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Everything posted by Ultramex.1506

  1. Yah i just craft ascended and salvage them, save my finger Also when you finally add "salvage all" can you allow us to set number of fish to exchange? Why do i gotta spam click for each fish tier? What is with EoD making me abuse my mouse?
  2. Having almost map complete for the 2nd (the armory ghost is bugged so i cant get the last POI), I will say i enjoy it without using skyscale, it certainly not a bad map once you know which is where.
  3. Or at least let it be april fool tonic like the choya one if you don't want to break "immersion" (Yes i'm aware many have said this)
  4. Eh i'm just glad i managed to beat it 3 times before the future nerf. Haven't felt this much adrenaline and joy since idk how long!
  5. I see your point, but i'm not sure that is enough for Anet to code in another option
  6. Uh huh But I want to stomp her, heck i wish i can resurrect her to stomp her again for being a terrible attempt at quriky insane villain
  7. You may not like it but events itself doesn't have much rewards so i see it as necessary evil
  8. Pfft, like many have said, you don't have to use hammer if you dont want to. And who are you to say casters are ruined just because it doesn't fit your stereotypical wizard? That what i like about GW2, doing it own thing than being like other hundred fantasy and lack imagination. This might shock you but i'm hoping caster classes will get rifle/pistol on next expac.
  9. Give WvW players more WvW-Legendaries without having to do too much PvE then we'll talk. Plus, your comparision isn't fair Anet give an alternative way to earn PvE item but EoD reward track give pitiful Writ of Dragon's End, so they have to repeat it again and again until they get enough 200 to buy a unlock to do more PvE activities to get a mount that can't be used in WvW. You don't do legendaries because oh no WvW, but WvW have to play PvE if they want weapons, better animated armor effects, accessories and a FREE amulet
  10. Guesss i'm the weirdo/self-flagellating masochistfor replaying story on different races and gender to hear how each VAs perform And, again, i'm must be the weirdo/self-flagellating masochist who only find that worthy of a replay But i have to admit the unskipple dialogue is wearing me out.
  11. Here is my advice: Go play WvW, you will get your GoB by the time Anet even consider the changes and i hope they won't Everytime this come up is laughable, getting GoB in WvW is honestly only 5% of getting your legendary, while WvW player have to do 95% of PvE to get their, yet they r not complaining, but i DO wonder what if WvW wanted: Unique legendary weapon and armor skins for WvW?
  12. She was afraid of the future, how will Kaineng survive without Soo Won to power the Jade tech? Sure, she overreacted because of her ego and being looked down, but you seem to ignore reasons leading up to that fight If you don't like her thats fine, but don't left out details.
  13. How did you miss the fact that she was able to turn Kaineng into what it is today, only for a couple of strangers to come in and ruin it? Granted, the world ending was inevitable but when you have the skills you would believe that you can stop it. When Anhka broke in the reactor and blow it up, she wasnt physically there to get the full picture so she thought that we were conspired with the Aetherblade, then we came to her house UNINVITED, so any person would defense themself in that situation Only when we presented the proof did she agree to talk, but she was unable to accept that everything is going to end, that Kaineng won't be running on Jade tech anymore. Taimi has to convince her to accept the truth. This is as cliche and easy to comprehend as it come yet you find it inconceivable!
  14. Yah....just did it today and failed because we missed CC, thing is I didnt expect the CC bar to appear while we go for the tail, so everyone was busy with the tail despite one person yelling CC, you can guess what happened next. I like this meta and do not agree on nerfing (some adjustments are welcome but dont let it be braindead), focus on fixing the RNG
  15. Yes, but from what i have read, it should not be ruin by afks and trolls Edit: also RNG
  16. I just turn off post processing, my eyes thank me for it
  17. Pretty sure being one of selling features for an expansion mean it need to be exciting, and maybe it just me, even if its just press F and wait, i still call it a mini game
  18. Fishing is announced: My god this mini game will be boring Fishing is released: My god this mini game require my attention This forum never fail to make me facepalm at it's complaints and lousy suggestions
  19. You'd be suprised how fog help create illusion of huge map, look at Gta Defective Edition.
  20. I hope it's not a Horse, seem like a waste compared to Griffon
  21. I get the whole personal prestige, Halo veterans complained about skins being sold alot, but its arrogance of you to diss other people's efforts when they don't play the same way. Doing raid or grinding for gold are the same in the sense that you put efforts in doing that content, without wiping credit card. I bought lot of QoL items using gold i grinded and i feel proud about it! You don't get to decide how people should earn prestiges so get off your high horse! Edit: and about your example, i can only think up LFG raid selling but i didn't buy that, i play WvW instead for Armors. That the beauty of GW 2, isnt it? Alternative method to earn stuff without your credit card.
  22. Maybe give us an idea how Anet can make money if every skins are available without buying? You all want what benefit the player and ONLY the player without realizing If Anet go under, so are those benefits. Who is greedy here? And "all of the skins will still go to the store"...really? IRC there are skins that can be earned in-game, if you meant mounts then you seem to ignore the gem-gold exchange which you get by........playing the game.
  23. Hmm? The newest trailer color seem to have been reduced, look like HoT/PoF now
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