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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. Good question but hard to answer. Still love the charr since I started with one but most of my toons are asura now. I did chuckle at "Sylvari and the Tablet", and since I don't have one (just desktop and laptop) I voted for the asura. Solid reasoning.
  2. Same, it took me month or two of casual playing and I did other things too while at it.
  3. No, that's not the explanation. The one we fly is a mature skyscale but according to the lore they are not "bona fide" dragons. From the wiki: "Skyscales are a new species of lesser dragons born from the Mists out of the disturbances caused by Kralkatorrik and Aurene. Similar to other lesser dragon species, like wyverns and drakes, while they are capable of consuming magic, they are not capable of ascending into Elder Dragons." Sourced from Glory of Dragons (LWS4 Ep6) and Guild Chat Episode 83.
  4. What Healix said. Either use the launch option argument or Steam's own 'Games' menu option 'Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library'. There's also a thread here about running GW2 on Linux: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/22771-playing-guild-wars-2-on-linux-performance-optimizations-and-more/
  5. Hmm, this could be shaped to a selling point for players who don't own EoD yet. Make a Cantha themed area that everyone can access for the duration of the festival. So in essence same as Labyrinthine Cliffs during Festival of the Four Winds. Just an idea to ponder.
  6. If the crafted item can't be bought off (or sold in) the TP it can't be mailed either so there's no way to get the skin except by crafting it yourself. I'd suggest checking gw2crafts.net site for fast and cheap crafting guides. If you are referring to tailoring the expected final cost is around 30 gold (0-400 is ~15g and 400-500 is another ~15g). Depending on the individual I'd say it takes maybe hour or two to level it up.
  7. These foods are listed as unsalvageable for research notes in the wiki so I doubt they'll be removed. Longevity Noodles is the only one that has a crafting recipe but it cannot be salvaged either.
  8. For me the three bullet burst somehow felt more fun to play, even with the "janky" animation (esp with quickness).
  9. The interpretation of what is considered trolling is subjective. After all we are different individuals and view everything from our own perspective. I rarely see, what I would consider, a blatant example of trolling but I don't browse all the forum sections here. And since I don't possess any mind reading abilities it can be hard to tell at times if the person was just joking around, being sarcastic or even being serious.
  10. I'd love to see Qi Focusing Chair back in the gem store please. Sold only once so far from April 12th to May 17th but I missed it back then. Thank you!
  11. I don't have issues doing those rifts (I'm not the confused one), but then again I do have different profiles saved on my monitor. The gaming profile is noticeably darker than the color calibrated one I use for image editing. Note that most monitors are set very bright and high on contrast on the default factory settings. Edit: I know adjusting your own settings can be confusing (also as a concept) but it's really quite easy. If it gets too confusing you can always ask for help.
  12. Here's Josh Davis' recent comment about this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/125525-revert-the-post-processing-change-now-merged/page/4/#comment-1817958 "When we set out to make these changes, we recognized that we'd need to give players control over settings like light bloom by separating it out from postprocessing. That change didn't make it into today's build, so we're reverting the color grading and postprocessing changes and will ship them all together once that is ready." As for timing, in earlier comment he mentions that we will hear more about it "early next year".
  13. Same, that "health food" is my most used one. Wish we had similar utility consumable. As for the research notes talk in this thread: the "problem" here with some of the festival foods is that they also have a crafting recipe, so they can be salvaged for dirt cheap research notes. The prices will likely balance after the initial price hike. Personally I went from salvaging foods to potions. Quite cheap to make and the cheapest TP buyout is currently Potent Potion of Sons of Svanir Slaying. And this way I can use the composter for food items to make seed pouches for the asc feasts.
  14. I'm sorry to hear that. On the other hand I don't have these issues, and I very rarely experience any lag in the game.
  15. I think you missed my point which was that the lounge passes I mentioned have 'return to your previous location' option. The Lily of Elon pass does not have this. (I have all the passes mentioned & HPS.) But if you don't want to get any of the other passes (or the Home Portal Stone) then just go to your guild hall to afk. Then from the guild panel click leave guild hall and you'll be returned to your previous location. So there's really no need to spend any time running back to where you came from.
  16. The guild hall is two clicks away with a return to the location you ported in from. If you have Armistice / Mistlock /Thousand Seas pass or home portal stone then that safe spot (with the return) can be only one click away.
  17. This seems to be Dx11 post-processing targeting bug. With Dx9 or Dx11 and post-processing off can't see it at all. The outline also changes color depending on the npc you are currently targeting or that was your last target. So green = friendly, yellow = neutral, red = hostile and blue = your pet.
  18. Is this another DE meta bad post? Completing the EoD story does not require you to do the meta - these are two very different Soo-Won fights. You can also buy the turtle egg now from a vendor called Peddler for 200 Writs of Dragon's End. You cannot possibly know this. Personal opinions are not the universal truth. To me this part felt just fine and I kinda enjoyed the "god mode". Why weren't you able to tell what was going on? I was able to see clearly enough and I didn't die at all in the end fight. To me it actually felt like the "god mode" was bit too strong. Or are you talking about the Soo-Won meta fight here? I'll admit that story wise the ending convo could have been better but in the end (of dragons) I still enjoyed most of the story.
  19. I very rarely get disconnected and when I do the reason is usually my router going bonkers (really need to get a new one) or some other connection issue. I've likely experienced more disconnects outside the story instances than in them. Other than content streaming on max you might want to check network adapter's power management settings from the device manager. If it has power saving mode on then disable it. If you connect thru wi-fi the power plan options should also have a setting for Windows to turn off the wireless adapter to save power. To prevent this from happening set it to maximum performance mode.
  20. Ah, I see. I have not tested it with all races since I usually play with asura toons only. I have seen norn and asura sitting on the bed but charr, human and sylvari only in the sleeping position. I'll try to remember to test this with my bookahs when I'm able.
  21. • For condi dps builds it's condition damage and expertise. The latter is capped at +100% duration and that is usually the aim for the conditions the build inflicts. • Healing power is for support/ hybrid builds that do healing, regen and/or apply barriers. This is usually accompanied by concentration which increases the boon durations (also capped at +100%). • Precision is usually taken for power dps builds along with ferocity. Ofc power, precision and ferocity can help to get more damage out of condi builds but they are not the priority. On my necro I have two separate build layouts that use scepter: condi dps scourge and support scourge. When I want to make new build I look up a build from metabattle and then customize it a bit to my personal taste.
  22. I'd say that sleeping is the intended effect. For me the chair worked on the sleeping position from the start and still works this way. I've seen players do dodge just before activating the novelty to make their character sit on the bed instead. I'd guess this is basically same as other emote glitching, eg. /dance before using a mount and your character will dance on the mount, but this glitch has never worked for me.
  23. Looks like all questions are covered here so I'll just add some info about crafting. For cheap and fast crafting guides see https://gw2crafts.net/ page. The most expensive to train by far is scribe but it is mostly used for guild hall decorations and things like that. You can also choose to buy Additional Crafting License from the gem store (when it's available). Four active crafting professions per toon is the max so you can use two of these. I've bought one from a discount so I have all nine crafting professions active between three toons. The one I sometimes train on rest of my toons is chef since it adds a cooking station (access to bank & material storage) in the home instance. To unlock it you need to finish the Gourmet Training achievement on your account but only once - other toons get the station just by leveling cooking.
  24. The fishing mastery track (which gives the ability to fish) and the basic fishing rod are unlocked account-wide from completing the story step Old Friends. I've done fishing with toons that haven't even started the EoD story. If it doesn't work this way then that's a bug.
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