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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Specs get nerfed and buffed always...it's 100% certain that Willbender won't be released the way you experienced
  2. I believe Weaver has provides enough trade off for the next 3-4 elites : double attunement CD, forced mele combat with average dmg, mostly good only with 1-2 weapons....that's more than enough and it's a relief that catalyst is closer to core ele by comparison....weaver was a complete disaster
  3. Everybody and his dog was asking for a ranged elite! Where the hell do you see people celebrating on another mele elite? The whole ele community wanted a ranged spec!
  4. It's far less fluid than a core d/d, less reactionary and more based on static rotations against which you can only hope a fool would fail against...that's about it. Tipically very clanky to use unless somebody is willingly to memorize specific patterns of attack for given scenario, something the majority doesn't like doing.....nobody pays you to memorize attacks sequences for specific siituations, especially after being used to the reactionary gameplay of d/d ele which is much more fluid and intuitive than sword
  5. Because elementalist is the only class in the game balanced around the 2% playing the class, if even a single ele performs well in any scenario...well that will become the bennchmark for balance of the whole class. It's the contrary of all other classes, which are balanced around mouth breathers, the end result is that you must be a pro player on ele to beat an average hamster smashing his tiny paws on the keyboard with some other professions like herald, necro, engi , guardian...yeha A nobody on a necro does 2-3x your dmg while pressing 1-2 buttons...meanwhile you go through rotations repeated to exaustion and that include intricate strategies, timing and scenarios....ha yes, the necro player won't even need to dodge as the game tank for him ...you on ele will have to time your dodges too. GW2 is not a game that reward effort, actually it's the opposite, the most simpleminded builds are the most rewarding to play
  6. Where do you see the huge animations? For me something shouting huge animation would be equivalent to Meteor storm ...not something on less than 1s cast time.... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Virtuoso This is not a big animation This is a god forsaken big animation!
  7. You ask too much out of Anet...I wouldn't keep my hopes up I'd be you
  8. This thread still going after dunno weeks? The way people are perpetuating their own delusions is cringeworthy, who are you even trying to convince and for what purpose? By all means keep enjoying your wall of aoe spam for what is worth, nobody cares anymore not even the devs, nobody about to take away your "skill intensive" gameplay don't worry....but it would be time to end this charade, how many more "ezport champions" must show up telling the OP, how much of a noob he is?
  9. The value of your rank these days is equal to toilet paper, other than the non-sense you see on the forum always backed by this"I am platinum bla bla bla"....nobody gives a crap because even a trained hamster on a wheel can reach your so called "prestige" rank with enough time these days given the current balance
  10. Obviously they keep/buff condi buids to sell copies of the game as easy gameplay=rewards attract paying whales , plenty of builds where you do dmg without ever pressing the dodge button or formulate complicate strategies around enemy boons/defenses...easy run in and press all buttons for easy condi AoE = game sell itself Look at current playerbase and what is being played...I mean wvw is like 60% necros, 20% firebrands and rest is a mix of condi mirage and condi heralds
  11. Are you new on planet earth? Ofc players here would deny that the meta is condi, expecting anything else is like expecting politicians to admit their corruption, that's how people are...deny the truth to cover their own benefits
  12. Anybody who starts PvP in a MMO these days, should keep his/her expectations to a bare minimum, the undeniable truth is that MMO are not made anymore with PvP in mind since....2000, the biggest pull is now PvErs playing "dress up" while narrating their life story and sharing personal art. I don't know why somebody looking for online competition would want to try his luck in a MMO when moba and online shooters are available, but if your friend is that determined in "killing" players then bring him over to WvW, that's the best "competitive" experience the average casual will have in GW2...other solution would be to join some try hard circle for PvP
  13. The devs killed GW2, they deemed more important to sell copies than having a working game...hence they released all this specs that play themselves , without them, the population of GW2 would drop by more than 50%
  14. Comparing ranger shortbow with machine gun renegade shortbow....really I don't think anybody takes the pvp forums seriously anymore... I mean teams win MAT matches with freaking shortbow renegade and there are people claiming that shortbow ranger is stronger because they die after half hour in their fringe 1v1 in soloq about which nobody cares..........it's like entering the twilight zone when you open the pvp forum. Sanity, common sense completely go out of the window
  15. The issue is not Virtuoso but that designs like Mirage even existed in the first place, Mirage is nothing short than a glorified turret engi, the way it gets played by the vast(all?) of mesmer main: camp staff and 2-2-blink-stealth-chaos field-2-jaunt-jaunt-2-2-chaos field...and the homing device condi clones doing all the work thx to Infinite Horizon. To me it seems Anet trying to bakcpedal on the class design as they try to attract more players...the game would not survive another batch of elite specs playing themselves. As a core game lover, I can only pray Anet won't cave in this time and force people to actually learn where the dodge button is, when and where to enter combat stopping the Rambo syndrome, this community doesn't need another half decade of condi mirages,scourges, holosmith, symbolbrands etc etc etc etc
  16. Let's be real...80-90% of current mesmer mains can't play for kitten outside the camping staff condi "bunker" mirage/core so I am not surprised
  17. Stealth in GW2 is the worst iteration I ever seen in a MMO, hands down: 1)Completely onesided 2)No counterplay outside some timed dodges hoping for the best and for the enemy to be a total moron 3)Sadly the only thing working against stealth is the DH spear....nothing else compares, things like sic'em are toys by comparison to DH spear. Basically stealth in GW2 is borderline asinine concept, design and iteration....shameless development
  18. An improvement from the stealth burst BS we are used to....
  19. It is openly known that PoF elites were broken OP ....every single one of them. If GW2 wants to remain relevant comes next year...then they're wise in not recreating the same catastrophic scenario of PoF......people are tired of the aoe/cc/boon/condi spam that PoF brought. Elites were not supposed to be core professions 2.0
  20. People get downvoted, reported and banned for following your suggestions so...no, we can't tell people anything
  21. MH axe is extremely versatile and can spell troubles for all sort of builds when used on a celestial build...hence the hate I guess, MH axe is without doubt the best mh weapon ranger has atm where GS is the best 2 hand. The LB used to be good but now..outside the pewpew meme oneshot, it's useless as far as PvP/WvW goes. Realistically speaking the boonbeast and variations are the only thing keeping ranger playable and enjoyable in WvW, everything else is niche use where the boonbeast is more generalist and suitable for group brawls. I honestly don't get the hate dolyak's stance gets...there are similar and stronger utilities/traits on all other professions
  22. I meet very few boonbeast with that set up, very tanky indeed and it can require multiple good players to beat it but..at the same time I meet more braindead boon scrapper/holo with nike superspeed build farting grenades while sprinting away from you with the back towards you....or immortal signet/condi core necros, condi heralds, trailblazer mirage. I have nothing to prove to anybody, I play for my own enjoyment and that means I am not about to go and start an uphill battle for the sake of few likes from random people over the internet, no offense to you ofc. I want a fair fight period! If I fight a braindead build...I will use a braindead build against them ..I am not about to use some high risk build build against those kitten. I am with you about kitten builds but if you want the game to go the "skilled way" then you need to remove all kitten build...not just one of them! So yeah for as long as kitten builds like prot holo/scrapper nike grenade launcher BS and similar builds exist in GW2...I will advocate for builds like boonbeast
  23. That's what people say every time...every beta...it was 2-3 scourges per team during beta weekend...wth did change since then? When the mechanic is busted, a little numbger change ...does nothing. Harbringer and Virtuoso play like scourge and condi mirage: camp staff and pewpew condis from 1200 range....such brilliant design....once again...staff camper pewpew condis...bravo
  24. Well....that's one elite down for me....2 more and they can kiss my behind goodbye.Willbender is hot garbage....not enough dmg to justify the squishiness and the mobility is a joke with very short distance covered by the leaps...what a joke so far
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