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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. exactly! it shouldn't just happen out of nowhere. if left alone with absolutely no changes (hardware or software), any computer and it's programs, in theory, will run and perform the same way now and 10 years later. i honestly can't exactly point out your issue based on every information you have provided so far, my only theory is that the game for some reason does not run as intended and is having issues with it's assets (game files) as seen with texture failed in your most recent crash log. either there's a change in your windows environment that corrupts/prevents it from being accessed properly (or maybe a hardware/driver issue) or your last update prior to your recent re-install (and the re-install itself) keeps getting corrupted somehow for some reason (corrupted downloads due to bad internet or harddisk/ssd going bad?) what i would've done if i was in your shoes and had the same issue is: get a spare hard drive and install a fresh copy of windows on that determine if running gw2 there -vs- running it in your current drive/os - all under the same machine/hardware - still produces the same results (crashing momentarily after starting the game)copying the gw2 (copy not download) to another computer and running itthis isn't always viable and i wouldn't expect you to do that. but it's a way to completely rule out if it's the game or your windows or your hardware that's causing the issues. at this point my advise is to file a support ticket and see if customer support can help you with your issue. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us
  2. this i agree with completely. weapons are just skins. the skills you get are what matters. as for aoe and rifle they can easily make it an "assault rifle" for ranger and have cone aoe spray/bulletspam attacks just like how they made rifle into a "sniper rifle" for deadeye with death's judgement. or they can make rifle a melee weapon (for the arguments that ranger needs a melee weapon) and be like a "shotgun" and do splash type damage to 3 targets (a way to "cleave" with rifle) boon hate and rifle though probably not (atleast in a way that would look fitting) That's the thing, with these ideas you are invading design spaces of other classes. There are 3 rifles so far introduced into the game for the classes warrior, engineer and deadeye.Deadeye, as you mentioned, is filling the sniper fantasy.Warrior is supposed to be the assault rifle.And engineer is the shotgun. So giving ranger an assault rifle or shotgun would take away from the weapon fantasy of these classes... and as an engineer main, it would really feel terrible to see ranger getting a better shotgun rifle than I have myself, when my class is supposed to be the shotgun user. Especially since engineer's rifle is in a pretty bad spot right now. I think we should keep these thematical niches distinct.And that's on top of me thinking that rifle doesn't fit ranger in the first place.well if you limit design (or weapon fantasy) to certain classes, then you also limit the variety of what they can produce for elite specs (for any class). ranger getting a melee or ranged rifle, doesn't really have to focus on just the rifle, it can also be a pet-focused elite spec with a "shotgun" as it's theme weapon, like for hunting. it will not completely overlap with warrior rifle or engineer rifle -- in fact the meta build for holosmith rifle for raids only uses jump shot and "blunderbuss" a few times in the main rotation loop and even then you're mostly spamming grenades, bombs and holosmith skills rather than rifle skills so i wouldn't call it exactly a "shotgun soldier build". deadeye's rifle 3 on the other hand is pretty assault rifle-ish (3 round burst) which is similar to warrior's rifle 3 though warrior's is much slower but still a burst shot and they don't feel redundant at all (not to mention deadeye's non-kneeling rifle 2 and 4 is also somewhat similar to warrior's) it's like dragonhunter getting traps and a longbow when ranger already does those two. it didn't completely overlap with ranger at all not only because the skills are different but also guardian has no pet like ranger, just as ranger has no tool kits/equipment to use that the engineer has -- ranger getting a "shotgun" doesnt have to have exactly the same skills as engineer's rifle, just like dragonhunter vs ranger's longbow. as for whether ranger would get a better shotgun than engineer, well deadeye got a better assault rifle (with a bonus sniper mode) than warrior -OR- you never know, the new ranger elite spec could end up like dragonhunter where the thematic weapon isn't even used for it's meta build (DH's preferring to use GS and 1hSword+X or Scepter+X) due to the repeated/multiple nerfs to it's longbow use
  3. iirc ArcDPS has (or had) a feature to hide the daily, current events, and story tracker from the UI
  4. if it's a new install now then we can isolate the problem from your GW2 install/files. the issue is more likely to be OS/environment related is gw2 the only game that crashes? have you tried running another d3d9/directx9 game? have you done any changes to your system in the past few days? driver update? windows update? any software/service or application you recently installed (especially if related to system or hardware)? no need to do this you can install in program files just fine otherwise windows games and applications wouldn't default to it as the install dir. it is good practise to install elsewhere though but not a requirement one thing you can try is opening %APPDATA%\Guild Wars 2\GFXSettings.Gw2-64.exe.xml on your file explorer with a text editor find the setting<OPTION Name="screenMode" Registered="True" Type="Enum" Value=" ">if value is set as "fullscreen" change it to "windowed" or "windowed_fullscreen"then save try running gw2 again. see if running on a window or borderless would not crash.
  5. assuming you have internet elsewhere and GW2 is the only thing that wont "connect/download" if you're on windows, you can open cmd (Command Prompt) then do a traceroute to arenanet's patch server tracert assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com the output will be a table of ip addresses from your device/computer/gateway to arenanet's servers, during this route/path you can find out where your connection drops off and is unable to proceed. this may help in diagnosing your issue
  6. did these crashes happen after the most recent client/patch update? seems like you may need to verify file integrity of the install or re-install the whole game (wipe/purge/uninstall completely first) due to broken/corrupted assets. try: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client
  7. this i agree with completely. weapons are just skins. the skills you get are what matters. as for aoe and rifle they can easily make it an "assault rifle" for ranger and have cone aoe spray/bulletspam attacks just like how they made rifle into a "sniper rifle" for deadeye with death's judgement. or they can make rifle a melee weapon (for the arguments that ranger needs a melee weapon) and be like a "shotgun" and do splash type damage to 3 targets (a way to "cleave" with rifle) boon hate and rifle though probably not (atleast in a way that would look fitting)
  8. it happens in any meta or worldboss they can find something exploitable/abuse-able. one example is tequatl where griefers would pull the bloated creepers (suicide/exploding mobs) onto where people stack during the burn phase
  9. wine 6.5 has since fixed the GW2 login error 42 see winehq bug report # 50738 however lutris's wine runners only have 6.4 as the latest so you need to use your distro's wine-staging 6.5 package or install/build your own wine from staging patches
  10. pretty sure the only thing skyscale is required for in exploration is breaking out of the map boundaries/invisible walls. the beetle doesn't offer anything other than it's speed vs the other terrestrial mounts (an no, those breakable walls don't count -- the stuff behind them are unremarkable, it's not like in console games where if you find this secret room, you'll get stuff that helps you kill that boss, lol no nothing like that at all in gw2) + i've seen so many people crash into walls on sharp turns or obstacles and take too long to recover that the ones running on jackal/raptor more often than not just run past them exploration as intended in GW2 can be done with the 4 basic mounts (raptor, springer, skimmer, jackal) or by walking =) also this:
  11. an acknowledgement from the devs that they're looking into the performance issues would be nice and encouraging, just like what they did with the server/networking issues. but as it stands, there's no word or anything at all and in the 8 going 9 years running, the only significant upgrade they've done was change the client to 64-bit but only because the memory issues were just blatant and the memory limitations of the 32bit architecture were just bad for the game's demands. the people who think just changing the directx version might just think like that because they see it in other games that have done it ( like in the case of wow when they updated ) but never really read much about it and thus not know that these games have done much more than just change the graphics api or the "dx version" d912pxy and to an extent, dxvk will never be the "upgrade" for gw2 because it still introduces an overhead because they are translation layers. this is why i advocate for an engine upgrade and not just stapling d912pxy unto gw2 officially..... cleaning up the game's code, having a modern graphics api run natively, multi-threading and other optimizations may be the only way the game could move forward performance-wise. these "solutions" only work if your hardware can utilise it. if a native/official dx12 or vulkan implementation of gw2 were to come out, it would definitely have to include a legacy option (dx9 setting/client) for those with obsolete+aging hardware who can't make use of the new tech. just like every other game that did an engine upgrade. d912pxy suffers from many weird glitches because of the gw2 specific performance hacks they include where it's likely that if you improve upon one thing, a regression may occur somewhere. dxvk does not suffer from this because it targets general-use and translation of directx it is also the reason why whenever a new gw2 update comes out, d912pxy may crash upon boot but dxvk works just fine. but then again dxvk was never intended for Windows OS use so if stuff breaks but works on Linux, you're on your own.
  12. without crash logs and information about your computer (OS, GPU, CPU, RAM, etc.) we have no way of telling for sure. basing purely on the images + video you provided, i have a couple of theories: the first two images (character screen) appear to be the common symptom of d912pxy shader caching issues so if you're using d912pxy, disable it first or you can purge your shader cache then update d912pxy and try again. if you aren't, then have you tried verifying file integrity of your gw2 install? it could be that your install has corrupted assets.... see: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client it also never hurts to make sure your drivers are up to date now what's concerning is the video you included. does this texture corruption happen to all 3d games? or just gw2? because to me it looks like the signs/symptoms that your GPU is nearing it's end.
  13. a support spec that can rival the current meta offerings will never fully work with thief unless they rework the other trait lines. thief as it is now, is very selfish when it comes to "supporting". boon thief exists but is mostly confined (and only viable) to certain bosses. everything else it can do, other specs/classes can do much much better and then some more.
  14. very well said. yeah i misunderstood a bit, sorry about that. it's just that when stuff like improving game performance in any way (which honestly can also be classed as a big QoL update) is being suggested/talked about, some people here are immediately negative about it -- when it's something that would benefit all users and never a negative impact on any (at worst a player with extremely obsolete hardware will see no gains)
  15. a /changepose command to change the way we /sit or idle with our weapons drawn out would be nice :)
  16. oh i misunderstood you there lol! i thought you were trying to use WINESYNC and didnt know the env var for it hence why i mentioned WINESYNC and a kernel build for it -- and disabling fsync+esync. and yes, that's the one for futex2 (i use it too) =) yeah those two settings i mentioned are the ones that tank FPS a lot, especially when both are set to highest. and please don't worry about setting shadows to low, sure it will look pretty on High/Ultra, but when you're fighting or moving very fast (which you'll be doing a lot later on, especially when you get your mounts or do instanced group content) you'd pay less attention to trees drawing shadows dynamically the GoL community is almost like the Lutris one but it's nice to have another set of people/community who are in the same setup as you! and it never hurts to get a second/third opinion on things/linux issues/games/etc. you're welcome! so just to name a few: arcdps is the go-to parsertaco is an information overlay that provide many useful things for farming, gathering, bosses, etc.gw2 radial is a better mount selector most of them are d3d9.dll hooks except for taco, and i assume you may know already, that you need to do dll overrides via lutris' menu, winecfg or WINEDLLOVERRIDES= env var so wine would look for them in the gw2 directory first and if you need to use more than one, arcdps has to be the one named d3d9.dll in bin64 folder the rest have to be named in a specific way to "chainload" them see: https://www.deltaconnected.com/arcdps/ do note that, they can get crashy =) (or be completely stable for you)
  17. and yet you have people (not all) with the proper hardware that can play gw2 almost as if it's running natively in linux using wine + dxvk and in some cases and hardware configurations (amd cpu+ amd gpu), on par or a faster than playing it on windows (that's a lot of overhead too, compared to say, just running d912pxy on windows) "upgrading the engine" doesn't just mean changing the graphics renderer to a different one and calling it a day, it also means making your game much more multi-threading friendly to make better utilization of modern CPUs. WoW did it, Path of Exile did it, and a korean mmorpg that's barely alive with it's population: Tree of Savior also did it. just to name a few examples, all of them use custom made engines not something ready-to-use like UE3/UE4 -- and for the record, WoW's engine is ancient too. it's just that it seems GW2/Arenanet doesn't even want to try. d912pxy and (linux)wine+dxvk has shown that with the right hardware, there's a lot of performance to be gained over the vanilla client we have now. performance gains also don't pertain to just huge increases in FPS, it can also be less FPS drops (higher floor) and more stable average FPS, less stuttering and no before someone else says it, even with an upgraded engine there's no reason to immediately cut-off people with older OS/hardware setups that can't utilize new tech. many games offer old/legacy api and client builds for people who can't use the new tech. (ex. WoW offering dx11 while also having dx12 in it's options)
  18. According to Wikipedia, "Guild Wars 2 uses a heavily modified version of the proprietary game engine developed for Guild Wars by ArenaNet"....I honestly can't imagine them implementing native DX12 support in GW2 but one can always hope I guess. any game engine can be modified/upgraded to support newer graphics APIs. look at Path of Exile / GGG, for example they went from dx9 → dx11 → vulkan the engine initially didn't support vulkan when it launched but they added it in years down the line :) it's just a matter of whether the dev/studio, in this case ArenaNet for GW2 is willing to upgrade, future-proof and optimize their game for newer hardware -- which they don't seem to think it's worth it whilst other rpgs/mmorpgs and devs/studios (big or small) do
  19. I was expecting this type of response. This is Living World story content I'm not trying to get a Legendary here. It's tiresome busy work for content that should be more casual and relaxing. Where's the fun in that? It is casual and relaxing. The issue is that you're choosing to not make it that way. That's your opinion. I don't find it casual and relaxing having to hunt things down outside of the zone I am in, sometimes with vague hints where those items might be. Having to look up where things are on Google takes me out of the game and it is not enjoyable to me.if camping 1 map for a quest = casual for you then i believe you wouldn't want to do the quest/collections for skyscale mount -- you wouldn't find it fun, relaxing and casual-oriented.
  20. dungeons: much longer per run, annoying or broken mechanics from environment or the bosses, some lore attached to it, poor rewards fractals: much shorter per run, much more polished (but still buggy on certain fractal scales), less lore attached to it, significantly better rewards (tier dependent), variable difficulty that ranges from much easier than dungeons (tier1) to 2x~3x harder than dungeons (tier4) but both of them are instanced pve content meant for a full party of 5 people and all of them are pretty much doable if everyone in the party knows how to play their class/spec and contributes properly to the group
  21. There are only PvE emotes as new rewards. We should be upset but it wouldn't matter anyway since it's WvW. They, as a WvW player, have to do a lot more PvE stuff if they want best in slot stats including food, or anything really. Yes, you're confused, hope you work that out. Don't confuse cosmetics with items that affect combat in WvW. Or just be honest that the attitude is that we're entitled to everything in the game without having to play for it.gift of exploration aside, a lot of the PvE-only (not everything, but most, like weapon skins and armour sets) stuff can be acquired in WvW/PvP via reward tracks, they may not have everything right away but stuff does get released via the tracks eventually. meanwhile there's currently no way for PvE players to acquire a lot of the WvW/PvP-only stuff, such as the warclaw mount or certain armour sets like the warlord's set by doing PvE things. as a PvE player who only goes to WvW to do dailies, i really feel like it's unfair but i live with it and it doesn't really bother me that much now, i just like to think those WvW-only things aren't for me.
  22. in time they will eventually release a pvp and wvw track for it. as to when? not sure, but the shiver emote for example will get it's reward track soon since there's achievement entries for it and it's already in the API ( see this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shiver_Emote_Tome_Reward_Track ) the stretch emote will definitely follow the same, and eventually get a reward track so don't worry.
  23. you usually have a buff on top of your skill bar to track the mastery point achievements (yellow icon) if say, you never got hit by a meteor AOE but your partymate was, then you get it and they don't. simple :) if your partymate afk'd or barely participated in the boss fight, still has the buff/tracker icon and the party cleared the boss, they will still get the achievement. the tracker buff will disappear if the conditions for the achievement can no longer be met, this is individual but can also affect the whole party in certain specific cases like the "Friendly Fire" achievement since it's not you/them/party but the NPCs with you who are the conditions for the achievement to trigger.
  24. tbh, yeah it could also be arc itself because the recent builds of arc since feb this year (might be earlier or later than that but) have been sort of unstable for me lately to the point that i made a second script to start the game without it if i know i'll be doing any serious group content when i login lol (don't wanna burden my guild with a random crash to desktop out of the blue)
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