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Everything posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. Why? You wouldn't have to do it, would you? Like say it was 100 AP and part of a new Legendary SAB weapon, you still wouldn't be forced into doing it so what does it matter?
  2. It's possible to make something hard without it taking a long time to do. There was another topic recently where someone suggested splitting 2-2 and 2-3 into 2 levels each, or added checkpoints like PoF uses so someone can stop part way and then continue from where they left off. That wouldn't make them any easier to complete, but it would mean if you're not sure how long you'll have to attempt it you can go ahead and try without worrying that you'll get 1/2 way, have to stop and then have to start over from the begining the next time. Splitting them up would be fine yeah, to keep the zone lengths consistent, but the difficulty curve is pretty good I think.
  3. Yeah one for each zone would be neat, I'd personally never get w2z2, I filmed myself over the course of one day doing the 16 runs needed for all the weapon skins and by the end of it I was swearing constantly, even when things were going my way.
  4. Also, there should be an achievement for a no death, full uninterrupted play through, for the very best and most insane players.
  5. Untrue, although I didn't quite manage to get a full, deathless clear, I was able to clear all sections except w2z2 trib cloud / death dart area without dying, this includes all of the rocket arrow sections in w2z3. You "just" need to have perfect timing for dodges. My point was there is always something to kill you. Arrows may not be an issue for you, but persons with cognitive/motor disabilities... I wasn't speaking specifically about W2-2 but overall, any zone with them. I do agree that the block puzzle with trib cloud and darts is hard, but see I never die here. Depends of the player.Today, I completed w1-1 with only 3 deaths, w1-3 with only 6.People with motor/cognitive difficulties won't be finishing tribulation mode, and those who do will surely be capable of doing it without dying after enough attempts. A no death achievement being unobtainable by most people doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. Some things in life are very hard if not impossible for most to achieve, there's nothing wrong with that, and nothing wrong wrong with that being in a game!
  6. Please no. Listen guys and gals, complaining that SAB is too hard is OK, I guess (although really all it requires is practice, because many of the encounters have surprisingly elegant solutions to them). It was a bit of an April fool's gag to begin with anyway. BUT don't you go touching tribulation mode! Tribulation mode is supposed to be hard and if you can't complete it, too bad man. I can't do raids, but I don't complain about it because I understand that there is content in this game for everyone - even players who want a challenge. So that stuff shouldn't be made easier just so that every single player on infantile mode has a chance.
  7. Yeah my palms began to sweat. And I'll be obliged to try if they ever make such an achievement. However, I think if something so sadistic were ever invented it would need to offer a truly sadistic reward - like 1, single, achievement point. No title. Nothing else.
  8. 6 more chests last night, no drops so far. I did get my virtual box though so hurrah for that. I will do future play throughs on normal as infantile is just too insulting. It would be neat if tribulation mode had a higher drop rate but I just don't have time to relearn those levels right now. Although W2Z3 I did almost entirely from trib mode memory including sudden panic when landing on innocent looking piles of snow that used to cause immediate death! I also found myself giving those pointing fingers the evil eye.
  9. Then don't do it :) tribulation mode isn't meant to be easy and those two final zones separate the truly good players from the TacO heroes who have just been phoning it in. W2Z2 is certainly long, and the jump poles will murder you until you figure out how to make them launch you forward at high speed, plus that trib cloud... Holy jeez. But that's what makes the mode appealing - losing 50 lives in 5 minutes over and over again until you nail a section and it never bothers you again. W2Z3 is by far the most epic zone by the way, some of those jumps are insane and the cloud jumping sections are hair raising. If anything, I want any future zones to be more difficult.
  10. The thing with dodge jump success is believe it or not - your frame rate. GW 2 is very sensitive to frame rate drops especially with pixel perfect jumping. A low framerate in SAB tribulation mode (even one that seems OK) will lead to missed jumps and landings, and almost certainly death by floor spikes and lava in sections that leave you very little space to move. Drop all of your settings to lowest, even if regular gameplay is fine to you. Those dodge jumps will suddenly become more feasible. You could also find other ways of ensuring those keyboard combos come out first time every time, if you get my drift.
  11. Untrue, although I didn't quite manage to get a full, deathless clear, I was able to clear all sections except w2z2 trib cloud / death dart area without dying, this includes all of the rocket arrow sections in w2z3. You "just" need to have perfect timing for dodges.
  12. Ohhh I didn't even think about checking the combat log! Oh yes! That's a good idea I didn't think about that either :D
  13. Yup I've had lava kill me when I have been near but not touching it.
  14. I did every zone individually - I had to clear 16 runs per zone as I wanted the infusions. In the end you get a feel for what's probably safe, and what isn't. Videos help a lot, w2z2 is painful though for sure. My first clear on trib took 55 minutes. Eventually I got it down substantially and was averaging just one or two deaths. By the way, find a way to reliably hit space and dodge at the same time for that all important distance enhancing dodge-jump.
  15. W2Z2 and Z3 were the only zones I never did without dying. W2Z2 always got me at least once at the cloud/death dart combo midway, and Z3 I once got all the way to the wizard and then I got clever. Wasn't happy! I'd definitely try for a no death achievement!
  16. Err OP. Just a... A quick check here - you are opening the chests aren't you? They require an interaction, and don't just pop open like the main chest does.
  17. You mean 15 minutes per trib clear on w2z2 and getting rocked at least once by the trib cloud dart deathwall encounter midway isn't super, amazing fun? I'd be happy as a clam if the ninja stuff was just... Deleted. It was soooo annoying!
  18. Did just one run on normal today, no weapon.
  19. Man that skill actually dealt damage? Not gonna lie when I did WvW people avoided it so often that I just stopped using it as an offensive skill altogether, and instead chained it for its evade when something better was not quite off of cooldown yet. I'm bummed to find out that all this time I could have been deleting pros like the OP :(
  20. Oh my oh my work continues on new content for my favourite game mode! Keep at it ladies and gents I'm sure it will be brilliant when it's finished! My favourite zones were world 1 zone 3, and world 2 zone 3, I liked the foreboding and barren themes of both, and especially the tricky puzzles in tribulation mode. Please though, no more ninjas, they were gross :P
  21. Kill all the story characters except Canach, they suck. Kill Taimi, I know the first point would do, but this way she dies twice. Bring verticality and group content back into the maps. Remove the story, it's rubbish and gets in the way. Add those crazy underwater assassin creatures into the game as a playable race. Have them introduced by murdering all the Quaggan. Throw a big procedurally generated tower with increasing difficulty per floor and neat rewards into an endgame zone somewhere. Not because Blizzard are doing it but because it's a cool concept and it has been done well before (e.g. DFO). Require the player to complete the dungeon as part of a legendary collection - no legendaries unless you are actually good. Add more jumping puzzles, we're talking SAB tribulation mode difficulty, please. Make the Mad King's Clocktower mandatory for something. I don't know what, but do it.
  22. I proudly display my double moto infusions wherever I go. Occasionally I see players with the blue one, but rarely with both blue and red. I love that sweet, sweet smell of superiority. Nobody has commented on them yet even though I have had them for two years, but that's probably because they feel embarrassed to bother a superior platformer such as myself with their peasant-like attempts at conversation.
  23. That's a shame, my experience with the community of gw2 has been overwhelmingly positive. It's the one mmo where I don't actually mind idleing in just to talk to people. I hope you find some better map/team company, I'm sure it's out there.
  24. you know, id be okay with that, give me more options to make the game less visually obnoxious. Yep definitely, there's a glowing pink Griffon skin that caused my pc to freeze every couple of seconds when it was visible. Bizzarre!
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