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Vindicator Bug Thread

Fire Attunement.9835

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As posted by several other players when you dismount, waypoint, die, or most things, you switch to defense blue. When you dodge and cross a CC it fully effects you allowing players hit you in the "air" animations and Die without any control of it. I have a bug where one of my skill or abilities will pulse and eat up my energy. It will continue to do this until I activate that skill and eat more energy up.


In beta the Vindicator was able to switch individual skills and that single skill would flip to the other. When you hit Alliance Tactics it would flip each skill individually making this a fun and complex class to play. Now on "full" buggy as hell release it's just another swap Legendary to the next button with 10 sec timer. Lets not mention the Dodge was more like a shadow step or port instead of that kitten that they turned it into.


There is absolutely ZERO reasons to play this kitten class! Renegade is Far superior in every way( and now ANET will nerf and destroy it). The idea behind the balance of energy use and skill timers on the Revenant class was nice but ultimately ANET was unable or unwilling to put in the effort to balance it properly. It goes through energy so fast that I can't do a thing even if everything is not on cool down. What a disappointment.

Edited by NecroN.8306
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After the update, my Seeker's alliance is always set to blue when I dismount or change legends. No matter what I do, if I was on red and get on and off the mount, he's on the blue. Same when I'm in the red alliance and change the legend and then back to the blue one too, this is very annoying and so unplayable at the moment. Please fix it quickly. Thanks

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On 3/13/2022 at 11:18 PM, Spartacus.3192 said:

Why are we still getting the alliance legends swapping to defense everytime i mount/dismount or come back to legend. Hope this isnt gonna be like this forever like the skills moving around stuff

I have seen zero acknowledgement from Anet regarding this bug. They haven't even fixed skill bar issue with revenant for 5+ years despite countless threads / bug reports about this. 

The Alliance legend swap is even worse! Starting in blue is a huge dps loss. Even if you could spam F3 to swap to red on dismounting, you now have a 10 second cooldown on the swap ability, and you're probably missing the boons/endurance generation because you swapped at the beginning of the fight.

Anet not fixing obvious bugs that has plagued Revenant for the better half of a decade means one of the two;

  • They are unable to fix the bugs because it just breaks something else entirely. This means Anet is aware but ultimately choosing not to fix the Rev bugs.
  • They are not even aware that it is buggy. Which means they cannot filter actual bug reports and/or reporting bugs is pointless.
Edited by Angelissa.8409
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using GS 5 and dodging before it finish casting causes the energy to be used, the skill to be cancelled(rightfully so) and the skill to go on full cooldown instead of the 4-ish cooldown when you cancel a skill(ie Glint's Chaotic Release). This bug also effect hammer 5 for as long as I can remember. Also weapon swapping before the landing(dodge animation) causes you to lose the landing effect(no damage/barrier/etc).

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Another Bug with Dodge.

I am in Shiro and play with Action Cam. I am dodging turn the camera 180 and right after dodge i  use reposting Shadows and instead of dodging backwards i dodge forward. SAME BUG THAT HAS HAPPEN WITH HAMMER 3 SINCE RELEASE OF REV. How can you not be aware of that? Similar also happen with Warclaw dodge. So i guess its general bug and not just Vindi

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Cairn cancels dodges during greens. Anet should just add Rev back to beta under the bug report at this point. For an elite spec where their gimmick is their unique dodge it sure is extremely buggy. 

Edited by nikotuck.7259
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