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Everything posted by Stalkingwolf.6035

  1. i got min now. very disappointed. two weaponskins i never going to use ( i now have almost all ) 5000 karma /cheer from the warderove unlock a Mini who cost 105k karma /cheer2 and the colors are very ugly too cheesy overall not good.
  2. maybe is high in quantity but not quality. but you are going to learn it when crafting something
  3. Welcome to Forums in the Interweb. Its happens everywhere is very tiring
  4. that race it total bugged. we just tried it and for nobody the first goal count. then the game crashed. to bug something thats in the game for years is quality work.
  5. most hearts do take a few minutes. there are only a few that are really bad. and most of them tell a story. you have to look, listen and read. stop watching netflix when playing the game.
  6. sure and we cant stop playing the game and play one of the millions other games.
  7. its going to be what it looks like. very boring non mmo like stuff.
  8. a Music Box in our home instance and we can select music in the open world ... hell yes. i loved that in FF XIV and in WoD WoW.
  9. Aurora was a Silver and Gold (both of them ) Sink. i think for Vision i didnt need any Silver ... not quit sure about that anymore.
  10. look it the other way. they are very optimistic that the game is still online then. big plans!
  11. they need to change it. but it took them 9 years to add the refill, that i dont think there is going to be any improvment in the next decade.
  12. as a UI designer/programmer for over 25 years. Yes the system is badly implemented. how it works is a perfect example of "Designer has no clue how customer uses his own UI". it works but its not very intuitive. and i have to admit its not easy to learn. you have to go out in the wild and watch user use the UI. in most case its an eye opener .
  13. fun part. WoW has some realistic doorways and then added bigger mounts. now guess what happend.
  14. Exactly its beta. this should be for number adjusting. Alpha is for trying concept. imo its not only bad damage and beeing very squishy. You can fix that with number adjusting. WB feels clumsy. Everything ends in a lock animation like F2 from DH. i always hated it that i can not roll directly after F2 and now WB has it an almost every skill. and then the class feels underwhelming, plane and very boring to look at. and please remove the auto movment. i can place my character myself and dont need the game to move me into some oneshot AoE attack.
  15. you can use your Legendaries on the Beta Chars but not anything else. But you can change stats on the exotics and you have "some" runes and sigils. its not great but it works
  16. srsly i cant stop laughing at this stuff. its horrible.
  17. it looked so good agains not moving and fighting golems 🙂
  18. glass cannon with downstate syndrom. i think i stay Dragonhunter.
  19. that Soldier Gear isnt worth anything. lots of defense stats and you can't kill a bunny with that gear. when i use my lvl 80 boost i directly destroy that gear and buy new one. Edit : when i has Beserk he can also use some Marauder
  20. imo the current skill level is bad. i'm playing this game since Beta and the amount of failed Meta events, that in the game for years, currently is really saddening. Failed Silverwaste, failed Tarir, Cant kill champions in events intime. its not that they are bad, they dont do mechanics. just standing around and hope something else does it.
  21. easy yes. fast and a lot no. Keys and the "Suprise" Boxes in every game are only profit for the company. i may have luck but overall its not worh the effort and buy this key. if you have some, check the BLC and use it if something interesting is inside for you
  22. i'm bit annoyed that they dont show the roadmap for the anniversay sale. i have over 4000 gems and want to buy stuff but i have the feeling i'm screwed when i'm going to buy now. i need more Bank and Material Storage. at least two from each and i bite my desk if i buy now and its on sale the next weeks.
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