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Dragonhunter and trapper rune nerfs are WAY WAY WAY overdue


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On 9/24/2021 at 6:05 PM, Ragnar.4257 said:

Because that is in no way an accurate description of how the game actually works, maybe?

Explain to me how it works then please. Are the numbers lying to me? I made a full glass cannon core mesmer and mindwrack was doing 2.5k damage each while people hit me for 6-10k.

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4 hours ago, Razor.6392 said:

Explain to me how it works then please. Are the numbers lying to me? I made a full glass cannon core mesmer and mindwrack was doing 2.5k damage each while people hit me for 6-10k.

1. You claimed it was 4s CD, when actually its 8s CD

2. You claimed it requires "zero effort" to achieve 10k hits, which is false. Because it requires the DH to:

  1. Land spear of justice. The is the definition of "setup" and "effort". It also means that the actual cooldown for this burst is the F1 cooldown of 17s/20s, and not the Trueshot 8s cooldown.
  2. Have Aegis up
  3. Have Resolution up
  4. Root themselves for a long cast, which both makes them vulnerable to pressure as well as making it easy to dodge assuming no stealth
  5. They have to take berserker amulet to achieve this, which means playing with 11k HP
  6. It requires taking basically every single trait as offensive, which means to staying alive with 11k HP AND with no defensive traits
  7. It requires negotiating projectile-denial in a way that most other classes don't need to deal with

All of this you characterise as "zero effort". 


If your only argument is "it's better than core mesmer", well, that's true of like 80% of the builds at the moment, so why are you so hung up on this particular build, when it isn't even close to being the most overpowered thing out there right now?

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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