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Everything posted by Infusion.7149

  1. If your "ranged skill" puts you into melee range it means you can't use as a ranged skill , it's just a gapcloser. It's that simple. No need to overcomplicate things. For example if you have a PVE mechanic you shouldn't be stepping in or in a WVW chokepoint you wouldn't call a gapcloser a ranged skill.
  2. It's meant as boon support. If you look at the damage split and watch the stream with CMC it does zero damage in PVP/WVW for a reason.
  3. Alacrity mechanist would only be a replacement for an alacrity renegade that only presses F4 in 5 man content , since the mech does 4-7K DPS on its own with no boons it could be a large damage loss. That doesn't even count mechanics and instabilities that could put the mech in danger and result in you only having alacrity output from camping mace. Protection uptime is high on the power version of alacrity renegade ; the condition alacrity renegade does ~66% of its damage from conditions so it does well against exposed breakbars. Condi mech uses 4 kits right now and if you run alacrity mech that means all the condition stats you'd have on mechanist would be non-existent. From my testing the mech does anywhere from 20-30% of the total damage based off the autoattack of mech alone. The benefit of running mech is you could have barrier output if you run Mech Core Barrier Engine trait , which is as passive as it gets.
  4. What do you mean? They had a lagfest laser event in Desert BL and a long time ago before Heart of Thorns existed there was a orb running mechanic in middle of ruins. Both were removed for a reason.
  5. You do know I was the one that put them on the wiki after testing it right? edit: Because still doubting , also 10 conditions is golem test standard not 12 and Remorseless (+25%) while crit capped having a damage boost only when you apply fury is far worse than Predator's Onslaught (15% against movement impaired/CCed targets) ... 🤣
  6. It would probably be usable in WVW exclusively akin to a core ele if it hit 5 targets at range. The damage numbers aren't amazing (especially when you account for not being able to run a damage traitline such as weaver or even arcane with Bountiful Power) though so the only way it would stronger than hammer herald for example is if it were non-projectile. For example on fire attunement the hammer's auto coefficient is 0.5 and hits 1 target (it would need to hit 3 as staff does). Surging Flames has 1.13 coefficient and hits 5 targets (8s cooldown); Triple Sear is 0.6 ; Molten End is 1.5. Therefore Molten End turning into a ranged AOE would make it half usable but still has 25 cooldown. On water attunement rain of blows totals 1.2 coefficient so even if it were ranged the 1.5s cast time holds it back ; Crashing Font is 1.0 coefficient ; Cleansing Typhoon shifting to ranged would also make it stronger since it has 1.36 coefficient but still has 25 cooldown. On air attunement , Hurricane of Pain has 2.42 coefficient but has 3s cast (~0.8 coefficient/second) and it's already ranged so that changes nothing. On earth attunement Whirling Stones has 1.7 coefficient but has 3.25s cast , it won't see play whatsoever. In summary only two skills that do damage in a short burst window that would have >1.1 coefficient (Cleansing Typhoon , Molten End) which currently both have 25 cooldown meaning effectively a 13s cooldown between the two of them. In full marauder + scholar rune this is what you would be looking at with Fire+air: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGQAIlJwoYesO2JO6KbRLA-zVJYiRBfZkZBURCY70QhlNA-w 1.5K tooltip on Surging Flames (0.75s cast) , 5 targets 2K tooltip on Molten End (1s cast) , 5 targets + blast 1.4K Rain of Blows (<1K per second of cast) , 3 targets only ~1.6K Cleansing Typhoon , 3 targets only 2.8K Hurricane of Pain (<1K per second of cast) , 3 targets only ~2K Whirling Stones (~600 damage per second of cast on power gear) , 5 targets If someone camps fire on staff this is what they have: Auto = 0.666 coefficient, 1s cast time and 3 targets Lava font = 0.454 coefficient , 4 to 6 ticks (1.81-2.72 total) , 6s base cooldown Meteor shower = 1.1 coefficient initial hit (3.75s cast time) , 10% reduction per hit with 24 hits Couple this with other attunements: Ice Spike = 0.91 coefficient (delayed drop , 6s cooldown) Lightning Surge = 0.91 coefficient (1s cast , 10s cooldown) Eruption = 1.25 coefficient (1.25s cast and delay , 6s cooldown) Or if you use scepter mainhand: Dragon's Tooth = 2.0 coefficient (delayed drop) , adjust for 1K weapon strength = 1.81 equivalent coefficient on hammer Phoenix = 1.9 total coefficient , 20s cooldown, adjust for 1K weapon strength instead of 1100 = 1.72 equivalent coefficient on hammer Shatterstone = 1.5 coefficient (delayed damage), 3s cooldown, adjust for 1K weapon strength instead of 1100 = 1.36 equivalent coefficient on hammer
  7. The question should be beyond DPS... what does each spec actually bring to the class? Actually fresh concept Specter brings support to thief and shroud (which means thief has teamfight potential as well). This is a strong spec currently both in terms of damage (44K with allies bench , 36K solo) and support (barriers, alacrity/quickness). Unless it is nerfed to the ground that would remain the case. The spec actually made a UI change in terms of ally target selection so conceptually and game design-wise it is a step in the right direction. It makes it high skill cap innately because you don't just spam things in AOE. I've seen some players run it as a power damage spec in competitive modes but I suspect support will be the main use. Novel in concept , brings something Harbinger brings a high risk high reward playstyle to PVE necros as well as quickness boon support and minor bit of mobility. Elixirs and blight need work but pulsing damage in shroud while boring provides consistency. Some skills such as Dark Barrage do more damage at melee range due to fanning out so the risk/reward is kept even though it is ranged. Necros already have power and condi covered, so this will either be a condi boon support or scourge will be nerfed such that this is the premier necro condition damage option. Blight inherently changes how necromancer is played, let's hope the payoff is increased beyond bland "more strike damage" or "more condition damage". Willbender brings mobility to guardian. The damage numbers are undertuned, but let's say they become competitive, it still would be unwanted in PVE and WVW because firebrand is dominant in both those modes. It has some potential in PVP if the spec is adjusted. Vindicator for revs brings 5 target PBAOE on greatsword and a payoff on dodges. It likely won't see much play in raids or in WVW unless the greatsword damage is far higher. However, if retuned to be strong pDPS and the dodge bugs are fixed it would be the pDPS of revenant which many have asked for a long time. Payoff on 5 targets is going to be non-existent in PVP so I don't anticipate this being strong in PVP , especially with one dodge. Brings something in theory Bladesworn brings large burst damage to warrior which neither variants currently possess (discounting Gunflame memes), but in PVP/WVW those numbers are heavily lowered which is why opinions differ so strongly. Therefore it is not a great spec once you look past DPS in PVE. It breaks some encounter designs so it isn't healthy for the game overall. Also I wouldn't consider pressing a button and afking 5 seconds engaging gameplay. Many played wanted a support warrior but I guess tactics spellbreaker is filling that role and in PVE people ask for banner berserker/warrior. Mechanist is rated highly by PVE players but at the end of the day it is still AI-heavy. All the benchmarks for condi mech are still using 4 kits which is a major turnoff for running condi engi. In my testing I've seen anywhere from 20-30% DPs coming from the mech depending how poor kit rotation was. In competitive modes the current beta iteration it does more damage than expected from the mech , but it is unlikely overtake holo in PVP or scrapper in WVW since the entire traitline hinges on the mech. This could be problematic in open-world though as some players manage to do DPS with the mech alone ~7K+. In summary, it's a spec for people that play the game akin to an "idler" where spamming 1 and using an AI pet is "fun". Virtuoso right now is rather shoddy in competitive modes due to aggressive damage splits , traits aren't that great, but it removes reliance on clones for damage. Removing reliance on clones means you can deal with trash mobs easier , especially with 5 target dagger mainhand. Prestocking blades also makes the burst potential higher in theory any time there is an invuln phase or some sort of block/aegis. As long as the damage is okay it could be the mesmer pDPS spec, whereas mirage is condi and chrono is quickness boon support. The projectile aspect of shatters need to be able to bypass reflect or not have you receive reflected psionic blades. Untamed in theory brings a tanky 5 target melee to ranger with more CC and boonrips. However the amount of CC is gated behind Unleash states and the Unleashed Pet state results in a 15% outgoing damage reduction which is not good in any mode. It really needs that penalty removed , focused boon rip to prot/stability, and better ability to stow pet in WVW. In competitive modes CC generally doesn't do damage so the concept needs work. HORRIBLE Catalyst is a total wreck because the concept of hammer is convoluted (upkeeping the orbs are pain point) and jade sphere has very low payoff considering it is not frontloaded. In PVE the damage is so variant depending on hitbox it is insanity (45K condi bench vs large , but ~30K vs small). There is low mobility for competitive modes and not much in terms of sustain unless you can get auras which are dependent on the jade sphere (which requires energy) if you use hammer.
  8. You can use Predator rifle or HOPE offhand pistol probably , they affect Grenade Barrage. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Predator https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/HOPE
  9. "damage on the hammer is not bad" Meanwhile numerical (not "feelings")... Auto = 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 coefficients on both Unleash states Unleashed Wild Swing has 1.25 coefficient in PVE with a +20% vs CC-ed targets = 1.5 Unleashed Overbearing Smash has 0.75 coefficient , which is below auto attack Unleashed Savage Shock Wave has 1.0 coefficient, so only if it hits three times does it do damage (+20% vs CC-ed targets , +2% per condition) but it is 15s cooldown Unleashed Thump is 2.0 coefficient with no payoffs If not running hammer: Maul is 1.75 coefficient before merged bonuses and has a +10% modifier from Two-Handed Training = 2.56 coefficient per second of activation time Whirling Defense is 7.92 coefficient and has the ferocity bonus from Honed Axes (+8% crit damage) = 2.43 coefficient per second before crit mod ; 2.63 coefficient per second with crit mod Barrage is 6.0 coeficient and hits 5 targets, even accounting for cast time of 2.25s it is 2.66 coefficient per second of cast time I'm not even a ranger main (play all 9 classes) and I can see this plain as day. The fact that you think this is a good weapon is pretty hilarious.
  10. Bag slots and larger bags than 20 slots aren't necessities. If you're bad at math use this: https://fast.farming-community.eu/bags/storage-bags
  11. That's pretty naive as the goal of most people is to hit 80%+ of benchmark , which translates into performance in the encounters. If that weren't the case then DPS tempest wouldn't be randomly nerfed nor would power soulbeast (OWP should be reverted). Nobody in practice actually does great damage on tempest compared to other classes outside of large hitboxes. The wingman site isn't a guild benchmark it is actual logs with a large sample size including failed runs, not best runs. The fact that you think it is a benchmark shows how little you know about it. Snowcrows/LuckyNoobs are benchmarks sites. Might I remind you that your thread is titled "Untamed Hammer damage is OK on the golem" which is why I had issue with it. Luckily most of the content creators and Arenanet partners also think Untamed is a failure so this thread has less weight.
  12. Arenanet said it was 10X difference between players not builds people run in the meta. That's possible due to trait damage mods and Nomad/Minstrel/Soldier's gear
  13. The average meta build does 15K auto attacking with full boons. Last time I tested soulbeast does 18K on greatsword Edit: at least you are willing to acknowledge that hammer is a disaster in its current state...
  14. The entire premise of your thread is 100% wrong. First you stated that it did more DPS than soulbeast. Second, you stated "one weapon being better than another is not realistic"but hammer fails even at being better at CC. Third you stated 28K "isn't that bad" when it pretty much is support chrono/quickness scrapper levels and below alac ren. The bar for being kicked is typically sub alac ren DPS. Forth you stated "everything can be beaten at 28K DPS" when that is a golem number. Do you even have a log for your rotation?
  15. You don't even need to test it if your math is good ; the payoff on hitting 5 targets as opposed to 3 with a hammer generally isn't there unless you're in openworld (or VWW but this will be a failure in its current state). Then again maul hits 5 targets on Greatsword while being 3s cooldown with alacrity so that's not even that noteworthy. The modifiers don't add up , +300 ferocity merged = 20% crits after all even before bonuses such as Twice as Vicious (10% strike or condi damage) or Furious Strength (15% strike damage). The loss of all pet automatic skill use means 2K DPS from pets when I tested. That means somehow you need to make up the modifiers of soulbeast with 2K DPS from the pet while also having a 15% damage penalty while in Unleash Pet. That explains why there is a 33K benchmark existing for condi Untamed using 2 condition weapons while a condi soulbeast achieves that just camping shortbow (so far easier). Right now the only reason you'd run it is you need large amounts of CC if it's actually rebalanced (right now it has less CC than soulbeast) as well as spotter. So probably W4 Samarog or W2 Slothasor. It isn't a fractal spec due to the exposed changes which make condi immensely ahead. It doesn't boon people in any appreciable manner so what you're saying is it is not a DPS, well it isn't a support or heal spec so basically useless because even the main point of it (CC) is lower than soulbeast. Once again, if you are using enrage as the bar, expect to be kicked often. The average DPS spec does 34-37K on the GOLEM (which is something people strive for in the burst phase not in split). Many groups that can't DPS to skip the walls on Gorseval specifically just disband rather than deal with low DPS. If I want to play memes I would join a meme group and so would other people. Ever played in 10 rev, 10 necro, 10 engi, or 10 eles? People will join memes when they want to meme not for a weekly clear. P.S. the average druid does ~2K DPS on Gorseval overall https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/raid/gors
  16. Specter support might work out, the rest are going to be disasters unless they have major improvements. Bladesworn - will never be taken in a superspeed meta , realworld DPS is better on Berserker and spellbreaker has more utility Willbender - will never be taken in a superspeed meta , glassier than core guard with no new mainhand or large utility damage , also nobody is taking one over support firebrand or even cele firebrand in largescale Vindicator - needs the dodge fixed and the greatsword damage increased by quite a bit to make it worth taking over herald (5 target GS would be decent if it actually had damage) Virtuoso - the shatter damage needs to be increased massively and the projectile nature of dagger/shatters not be able to be reflected (if reflected at least not penalized as a physical projectile : they are psionic blades after all?) Untamed - a bad soulbeast , the boonrip is petbased and CC is meaningless when you do nearly no damage ... it needs to be able to stow pet easier than pulling up the pet panel as well (you're better off with stance share soulbeast) Mechanist - a pet spec , but at least you can stow pet although it is a half core engi when the mech is away, this would never replace scrapper Catalyst - a trainwreck that will never replace aurashare tempest or staff DPS weaver Harbinger - a projectile condi spec ; power doesn't work here as there aren't any power traits or skills and it doesn't have the barriers and corrupts of scourge
  17. If you use water on staff ele A. You're using a staff B. You're on water attunement = no damage The barriers being put out on scourges are part of the DPS rotation. If barriers scaled with healing power then it would be far less effect for free. You are taking desert empowerment regardless because the top damage variants aren't running punishment skills. Aegis needs nerf on mantra of solace but that's a separate topic. CFB gets it for free as well. You're not getting protection for free on FB, going into tome of courage = no damage just like going into water on elementalist. Protection only comes without a cost on power alac ren (which has far less damage than a DPS) because you don't run shortbow on power variants , condi alac gives up shortbow's bleeding damage mod /piercing. edit: see my breakdown before the Abrasive Grit change
  18. And then nobody will join because they think that is the language flag
  19. Barrier ignores agony in fractals which reduces healing by 70%. In addition, it doesn't seem like you account for Sinister Shroud (-15% cooldown) or alacrity. With Sinister Shroud it is every 6.75s not 8s for Desert Empowerment as well as 6.75s for Sand Cascade. If you look at guardians or tempests you need an entire traitline for it (virtues/honor or water); heralds don't do nearly as much damage and don't have burst from Citadel Bombardment. If you autoattack on staff elementalist , staff or revenant, or mace on guardian you neuter your damage. Having boons scale intensity with healing power wouldn't work at all. You'd need to have the server check the state of the healing power on application and refresh of boons which is far too much added load for Amazon EC2 instances that the game is computed on , keep in mind herald refreshes boons every 3s. It already tanks in performance in large meta events and WVW. edit: P.S. we already have boons scaling in intensity: see might
  20. If your standard is hitting enrage then it is quite poor. Also if a squad is 10 people and 3+ people are support (druid, CQB/quickness scrapper, alac , banner, etc) you're going to be breaking walls on Gorseval and most PUG groups don't even want to deal with that and would rather kick the ranger running untamed instead of soulbeast... You're also not accounting for split phases where you do zero damage to the boss. As far as easy rotation, berserker is more or less F1 spam, staff daredevil does ~22K auto, a scrapper with grenade kit (so equivalent to single weapon swap but without 9s cooldown), reaper camping shroud when lifeforce is not an issue, or a holo with photon forge and running PBM are far easier than Untamed because of the random cooldown added onto Unleash (F5). If your average pDPS does ~34-37K (Berserker, holo, radiance DH, daredevil, tempest, soulbeast, DPS scrapper, pChrono, power ren, reaper, etc) what you're suggesting is to nerf every single DPS spec in the game when that has been the case since roughly 2018. That isn't likely. See https://web.archive.org/web/20181007173006/https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/ That's akin to saying everyone in the world is using a standard for compressive strength of a structural steel so we need to lower the standard because we made a new steel alloy.
  21. No it's due to attack rate mirages outperform in SH/TL (think about confusion). In fractals confusion doesn't proc active damage in exposed window which makes it far weaker.
  22. As someone who played condi scourge before it was a 37K spec... 28K DPS isn't enough for a power spec, especially one whose main weapon is in melee (= lower DPS uptime and can be kited). 28K is power quickness scrapper levels of damage. The mediocre CC as I outlined above isn't enough to be put into a party so it would be an openworld spec. The whole point of playing power is being able to burst harder than condition builds. A year or two ago power reaper was also a 28K spec and people would say "no reapers" despite their flexibility with respect to boons/CC/boon rip. This is bound to end up the same unless the damage modifiers are fixed up and/or the payoff in PVE against defiance bars is far higher. If Maul has 1.5K tooltip for example, Hammer would need something like 2K+ tooltip vs CC-ed targets to make up the difference in traitline damage mods. The +20% damage on some Untamed hammer skills currently only makes up for the +300 ferocity bonus while merged on soulbeast. Maybe against single targets with defiance bars it should do double CC damage if it doesn't get a CC boost in PVE, i.e. 200CC becomes 400CC. Right now all the CC components of hammer (Overbearing Smash/Thump) are on the Unleash Pet side of it and Unleash Ranger has a cooldown which means you have -15% damage from the minor Vow of the Untamed , so they can start by removing that penalty. In PVE it should be if you want a CC replacement for alac ren or BS (another class that would be taken) and want spotter you bring Untamed, especially when the cleave is helpful (i.e. for WVW , but also in W2 Sloth / W1 Gorseval /W3 Xera/W6 Conjured Amalgamate for example). Why would anyone run this over staff daredevil with Basilisk Venom for example (sustain-wise you can run Invigorating Precision on thief)? Which brings me to my second point in the main feedback thread, should have targeted boon rip (protection or stability) in WVW because it won't have as much damage in WVW stanceshare soulbeast. If you don't run the 10% damage to heal trait on Untamed I don't think it will be more survivable than core/soulbeast in PVP even in teamfight.
  23. Have you tried pulling up the reward track on the character that completed that story step? On wiki it says https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Ruined_City_of_Arah_Dungeon_Track
  24. Mirage does more in Twin Largos and SH ; even on Matthias and the "DPS golem" MO. https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/raid/matt https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/raid/mo DPS isn't the main problem here, free sustain for no investment from Desert Empowerment / Sand Cascade is a larger problem I think. If you made the scourge have 32-33K DPS people would still run them since it has high DPS uptime and free barriers (which are stronger in fractals due to agony and where there is poison application). That's not even counting tormenting runes. For CFB the average performance is skewed due to most people running them for quickness (which is less DPS than 8 page CFB).
  25. Firebrand does more damage than scourge and ramps faster. Renegade does more damage than scourge as well.
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