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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. I'd think not as there are zero harbingers included in that vid.
  2. Are tanking in price now that there's an open world lege armor set so no real reason to step in WvW.... anet plz fix.
  3. Not gonna happen as WvW is basically PvE with PK abilities. They won't unlock new pets for rangers either because of same reasons. If you want everything unlocked and 'esports' have to actually got to the real PvP mode--sPvP.
  4. Stability is your friend: Stability - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) I think there should be a CD on running into outnumbered situations, getting stunlocked, and blowing up the forums tho.
  5. Except that EVERY NPC has the anet tag lol.
  6. Not enough complaints about Druid now that Ancient Seeds is gone. CMC Buff Druid plz it is underperforming....
  7. Just look at first page of the forums-we have: Topics complaining about stealth Topics complaining about thief damage Topics complaining about soulbeast damage Topic complaining about ground effects being too stronk Topic complaining about Willbender damage Why, would anet ever put effort into a mode that has nothing but complaints on the forums and degenerates in the lobby? The PvP content stopped when the skill level did, many years ago. Now, much better to focus on PvE where just have the elitist instance groups to worry about that can be avoided by finding a different group / friends / guild.
  8. At least quote me bro... Anyway, not sure if I should be honored or not at this as you seem to only post once every year or so passively aggressively complaining about something. Regardless, should probably visit more often to know that both Pounce and Serpent Strike were used there and from reading these forums definitely count as 'overtuned skills'. Please, keep the copium coming while you locate your dodge key 😃 (I know you are not used to finding it since you main ele and guard two of the most notorious boon spam classes).
  9. You really linking me a meta-battle build that's easier to counter than what I just did? Because it uses a Boar? 😂 I'd actually hate to be a boar that you encounter IRL with the number of topics you post about them in. Anyway, all I'm reading is copium here. If you can't see from a literal video they were running Sw/Wh, OWP, and obviously Skirmishing (because of Strider trait and damage output) you either being purposefully obtuse or really need to do some more gameplay study before filling the forums with posts about meta-battle builds. I just can't stop lol'ing at: Here's a news flash, if someone who actually thinks about the game and crafts their own stuff isn't beating me, a meta-battle meme'r isn't either. Anyway, after playing against burst SLB on a Druid build that's been nerfed to oblivion and has no blocks, invulns, etc. of any kind, I can say it seems balanced to me. But feel free to keep complaining and get it nerfed so a huge source of team DPS is gone (as this particular burst build is way, way deadlier when you aren't looking); that way I can kill the complainers much easier.
  10. Yes, scary: Think this was second sPvP game I've played since February 2023, using same Druid build but with terribad Eclipse instead of ancient seeds AND I totally derped that Lunar Impact (seriously what the hell)---still won the point fairly easily. The soulbeast seemed good too, was doing all the bursty things soulbeasts do. Just one problem, once the burst is done...so are they. Going back to reading the wiki now! 😂
  11. Do you even have any idea where the wiki meme came from, or are you to busy salting because I keep proving you wrong in every topic you decide to quote me in?
  12. It's almost as if some of us called this: idk how to quote the actual topic but it's the staff coefficient one. Point is, if players know this, devs know this--and nerfing coefficients and core skills doesn't fix the stupid interactions they create by doing things like opening weapons up to all specs and reworking every rune bonus in the game at the same time.
  13. Trapper Rune stealth is probably gone for the same reason Ancient Seeds is--devs died too much to it and deem it 'unfun'. And yeah, no idea what going on with Astral Ward rune. It's like boxes in boxes but even dumber somehow...
  14. If the 'more nonsense' includes me, convenient how you ignore the post directly above yours reinforcing the same points I've been trying to get across for forever now in this topic. Anyway, yes, we are going in circles--will just have to see what the devs do.
  15. This should tell you a LOT about the current state of grossness that WB is in WvW....
  16. ??? I don't know how something like scholar rune + speed relic is worse than speed runes before. You don't need 20 seconds of swiftness to be effective, a lot of times the duration on it was overkill. They did really shift the meta though in a stupid way. The 5s ICD on anti-toxin needs to go if they are going to keep the condi spam around, and speed being plain BIS is kinda ridiculous.
  17. Ya, the bigger slap in the face for me? Absolutely ZERO relics geared towards 'commands'. For FOUR AND A HALF YEARS we've had nothing to interact with 'commands'. This was the perfect opportunity to make Trooper runes interact with both shouts and commands, or entirely scrap commands and revert them back to shouts. Trapper runes missing entirely is interesting, as on one hand is annoying they are gone and on the other gets rid of stealth trapper DH's...
  18. Agree there, they've practically gutted roaming Druid in WvW. I was just happy to see some sort of buff with vine surge as for the past year it has been straight nerfs--losing cleanses on druidic clarity, sharpening stone not getting CD reduction, losing ancient seeds, eclipse being lackluster and blood moon being kitten, pet F2s no longer responding.... But, as for a reason to why I think staff got nerfed is because of SLB interaction. They didn't want the might stack potential to make it actually do damage, it's the only thing I can think of. Otherwise, it is a really random nerf for sure.
  19. Nah, as long as boar maul exists nothing can ever be as OP! 😂. I love how things with actual potential to have negative interactions get ignored by the community (i.e. this topic) but random things like merged soulbeast skills are the end of all sPvP as we know it. Though just reading the wiki, it says relic of antitoxin should affect outgoing cleanses while rune of antitoxin affected incoming (i.e. self) cleanses. This should mean you can't use it on yourself and if you can than that's bugged as well. Which if it is bugged and supposed to work on outgoing only is a huge nerf to it in terms of self-sustain, as I've been using that on Druid forever in WvW to regain some condi cleanse since they nerfed druidic clarity.
  20. Well yeah, no one is going to roam with staff being the primary damage weapon since it's a kiting / control weapon. Don't think upping the damage on the auto fixes this--can just consider the coefficient nerf thankful they didn't touch something actually meaningful--like when they took the evade portion off of #3. Anyway, Vine Surge as a 5-target cap is actually very meaningful, you can now use it instead of Entangle if need a group immob. Sure, they could up the speed of it, but otherwise other than wisp being lackluster, staff is pretty much as balanced as it gets.
  21. Might want to check out some roamer Druid content; Vine Surge is invaluable there. Ironically enough, I just ran 2 people from SE sentry to AK using this skill while trying to get the daily for the new reward system. It's also a 2 cap buff which is very useful even in small skrimishes--i.e. outside of WvW that'd be sPvP which is an entire team immob. Kinda wondering if you play Druid or why the complaint about a coefficient nerf on something 'no one' uses when #4 got a straight buff in all modes?
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