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Why doesn't GW2 have the option of 1x1 duels??

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6 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

So if 10% want this and 10% don't want this and 80% don't care, why in fact is it worth investing programming time into?

Asking this when when quoting a post in wich i state that this implementation is probably NOT worth the time is pure mockery at this point and accurately describes this thread.

Additionally, don't argue with hypothectial percentages.

Edited by Imba.9451
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2 minutes ago, Roads.5130 said:

My point is that the fact that some people say dueling is something they don't want to see does not make it a valid argument against it.


I agree! This is not a valid reason.


That it might change the existing PVE dynamic is a better argument but perhaps more speculative. I think the more compelling argument is that it could be a rather complex technical task to set up and balance, and it would not benefit enough of the community to warrant the effort. If ANet disagreed with me, I would not claim to be in a position to question their project management.

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8 minutes ago, Roads.5130 said:

*chugs a beer and smashes it on the desk* I can't give two kittens about being a godslayer, cringe players spamming chat with whatever fantasy they have going on, the lack of duels nor your opinion.

My point is that the fact that some people say dueling is something they don't want to see does not make it a valid argument against it. I really don't want to see roleplayers, but as long as I can block them I am ok with them existing, as I learned to tolerate people doing their cringe, they should learn to tolerate people who want to duel. "But...but..but I'm trying to quietly sort my inventoryghh" God forbid you take a waypoint to a quieter place.

Let's take a look at what makes a valid argument.

"I don't want to see dueling, I'd find it disruptive too often."   Not a valid argument.

"A percentage of the playerbase would find it disruptive too often." Absolutely a valid argument.

You think people enjoying their game less so you can duel wherever you want is valid? Why? Because you want to?

The duelists are the ones asking to change the game, because they  want it. How is that a valid argument. I'm asking for the game not to change in that way, because it has a fairly large potentional to annoy me.


Do you know who says it won't annoy me? The people who want it in the game. Based on the fact that it never annoyed them in other games. But I have experience in other games where it has annoyed me.  So I'm not sure you have this valid argument concept down.

A valid argument is standing up for what you believe will make a better game. I think not having dueling in this game would make a better game. Your opinion is just as valid, obviously. But telling people they don't have a valid argument because you disagree with their assessment or you don't understand their point of view?

That's not a valid argument.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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6 minutes ago, shrew.3059 said:


I agree! This is not a valid reason.


That it might change the existing PVE dynamic is a better argument but perhaps more speculative. I think the more compelling argument is that it could be a rather complex technical task to set up and balance, and it would not benefit enough of the community to warrant the effort. If ANet disagreed with me, I would not claim to be in a position to question their project management.

Yes, I actually fall in favor of keeping things as they are. There are some places where people could duel if they wanted to, anyway, and I believe, like you do, that the technical challenge of implementing, if feasible, would not be worth it.

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12 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

But telling people they don't have a valid argument because you disagree with their assessment or you don't understand their point of view?

That's not a valid argument.

That's my point. I am telling people who argue that "duels would interrupt how I perceive the atmosphere and world in general" that just because they disagree with the assessment of duelist or they don't understand their point of view it does not make it a valid argument.


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3 hours ago, shrew.3059 said:

P.S., It is not lost on me that you spend some time deriding cringe Roleplayers for breaking your immersion as you solo roleplay your character as if they are the only Commander/Dragonslayer in Tyria.

I am just using my supposed commander with legendary equipment roleplay as a tool to depict that no one's roleplay should interfere with other people's freedom. I actually don't own any legendaries, struggle to continue the story because I don't find it that interesting (but that juicy legendary amulet at the end keeps me going) and don't even duel (my reflexes are too slow, and my PC too crappy to handle fast paced action). I do believe that it would be better if the game had a 1 vs 1 option available, but we know it probably is too much of a mess and things are already okay as they are.

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4 minutes ago, Roads.5130 said:

God forbid we think of ever improving said formats or implementing better ones.

I'm all for improving the existing formats for dueling if it makes business sense for Anet to do so.  You'll get no argument from me on that point.  I am, however, against adding dueling to formats that don't currently have it. 

But yeah, absolutely, if Anet has resources to spend on dueling, I would hope (and prefer) that they put those resources toward the formats that already exist.

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12 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I'm all for improving the existing formats for dueling if it makes business sense for Anet to do so.  You'll get no argument from me on that point.  I am, however, against adding dueling to formats that don't currently have it. 

But yeah, absolutely, if Anet has resources to spend on dueling, I would hope (and prefer) that they put those resources toward the formats that already exist.

I would like it if they added optional dueling to the overworld, but now I understand it may not be a viable endeavor in many layers. Really, I came to this thread siding more on the duelist side of things, but after seeing some arguments I can totally understand why it is probably better to leave things as they are, "but it interrupts the atmosphere" is not one of those arguments.

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I think the main arguments are that Anet doesn't want to put the focus on 1v1 because the request for balancing will increase and there are no 1v1 formats in the game. sPvP is in groups and in WvW you can be a solo roamer but then you know the consequences. Most of WvW is built around groups or zergs as it is. The second argument is that enabling 1v1 may take more work than people realize and considering we have no idea how much of the player base is interested in this, but I don't think it's a lot, I'd say that Anet wouldn't want to "waste" resources on something like this. 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Roads.5130 said:

I am just using my supposed commander with legendary equipment roleplay as a tool to depict that no one's roleplay should interfere with other people's freedom.


Gotcha. In which case, I agree!


The argument that duelling would be unsightly is not very compelling because it is far too subjective, and there are no real standards by which we can fairly judge what the intended look of GW2 should be. That said, if the argument is that OW duelling would change the character of PvE by normalising PvP in PvE spaces, I could see this being a much better version of the argument (while still being difficult to prove). For a real world example, I’m not against street fighting because if how it would look to have people fighting in the streets, although I wouldn’t like it, but because of what it would do to erode the public’s distaste for violence.

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1 hour ago, Roads.5130 said:

God forbid we think of ever improving said formats or implementing better ones.

And if I thought it was an improvement, that would be fine. The problem here is it's only an improvement for a percentage of the playerbase and NO ONE knows how big that percentage is, but it's very likely a smaller percentage than you think it is, considering PvP in this game is far less popular than PvE.  The majority of the playerbase probably doesn't care about it, or actively thinks that it would be detrimental to their enjoyment of the game. That makes it at least questionable.

What proof do you have that it is an improvement?  

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20 minutes ago, shrew.3059 said:


Gotcha. In which case, I agree!


The argument that duelling would be unsightly is not very compelling because it is far too subjective, and there are no real standards by which we can fairly judge what the intended look of GW2 should be. That said, if the argument is that OW duelling would change the character of PvE by normalising PvP in PvE spaces, I could see this being a much better version of the argument (while still being difficult to prove). For a real world example, I’m not against street fighting because if how it would look to have people fighting in the streets, although I wouldn’t like it, but because of what it would do to erode the public’s distaste for violence.

We do not have aggressive mobs in real life that need a beating tho. So that example is a little far-fetched.


I really do not see how someones game experience is affected by two people dueling. I mean, usually people do not even care for whoever runs beside them in open world anyway. We do our thing, tag our mobs, yadda yadda.

If you are affected by two people dueling, there is no reason not to be affected by a person smashing mobs nearby. Based on audio, thats basically the same thing.


Edit: And, again, or else people gonna think I actually am in favour of 1v1, because attacking an argument must mean that you are against the position it tries to defend:

I do not think the implementation of 1v1 is worth the effort.

Edited by Imba.9451
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1 hour ago, Roads.5130 said:

I would like it if they added optional dueling to the overworld, but now I understand it may not be a viable endeavor in many layers. Really, I came to this thread siding more on the duelist side of things, but after seeing some arguments I can totally understand why it is probably better to leave things as they are, "but it interrupts the atmosphere" is not one of those arguments.

I agree with you. It interrupts the atmosphere is the weakest of the arguments I've seen.

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7 hours ago, ASP.8093 said:

I see people dueling in Armistice Bastion all the time.

Shush now, dont tell people that. 

Here's to 10 more pages of people arguing PvE should have 1v1 followed by realizing that it would have be heavily limited in PvE and probably require some sort of instancing, then completely fail to grasp the fact that this already exist in literally all 3 game modes with multiple ways of doing it.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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1 hour ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Y'know, some people dig pineapple on their pizza, some people find it repulsive.

"It tastes good" is a valid opinion. "It's vile" is a valid opinion.

Telling other people their opinions aren't valid, though... not valid. 😄

Well, let's be clear here ... there IS a difference between an opinion and an argument and from what I can tell, no one is being told their opinion isn't valid.  

Edited by Obtena.7952
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8 hours ago, Imba.9451 said:

No. But I adressed this excat issue in my post, wich you seemingly neither read nor understood.


I read and understood it well but your issues have been answered by the other 4.394.827 threads about duelling 

and why people don't want it.


People getting really tired of you guys trying to force your PvP down the PvE world despite heavy resistance.

And for your own sake, just think about why A-Net would use resources on a feature that is disregarded by a huuuuuge majority of the game especially when they already said why it will not be a real thing because they introduced arena's in Guild Halls.


Is it really this difficult to understand?


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8 hours ago, Roads.5130 said:

That's my point. I am telling people who argue that "duels would interrupt how I perceive the atmosphere and world in general" that just because they disagree with the assessment of duelist or they don't understand their point of view it does not make it a valid argument.



And i would agree to the fullest.

They point also is that PvE player don't have to understand the point of view of PvP because they have already chosen to play PvE.

A-Net created all those different play modes like PvE, WvW, PvP on purpose to separate them from each other.


No repeating of a thread doesn't matter how many times will reverse game design decisions from 9 years ago.

Deal with it please




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15 hours ago, Roads.5130 said:



That's how I feel when I am gloriously walking with my legendary equipment for which I have fought dragons and gods, and then out of the blue I see some  roleplayers emoting "nervously approaches with my hands clasped together, eyes shyly looking downward" cringe, or the crews of people with he same outfit dancing in main cities when I am going to talk to THE QUEEN because there is one more dragon we need to get rid of, or the freaking chairs that stand out like a sore thumb, or the people dressed like they are going to a Love Parade in Berlin, or Tomorrowland, instead of living in a warring world, or the char female that is forever parked in Divinity's Reach and is dressed like her grandmother handed her down her clothes and has a skill on autocast so that her chain sword is permanently buzzing for everyone else's enjoyment. But I understand that to each their own, as long as I am not forced to partake in things I am not interested on. You don't like duel invitations? Block them. Someone messaged you to call you out? You can block them, and then continue "nervously looking around" or whatever you were doing.


Well i am not RP'er so you talk to the wrong person here.

What i can tell you that RP is already and accepted and integrated part of PvE.

It's even in the Looking for Groups tool.


What you try to do is to force a feature nobody wants down people's throat, that is not created yet and will never be since they introduced guild halls with arena's. 


Do you see the difference here?

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23 minutes ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


I read and understood it well but your issues have been answered by the other 4.394.827 threads about duelling 

and why people don't want it.


People getting really tired of you guys trying to force your PvP down the PvE world despite heavy resistance.

And for your own sake, just think about why A-Net would use resources on a feature that is disregarded by a huuuuuge majority of the game especially when they already said why it will not be a real thing because they introduced arena's in Guild Halls.


Is it really this difficult to understand?


When some people come up with it again every so often, and some people argue against this, there is no way to tell the general consensus regarding the whole playerbase. Thats entirely up in your head. And you seemingly tend towards exaggerating thing (very heavily), you are exactly what my post initially adressed: Some people being loud does not mean they are in the majority.


Just now, Kurrilino.2706 said:


Well i am not RP'er so you talk to the wrong person here.

What i can tell you that RP is already and accepted and integrated part of PvE.

Heck, no. I always get as far away from RP'lers as possible, or mute the chat. It's annoying to everyone I know. So your statement is, again, factually wrong.

Just now, Kurrilino.2706 said:

It's even in the Looking for Groups tool.

Wow. A feature thats in the game has an lfg tool, while a feature thats not in the game has no lfg tool. Do you really consider this an argument?

Just now, Kurrilino.2706 said:


What you try to do is to force a feature nobody wants down people's throat, that is not created yet and will never be since they introduced guild halls with arena's. 

Should I just pm you from now on when I want to know the opinion of "everyone"? This threads existance alone is proof to you being factually wrong.

Just now, Kurrilino.2706 said:


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