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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Two off top of my head: Why isn't Winter's Bite a projectile finisher? Why isn't Relentless Whirl a whirl finisher?
  2. Something tells me this beta test was short notice for the devs too 😃
  3. Since I know no one who does sPvP I'm trying to get the Ascencion but solo. I can do all of the achievements except the multiclassing one--my mind is just too engrained to ranger. Question is, what's the best time to try the profession achievements? I'd assume not during a 3v3 / 2v2 mini-DM season as seems all the tryhard builds are out for these? My current thoughts are wait until just a normal season and shoot for bronze, then hope I either learn the class or the other team is bad enough we win?
  4. In PvE maybe--but Untamed was always dead there. No matter what they change, I don't see how Untamed competes with Soulbeast for easy DPS or Druid for support. The barrier change seems entirely competitive minded, and it is welcome there from my perspective. It instantly makes hammer feel better to use as you can do the bruiser thing without melting from all the trap/well/clone/etc. spam you get in melee range now. My suggestion for future is to speed up the spec somehow--need a trait like Druid's Natural Stride or a mechanic like Soulbeasts merge + BM. As I get Untamed is brusier spec, but they even know it needs to be mobile in today's climate (see: UT). Outside of this, competitively, the spec is coming into a good place. They can remove FF and it won't matter for 2/3 game modes, and as covered, for the third the spec just doesn't even matter. That may disappoint some people that only do PvE and want a different way to play Ranger, but Untamed literally was designed only for competitive (for whatever reason). Pets do need some serious attention, but now it's complicated with Mech. I think they said pathing will never be fixed, but they can at least make sure the HP totals are correct and for the love of all that is holy make the F2 responsive again. Ever since the auto-attack implementation I've had to spam F2 repeatedly in both PvP and WvW to get it to actually function (don't play much PvE but assuming same there).
  5. 2H training won't affect things like Staff as it already has its own CD reducing trait. Much like everything else its a holdover from times where GS was our only 2H weapon--well land weapon; it probably should affect Harpoon but I imagine that's so low on the priority list it gets ignored entirely.
  6. From this it seems balanced--from a class perspective, as we have even split. To truly see we'd have to wait for the necro, thief, engi, and rev to weigh in. If I had to guess, it'd be OP for necro, thief/rev won't care as they're too busy hopping around, and engi will weigh in after their mech learns to use stairs.
  7. Only problem here is it is entirely ranged, and thus will get shut down by nearly any class you come across. For OP, you can immob on really any of the ranger elites, depending on how you build them.
  8. This is well and fine, but it doesn't mean unranked should yield rewards. To fix your issues, they could just add the maps to the ranked rotation and be done with it. Most of them at least, probably all but the one mode where it's essentially a MOBA, that one is just too hard to balance around in ranked format. Also, people play with random builds in ranked all the time too because you need to play ranked for the legendaries, so it's kind of a null point.
  9. From what I gather they don't want to learn how to play but want to be in competitive (for some reason), so they want unranked to yield rewards so they can 1-spam and still get some gold. What they don't realize is this already exists--it's called WvW. Just go there, cap a camp every 4 min and get rewards--sometimes you might run across some people you can 1-spam in a group, and all the boxes are ticked.
  10. Looks to me what's going on is a whole lotta queue dodging.
  11. I'd baseline flanking and have LoYF just make the shortbow range be 1200. You almost always take it with shortbow anyway, and if you didn't, then the tradeoff is the 900 its currently at. As it never made sense to me why shortbow is 900 when axe is. It should be axe at 900, shortbow at 1200, and longbow at 1500.
  12. Swear every time I see a duo it's two of them on the opposite side: https://imgur.com/a/TIgvfKG Does the matcher specifically put duo's together instead of on opposing sides?
  13. Thief mains must really be crying in the corner now that Ranger apparently is the new 'stealth one shot' class 😂 #MakeBackstabGreatAgain
  14. Are you saying 80%+ close game (read: not win) rate should be normal? In SoloQ? Also, without one person at least attempting carry? Not even being facetious, I have no idea how that would ever be possible, in any competitive game--regardless of community size. Going into this (I've only really sPvP for ~3ish months out of 10 year game time) I expected around a 30-40% close game rate, just based on what I've experienced elsewhere. Elsewhere being both other competitive games and specifically GW2; I spend most time in WvW and can't imagine any of those people randomly co-existing should you roll up to a group solo. Out of all my days roaming as solo in WvW the best you will encounter is a ganker that turns friendly after you duel them--meaning I didn't have high expectations at all when trying out sPvP SoloQ. Anyway, the overall point I'm making here is if you are experiencing nothing but '50-500' blowouts then there has to be some spicy chat going along with that. Your team essentially has to hate you and give up, or at least hate someone on the team enough for 2+ people to just AFK or ALT+F4. You are correct in that diplomacy goes pretty much as far as literal physical carry, so maybe that's also why I haven't had such bad experiences--decent enough at trying to calm moods down enough to at least lose with dignity. Case and point, I attempted to write a civil post on the sPvP forums 😂.
  15. I legit hope every reply in this entire thread is PvE based. They have to be. Anyway, since I don't PvE and Untamed was built for competitive--IMO Fervent Force needs to be changed to a get out of jail free card like every other class has if it can't stay CD reduction. As example, if you land a CC then you get 3-6s of Aegis if pet unleashed or like 6s of vigor and 2-3s of superspeed if ranger unleashed. Needs to apply on pet CC as well. Can make an ICD of like 2s or something to prevent mad CC chaining giving you like 10s of superspeed lol.
  16. Lotta bad takes...lotta bad takes. Devil's Advocate, if you remove downstate from sPvP you get back to the action faster, and this is unacceptable. Would have to make the death timer 20-25 seconds at least. Or, it'd have to be like true sweaty competitive games--once you are defeated you don't come back. Just switch the game to round based and preserve points over rounds to 500, problem solved. Since game is based around downstate, the advice is to git gud.
  17. My teams don't quit very much, which is why I hover around 70% close game rate. It turns out if you have even remote carry capability the 'quit rate' goes waaaay down. Be a leader, not a hipster.
  18. I still think you keep downstate and then up the stomp speed a bit. There are too many utilities and traits based around downstate which would become useless if completely removed. For me, it isn't downstate itself that's the problem--it's rallying. Rallying should not be a thing, at all because it puts you at a direct disadvantage if you have lower skill players on a team that are always going to downstate. It's bad enough they are in downstate, worse that they are going to most likely be out for 15 seconds after, and even worse that when they are defeated, they rally someone else.
  19. 7/10 = 70%, which yes is a very decent number to have close games with, especially since I only SoloQ in high g2 - high g3. Also, if you click the image on imgur it expands it--I thought I wouldn't have to say this in 2022 but it is the GW2 forums I guess.
  20. Yeah, on the sPvP forum I too wish ToS didn't apply half the time to post my counter-replies to some of these. Anyway, you are correct in that Tranquility is a game changer if your team is inept. The most you can do is anticipate this and try to just stand on a node to at least decap one of them. There are also times (with a competent team) you can let one bunker go to Tranq and troll it, forcing the entire other team to go there--then just decap all points anyway. The notion that other map mechanics are just as powerful is absurd though. Like Skyhammer does nothing, you can lot of times bunker through it or just walk off node for 1/2 second until it does its thing. Only thing that comes close is Capricorn bell, as that can be a game changer too if your team is doing idiotic things because its just instant points. Possibly even worse than Tranq because you can't counter it once you lose on bell, you just lose. EDIT: Also agree that Unranked is objectively pointless. Could just start people in bronze (or keep them in bronze for 20 levels) and get the same effect.
  21. Wow, a downstate thread and no ranger complaints---bravo. The only counter point I can think of is actually the number two point you have there, as I feel it is the reason downstate stays for sPvP, because it forces you to think about where you are downed. If you go down on a point it stays contested until you are defeated--the 'wait and bleed' deal only applies if you are strolling around somewhere off-node. Downstate is one of those contentious things though because a lot of classes can stomp from stealth, or stomp from stealth and teleport back to where they were (i.e., thief); giving them safer options. If you are on a class that has to stay visible to stomp, you usually must use a defense skill to secure it. Solution may just to be increasing stomp speed. This would also help where you down someone and 2 people start rezzing so its impossible to finish them without stomping.
  22. Ratio: https://imgur.com/a/oOGdtpl 7/10 of my last games were close (within around 100 points) -- this pattern has held true all season. You might be getting called a bot or npc if you give up after your first mid push, and maybe also why you see games that are extremely one-sided?
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