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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Hum...no.. 1) revenant with the F5, ventari tablets, energy system, kalla, shortbow, off hand sword.... 2) mesmer clones/phantasms 3) core necro shroud, scourge 4) engi with gyros and scrapper Ele is not the only one....It's the one with the most outdated weapons, traits and utilities
  2. They don't want to associate ele with more as they don't want to associate effort with reward as it doesn't sell as good as no effort with reward, if they promote specs like dh, firebrand, renegade..they send a clear message to newbs that GW2 is for e everybody and all can enjoy end game with little practice
  3. Dunno if you still "remember" the OP you created but...a ranger playing side node, goes and mention things "needing attention", listing : smoke screen....gale...fear ring.......yeah all factors contributing to a lost duel due to a sudden +1, but sure let's assume that this thread was not made out of "anger", after all you even added the "token gesture" with warrior 300s trait to make it seems more credible
  4. What I do is due to the level of education I have....in your case the lack of it...It's why you can spend the whole week, thinking this is more than simple entertainment...I'd say good luck for the future but you'll need much more than that at this point
  5. You are lost and confused....first you claim "brainless build with high reward should go" and then state "Also thinking any class in this game is hard to play is delusional rofl"....and I strongly assume that the class/spec you play is not brainless and the "high reward" is justified....yeah talk about delusions If we could use hard cold logic, I guarantee you that 3/4 of any class you may play will pass as "brainless gameplay", so you may want to get down from up there and join the mortals The truth is that over half of "players' feedback" is 100% pure non-sense bias driven pretentious "design" discussion. The first thing all "pro" should remember that this is a MMO and not a single player multiplayer mode and such, not everything contained in it must be convenient for you to fight against. There are different players, enjoying different aspects,so all this talk "this profession got this and I don't like to play against it"..well sunshine..this is not a one man show, nobody here plays to become your personla pin cushion and nowhere has been written that you should only get fair fights. I don't come here crying about every single thing I dislike about every other profession, I try to adapt around it, find something that works against it or simply avoid it! What the heck you lot believe? That people log in to give you free loot and some ego boost? "I am rank this and that and I stream"..nobody with a little of common sense gives a kitten about that. So let me get this straight...you or the OP lost that precious little1v1 in the far corner and that requires a nerf apparently. One thing which I really loved about GW1 devs is that they had the guts to come out and say ;"L2P, adapt...or leave"...ofc the leave part was not literally said but close to it. These days instead...too many snowflakes who think to be god's gift to mankind and nobody with enough "balls" to tell them the hard truth..sad
  6. What about we make professions actually fun to play before applying any nerfs or buffs? I really think that would make this game that much better compared to the shitshow it is now. I was simply making, in my opinion, a valid point about ele but in the end you all should remember that nerfing that couple of traits still used by the "10 cats" still playing ele...won't improve this game overall, it's not like currently we have PvP matches with 3-4 LR weaver running around..so I wonder what would be even accomplished by nerfing ele at this point. You mention core guard like it's good at anything other than being some support in a dead game mode, you can literally fight a core guard on ele while using staff. This is literally nerfing for the sake of nerfing, almost nobody play ele seriosuly anymore, in terms of number, active eles are like 1/5 the number of rangers and guardian so.....further nerfing ele really won't accomplish anything but oh well guys...
  7. My point is ..you know already that the average ele will never be a menace to you, the way LR works , it needs the player to chain small attacks back to back while adding his own feeeble sustain rotation and all this from a melee point of view on an amulet with zero toughness and when any other class can literally cut 3/4 of your HP before you even get close..... Out of 100 things which are a complete waste of space on elementalist...we complain about that single one thing which may work if used by a top player who spent thousand of hours on the class. But yeah you are perfectly right on one thing, elementalist should receive the same design philosophy of other professions...no reasons why it should be x10 harder to play when you're bound to produce the same results as other professions
  8. The difference is that playing a marauder LR weaver at a level where you are considered a threat, takes at least 5x the effort/skill of playing something like a ranger or guardian or...an engi. I can assume that all "pro" here can play a LR weaver as good as @Grimjack.7359 or @Blamthrax.9785.....yeah right...somehow I strongly doubt that. Anybody can play a ranger, guardian, engineer and be a menace in GW2 with very little effort.....but put the same players on a marauder ele...and they'd last 1/3 of the time it would take to say "ohhh kitten" P.s...this "fake" concern for warrior's balance is cringeworthy....unless played at @VaAnSs.1567 level, the class is a clown fiesta that a hamster on any other class can bring down
  9. Very few know....because very few people ever experienced a full power build in WvW roaming, maybe a memory from years ago..definitely not now with stealth trappers, immobilize DE, condi mirage, condi necros...etc etc etc flying around
  10. Don't give up....the best solution I found that works against this circus is to play some sudden death build ( thief-mesmer-ranger-engi), abuse stealth...target located....2s burst and see them cry or never set up foot outside their keep unless heavily supported...
  11. Druid is fairly used in WvW, I have 2 often used builds :one power and other full support. The druid is fine up to a maximum of 6 people, above that it will struggle to stay alive while offering support if being focused, at the difference of other meta support specs, a druid hasn't got access to amazing stability uptime or 50% dmg reduction utilities so...a druid main way to avoid death is to stealth and move away...which is again the big misconception about rangers, they mostly stay alive by avoiding damage even if they can be rather decent at getting a beating, we're still not on the same level of scrappers/holos/firebrand Now Untamed has dmg reduction traits and utilities, which in theory should make it more durable than druid power wise for frontline duties
  12. It's the least you can do.....the unleash skills don't make the pet a huge DPS boost or provide amazing levels of sustain through blocks, evades or stealth. There must be a way for the ranger to enter Unleashed mode at will...and currently that's not the case when the pet is dead....imagine a druid unable to enter celestial avatar if pet is dead...yeah. This is a serious issue that must be fixed by the time EoD release.
  13. Apparently LF teleporting up the cliff was a bug...but now even necro can teleport up the cliff and it's no more a bug.....
  14. It is easier for anet to nerf what's good now..than buff what's weak...soulbeast is in danger for certain I'd bet on it
  15. The counters were all nerfed/deleted because Necro asked for nerf, making a more unfulfiling and less diverse PvP...guess it's out turn to ask for nerfs now
  16. Good thing GW2 players never tried a game with a summoner class, people can complain about an AI pet doing too much dmg...not that it does dmg in the first place. This must be the first MMO where players complain about AI pets doing more than acting like minis
  17. The take away fact is that it's a poison field https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Poison_field The chill is just the cherry on the cake..
  18. I will be more direct then.... Yes the pet will continue be a liability as everybody expect, no...you won't be playing like a scrapper with hammer any time soon, it is time to put that thought to rest...it won't happen ever...if soulbeast would have got hammer instead than dagger MH then yeah..but it's too late for that. What Untamed will be good for is, the same as always on ranger in wvw : roamers fightning on the outskirts of zerg fights, only this time there will be more aoe dmg for us to use and won't need to be full glas to tag some bags with LB as I am doing now, while fun...it gets tiring especially if you are like me and have gankers attached to your kitten wherever you go Chances are, the Kirin and phoenix will offer some interesting group play options and right now the untamed already offers some crazy CC/lock = entangle+ the aoe lock utility of which I don't remember the name + aoe projectile destroy, you will provide some moment of safety for primary targets in your team. I am no stating that Untamed is the elite I wished for, but I adapted and I enjoyed what I experienced both in PvP and WvW ...if anything I am happy that this time ranger won't attract the usual "nerf this and that" crowd...at least not from the get go, eventually that crowd will come, once people get used to Untamed mechanics. What it is important is that Untamed works, it does well in 1v1 and teamfight and yeah...it's on par with SB and core there
  19. This talk of "tradeoff" has become obnoxious and based more on semantics than concrete facts, there is no tradeoff if the element removed is not of the same quality of added one. Now for the actual, unquestionable facts: 1) Core ranger can effectively and easily compete with soulbeast and druid , actually surpassing them 1v1 in few instances now 2) Core engi CANNOT even start to dream competing with Holosmith, Scrapper or even Machinist, the loss of the elite F5 is a laughable argument when compared to what is gained with Holosmith and Scrapper and Machinist, basically every elite for engineer..was a better core engi 3) Core ranger can still easily fight and outskill an Untamed at equall starting level so.....Untamed is not a better version of core ranger despite of what you're assuming and I'd let you know that Untamed is "tolerable" now because it does not subtract much from core ranger for what little it offers, and if you are still expecting a trade off....well Soulbeast and Druid both acquire powerful mechanics to compensate for the "tradeoffs" instead Untamed is barelly adding a couple nice tricks like aoe reflect and 2-3 boon removes skill, but it is acceptable because so far it's just a variant of core ranger. You want tradeoffs?...oh boy...we need first to crank up the buff level then for Untamed to be worth playing P.S before you even think of coming back with this talk of "tradeoff" ...try your best to find something comparable to Holo forge and Function Gyro in the core trait line...thank you bye bye
  20. While I can see where you are coming from....it's that awful really, Untamed is basically a core ranger 2.0 with some useful additions for small group fights...for zerg fights, we still need to see final numbers at launch and new pets abilities, there may be 1-2 pets which can prove to be perfect for zerg fightning , keep an eye for the phoenix and siege turtle pets. I'd like people to remember few things about untamed that may go lost on initial thought: 1) Enveloping Haze - a poison field + chill on disable + reflect + mobile 360 radius reflect, this is huge and I pray stay as it is, poison field and reflect , keep this combo especially in mind 2) Boon rip - this is huge and will cause many troubles for boonbeasts...you will see, a combination of reflect, CC and boon rip, will make life very hard for boonbeast 1v1 against an untamed 3) Teleporting pet - no LoS teleport on pet....teleport in...switch off unleashed pet status...F2, I enjoyed too much seeing people trying aimlessly to shake off my pets The hammer is good enough, it's not the PvP weapon many players may wish..but gets the job done if you follow the conditional dmg, it looks neat for chaotic zerg fight where you're getting supported and PvE, where finally ranger gets a proper dedicated aoe weapon The traits are decent, not too weak ...not too OP which I like, I'd rather build a gameplay around mediocre/decent traits than use something OP/broken which I know will get hard nerfed down the line. Untamed already offers many things a soulbeast , druid or core ranger hasn't got : aoe mobile reflect - hard area CC lock and aoe boon rip, these alone make Untamed a welcome addition. There will be a specific way to play it and people who wish to see a scrapper with a pet...will be saldy disappointed
  21. You could hope for a fair balance at this point if and only if they introduce a new set of devs to the game. Less biased, neutral and experienced individuals.....otherwise a single look and comparison between elementalist traitlines and those for professions like Necromancer and revenant and any sensible person would just drop the game for something else. The bias against certain professions is unreal and unprofessional, they are the ones who made elementalist and yet....their balance is whacky, elementalist was supposed to be the boon centric class due to the lowest hp and armor and yet....everybody and his mom pumps 4xmore boons, have access to a wider range of boons and they cam easily be stacked for insane duration at the press of a single button....meanwhile on elementalist you need to execute some fancy combo to obtain even the most basic widespread boons and these combos mostly sit behind convoluted skills on medium/long CD. If you want actual fair balance....then we need new less biased devs, otherwise for now...anything is wistful thinking
  22. Maybe makes necro less faceroll before giving it sustain? Like.... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Harbinger Something like this lacks sustain...... We may as well delete this then.... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Catalyst The truth is that the vast majority of necros are FOTMers used to press F1 and tank the world, they did for so long ..they forgot where the dodge button is
  23. Diamond skin and Stone Heart were given to ele to give it a fightning chance against necros and thieves respectively, at the time of those 2 traits being introduced thanks to @Jon Peters, the necro and thief had been recently uber buffed with dhuumfire and s/d boon rip/perma dodge, the game at that point was truly kitten with 2-3 necros/thieves per match. Before diamond skin, eles were getting hardcountered too much by necros due to chill spam and thieves with their 1200 teleport burst had too much free reign over other professions at the time. The necro population was being kept in check somehow for the enjoyment of the whole game but sadly...as you'd expect after countless nerf threads by necros, literally crying blood, Diamond skin got nerfed down to the useless state it is now. There was warrior somehow being some sort of softcounter with Berseker's stance and .....after Jon Peters and Jon Sharp left for Amazon...the necro lovers devs got free reign .....they nerfed/removed all hard counters to necro...and that bring us to today. Literally I started playing ranger due to necros ( only some time ago they introduced the cleansing sigil in wvw at least, so in wvw necro is still manageable on ele) and with post launch Druid I had the best time hunting down all those FOTM necros everywhere they'd show up, luckily they didn't (they couldn't ?!) nerf ranger to the ground like they did with ele, and that's the only reason why I am still playing this game since 2015. These necro lovers at the helm...is what driving this game though the mud
  24. Yep...this is but a taste of what rangers have gone through for years..trust me, it won't be fun to have that golem dead 80% of the time during zerg fights in WvW or anywhere with heavy AoE dmg, but hey..you still have 2 very well made elites that don't use a pet, so you can always switch when you get tired of your dieing pet
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