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Everything posted by Guy.9207

  1. Not gonna lie, this is either a really elaborate attempt at trolling, or an incredible attempt at ignoring what has been going through in the past few days, either way it's impressive. You know what is the most upsetting thing about this patch? Lack of Guard Hammer buff.
  2. I can only hope Warrior is more fun to play, especially Spellbreaker, which I find to be rather...underwhelming. Oh and also plz buff Guard Hammer, thanks.
  3. This isn't a question where there is a correct answer (unless Anet dev steps in), but I would like to ask what kind of headcanon you all have. Say, you have a character, that character is The Commander, the Dragon Slayer, The Scion of Aurene. But what about your alts? Unless you're Snargle who only plays a single character, everyone is bound to play multiple characters at some point, which brings me to the question... How do you see your alts? How relevant they are in the stories? Who ARE they? Are they also The Pact Commander? Are they from the same world as your main? If they are not The Commander, how close they are to them, and what role do they play in the narrative?
  4. Basically anything that involves Balthazar. The guy's motivation is to kill Kralkratorrik, which is cool and all, except you are not supposed to do that because it would result in the world going boom-boom (due to lack of dragons), hence why he has to be stopped. Makes sense right? That is until IBS kills both Jormag and Primordus, which ends up invalidating this whole stake we have in PoF. Why did he have to be stopped if killing Kralky won't cause an issue down the line, especially if The Pact was going to do the same thing anyway? Why did Aurene need to replace Kralky when he wasn't playing a vital role that we thought he would as revealed in EoD? It pains me even more because according to @Konig Des Todes.2086, The Commander has done rather questionable things towards the fallen god, who at the time was actually "reasonable" and wasn't going to kill the good guys down right. Balthazar could have been one of the allies who helps taking down Kralkratorrik now that we *truly* know how Elder Dragons and the world works as a whole, but this whole "conflict" has been rendered moot, and ultimately, a waste of time. It's really tragic, both in Watsonian view and Doylist view, because Balthazar didn't even need to become a villain, yet he did anyway, and this whole arc is wasted thanks to the revelation (or retcon) in EoD.
  5. I have expressed dissatisfaction with the game before, especially with the IBS and now EoD, and I could also say how I want some of these things to be changed as you said. But then you forgot that anet consists of real people. Let them have vacation, alright? Say what you want about their game and how they don't deserve your money or whatever, but if you insist on having them work on the game during holiday then it really does show how little respect you have for them. That's not okay.
  6. I have an idea for a new skin: A tank top (or sports bra for female, or just tank tops too I guess) with the "jacket" tied/hung around the waist. Simple but practical, and pretty cool too.
  7. I guess they could look at individual attributes and adjust on that? Say, a certain combo is too strong right now, look at what makes it strong: power, precision, or ferocity, or other things.
  8. Hi. As of 2021, there are...many stats combo out there, and most of which sees very little to no use, while common ones (Berzerker, Vipers, etc) get all the love. It is a shame many stats aren't used, but I can see why. But then I thought to myself why we even have "set" stat combos in the first place. It's a really weird system if you ask me, given how inconsistent each of these are. Some stats are locked behind expansions, while others are so easy to get, it's a no-brainer to have it. Diviner's are so hard to get and expensive, while berserker's cost at best 3 golds. Then there's a matter of tying stats onto existing gemstones with confusing names (Ruby = Berserker, Beryl = Valkyrie, etc), when it should have been simplified by having something like "Berserker Rings" as exotic that you can easily craft with Jeweler. But nevermind that, I would like to take a step further: why not just throw the whole system into the bin and let players make their own stats combo? Instead of people asking for Condition equivalent of Marauder, let them do it themselves. I would imagine something like all exotic gears being stat-selectable, which would allow players to come up with one-time stats combo. When they chooses a stat, they would be given the options to pick 3, 4, or even 2 attributes for that matter, and a prefix name of their choice. If it's ascended, maybe we can have something like a stat changer like fractal rings except it probably costs like 2 golds per consumable or something. Some examples I could come up with using custom combo: "Condi-equivalent Marauder" ++Condition Damage ++Precision +Vitality +Expertise "Brigadier's" ++Power ++Precision +Toughness +Ferocity "Punisher's" ++Power ++Condition Damage +Precision +Expertise "Brawler's" ++Power +Precision +Vitality
  9. Supposedly that's the main reason each world fights one another for pretty much eternally in the Mists. With the way story's going though, it might be easy to assume in average Tyrian eye's that all the threats are gone, and thus Mists War is no longer necessary. Why would they still fight in the Mists still, then?
  10. Let's just get straight to the point: I'm biased, so this is by no means, an objective...rant...discussion...whatever it is. Aurene is a stupid character and I have a reason to believe why. She was born with a single purpose in life, as if someone at Anet told her "go be a dragon", granted that isn't a bad thing in itself, but more on that later. She ate Joko. Okay, Joko was more of an idiot for not seeing a literal dragon flying right into his face when he was doing this stupid but factual monologue thing. Still, she just flied into him, nomming away any chance of him being utilized later as a compelling villainous character, especially when he was at his prime. Aurene died. No surprises there, but then she came back at the beginning at the next episode, effectively killing any kinds of investments and emotions I had three months prior. Quality writing right there. Maybe I'm just expecting too much of a story for an MMO but come on like...they clearly did well at the beginning of IBS, so the potential is there. We also never get to see her personality for some reason, for a character that we are supposed to be attached to? It's kinda odd, isn't it? Oh and also the stinking Champion release pretty much made her go "okay let's fight the dragons", even though it's been long established that it's a horrendous idea, so much so even her past self realized that, and be like "okay let's not do that." And then she proceeded to uh... I don't even know what happened there, but somehow she got ahold of Anet's storytelling and pretty much threw everything in Season 3 out of the window, alternating the very fabric of reality itself, somehow making Primordus and Jormag's deaths pointless because now the world can live without them. Oh and also POF because like Balthazar wanted to kill Kralky for some reason? Yeah, now he's even more of an idiot thanks to the latest episode. And also somehow she manages to pretty much make everything safe and explosion so small it has no significant impacts to the arena, which is not very climatic given the implication that the world should at least undergo some changes right away, but who cares. Aurene is a Mary Sue. Uh...well...also she's literally unkillable at this point. I thought about her becoming evil in the future because I like seeing people's suffering and emotional turmoils, but even that is not possible because she will never become evil. She's a prismatic dragon afterall, and we wouldn't be able to kill her regardless. Aurene sucks. I would say get rid of her, but at this point, we might as well throw the whole Tyria into the blackhole and her along with it. She's that tough to kill, aka invulnerable. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
  11. The story took a big L, as if it wasn't already taking enough of that. I swear at this rate they will have enough Ls to buy me the "I'm rich, you know" title.
  12. During the ongoing story of Icebrood Saga, I came up with an idea to make some kind of side-story for my own characters while The Pact Commander and Co. are fighting off the Elder Dragons. Here, one of my humans going by the name of Jayson Rosebert, uses the Charr Civil as a stepping stone to promote anti-Charr sentiment, rousing separatist sympathizers and the like to join his cause as he crusades against Ebonhawke to tear apart the government from within. With this in mind, Emilie Chan Silverlake, a Krytan would-be hero, is summoned by the Queen to put an end to this, with the aid of a few adventurers, who are expected to cooperate with whatever forces remaining in Ebonhawke. Do note that the story contains mature theme, such as swearing, and graphic violence, which I included for the sake of realism (punching someone really hard tends to give you some serious wounds so). Apart from that, the story is made so that it could go on the same beat as Icebrood Saga itself, and I hope you enjoy reading it. If you have anything to say regarding the writing itself, as well as the story, feel free to do so, in fact, I WANT your opinions on it. With all that said, here's the story I wrote on Achieve of Our Own.
  13. Right, allow me to post this page of mine I have created then: Here it is.
  14. I would post my characters here, until I realized I have like 15 of them. I'm not sure if this place will serve well to give recognition to my characters, but at the same time I do want a bit of publicity. Can anyone give me a suggestion on what to do?
  15. Greetings. With the recent thread about RPers getting trolled receiving a rather mixed result, understandably due to the nature of the idea itself, I want to give out my own ideas that not only could benefit RPers and possibly non-RPers, but also relatively simple to make (in theory), and that is custom bios/backstory. Basically, it's more or less just an in-game document page for players to edit/write/do whatever in there. This would allow us to express our characters better without having to rely on external addons, which people may not be aware of. It could also be used to tell about you, the player, should there be any descriptions needed for others to be aware of. I imagine this could replace the "I am (character name)" page of the journal (only apply to the player editing), which would be fitting since that page is supposed to tell you about your character. If you want to see other people's bio, you could right click their names to inspect their bios which will bring up a new window telling their stories. Additionally, ANet could also add a feature to inspect the gears and dyes of other players in the same page. Please let me know if this is a brilliant idea, or it's a waste of ANet's time or resources.
  16. You guys are getting rps at all? Honestly, I'm fine with the current status as is. If there's anyone to troll rpers you can bet they would also laugh their asses of at their pitiful attempt of trolling. As for special rp chat, yes I can see it being useful, but also manipulable. Squad chat works, but only if they are not using it for say, dming or writing "event emotes". I like the idea of blocking character models, but if skills are still visible to the others I see it as pointless more than anything. Overall, it's hard to say what the solutions are, given we don't even know who is the one in the wrong light here. On one hand, rpers have the right to do the thing in the game as much as other people, not everyone plays the game the same way. On the other hand, I can see how they can become disruptive to the "actual" gameplay that gw2 has to offer, and if I were to be interrupted by them as well, I would also agree that yes, something needs to be done.
  17. Frankly, RP and the visuals. That said, I'm trying to run "fun" builds that are still effective on my own, discovering what I like to play and what not. For example: I'm running grenade zerker engineer which I shall nickname her "Chuckey Monkey".
  18. ++++vitality Ok that was a joke, but I do want a pure condi build like viper but without power Something like: Condi, precision, expertise - berserker but condiCondi, expertise, concentration - condi plus boonCondi, precision, vitality, expertise - marauder but condiAnd maybe something like: Power, precision, toughness, ferocityPower, condi, precision, expertise
  19. You can turn them globat chat off with chat panel if that's going to be a thing, so really I don't think it hurts much.
  20. I like to extend this a bit and just make idle animations based on your character's personality. Just idle animations because doing all would be too much work, that said I would love to see "bouncy" animations on one of my characters.
  21. I would prefer an offhand sword because then you have dual-wielding sword thief that not only aesthetically pleasing, but also is within the design choice (things like blade dancers come to mind). I suppose if you were to talk about gameplay it could be a more aggressive one where you have utilities to not only keeps the enemies within range but also for greater mobility at the cost of lesser range and damages overall. Sword already has similar skills that fulfills most of what I described here, so to have it being off hand weapon that expands upon that would be great. Oh and throw some more shadows and smokes while you're at it. Edit: axe sounds interesting if you think about it. A shadowy serial killer that can teleport and go invisible.
  22. I would love to have my alts as a (slightly more useful), I mean, a sidekick that I would bring everywhere.
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