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Everything posted by Henry.5713

  1. Transmutation Charges are certainly harder to come by in PvE. You basically have to trade gems for gold. But something like 25 charges / 600 gems / ~190 gold doesn't seem too bad to me if you only play PvE. You are going to swim in gold compared to the hardcore WvW/PvP players.
  2. Seems like you tried to take the straight path on a rather curvy mountain road. And now you are giving us a review from inside this huge mountain of a game you dug yourself into.
  3. A tool is just a tool in the end. They are neither good nor evil but they are certainly needed. My static mostly uses the LFG while looking for randoms to fill in for our members. We set high requirements, those who happen to meet said requirements join knowing they may expect quick and easy runs. Simple enough and both sides win. The old dungeon LFG website is still up if you want to know what people would end up using if they actually removed the ingame feature. It's what we used before the LFG was introduced. You'd certainly weed out a few newer players who haven't been introduced to such websites but is that actually a good thing? I am not the biggest fan of raid selling myself but there is certainly a demand for it. People wouldn't bother to do so otherwise.
  4. Builds come with their unique strenghts and weaknesses. Play the build with the longest reach if that is the thing you care about most. The only thing truely unfair would be a build that is able to do everything perfectly at the same time but those do not exist outside of the forums.
  5. Not the biggest fan of any daily systems myself but neither am I a fan of devaluating the work and dedication people have shown in the past. Making stuff easier and or less time consuming to achieve doesn't seem the right thing to do with anything that could be considered "just a veteran reward" without any actual advantages. It would make a selected few happy while upsetting a lot of others.
  6. They would have to remove all transfering to bring back server pride and all that. Pretty unlikely given how much of a money maker re-link transfers turned out to be. Meaning people would continue to flock to the top server while leaving the lower tiers more empty than ever.
  7. Mace feels like a weapon leftover from an ancient time before every build was able to run stability and multiple stunbreaks, not to mention those with teleports, countless of blocks and evades.
  8. Reminds me of when the Turret Farming area was changed and how angry people got over it. Good times.
  9. Take some responsiblitity for your own actions. The support is already wasting a ton of time on people and their silly mistakes. Mistakes which include hastely clicking through all of these tedious confirmation boxes they can't be bothered with.
  10. Your party your rules. Look for naked asura players who are dancing in a circle to the sound orange juice if that is what you are into.
  11. I know this may be seen as the ultimate elitism by some but it would be nice to have full control over who is able to apply to your squad for instanced content. Being able to weed out people by setting up requirements for levels, classes, elite specs, etc.
  12. You are always outnumbered, you meet broken builds, and you are always at a disadvantage one way or another... How is any of this new to solo roaming? Balance comes and goes. I could also add that people come to the forums to complain about the balance after every single patch as one of those things which never change.
  13. Nothing new. We seem to have gone full circle and actually returned to the old warrior. You are able to win fights if you outplay your enemies while using every little bit of movement possible. Minus those brick wall builds that you just can't win against when you face anyone even half decent. Also, this is the 5th nerf to the healing part of Healing Signet (with one small buff in between).
  14. The issue of convoluted kill and or experience proofs will continue to arise until we finally see something like a kill counter. People have always been forced to use what was avaible to them at the time. Just be happy they aren't asking for AP like in the old days. Demonizing KPs and removing any method we are currently using will simply lead to the introduction of something new and even more convoluted.
  15. Just wait till we find out Covid-19 is the big april fools' day joke this year.
  16. Greatly depends on your personal perception and what type of PvE or WvW we are talking about. Just look at the wide range of answers you got.
  17. True but when the content to entice people to do something else is more rewarding then the content they are steered to.Something should change right?Considering you can do raid bosses once a week and the strikes daily that is. A selected few are going to be happy for a short while. Others might even try out Strikes for a bit (until they get tired of not being part of the lucky few). But it will change nothing about the raid population.
  18. Let me start by saying that I prefer to play a complete MMORPG. A game that offers countless content pieces over multiple main modes. Some of these individual pieces might not speak to me personally but I still like to see them being made avaible to those who might enjoy them. This certainly means I do not support the abandonment of everything that could be considered niche content. And to answer the actual question, team sizes should be adaquate. Niche content should have their dedicated niche teams. I do not see any need to throw a huge team at the PvP mode. I would greatly prefer to have a small or medium number of devs in charge of raids, PvP or WvW. People who consider themselves a part of these communities. Those with deeper knowledge than most and who make sure to balance and continue said content pieces around the wishes and ideas of their actual target audiences. Most of the issues we have had over the years have been caused by them either changing this niche (and often hardcore) content to speak to a much wider (and often more casual) crowd or by introducing special rewards to make these casual players play said content.These changes came with them throwing much larger teams and a lot more resources at the content pieces in question. Heavy investments which simply would not pay off in the end. Pretty much why they had to give up on a lot of content over the years. Stuff isn't being outright deleted or disabled but almost entire modes have been set on maintenance mode for years. Something that didn't need to happen if they just accepted the fact that some content is never going to speak to a big crowd, if they just left niche teams in charge. And if they continued with smaller patches on a decent schedule to keep the actual target audience busy.
  19. New elite specs At least one new weapon type New raid wings Alliances finally being released (lol)
  20. This argument is always fun.PvE players: They balance everything around PvP. Kitten this game.PvP players: They balance everything around PvE. Kitten casuals.WvW players: I hate everyone, myself included.
  21. @maddoctor.2738 This exactly. Raids didn't die, they let them die. Our community is like a sinking ship. People seem to focus their attention on bringing in new blood. It does about as much as trying to empty this ship with a bucket. Others then get angry over them insisting on buckets. Any kitchen strainer should be allowed. Something more pointless than even using buckets.These measures may prolong our suffering but they will not stop anything. The only way to make sure this ship will survive is the focus on closing the holes as soon as possible. There are huge holes in the raid releases. Holes big enough to eventually sink this ship. Introduce a proper release schedule. Make sure achievements equal those of Dhuum CM or anything slightly below that. Experienced statics shouldn't finish all of them in a day or two. Keep people busy and interested. Allow new players to come into a healthy community that actually needs them. It is really that simple.
  22. Nostalgia is a powerful force. That much has certainly been proven recently. However, all of the games in question are part of vastly more popular franchises with large audiences and a huge fan base. There is also the running cost to consider with MMORPGs and all that. I highly doubt this would work out for any company other than Blizzard in the west.
  23. Just make new account start out with 250 KPs each. Instanstly fixes everything that is wrong with raids, right?
  24. Been using Frostfang for eight years now. It is pretty understated as far as legendaries go.
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