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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. build? Iunno, I didnt exactly ask the guy who hit me for that in WvW what their build was. I wasnt exactly interested, and the whole process of whispering someone on the other side in WvW is annoying. Looked like your standard D/F Lightning Rod build to me though. oh ok wuvvy wuv. was thinking that would be kinda hard in pee vee pee. Oh, right, were in the PvP category. I sometimes lose track of that. Yeah, in PvP I dont think you can hit for 5k. Looks like 3.2k is about as high as it gets, short of stacking might? Please share a build that will get 3.2k on lightning Rod in pvp. I can almost guarantee, it'll be an Ele with 11k hp, not even a crit chance above 75% without fury, and Ferocity max maybe at 250%. Even then, the build wouldn't be playable, completely neutered by burst thieves, and all rights and purposes, useless. Well, youre right on the first 2. Crit damage is above 250%, thanks to a bunch of stacking ferocity multipliers. And yeah, its probably not a good build, though not because of thieves (Assassins Signet just ate a massive nerf, even a glass thief wont likely be bursting harder than 7k). But thats not the point, the point was that 3.2k is the highest you can get and that, as a result, 5k isnt achievable. The highest an Ele can achieve.... in a perfect scenario. Meaning, you have to take air and arcane traitline, you have to be attuned to air, with fury, using an arcane skill that grants elemental surge, with an amulet that has high Ferocity which means little defense by means of vitality, toughness or both. All to proc lightning Rod that will get you only 3.2k damage? Which honestly, I don't even think it will grant you that much. And yet there's a whole thread about it being too high??? To OP?? Even more ironic, other classes are complaining about their damage nerfs! ... Yeah, I'm done. its not about damage being too high or too low.CC doesnt deal damage.LR as the strongest damaging trait on CC was left almost untouched.Compare it to other CC traits. PB deals less dmg, has cooldown and is interrupt only.Thiefs rupt trait deals less dmg, and harder to proc ( its lower tier trait but still )It just brakes the rules that were set up by the last patch.Patch made CC -> deals no damage.ele deals dmg with cc -> ele cheats intentions of the patch.Is it good or too strong? I dont kitten know, dont play ele.But I bet ele has ALOT of random CC jammed into their 100 skills and perma weakness from that trait could be aids.Playing a condi "sit back with staff and let clones do the rest" build seems to be what the vast majority of mesmers can play, nerf that build and they will pour on the forum like bees on honey. The removal of LR won't do you any bit of good...the glory days of condi relaxed gameplay are not coming back, time wasted on the forum asking for nerfs left and right would be better used to learn new gameplay options
  2. Ele has no viable power build either way, in reality the base dmg is abysmal even with a zerker amulet because they nerfed direct dmg on a class which wasn't excelling in direct dmg to start with, nerfing that trait won't harm ele anyway because there is nothing to harm really...playing bunker is all there is and there ever will but alas you can play a mighty one now, that can frustrate the hell out of people and still whittle their life little by little. You're wasting breath even attempting a fruitless discussion
  3. Only they nerfed concentration bonus from nature magic and that would require you to run nature magic and heavy boon focused gear ...that leaves 1 slot free and the inability to deal any sort of high dmg because it's either marksmanship or beastmastery or wilderness survival
  4. Anet has categorically refused to remove that trait and instead nerfed the whole druid around it for years.....nobody asked for that type of trait on a support spec which was supposed to support....that trait alone has brought innumerable amount of nerfs to druid...sad
  5. Outside birds and bristleback, tiger.....there are no pets with reliable dmg, either the dmg level is stuck to 2012 or the cast time too high and long...what people are supposed to do when weapon dmg itself sucks in pvp...wave their hands at the opponent and hope they die?
  6. Right now both druid and soulbeast only offer slight variations of the same gameplay offered by core ranger in terms of what you want to do, no significant upgrade or different gameplay other than power duellist, in both druid and soulbeast you lose sustain for no visible "must have" addition.What even was the point of adding elites?
  7. That's absolutely false.They were and still somewhat are over-performing. In doing what? a glass cannon spec that requires all stars to align?...that's not worth a price tag
  8. The build is carried by a runeset..soulbeast itself can't hold anything, this is not a critique on your build...just my observation about how bad are ranger elites now, straight downgrades not really worth the price tag
  9. Sure...just give away your stealth, your medium base HP, your clones, your distortion, your teleports...you can take lightning rod...take also fresh air plus any other thing you'd like, I am 100% down to it if the devs are
  10. Nope...they will go complain about fire weaver after lightning rod...."too much burning still" they will say..then they will jump on water weaver...."too much sustain still"...then will jump on tempest..."too much..huh...cleansing yeah"...then they will jump on core ele :-) ..."too much..huh...well..whatever is left to nerf"...basically no..
  11. You know it's going to happen. More ranger nerfs are confirmed on the factory line, and while core is still performing well I have no doubt that next patch will have them lagging at the back again. Remember, pet nerfs affect both core and slb. You have to make space for 3rd round of elites after all....
  12. The thread states clearly that nerfs run in circle and mostly they're due to personal vendetta and bias , I stated that there are no winners..I get nerfed today...you will get nerfed tomorrow or some other day eventually..then the cycle repeats itself. I get nerfed today..you must get nerfed too now because your class becomes unbearable how is that hypocrite? I am no more hypocrite than you lot asking to nerf everything but your only main like this @Odik guy salty mesmer
  13. Stop with this non-sense already...I get spammed with hate messages every time and I simply reply back....it's 100% certain that you started ganking/abusing me in the arena while I was testing some build against somebody else; I normally get stalked by angry forum warriors in game. I have like screenshot from the other day..another "pro" elite talking big while I was testing builds on several classes as per usual , I then swapped to his same ranger build and smacked him around. He was some "baroness or duke of the arena" pro apparently. was is it you?....Sorry I don't keep track of all the ragers in the arena...I do get ganked though quite frequently out of spite. And fact remains that mesmer wasn't deleted from the game at all...you simply may have lost your 123 build
  14. As an enthusiast guardian/ele/ranger/warrior I can say that.....guardian doesn't sit well in the grand scheme of things, things don't look that bad but not that good either, at best you can stall a good weaver with a core guardian as long as you play good enough : honour/valour/mender and resistance runes (these runes are close to essential for me now) ; equip a scepter and try to snare the ele into a virtue of justice activation combo when the time is right...hmmm..generally a guardian vs an ele is more of chicken vs chicken, both classes are low on the fun/efficiency spectrum
  15. Agree and also ppl hardly can be more carried by braindead stuff than atm already... Can't be worse with new elites than what we have now. And i prefer a powercreep in active gameplay options (what at least increase skill ceiling) over a braindead facetank sustain meta every noob can survive for ages while playing bad. You miss a point. PvP population is suffering, in part because a typical PvE player isn't skilled enough to walk into PvP.Those "bad" players represent the population ANET is trying to recruit for PvP. The game is suffering because it's excessively difficult to play. I'd also wager that those "bad" players spend more money on the game than a typical PvP player. Making competitive modes less competitive by dumbing down classes is not the way. Ppl just need to stop to be lazy, watch some guides and improve. Instead wasting time in forum to complain about stuff they should easy beat with their way lamer builds. Some PvE reward chaser not interested in the gamemode itself and not interested in getting good in PvP are no ppl will help to make competitive gamemodes any better/enjoyable. If you want to feel like a god without having any skill and still gets rewarded for that, than PvE is rly the only place you belong. In competitive gamemodes the driving aspect is, that you reward skill and only skill. Not time investment (aside from skill improvment), not grinding, just skill. If you cannot accept that you get less reward when you are worse than others skillwise then you are not a competitive player. Also it is not like that for slower and lower skilled ppl aren't enough classes available for an easier life or start. There are at least 5 out of 9 classes very slow reaction time, mistake and for that beginner friendly. That is more than enough, you cannot demand that you can choose out of 9 from 9 classes to fit low skill lvl. Some classes need to have for serveral reasons (as i just explained in previous post) a higher skill requirement. Mesmer is one of them.Better ask Anet to add ingame tutorials and better access to guides on related fansides and youtube to increase skill lvl and improvement speed of new players instead dumbing down classes. No PvP oriented game does that. If you are new you get wrecked hard at start, you either learn or you stop playing, most ppl start to learn when they have to go the hard way, that is why PvP oriented games are successful while having pretty high skill floor. We lost more player and in particular the good ones (and with that most of competitiveness) due to stale and low skilled meta for ages.If your skill lvl is silver you should stay in silver and not get carried to plat by a braindead build. Sorry to be that clear. Also Anet needs to add more and better rewards (sadly because for me kicking kitten because being better is rewarding enough but other ppl still need additional carrot in front of their nose for whatever reasons, though:), add good /legendary rewards but not grindable, only rewarding skill and not time investment directly. We always had "skilled" builds like dunno...FA core ele , builds where you could be easily dealt with by any semi decent player...it's the reason why that build never featured in the meta section...somehow the "skillful" build all "top" players rave about are always about huge dmg on low CD coming from build with plethora of disengage and inbuilt defensive options. Your definition of "skillful" build is quite skewed...because "skilled" players always played meta and ...meta builds become such for overall lack of clear counterplay at basic skill level meaning the average guy playing meta build will always sit on the face of average player playing non meta class. Any argument of "skillful" gameplay does not apply in a MMO with 9 different professions and several skills....that kind of argument would count in a game where every player can only pick a single class and a same set of skill....Build wars is not skilled gameplay...period.
  16. The situation after patch is rather different from the past, anet reduced the power dmg of most profession that now are forced to run extremely glassy to put a dent in a reaper defenses all because of the uptime of Reaper shroud, the initial description says "fast shroud decay" but that has been vastly removed with the increase in life force generation.
  17. Who do you think keep campaigning for the removal of ranger from viability?
  18. It doesn't count for anything because ghastly claws hit like a truck!
  19. Only moment of clarity is 50% and that's only on interrupts. Kinda hard to pull off that one. Also nerfing those wont mean ranger still doesn't destroy people. Name one other class with 50% modifiers. I dare you. Name another class that relies on a single weapon skill and single hit to kill someone. I dare you. Most people are dying to straight maul remorseless and sic em, WITHOUT moment of clarity. That damage mod isn't the problem. Moment of clarity offers a lot of counterplay and is only (maybe) a problem on soulbeast. The problem is Sic Em. Hammer guardian (being about double cooldown of maul), hammer warrior, greatsword guardian. Last one isn't a single guy, but a 2.5 second channel which is arguably harder to hit. I believe it's his turn to "Name one other class with 50% modifiers" given that he immediately side stepped your question. Honestly I'm starting to think many of these ranger mains should be playing mesmer with how much smoke and mirrors their putting up. Because he knows he's wrong. Or one would hope he does anyway, there's no justifying the amount of modifiers they have access too. Yep and he's doing a classic SF by suggesting nerfs to something that won't fix the problem so he can run around ignoring danger for another month. Mind you at least he isn't suggesting to nerf ranger by actually buffing it like SF. I am suggesting nerfs to something that will address the problem but ALSO will address future problems. I am leaving moment of clarity and marksmanship alone because they allow for a bursty melee range play style that has been around since launch and that I've been using on soulbeast for over a year now. it's only been complained about now that ranger can get away with using it with sic em.... and also now that ranger gets superspeed, unlockable, quickness, and remorseless procs on merge - which could be the real problem tbh - because it allows ranger to EZ mode get into range and quickly do damage with an unblockable big hit that used to require set up with CC... I do think ranger should have access to some small unblockable and the blast finisher is great but the superspeed and quickness could be a little much... ANYWAY the reason why I'm not choosing to write threads about moment of clarity and remorseless is because even If these get nerfed there are like three other traitlines that I could roll with and get less burst on single hits but way more damage on EVERY hit due largely in part to sic em. Nerfing moment of clarity and remorseless wont stop ranger from nuking people itll just be doing it from range more so than melee range now and that's largely in part due to sic em. I think a zerker soulbeast should do a lot of damage. It's a berserker that has almost no condi clear, is very squishy, and can be pressured out super easy when focused. Yet right now, since no one is choosing to even try to pressure power ranger with their immobile builds (like playing mallyx herald condi rev instead of shiro mallyx or power herald, or thief) ranger is able to get away with what it's doing. You still have to justify a 50% damage mod or are you blowing more smoke and mirrors. It's worth noting that warrior had a 30% damage mod to physical skills and it was nerfed very quickly because such a high damage mod is very high in a damage line without conditionals. No class should ever have a 50% damage mod on skills. You're saying all this came about because of sic'em without mentioning the plethora of other changes that have happened since PoF allowed you to have sic'em as a damage mod on ranger. Ranger GS got buffed to be probably the best weapon, or at least one of, in the entire game and that's no exaggeration. You neglect to mention everyone has seen massive damage/sustain nerfs in the big patch with ranger evading quite a few of them that have crippled other classes. Even without sic'em, ranger is one of the best skirmishers in the game and can chunk off 50%-70% of someone's health easily while enjoying the ability to plink 2 shots into a similar "zerk because I have to play zerk to do damage" for free knocking them down to nearly half health. All while enjoying some great stealth, evade and healing uptime coupled with top tier mobility. It's not just sic'em, they're overloaded across the board and need slight adjustments to a lot of areas with a big hit on some of the damage mods. I'm not saying destroy ranger, just tone it down. Ranger greatsword has been only nerfed the last 2 or 3 patches in a row. Sic Em was a big damage problem that got nerfed and rightfully so. Sustain and damage have gone down and now Sic Em is overperforming again. Sic Em is the problem. Still waiting for the justification of a 50% damage mod when you're saying a 25% damage mod is too strong. Because ranger has the kitten power coefficients in this game.The position would go to ele, you must be ultra glass with scholar runes to do as much dmg as a warrior with demolisher..there is no class with worst power coefficients than ele
  20. Only moment of clarity is 50% and that's only on interrupts. Kinda hard to pull off that one. Also nerfing those wont mean ranger still doesn't destroy people. Name one other class with 50% modifiers. I dare you. Name another class that relies on a single weapon skill and single hit to kill someone. I dare you. Most people are dying to straight maul remorseless and sic em, WITHOUT moment of clarity. That damage mod isn't the problem. Moment of clarity offers a lot of counterplay and is only (maybe) a problem on soulbeast. The problem is Sic Em. Hammer guardian (being about double cooldown of maul), hammer warrior, greatsword guardian. Last one isn't a single guy, but a 2.5 second channel which is arguably harder to hit. I believe it's his turn to "Name one other class with 50% modifiers" given that he immediately side stepped your question. Honestly I'm starting to think many of these ranger mains should be playing mesmer with how much smoke and mirrors their putting up. Because he knows he's wrong. Or one would hope he does anyway, there's no justifying the amount of modifiers they have access too. Yep and he's doing a classic SF by suggesting nerfs to something that won't fix the problem so he can run around ignoring danger for another month. Mind you at least he isn't suggesting to nerf ranger by actually buffing it like SF. I am suggesting nerfs to something that will address the problem but ALSO will address future problems. I am leaving moment of clarity and marksmanship alone because they allow for a bursty melee range play style that has been around since launch and that I've been using on soulbeast for over a year now. it's only been complained about now that ranger can get away with using it with sic em.... and also now that ranger gets superspeed, unlockable, quickness, and remorseless procs on merge - which could be the real problem tbh - because it allows ranger to EZ mode get into range and quickly do damage with an unblockable big hit that used to require set up with CC... I do think ranger should have access to some small unblockable and the blast finisher is great but the superspeed and quickness could be a little much... ANYWAY the reason why I'm not choosing to write threads about moment of clarity and remorseless is because even If these get nerfed there are like three other traitlines that I could roll with and get less burst on single hits but way more damage on EVERY hit due largely in part to sic em. Nerfing moment of clarity and remorseless wont stop ranger from nuking people itll just be doing it from range more so than melee range now and that's largely in part due to sic em. I think a zerker soulbeast should do a lot of damage. It's a berserker that has almost no condi clear, is very squishy, and can be pressured out super easy when focused. Yet right now, since no one is choosing to even try to pressure power ranger with their immobile builds (like playing mallyx herald condi rev instead of shiro mallyx or power herald, or thief) ranger is able to get away with what it's doing. You still have to justify a 50% damage mod or are you blowing more smoke and mirrors. It's worth noting that warrior had a 30% damage mod to physical skills and it was nerfed very quickly because such a high damage mod is very high in a damage line without conditionals. No class should ever have a 50% damage mod on skills. You're saying all this came about because of sic'em without mentioning the plethora of other changes that have happened since PoF allowed you to have sic'em as a damage mod on ranger. Ranger GS got buffed to be probably the best weapon, or at least one of, in the entire game and that's no exaggeration. You neglect to mention everyone has seen massive damage/sustain nerfs in the big patch with ranger evading quite a few of them that have crippled other classes. Even without sic'em, ranger is one of the best skirmishers in the game and can chunk off 50%-70% of someone's health easily while enjoying the ability to plink 2 shots into a similar "zerk because I have to play zerk to do damage" for free knocking them down to nearly half health. All while enjoying some great stealth, evade and healing uptime coupled with top tier mobility. It's not just sic'em, they're overloaded across the board and need slight adjustments to a lot of areas with a big hit on some of the damage mods. I'm not saying destroy ranger, just tone it down. Ranger greatsword has been only nerfed the last 2 or 3 patches in a row. Sic Em was a big damage problem that got nerfed and rightfully so. Sustain and damage have gone down and now Sic Em is overperforming again. Sic Em is the problem. Still waiting for the justification of a 50% damage mod when you're saying a 25% damage mod is too strong. Because ranger has the kitten power coefficients in this game. I'm sorry what?Without dmg modifiers, the ranger does a little below average with the pet raising the bar a little higher...not justifying the mod...just stating the truth
  21. This spec is just too tanky for the level of dmg it can do, you must either decrease the skill dmg of RS or reduce life force regeneration. Kite and range were supposed to be the counters but...the power dmg has been nerfed too much, in the same patch you nerfed the dmg required to eat through RS and increased life force regeneration....makes little sense to me. There are very little options left and given the pressure to nerf rangers into oblivion....what are we supposed to do in the future? Rangers are the best bet to get rid of this oppressive class...but ranger itself keeps getting nerfed. stop buffing necros ; they are necros everywhere now
  22. I dont understand the statement, yes the diff gamemodes have diff rules hence why they split balance them. I'll make it simple... you cannot balance pvp through pve which is what you're asking for. Regardless, this isn't going to happen so a moot topic of discussion. no i wasnt asking for this, i was asking to not release them all at once and instead release first for pve balance it there while also runnign beta weekends for pvp and wvw, collect feedback and release the pvp version with split balance tuning based on said feedback. But someone suggested only having them available in unranked for pvp which is a g9od alternative too.Or you can go and play any of the free moba out there...this is a casual MMO
  23. I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol... I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered. This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger. NO! In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say... I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked. Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest. I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills. You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.Necro is not far behind....
  24. Because Anet didn't see what was actually causing Mesmer to be OP with chaotic interruption and other traits synergizing in poor taste with the build, but instead of nerfing that and fixing build they just nuked it cause they don't know about their own game lol. it is a meme QFT
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