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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. How would that even work lol Like, when you pull up the team screen you just wanna see fake names like Scrub 1 - Scrub 5 and then how do you stop someone from adding them from there anyway to see acct name? WvW is anon because there really isn't a reason to be knowing who the enemy is--but I could live with being able to directly talk to them like in sPvP, the block function is still available if someone needs it.
  2. Stability or stealth stomping utterly negates all of this. Every class has at least some access to each...use it.
  3. People that actually play the game instead of the forums do rely on the previews to start modifying/creating potential builds. I myself did this with the Ancient Seeds change and Druid, I stopped playing with Ancient Seeds right after the livestream to prepare for its removal. It's also a matter of transparency; not releasing a preview looks really bad like what you are about to release is going to blow horse chunks. This isn't poker, no reason to hide the hand. So yeah, we need previews.
  4. We don't need balance patches; we need one or two bugfix only patches. Next balance patch will definitely be around the promised new weapons though, because they just keep stoking the fire for as long as possible.
  5. Literally where lol. For PvE: Guild Wars 2 Benchmarks | Snow Crows Nope, can't find Druid. For WvW/and highish level sPvP I can assure you there have been only net losses to offensive capabilities in the last year. It is almost always preferable to play Untamed there now unless you are someone like me that's so ingrained into how Druid functions that we can still make it work. Unless that was the joke and I missed it lol.
  6. That, and they also are both former players. Which is why we have a biased voice that is different than anything anyone else wants, as we have two former community members balancing the game in ways they are happy with so they don't die if they decide to step in again on some alts. I honestly think they selfishly balance competitive then just copy 'whatever' back to PvE using the test golem as validation. It really seems no other thought goes into it other than when the sPvP forum / reddit begins crying about something or another and they hotfix it due to fear of bad PR. In fact, if you watch any of the preview streams it's always Roy fumbling about with the dev golem half showing off what is supposed to be shown, and CmC staring at the hardcam sippin some H2O and then nonchalantly explaining things. There's no actual like endgame PvE content, sPvP match, or WvW footage shown---just one dev golem and dev console. I swear back in the day they used to at least show competitive footage inside of sPvP after patches, and at some point stopped because some sweat would inevitably come along and body them then BM and it was embarrassing on such a public forum.
  7. For WvW roaming... Bruh, please. The amount of stealth access DE has vs. LB #3.... I can post vids of DE build that can negate sic em' and rapid fire and just dunk on anything that isn't a soulbeast due to mobility, range, and stealth abuse. It EZ mode spec in WvW.
  8. No? I run the game at 4k widescreen and usually don't have issues with FPS. Lag however...been getting bad lag spikes in WvW for a few weeks now, wondering if they broke something with the rush patch or even slightly before with the xpac launch.
  9. I can't tell if you're upset because the mount ended your gank attempts or if you are legit trying to fight the mount...but it's hilarious either way
  10. You realize in 2023 we have ability to tell a FPS spike from a lag spike...right?
  11. Not saying that's a great solution because mech or pet is still AI and the AI in this game is awful--but they probably implemented it because of the disparity between ranger pets having independent stats stuck in 2012 and mech inheriting full stats of the player. Solution seems to be in the middle---either have both of them just inherit the stats of the player or give a baseline standardized set of stats that don't fluctuate. Would also be nice if ranger pets had a function similar to recall mech--as pet swap is not that function and as mentioned before shouldn't be used that way. The closest we have is merging, but that's also been mentioned to be problematic as it hurts all other ranger specs.
  12. Things like Cloaked in Shadows not applying blindness would be a start. As that would be like giving Celestial Shadow a blind on it--because you already have superspeed with Meld with Shadows same as you get superspeed with Celestial Shadow. Maybe as compensation (even though that supposedly isn't a thing anymore) could do 1 stack of stab for 2s-3s or something on gaining stealth--you're untargetable anyway and would just prevent random CC's from screwing a kite attempt over.
  13. This is exactly the issue--forced pet swaps are awful and the higher you get in ranked play the more you will understand why. Players that aren't braindead will force you to pet swap like this and you lose a lot by doing that due to all the traits and interactions that are tied to it. There's a reason that soulbeast is run for most high end play, because you can get around the entire thing by merging. I'll agree that is easier to manage than mech for obivous reasons, but the other three specs not so much--because the pet doesn't inherit stats the way jade mech does.
  14. What are you even talking about? Go YT me or find me in game if you want to discern skill levels--otherwise you're just talking out your kitten. There's no difference between JI and UT in terms of how burst is setup--and JI not having a reaction window is a lot of the reason people believe willbender is super oppressive (that and cele gear in WvW).
  15. Is this still the case though? Both daredevil and specter don't really stealth, and I'm sure you could build an evade deadeye build that doesn't use it. That leaves condi core thief which does abuse stealth which is probably the ones that should get a nerf. Basically, I don't see why you'd have to nerf anything on theif besides SA line and maybe the smoke field on OH pistol.
  16. Have you ever used arc? The golem room tells jack kitten compared to what you can glean from arcdps lol. As already mentioned above, random jackasses misuse arc all the time and blow up the LFG tool with elitism--there's no way anet is going to officially put that in the game. We have the combat log / various basic squad/party UIs, and if so inclined can go download arc if want more info. It's anet though, conflict isn't something they are willing to create even if it's only a minority of players doing it. Just think of the elitist who use arc now and then multiply that by hundreds if not thousands of players unaware of how or unwilling to download arc. I'm just glad they allow arc to begin with as I'm not disagreeing how useful it is.
  17. It isn't--which is how I with zero knowledge of thief was able to multiclass enough with deadeye in g2/g3 to get the legendary backpack. My other class was bladesworn which at the time was even more braindead easy than it is now because tactical reload hadn't been nerfed yet. Anyway, how we're still hardlocked to thief here I can't understand. Again, the problematic thieves in sPvP don't stealth--they roll daredevil and spam evades while also abusing blinds. The only problematic stealth build I see at the moment is scrapper, and it's morso because of the amount of superspeed and mobility they have even if the burst misses. It's in the same place soulbeast was before they destroyed OWP, but of course anet ignores scrapper because if they nerf it there will be no engis left due to how mishandled the other e-specs are.
  18. Except the mech is about 100x harder to kill by default than literally every ranger pet, even if you trait BM. We can agree to delete mech from the game though if it means getting responsiveness back on ranger pets; as mech literally is a LI spec that needed auto-attack to function and broke ranger in the process.
  19. Agree; Druid may have the most punishing mechanic, considering you have an energy source to manage + the pet with all its downsides. Now that staff is open to other classes it makes it hard to want to play Druid for anything unless pure heal bot...and even then...
  20. The secondary here is, will the pets actually work? As anytime we have gotten new pets since EoD there is a 6-month lag time before the 'response bug' is fixed. Which is sad, because I have ideas with the land shark but--it is currently afk atm.
  21. Essentially nothing good comes from FTP accounts in ranked PvP. No brand-new player is making a garbage name like that and not putting any armor on--attempting to defend this is just insane. It's smurfing if someone is high ranking and make a trash account to farm people in bronze, or to manipulate the matchmaker through duo. This is why it needs auto-ban. There's a good chance a lot of multiboxing goes on as well, even though it is bannable, as you point out they won't ban because its 'activity'.
  22. This neglects cele gear or high boon duration gear which makes it problematic, especially if the soulbeast is running a versatile pet. Using WHaO and merging is just the standard way to abuse boon spam as a soulbeast--it wouldn't be required in all circumstances because of Dolyak Stance. There's a reason they added only a single stack of stability as a trait and on pet swap which varies depending on if you take BM or not--this is to prevent spamming. If you put stab on a pet skill as soulbeast, going to get at least 2 stacks by merging and then possibly a third if you use your healing skill--then a fourth if you pet swap with SA traited...add in boon duration and you're looking at 5+ seconds of many stacks of stability. There's not enough boon strip right now to warrant that--and considering how versatile ranger is in other areas already it'd last about a day before anet broke something else trying to balance it.
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