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I like the mechanics and idea of Bladesworn but what about legendary skins?


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At first I'd like to state that I'm glad that A.net finnaly dedicated a lot of work on warrior elite spec. Bladesworn looks amazing but It's kind of sad that we won't be able to see our legendary weapons or just our skins that we've work hard on. I know that necro or holo can feel the same but holoforge and shroud are temporary states unlike Gunblade, we will use mostly this weapon and won't be able to see our skins almost at all and this is Fashion Wars, isn't it? 


How do you feel about it guys? I doubt we will be allowed to use GS skins for that. 

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Oops I made a post with the same topic as this.

Id back the suggestion, being that the new weapon is a greatsword with a gun attached to it, It would be nice to have an option to change the skin with a legendary greatsword. The sword would have to be redesigned to match the sabre style, a thinblade and a gunbarrel on the top. This could work and give the player at least some customisation to the weapon being that it is a primary weapon replacing the second weapon set.

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No other spec or class mechanics can customize their visuals.

Photon forge, reaper's/harbinger's/death shroud, firebrand tomes, celestial avatar, kits, conjured weapons... none of these can change their skins or visual effects.

I don't see any reason why it should be different for bladesworn. It basically functions the same mechanically as the examples I mentioned. So most likely you won't be able to change the gunsabre either. You will survive without that feature, all the other classes managed for years already.

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36 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

In all seriousness, sell Kit Skin packs. Include Gunsaber and  all the engineer kits in there, and different 'Scythe' skins for Reaper, and any body else that I forgot. Make them a bundle purchase. Wintersday themed, Halloween themed,  Molten, Icy, you name it.

While it sounds awesome for us as players, I don't know if it is profitable for Anet to do...

So you say make them a bundle purchase, what do you mean with bundle? I assume that I buy, for example, a "wintersday bundle" and get the skins for all classes (reaper scythe, gunsaber, flamethrower, frostbow, etc.)?

Wouldn't that mean that these bundles would be really expensive? We are currently paying 600 gems for a good looking weapon skin. Each skin in these bundles would require the same work as creating a new weapon skin, so similar pricing... which would make these bundles either really expensive for us or simply not profitable for Anet.

Also from the perspective of an engineer main... while having skins for kits would be nice, it doesn't sit right with me that engineer becomes so extremely monetized. If gems become the only way to earn these bundles, then engineer is by far the class with the most "need" of these bundles, since we have so many kits while other classes have like 1-2 kit designs which require gemstone skin purchases to customize.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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1 hour ago, Kodama.6453 said:

While it sounds awesome for us as players, I don't know if it is profitable for Anet to do...

So you say make them a bundle purchase, what do you mean with bundle? I assume that I buy, for example, a "wintersday bundle" and get the skins for all classes (reaper scythe, gunsaber, flamethrower, frostbow, etc.)?

Wouldn't that mean that these bundles would be really expensive? We are currently paying 600 gems for a good looking weapon skin. Each skin in these bundles would require the same work as creating a new weapon skin, so similar pricing... which would make these bundles either really expensive for us or simply not profitable for Anet.

Also from the perspective of an engineer main... while having skins for kits would be nice, it doesn't sit right with me that engineer becomes so extremely monetized. If gems become the only way to earn these bundles, then engineer is by far the class with the most "need" of these bundles, since we have so many kits while other classes have like 1-2 kit designs which require gemstone skin purchases to customize.

I was thinking more in line with the mount packs, but really spiffy ones could be sold on a stand alone basis.

I think Anet is missing an opportunity there to be frank.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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8 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

No other spec or class mechanics can customize their visuals.

Photon forge, reaper's/harbinger's/death shroud, firebrand tomes, celestial avatar, kits, conjured weapons... none of these can change their skins or visual effects.

I don't see any reason why it should be different for bladesworn. It basically functions the same mechanically as the examples I mentioned. So most likely you won't be able to change the gunsabre either. You will survive without that feature, all the other classes managed for years already.

Death Scroud, Tomes etc., are meant to be used just a while but with the Gunblade it's a different story. It seems like we'll be using it 90% of times which means we won't see our skins that we've worked on pretty hard. For example I've got Eternity and I will miss the aura and footsteps. Well, I'm sure it's not going to change anyway so at least I'm glad the spec looks cool and seems to be made with a lot of effort 🙂

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34 minutes ago, Grave.9258 said:

Death Scroud, Tomes etc., are meant to be used just a while but with the Gunblade it's a different story. It seems like we'll be using it 90% of times which means we won't see our skins that we've worked on pretty hard. For example I've got Eternity and I will miss the aura and footsteps. Well, I'm sure it's not going to change anyway so at least I'm glad the spec looks cool and seems to be made with a lot of effort 🙂

Fair for death shroud and tomes and such, but kits also have "hidden" engi weapons for years already and nothing in that direction happened. So I wouldn't bet on skins there either. 😕

But yes, seems like alot of love went into bladesworn, which is nice.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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5 hours ago, Ganathar.4956 said:

It would be nice if they started releasing new profession visual options in general. Gunsaber skins, maybe a different photon forge, different dragon sphere familiars etc. That would be an other layer of cosmetics to make as rewards and/or gem store items.

Agreed. It would be nice to get some customization for the various transform mechanics and Engineer kits.

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1 hour ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

probably because it didnt replace one of their weapons and was rather flashy in itself.

Kits which can't get a skin put on replaced our weapons since the first beta of this game. Never was anything done about it, despite engineer players asking for it since the beginning of guild wars 2.

If they do it now just because bladesworn can't have skins for their gunsaber, then this shows extreme favouritism and disrespect for engineer players...

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2 hours ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

probably because it didnt replace one of their weapons and was rather flashy in itself.

Guynsabre only replaces one of the weapon sets when you enter combat though. Just like the Holo, Bladesworn has 3 weapon sets, but can only use 2 of them when entering combat, one being gunsabre and one being the set you entered combat with. So you can still have 2 sets of legendary and flashy weapons. Gunsabre is not a full replacement for a weapon set.

Its like elementalists ask for legendary skin for their attunements.

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4 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

If they do it now just because bladesworn can't have skins for their gunsaber, then this shows extreme favouritism and disrespect for engineer players...

..Or this shows times have changed since the "mounts will never happen" "gw2 will never have expansions" "engine upgrade will never happen" days. Don't be so resentful. This isn't about disrespecting any portion of their players.

I remember very well when people were adamant about how gw2 should not have mounts in the game. I dont see any of those people complaining with what turned out to be the best implementation of mounts ever done in any MMO

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5 minutes ago, quaniesan.8497 said:


Seeing Engi 's kits never get variety of skin change in the past 9 years, I double down on my words.

We didnt have mounts until we did. We didnt have legendary armor until we did. We didn't have boats in the past 9 years, and now soon we will. 

Idk man, didn't think we'd ever see a whole new weapon type either. And let's be honest, the gunsaber is a whole new weapon. it's not a temporary state like shroud, it even overrides one of your 2 equipped weapons and is a state you can fight in indefinitely. I'd say it merits customization capabilities 

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8 minutes ago, Noktus.8506 said:

We didnt have mounts until we did. We didnt have legendary armor until we did. We didn't have boats in the past 9 years, and now soon we will. 

Idk man, didn't think we'd ever see a whole new weapon type either. And let's be honest, the gunsaber is a whole new weapon. it's not a temporary state like shroud, it even overrides one of your 2 equipped weapons and is a state you can fight in indefinitely. I'd say it merits customization capabilities 

Let's hold on here ... gunsaber isn't a whole new weapon ... it's a whole new burst mechanic, so it's not even reasonable to think this is something Anet can even provide weapon skins for in the first place. 

I mean, it's pretty safe to assume Anet wants to sell you stuff right ... so if kits, shrouds, etc ... could have skins, I'm thinking Anet would have already looked at this and determined if it's a good investment to make then skin-able. The business decisions you are talking about to add content to the game is NOT the same business decision to rework something to enable skins. The fact is that the segment of players that can benefit from a gunsaber skins is WAY smaller than the segment that benefits from any other skin they can introduce, including kits, shrouds, etc ... 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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41 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Let's hold on here ... gunsaber isn't a whole new weapon ... it's a whole new burst mechanic, so it's not even reasonable to think this is something Anet can even provide weapon skins for in the first place. 

I mean, it's pretty safe to assume Anet wants to sell you stuff right ... so if kits, shrouds, etc ... could have skins, I'm thinking Anet would have already looked at this and determined if it's a good investment to make then skin-able. The business decisions you are talking about to add content to the game is NOT the same business decision to rework something to enable skins. The fact is that the segment of players that can benefit from a gunsaber skins is WAY smaller than the segment that benefits from any other skin they can introduce, including kits, shrouds, etc ... 

Fair points

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6 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

If they do it now just because bladesworn can't have skins for their gunsaber, then this shows extreme favouritism and disrespect for engineer players...

or evolution.. with the fact their ugprading the game itself.

Imho. its about time they increased the customization of the game.

Give proffession quest lines which Challange the player in solo content thematic to the skins their unlocking.

New Necro Shroud skins.

New Engineer Weapon Skins.

New Ranger Pet Skins.

New Protonforge Skins.

New Gunsaber Skins.

Challange Mode outfits / Transmog.

New Base weapon Swing colours / particles.

this games built on no verticle progression but consistent horizontal progressive.. customization / Aesthetics its a big part of the reward structure of the game effectively, so why dont Anet embrace this now.. and Deliever EoD with this sorta Content, it'll sell easily effectively.. and introduce some continous content for players to work through without requiring vast new lands, Raid enviroments or anything like this.

they could even use the same instance for each event if it comes downto cutting corners effectively.

its never really bothered me.. nor will gunsaber bother me.. i think it looks pretty cool as it is, however given the market anet run.. this would be easily a Sale, they could even sell these things in packages like they do weith the living world season if they wanted to profit off the content directly effectively.. people would easily pay fori t.

Edited by Daddy.8125
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