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Everything posted by Galmac.4680

  1. And the other 2 options for stone paper scissors will be selectable later. (and I'm still missing "gecko" and "Spock" ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜„)
  2. The hotfix will come on friday 2 hours before reset with then functional reward track. ๐Ÿ˜œ But to be serious, some info about how to get those new skins would be nice!
  3. That is very unfair to that student assistant who did his best and all the WvW work at ANet. At least I was on a different alliance this time and not again in the looser fraction. Lets see what improvements the next 5 betas will show!
  4. Different WvW map instances for the same borderland? That would resolve all queue problems ๐Ÿ˜„ waitโ€ฆ
  5. Whatever ANet did to the TP recently, it got worse for me. Before the text "normalized" after a short time, but now it is all time blurry. Meh.
  6. Yep, this blurring is still a thing. Selling things in TP is like "I need new glasses - oh, now it's good - oh my, my eyes hurt again - ah, better - ouch! - phew, now ok - meh, not again"
  7. Ok, a raptor taxi in Tangled Depths would be ok (although impossible), but only for already visited places. But overall that would be just a nice-to-have-thing, with lowest priority.
  8. For bounties look at the LFG tool , joinsome squad and change the map instance. Perhaps you can go to some WvW map with a commander and follow him for a short time. There are some easy dailys too.
  9. I guess, Centaur mounts with a rainbow horn on the face is the closest we could get. ๐Ÿ˜„
  10. And after the massive nerfs the warclaw is a lame cat and cannot chase anything. Evry warrior, thief, ranger is faster than this thing.
  11. Nothing for me, I don't want to be forced to use best food, a strange skiff fishing bonus to be able to fish in Tyria. Else you get frustrated about this small epileptic bar game.
  12. One possibility are combat costume tonics, like the Aprils' Choya Combat tonic. One race with exactly one outfit, but fight skills from your original class. So you can play choya, tengu, skritt, centaursโ€ฆ all creatures that could hold two weapons or one big.
  13. Harder to report at those "jumping puzzle chest"-bots. Get to some chest, wait 5 minutes and you'll notice some player names below/inside/under the chest poping up and vanish within 2 seconds. Normally you can't even click on their name plate to report them (under the map). Once I was able to kill one - there is that JP in north east Blazeridge Steppes with a veteran troll beside the chest. That makes AOEs with falling rocks that stun you and makes some damage. Only once I had luck to get this AOE circle upon the chest while an unlucky bot appeared. Got into downstate under the map and reviving isn't in the script or bots. Hehehehe.
  14. And don't forget fractal instabilities in WvW, like - "No Pain, No Gain" - enemies gain boons when hit - "Social Awkwardness" - players are pushed away from each other - "Toxic Sickness" - team members will periodically be affected with vomit-inducing sickness. Combatants struck by vomit are debilitated and inflicted with conditions. ... That would be an interesting week!!!
  15. Then two players are too slow to catch a thief or rev or ranger.
  16. Vol. 2, crafting can be done if you just choose a new crating type with your char. You won't loose your progress with your existing crafting, it just costs 40s to get back to your normal type.
  17. Much worse are that unkillable guardians (newest spec), mech-ingies with a huge damage outputโ€ฆ and and and
  18. Sometimes I see enemy mesmer clones with the old server names like "shiverpeak so-and-so" instead of the new/actual alliance name.
  19. My TP is still blurry as hell while selling (toggles between blurry and ok).
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