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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. There is a close relationship between class popularity - balance and marketing for the game. Popular class = more players, if you make sure the popular class stays so...you get even more players. The downside of large scale MMO is that balance eventually take a back seat when we start talking about revenue
  2. Low dmg? In PvP with demolisher stats I was able to reach 3-4k dmg hits, how is that low dmg? that's great damage for a hammer, so far Untamed hammer is the best version of the hammer in the whole game and as somebody who uses warrior, guardian ..and now ele hammer I can confirm
  3. Downvote me with sad face all you want but I had to say it: Untamed fills that niche I was looking for in a very long time for ranger, perfect it may not be but the spec offers enough dmg and utility to still fill my desired role, and enough sustain to maintain balance. The combination of unleashed pet AoE block and another from the siege turtle will make my ranger that much more useful during small skirmishs against the ever present pewpew grenade/shortbow renegades, ana again the Hammer deal very decent dmg for tagging and feels great to play with. The boon removal with gs and hammer add a nice factor....but alone is nowhere enough to be called an actual boon removal spec, it will add pressure on enemy team when paired with other boon removal specs....I would have love for the pet unleash skill 2 to remove 4-5 boons given the CD...but guess 2 will have to do. The pets are....balanced, thx god nothing broken OP where every Timmy shouts to gut their dmg/sustain with an average of 3 nerf threads per day...yes ofc eventually some Timmy will cry about that pet or that other, you can't get rid of Timmy and they always there. -The turtle is clearly a PvP/WvW pet -The phoenix is ...a bizarro version of Jacaranda, so PvE mostly and some niche duelling build maybe -The wallow...hmm..ok -The white tiger....good on sb I guess, will have some use on duellist untamed I know -The kirin...sorry it was not in PvP and got no time to pve look for it, but if my GW1 memory servers me right...it will be a support/tank pet to pair with turtle in WvW Overall happy with Untamed and yes, this is an unpopular opinion as the average player simply looks for a stronger duellist build with every expansion or high dps for golem benchmark; Untamed is not a duellist spec and it's not meant to substitute Soulbeast, instead it offers better teamfight potential than any other ranger spec and that's the gameplay which was missing from ranger, again Untamed may not be the ideal solution I was looking for but...both the traitline and gameplay are decent, and I have tried : bladesworn...willbender and catalyst....yeah...thx god I have Untamed, only reason I have bought EoD. Sorry for the unpopular opinion....yeah feel free to add as many sad face or laugh as you want
  4. Because in all honesty , there are some things in game which should not exist, literally there are some gameplay options where the player is not really incentivized to learn how to dodge or evade attacks, literally the player grows accustomed of walking in a straight line eating all sources of damage....that can't be good sorry, in some other instances people can get away with errors without any end in sight, be it with extreme mobility or high stealth uptime . PoF elites were really powercrept to high heavens and it makes sense now that we bring the ceiling down
  5. Very sad to see druid going....managed to come with a working power build in wvw which does wonders against all the perma reflect/block cele renes, scrappers and eles and also provide the best condi clear for ranger in wvw atm
  6. Nobody sane would think ranger longbow needs buffs to deal against the very same people who think the weapon is OP
  7. Thank you! Finally somebody gets it..thank you!
  8. I play 3 professions only: ranger -guardian and ele.....Untamed is the only reason I am buying EoD, I had very very good results with it in PvP and will surely get better results in wvw once I can play around with stats, I really like the hammer , how it feels in terms of damage and utility and that AoE projectile block will make life that much easier against condi pewpew renegade, quickness scrappers , condi deadeyes/core ....plus I had so much fun teleporting the pet on top of people trying to kite the pet behind a wall lol. Yeah I am looking forward for Untamed...if not for it, I'd stick with SB-core-druid for another 4-5 years and don't touch EoD even with a 10m long pole
  9. The funny thing is people surprised to see nerfs to their "loved" professions...FOTM specs get always nerfed..soon or later all FOTM specs receive the rightful nerfs. I am expecting Renegade and Scrapper to see nerfs in WvW soon or later, way too dominants and oppressive specs
  10. Why did it take so long to come at the realization that Flamethrower engi is not the sort of gameplay which should exist in a MMO? You removed stability from Weaver within few months of launch and in that case you had to actually used decently long CD and still wasn't perma stability...but on engi you can have perma stability by pressing the auto-attack.... It's not the nerf itself that bothers me but the fact that the main reason why something is nerfed...doesn't seem to apply to all professions equally , even when the conditions may be exactly the same, we see how the same mechanic is nerfed on some professions while left untouched on others....... FA ele scepter , nerfed for being able to shoot behind its back while running with superspeed....but we still have nade engi doing exactly the same thing and with far more sustain .... The lack of consistency with balance is what still worries me about Anet, should we consider it personal bias at this point?
  11. Never thought I'd see this day....the Longbow was the main reason to play ranger, the best way to actually feel like a ranger in a fantasy MMO but now...kitten, the amount of reflect/projectile block/destroy is simply over the top. Not too long ago I was a lenient advocate of reflect, in good measure they were essential for the game balance but now.....it's perma reflect/block 24/7 to a point where not even Signet of HunT makes any difference, yes you can still pewpew the occasional baddie but 8 times out of 10, he will get ressed in a matter of seconds. You can still play longbow but given the amount of scrappers/FB, it's simply no worth it, waited years for a decent Legendary longbow and finally I had Pharus ....sad to see myself now forced to retire one of the most enjoyable weapons for this class, killing the occasional baddie is no worth it anymore
  12. Still with the same lies? Necro has been meta since launch in all game modes...but yeah we can all agree it wasn't as easy as now..but necro has always been meta everywhere so don't know why we keep spreading the same lies....
  13. If you want pvp balance...play pvp, to see a game where only 2-3 professions being played and with multiple builds...while the rest is either gone or simply unplayable, I left pvp for this very reason and if you love this circus which is gw2 pvp....you are very welcome to stay here, we don't need this garbage being extended to the rest of the game
  14. ....Just imagine.... ...No more sadness...or anger, no more anguish or torment, no winners or losers...because they'd be no class to play after all the nerf requests get truly considered and implemented. it would be just....the void, no music or presences...just the nothingness , finally peace for everybody...a paradise
  15. You can literally roam on any class, if you really want to be hard to kill ....you can be so on any classes, sure some have both stealth and mobility and that make them easier to get away with...but roaming gets boring and it's really unproductive these days, all you get now is frustration because everybody goes around with a pocket healer and couple thieves hiding behind the corner, the "roaming" in gw2 is now 1vsX every day of the week. The is no point in 2022 in being good just at roaming...'cause you can roam on anything really, if you want just 1vs1 people you can..on anything as long as you can play, on some professions you can run away if losing...but on all others you can make yourself so tanky , that either you get help or waste people time for as long as you can. This is why I just play guardian now, I can 1v1 and kill annoying SA thieves thx to spear of justice, support allies when in group and still join zerg fights pushing with that GS ...it's all fun overall
  16. Please ....jump on this "OP" sb build....I will fight you on core war...no core ele, d/d , no celestial or healing bunker...full power d/d core ele...no reflect. Let me show you...how to properly use a mirror, so that next time you think twice before calling anybody bad. And of course, it goes without saying: you will play the same one shot build..you claim can duel people with ease...no ranged sb...you will play a full zerk one shot build exactly like the same one, players like you get killed on a daily basis.
  17. We've got too used to the commodity of build templates and some of us have already maxed the number of available spots with 6 build templates, with the arrival of a 3rd elite, we did not receive news about additional build templates and it's alarming. I believe we need at least 4 additional build templates ideally, an extra 2 would be just fine also but the current number of 6 it's too limiting. I really hope EoD will add more build templates at launch.
  18. Mesmer like ele is not a popular class and as such...will never see that kind of traits/dmg
  19. The professions you keep complaining about every week, cannot do anything else outside roaming, on the other hand, with ele once you get bored of "roaming" , you can go zerg fighting and still be effective, if all you want to do is "roaming" than play a class designed for "roaming"
  20. Maybe you should run those "OP" builds rather than your yolo builds for the sake of some video montage, cherry picking fights after hours/day spent roaming looking for bad enough players with their zerg builds dieing to some yolo build. You are already playing a bad enough class, on top of that you play these yolo builds with low toughness, healing power and you expect the game to be nerfed to a level where your yolo builds will shine more than they can now. If you don't want to play some condi/healing tank on ele...don't complain when you die easy...playing a power melee ele with the current meta/balance is like trying to win a F1 race with a bicycle , yes...from time to time you face people who can't even drive a gokart and out of those people you make a video and so what? How many times do you die by comparison ? Unless somebody can zerg burst, support, tank, duel with the same build..whatever the player uses cannot be considered OP/broken, "
  21. The average skill level of wvw players is incredibly low, nothing short of deleting a class would help them, the same people who constantly die to a sb sic em in a straight 1vs1...can at 100% be killed by a naked staff ele. A nerf to sb wouldn't stop you from respawn every 10s.....the build is a noob filter
  22. Such non-sense -People are born in the system and unless you are willingly to live alone on a mountain in a cave, you will have to find yourself a job and majority of times, you will have to travel to work and for as long as they don't invent instant teleportation, you will either drive or use public transport...there is no choice! -Guess what?! The same device you are using now to type away on a keyboard has electrical components in it made in China....no matter where you live or what product you use, every company on the planet buy cheap in china to maximise profits, that expensive GPU ...that powerful CPU..has components made in China...we can't help it! -There is more to GW2 than PvP and people adapt: some change class to stay on top...some abandon the mode and some just go WvW for their PvP fix...and overall the majority of players simply have emotionl attachements to the class they play, be it for all the money they spent building it up or for the thousand of hours spent playing the living story...plenty of reasons to stick around regardless of the problems. You talk like a spoiled millenial, an idealist who think people can live on just drinking water....
  23. The words: elementalist and buff...are rarely found in the same sentence or even taken seriously into consideration by Anet
  24. People are toxic by choice not due to competition! You can choose to be a kitten ands a sore loser...or you can learn to act with dignity and respect. The competitive person looks for a challenge and enjoy the fight regardless of the outcome as long as the fight is enjoyable...on the other hand we have real life toxic individuals with lack of social skills and overall terrible human beings and it's got nothing to do with gaming competition. The kind of messages, threats I received in this game gots nothing resembling healthy banter ...on the contrary it holds everything a psychiatrist would find very interesting and possibly..very alarming.
  25. Yeah...and you face celestial bunkers which have a tad more sustain than you, not enough to easily overwhelm you..but still more than you and by comparison their damage is way higher than yours ( cele renegade and cele scrapper with grenades). Then you have well played thieves ( DE, d/p, s/d ....power or condi variations), celestial weaver, trapper DH, spellbreaker. Yes you can 1vs1 them but it won't be an easy win at equal skill level, and you are still more prone to be ganked +1 because the class is not great when getting ganked instatly by multiple good opponents : on engi you have elixir s+superspeed+rocket boots and more...on rev you have jalis reducing dmg by 50% +tanky stats and pulsing stability....on ele you have obsidian flesh and stone heart...I mean ranger is amazing and all...but still a B+ class and become worst and worst the more opponents show up, especially if they are good
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