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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Yeah, comp imbalance is a huge problem. It's seemingly something with the way the game 'guesses' as to what an appropriate comp is; I mainly play Druid, and a lot of times I am stuck on double thief or with an untamed/soulbeast, as the game is assuming Druids are support so it can just stack DPS. I don't run as support though, and so this creates issues as we often have no supports (i.e. core guards OP mentions). It is undeniable fact though, if you get an opposing team of say core guard / scourge, scourge / tempest, core guard / support druid, etc. you are looking at an uphill battle or just a loss outright. It's a sad reality, but by looking at your comp screen at beginning of match, lot of times you can tell if you will lose and by how much, just by how many supports or stalls are on other team vs. yours.
  2. Why is it not shocking HoT is leading here 😂
  3. Eura is Ranger main (AFAIK)--so most likely UT and Dagger ambush
  4. They will most likely AFK on you if losing unless they are streaming. As outside of wintrading (which really I think is mostly an AT thing), Top 100 should be winning a majority of time, and losing is just go AFK to get to next one. If they are streaming, they will play through it and if losing then probably get things nerfed along the way as devs watch their streams....
  5. Gotta teach em--just took an unranked game from 100-400 to 500-483 win by going home and then running around in a tourist format (as in me and the entire team...like I was a conductor lol) from each node keeping everything decapped. Might have been the most fun I've had in pvp in a while, and it started with a 30s mid wipe and me going home and continued with the dumbest strategy of all time, but... 😂
  6. Getting home is also a fight. I can't count the number of games thieves in particular just up and ignore home only to go far and die or mid and contribute little to nothing. Even games where you have TWO thieves, it's a rarity when one wants to grab home before 'roaming'.
  7. If anything, Chilled to Bone needs a nerf after Weapon Master gave Reaper pistol access...
  8. Add Reaper to that--getting as bad as pre-nerf DH was with the pistol spam from range and then the naturally strong abilities in close.
  9. Temple has some good kiting spots for the sides, but I'd argue has possibly the most important map mechanic in meditations. Capricorn isn't far behind, because if you ignore bell you are going to some huge point swings. Then probably Nifhel with the beasts and then all the others...least important / utterly ignorable being Khylo and Djinn. It may be because you lost meditations that you lost the map, as both are super powerful. IMO, teams don't like mid on temple because it's AFAIK the lowest node point on any map. So you are ripe for DE's, LB rangers, etc. to just spam the node with all kinds of crap making it very hard to hold without a support that has lots of projectile hate. It's also hard as a DE/Ranger/etc. to hit people on the flip side as down there literally everything obstructs you.
  10. That's great---doesn't mean it shouldn't get nerfed. Ranger for instance has pretty audible animal sounds, and almost all of them have been nerfed for 'too hard to know what's going on'. That would be Maul, OWP, and soon probably Griffon stance, etc. Audio que's also aren't enough--there are people who are hearing impared and such, and the clone / general visual puke across most if not every class is ridiculous.
  11. Both of which require target--not really what I was referring to earlier. I don't care about mobility boosts or anything else; what you quoted specifically had to do with shadowsteps straight up glitching through walls which no one who isn't actively abusing that defends. I presumed thief because you defended it with a passion and Vault can be used to go all sorts of places it shouldn't. But doesn't matter if you ele, guard, etc. etc. that have non-target shadowsteps...still the same, they need to patch the exploits out.
  12. Yeah, those are some super clear signs right there--got the good ol' 'funny pistol pew sound' and 'char grunting with no one else around' that prob has the internet open to certain shady sites too.
  13. What additional CDs? It's the same skills as before, but worse.
  14. Spotted the thief main. Tell me on a Ranger how I utilize the wall skip spot on Niflhel?
  15. I get kiting, but these types of vids show how ground target ports / shadowsteps can really break the game if used in the right hands. That port through wall should have been patched so long ago...
  16. I'm gold tier atm (g3) but fought Grim in Unranked yesterday as a Druid when he was playing Rev (had Edelweiss on my team at time who was Harb). Considering those two are God's of the Arena and both are/were Top 10's (and not playing meta classes but playing well enough I felt really good about only dying once), I have no idea how you use what 'God of Arena' plays data for balancing tbh 😂.
  17. Soulbeast has been nerfed extensively, yes. In sPvP not much of a point to run it when you can get better melee results on untamed (because of FF among other things) or better survivability on Druid (but that's always been the case). For more direct answer, Soulbeast entire design revolved around bursting without the pet-and is currently in a bad spot as they removed most of that burst potential (or underpinnings like smokescale KD) and just sort of left it. As for the 'meta' griffon stance spam beast--I'd consider it more meme than anything. The actual meta is too condi heavy in melee to run it successfully most times at higher ELO. Even with DH nerfs if you get a DH, Scourge, hell even Reaper on the other side, it's going to be very tough to win any node fights without being purely +1. To me, purely +1 doesn't win games unless you comped up--and at that point just play DE....
  18. Which Guardian wrecked your Untamed Eura? As seems oddly specific when yeah, half the classes in this game can now insta-port on top of someone and burst them for 10k+ in about 1.5 seconds.
  19. Yeah, also considering the one topic title I'm also surprised as should have violated the whole 'sexually explicit or obscene comments' that I for a fact know they definitely give at least a week warning for... (unless you removed it and not them)
  20. I'll try not to encounter the DH/DE gank duos I find all over the southern portions of maps 😂. This is a good point, one us old roamers have a time with. Roaming has been stagnant and dead a long time unless you are on hyper mobile class--but stockholm pulls me into WvW on my roamer Druid from time to time. While I can still take out my fair share of people--it's noticing that needing to run speed relic and trapper runes to keep up with the power creep that really just makes me bored of WvW.
  21. Sbp, Reaper, and Weaver can all kill Druid pretty easily. As for BS, it is probably still very viable, just overshadowed by spellbreaker atm.
  22. I've found if you get placed against high-ranking duo, you either have to directly q dodge them or take a 30 min break or so and try again. Otherwise, you'll probably lose each time but if you carry your weight the games generally should not be blowouts. I've found blowouts happen if you somehow get matched against duo+ friends and that's rarish (for me at least).
  23. This is true. Think they may have just shaved it off because I for one am much leerier of pistol reaper than DH now for the kind of dueler role; as post-weaponmaster reaper was already bad but with this small nerf to traps / trueshot it's now a clear winner.
  24. Guardian New Changes True Shot: Reduced the power coefficient from 2.0 to 1.7 in PvP only. Test of Faith: Reduced the pass-through power coefficient from 2.8 to 2.5 in PvP only. Not a huge nerf, but substantial enough to feel it--specifically test of faith for me personally, as now I can survive it 98% of the time unless I'm just zoning out, where before it did numbers even if paying attention.
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