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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Right now in best case scenarios, the druid is the only thinking which still allow ranger to roam at all. These days everybody running speed runes and have plethora of gap closers, ranged snare, condi burst etc etc etc...soulbeast is not that great anymore as long as you play against non potatoes
  2. It was a ridiculous idea, you know this company has been consistently asking nerfing pets for years at every turn...you know this community hate to die to pets and you guys ask and expect a viable pet master spec? Are you guys for real?
  3. Furthermore...let's no kid ourselves...without ambush skills, pet unleashed state, the full condi removal and the great elite.....Untamed is a worse core ranger. 1) The boonrip while nice..it's not even close to be decent, the most stupid build in this game..the most unviable build...can produce 5 boons while farting every few secs...so removing 2 boons every 15s...does jack 2) The hammer offers no defensive option.. 3) Does not work as frontliner at all...it's still a ranger and the pet insta die No amount of buffs can change that, unless they add something like "pet cannot die while unleashed" , which would make sense seen as the pet does no dmg while unleashed but yeah...doubt it will be implemented
  4. Not really...untamed is still a more robust duellist than sb against boonheavy specs, better suited than sb in teamfights. It does offer less mobility than sb as expected but the life steal ambush makes it more competitive when facing boontanks in wvw. I have 1v1 several boonbeasts and they either end up stalling, run or lose, this because sb cannot spam boons like some other specs and thus an untamed ironically fare better against boonbeast itself. My winrate against boonbot cele renegade has skyrocketed , same story with cele pewpew scrappers, that lifesteal simply ignores their huge armor and before long they're on the backfoot...it helps that many of them forgot or never learnt how to dodge...being used to facetank dmg for years. Hammer may be unviable..the new pets are utter rubbish, on top of being bugged...but untamed remains one of the best builds I ever played on ranger. That look on the face of those cele mofos builds after tasting the cold hard ground after so long.......it is worth every pound spent to buy this expansion
  5. ...Yeah...10 or so of them spend 3/4 of office time discussing how to make OP/broken then next necro spec....the first elite to be released followed by vindicator...we can see where their priorities are
  6. Noticed, yeah it's a huge bug and reason why I don't use any of them now, took some to notice and fully test but yeah you are correct : EoD pets are unresponsive for at least 2s after the ranger unleash or even in general when using them on core ranger....a big bug and we don't know when this will be fixed....but there is no rush...it's not like the pets are that good to start with........
  7. Whooooooooooooooaaa! Hold on now guys! I did not check before commenting, but mechanist can recall the mech at any time so what you complain about? This changes everything because you are lucky this mechanist is not an actual pet class where ..the pet dies and nothing you can do about it, or maybe there is something I am missing
  8. It was an old concept idea from GW1 where the player was able to dual spec their profession, like you could play ranger/warrior class, ranger main and warrior secondary, or you could play ranger/elementalist....ranger/mesmer and so on. Bunny thumper was ranger/warrior with hammer, a low profile PvP build for easy fame farming at low levels, the way it worked, the ranger with his hammer would CC/stun lock the target (there is no stunlock in GW1 like GW2 but you could time CC skills...if you were good enough...here in GW2 any monkey can stunlock a target by pressing buttons off CD) and the pet would do the damage, being hard to kill an all thx to beastmastery line. They tried now to bring the same concept in GW2 due to outcry from unwise individuals(almost entire ranger community) and that ofc failed miserably : 1) GW2 has WvW where pet dies instantly during group fights 2) Hammer does not offer any defensive options making the idea of melee hammer melee kitten completely absurd And that the gist of it all
  9. Few of us...who understand how Anet operates, we tried to warn all of you against the idea of bunny thumper. Personally I made 2x threads pleading with the ranger community to abort the idea of bunny thumper.....'cause it wasn't hard to imagine how this would have turned up...hate to be that guy but....told you so... I had the idea of spirit shaman melee spec. with pets becoming etheral spirits on a 10s CD, unable to do dmg or receive it, while providing buffs to ranger/allies and yeah hammer could have worked then but...my idea got "laughed" at because people wanted their bunny thumper...well..here it is
  10. I am not really upset...just annoyed that I crafted a legendary hammer before fully testing hammer for an extended period of time, was really not a wise decision so to anybody reading this message...I recommend you against the idea, do not craft a legendary hammer: waste of resources. With that said, the weapon does a good/great job as far as PvE goes but for PvP/WvW...both Untamed and catalyst are way better off with GS/X for ranger and D/D for ele, you seriously kitten yourself with hammer in those game modes; the weapon is too slow for those game modes, especially Untamed hammer and while the damage is there, both weapons offer zero sustain/defenses while forcing the player at melee range. If we talk about revenant hammer, ok it's ranged it does not need any defenses but when the weapon is melee, the played does need defenses. Overall I give 5/10 to hammers in EoD, now ranger has a good AoE option in PvE which is great..and that's all really
  11. Yeah...and unyieding dragon exists so any dmg buff will must take this trait into consideration
  12. You don't 😂😂, welcome to the world of "if not scrapper/firebrand/renegade/scourge....wtf are you doing here in our zerg?"....yeah but hey you get to play your sidenode duellist in pvp with your golem...enjoy as that will the best you'll achieve with Machinist for the next 5-6 years .
  13. As the title suggest, can I ask for a refund on build templates? I'd like to remove the 2x build templates bought recently (2 days ago)
  14. Good thing that this game is so well balanced than typically no professions can go tanky while doing damage, in that regard ranger is well balance ...yeah...because other professions need also to give up sustain for damage........ohhh wait..wrong game sorry my bad, almost forgot about revenants, engis, necros and guardians....they belong to another game obviously....-_-....
  15. Phoenix is barely...barely a pve pet, spot on on turtle is basically the best out of the bunch and yeah the wallow has its utility...white tiger can be useful on sb, dunno..still have to catch it
  16. Yeah...the legendary patch that will save the game....legends sayevery year we hear about this legendary patch which is apparently always behind the corner...after 5 years of the same story..this legendary patch hasn't shown up
  17. -Terrible traitline...or rather...an extremely badly designed traitline, from individuals who clearly do not play the class seriously outside their stream token display..while using a developer console -UP main elite weapon, slow...no dmg...unfun to use...worst weapon evem beating scepter -No boon rip, no increased stability, the traitline offers zero sustain , no condi clear or access to swiftness. I have bought EoD to play Untamed...but gods...tried to play catalyst for couple of hours...no chances, it's bordeline crap, I'd rather keep using weaver and tempest Overall : 0/10 my final score for catalyst
  18. Where is the apology? All that crying and self-pity...but the gameplay ended up exactly like every sane person predicted : Necros and Revs all over in all game modes....again, the meta hasn't changed...and never will just as most sane people predicted, the meta hasn't changed since the only 2 pvp devs left, the meta has been the same for the last 8 years : necro -guardian -rev-engi steamrolling while pushing forward arm in arm. All the drama threads about Harbinger have quickly disappeared....bunch of drama queens with no foundation to hold an argument in kindergarten... I really want an apology from all those carebears "downvoting" me in the necro sub-forum.....guess who know your class better than yourself?
  19. It's all about timing the ambush skills and make good use of the aoe block/boon rip. Untamed is not 100% polished and will definitely get some changes in the not far future, but for now fighting an untamed is completely another ballpark compared to soulbeast, where the latter is more about burst, the first is more about wearing down the opponents by offering better resistance to boonheavy enemies and ranged pewpew pressure with foes like quickness scrapper and cele renegade or even pewpew condi thief, immobilze DE. The ambush life steal is an integral part of Untamed sustain and they hit quite hard ...all of them with my favourites being : shortbow - GS. -I really wish for more boonrip but it'll have to do for now -Not really happy with the stability uptime, you cannot be very aggressive without a GS, which limits build variety for small scale -We really need a better visual cue for ambush skill icon, we need something that a quick glance from the corner of the eye is enough, right now you need to actually time/look to see when the icon is up...which is rather tedious
  20. So, HoT had 5 pets, PoF as well but...EoD only 4 or am I missing something? I am pretty certain that the Kirin was supposed to be a new pet but can't remember where it was said...
  21. You stated that no other class deal dmg with sage amulet...I proved you wrong, now you state that they don't deal as much as fire weaver....but those specs are ranged based for good part and they're played differently and more effective considering the skill level of the opponent ...which is always the main take away. I look at AT tournaments, class representation in the whole game...and then read the pvp forum. That's all that needs to be said
  22. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Poisonbeast https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mesmer_-_Blurring_Inspiration Without even going further....your statement was already wrong, ever considered the possibility that you lose because you're not as good as you think to be?
  23. Have you tried to play other professions with a healing amulet? If you do so, you realize that everything can be tanky with the right stats...the main difference though is that other professions are perfectly viable without tanky stats
  24. The idea that this class was only good as melee healing tank has been cemented for years now.....as others have pointed out...once the enemy got space to kite...you end up being a bizarre version of warrior
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