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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. ....Just remove PvP and add this... Nobody's feelings get hurt (wishful thinking) when losing, every pillow will have same size and composition, BLINDFOLD IS OF PRIMARY IMPORTANCE. basically everybody gets same chance of losing or winning..no wintrade..no class drama...no more headaches for the devs...best solution, everybody happy. P.S really...MMOs moving forward should not have PvP of any form, at best Realm VS Realm. This attempt to please the "always angry mob" really does not work..because the mob is always angry about something, and nerf by nerf ..there won't be anything left to log on for...just remove PvP and let's be done with it, there is not engaging gameplay and the balance is being reduced to "what last longer after the latest round of nerfs?"....MMOs moving forward should not have PvP at all....different mentality and playerbase...everybody thinks to be the hot kitten.
  2. Correction - they nerf everything around sic'em so that you do basically no dmg without slotting that single utility.
  3. You wish....they will most problably nerf the same 3-4 cats...ele, ranger, warrior and mesmer...with some slaps on the wrist for necro and guardian...rev and engi, thief literally untouched...I will come back to this message to remind you all of this prophecy
  4. Least played class like revenants.....-_-........xdd.....ever visited wvw or pvp? currently wvw especially is overrun by celestial scrappers, followed by renegades and thieves. It's all fun and games in using a player's made up list but when considering actual numbers on the map, it shows a different picture
  5. In general really....an aoe reveal is completely worthless to average players compared to aoe reflect, from pve to small scale, players have more value in blocking ranged damage. What use would have an aoe reveal in pve or when facing multiple renegade or similar builds? Look at the big picture..
  6. Really you're not forced to teleport a pet to its death but..yeah obviously I am talking from personal experience, assuming others had seen the same was an error
  7. The funny part is that the main class getting reliably killed by sic'em...it's ranger itself.... -mesmer ....distortion, blink, jaunt and bye bye -engineer....elixir-s, permasuperspeed..perma everything plus healing burst out of their kitten -thief..lol...elite to remove reveal, shortbow 555 and bye bye ...basically reveal in GW2 is borderline useless atm unless you're playing against actual lemons with legs in which case...reveal would be useless anyway as you can aoe around you and still kill them
  8. He won't be right, the extreme lack of stability, real invulnerability make untamed unsuitable for pug zerging where you can't expect any kind of support coming your way. It's still not clear to me if the untamed can use pet unleash skills if both pets are down for the count, I assume not as I didn't try and which case untamed will be bad for anything pug based above 10vs10.
  9. It's this.... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enveloping_Haze The main reason why I am paying for EoD, it's this skill alone, something which I have been looking to get on ranger for a very long long time, something that will make fighting those condi cele bunker scrappers or condi SA deadeyes, that much less frustrating and something which will definitely benefit any ally in your close proximity who failed to negate yet again that shortbow pewpew from some cele bunker renegade (must love all these celestial bunkers flying high atm....most balanced gear stat in the game...-_- ) This other skill... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Venomous_Outburst A very welcome addtion, that does not get enough credit on this sub-forum, with this alone, it will be mush harder to scroll off a pet....or hide behind a pillar, players will be able to teleport to the target hiding behind the wall and then F2 on them...brilliant addition. Say what you want about the class, ask for whatever rework...but we must keep these 2 elements on whichever version of Untamed we will get in the end, aoe reflect/block it is basically a requirement to enjoy the game in endmode pvp/wvw as everybody, his mom, cousin and favourite pet is running some condi bunker pewpew and will get only worst with EoD (pistol trailblazer torment pew pew harbingers....trailblazer virtuoso....celestial machinist....condi specters of some sort). Whatever happens to Untamed, I pray these two skills are left "untouched".....they are basically the main reasons I am buying EoD, don't care how it sounds
  10. It's like I landed in the twilight zone as of recently: What "benching 55k dmg" on a static training golem accomplish for anybody who doesn't give 2 cents about posting youtube videos of them breaking an apparent record killing a training dummy? Cool! you can deal 55k dmg with your l33t rotation on a golem...ok now let me go in WvW or PvP and let me ask gently that thief or rev, to stand still so I can benchmark 55k on them. My question is now, why this benchmark BS talk hold any value in the balance talks around the community? ...this guy apparently was serious enough to make a video about it....there is really no hope for this class...
  11. It's all about being objective.....you should consider the specs and classes that really didn't get nerfed at all, when some professions enjoy multiple builds at high level..while others barely got one at great level not even meta..you know the nerfing has not been applied properly
  12. Engineers are busted as hell and there is no logical denial, grenades and mortar are just the cherry on top
  13. As they gave block to Vindicator GS , I take back what I said in the past about not giving another block to Hammer to avoid powercreep...well this company doesn't seem to mind so yeah give block to hammer at 100%
  14. That's sadly the reality of most MMO PvP forums with this one especially taking the cake for entitlement, players here tend to believe that they should be able to charge at you, pressing random buttons (or at best some youtube/metabattle rotation) and then expect you opponent to die to their ability and if you don't ...clearly your class is OP. You can see that most people here haven't got a clue when they call SoR a passive healing better than Healing Signet
  15. Is there a single class you can beat on your rev? You are very much salty about everything and the reality remains that nothing you complain constantly about, get spammed as much as your dear rev....especially Jalis renegade..a true work of design excellence It's 2022 and teams from PvP to WvW passing through raids.....are spamming renegade all over the place, with the occasional power herald in PvP and the ever present condi herald in WvW with the trusted Torment runes. The revenant has not been nerfed nearly enough when you start mentioning the type of nerfs other professions should receive, that jalis elite prevents exactly what you state :"All professions when stuck in a pinch should be at some point equally screwed after messing up so much"....yeah that swap to Jalis after you eat all possible burst and recover all your health, to a point where rev players on renegade like necro mains...have forgotten where the dodge button is. I don't see pack of elementalist or rangers winning tournaments in PvP or farming 6+ people on their own in WvW, you may have your bias...but we have statistics and real numbers, what do you think will be taken into consideration? P.S I do have and play a rev, not as extensively as my main and that for lack of time, and the truth is for what you play....you have no place to complain about anything in this game: Power herald? Anybody who claim to have issues against rangers/ele...just needs to play more as the spec got literally everything it needs to deal with rangers/ele of any kind...minus condis..and maybe? - power herald has block on shorter CD, 2x teleports, 3x sources of heal burst +regeneration boon , 3xCC , literally an "invulnerability" with the glint's heal...and the stunbreak CD? 25s and 40s? is that severaly times bigger than a ranger stunbreak CD?...no it's basically the same CD so.....less whining and more actual facts. Fire weaver? - you have ranged pressure/CC to force CD as the ele spec is barely good at melee range in joke mode pvp, otherwise on a powe herald you can dash forward while blocking even without looking..can swap shiro and 1200 range teleport on target when he has exausted all options to keep up with the rev...yeah even teleport through wall...but you complain ... Also you keep whining about stunbreaks on ranger...when the class has literally a single source of stability on a 75s CD elite typically which can be easily interrupted by any player worth its salt and then there is dolyak's stance nerfed to 60s CD in PvP, it's already easy enough to CC lock an average ranger, almost everything has a cast time on ranger...on the contrary of a power rev. So far I have only spoken about power herald...there is renegade and vindicator soon..oh boy...
  16. As long as the hammer does good enough DPS on the golem and it's easy enough to use....the reddit crowd will be pleased as they can showcase their youtube videos, post them with titles in capital letters, claim how great ele is in raid due to the "huge" dps on the static golem....when in the end, 90% of pugs team won't use a catalyst as it will have less sustain than typical faceroll class, harder to use for the sake of it...and typically a pain to use...like it is always on ele... But hey! "The hammer does 40k on the golem...mission accomplished guys!" Will say Anet...."the benchmarklist is fully balanced"
  17. So...@Obtena has finally achieved meme status...brilliant ....
  18. Used to agree with the nerf on soulbeast unblockable trait....not anymore, rangers need that trait back
  19. You can't nerf what nobody uses...and....gawd..haha...LR scepter?? what is this?...2012? Are we seriously comparing marks spam to scepter ele?...OK I am done!
  20. Been saying this for ages......losing trash core F5 for OP holoforge or gyro is not a bloody tradeoff!!! They nerfed soulbeast to hell saying that it was core ranger 2.0...good point but Holo and scrappers are like core engi 3.0 so when are they gonna nerf them properly? It's not like they give a kitten about core balance (look sadly at ele in the corner)
  21. You're not understanding the main reason why this community asks for nerfs constantly : nerfs when executed do not apply to all professions fairly or in any shape and form balanced . When you gut some professions for one reason and then leave others completely untouched..you create the horrific scenario you see now, when they nerf ele...we talk about a 50% or so increase in CD or decrease in dmg...when they nerf a class like revenant or engineer or guardian or necro , the nerfs are delivered with a needle ...like 5% increase in CD...an extra 2-3s on complained skill. When they nerf some professions they take out the huge hammer...with other professions they use a tea spoon.....if ele outperform...it's hammer time...if engi or rev does the same...well it will be like 2-3 years begging anet to apply any nerf...only for them to add a 3s cd or so..
  22. Adding to the OP... As a primary ele who mains also multiple other classes, what I find very disturbing is how individuals who enjoy playing far easier professions, delude themselves into thinking they have a legitimate idea of what balance is about. If I jump on ranger, I can literally win fights while putting 1/5 of the effort and having 3x more sustain than an average ele player, who I can defeat with ease, including fire weaver ("complained in this thread") , and unless I am facing an above average ele player...I won't even look in their direction as I can literally kill them by looking in their direction If I jump on necro, even with as little as 100 hours, I can start on a core necro, press F1 and literally become a super sayan, tanking dmg without pressing the dodge button once....no...I am not exagerating or joking at all, even worst I can use a scourge MM, press random buttons and actually win fights. Typically this is why I don't main an ele nearly as often, why should I use my limited time trying to be x10 better than even a below average player on some other meta class, who can become a threat even by spamming buttons randomly? But then people come on this forum and complain about..ele? Like really? ...I mean the only players who currently succeed on ele in PvP are like TOP 100 ( whatever does it even mean these days.....) who can literally win on any profession if so they'd wish and by contrast, those who complain about these "pro" ele players, are individuals who firmly main the easiest professions in the game:...necro...ranger...guardian....even engi..... Good lord....back in the days, players not only would publicly recognize the faceroll status of some class/specs ( dervish avatar.....minionmancer...etc etc). they'd also admit that they were unable to play anything harder...and instead now?! GW2 player :" the skill requirement of a class cannot be an indicative of required success" AKA "I should win regardless of my class being way more faceroll than yours"...is any wonder why the balance in GW2 is so atrocious?
  23. Hard...doesn't sell ....faceroll sell wells and at the end pays the salary each month
  24. While GW2 players love to list all utilities a class may have....they always forget to mention an important aspect: CD, over 80%of ele utilities/skill are over 50s CD and boons last like 3s max every 10s on average...That's why ele is a meme....
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