different conditions and ranged too so...they may reduce dmg but never that much to allow others to just ignore a scepter ele....deal...with..it
  21. Imagine getting killed by a skill that takes 2s to land, hovering over you in a giant animation...xddddddd... and invites you to tea before hitting you...all the while posting a notice letter a day before....that's gw2 for ya
  22. THIS!!!!! OMG so much truth in a single post! Hahaha, but yeah that's your average gamer in 2022....
  23. ......It's almost the end of the year..and I don't want some players to feel left out, and as there are no OP threads for Necro and Thief...I have decided to step in and create this thread for inclusion : Happy 2023!!
  24. Untamed is by far the slowest on par with core ranger...well untamed is after all just a core ranger with extra fluff
  25. I believe everything that could have gone wrong has been fully covered now with Untamed, for better or for worst, people got what they wanted : a pet "focused" elite with hammer reminiscing of the Bunny Thumper from GW1, now for possibly the last elite for the class, the company should answer in tune and give the ranger community what they have been asking for like..forever?! - a ranged AoE non projectile based for WvW or brawler sort of spec, at least that's what I felt so far and personally I am hoping for a mechanic that finally allow the ranger to join group fights efficiently without pet worries, while giving close to the same freedom as Soulbeast offers, to date the best elite ranger has in all game modes, in terms of flexibility and results. So let's see what the poll says...
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