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I need help getting inspired to play new classes.


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Hey guys this isn't your typical Players helping Players post. But i thought it would fit here the best
I just want to mention every other MMORPG i ever played i had no issues playing other classes.

I already know what will be said and i agree ''Every class / Elite spec takes getting used to'' however i just can't somehow

So i have been maining my Soulbeast for over 4 years now and that's mainly because i can't get into any other class..
They either feel weak or too much effort to play it in PvE.

So Soulbeast is rather easy. You merge with pet. Deal damage. And f1, f2, f3 have cooldowns. That's why i pretty much love it. It's pretty simple. Not alot of buttons to press.
And they deal real good damage. Like with my offhand Axe i just press skill 5 and see my damage ramp up to 100k. or Greatsword 2 does 20k. and its simple.
And quite honestly that's why i love Soulbeast and can't get into other classes. as they feel like too much effort to do similar damage.

But i really want to play other classes.. and i simply can't get over it how much upkeep it is on for let's say a Berserker to maintain Adrenaline and keep using Burst skills. and even then i was doing alot less Damage than my soulbesat that only pressed 7 buttons when i already pressed 15+ on berserker and had to look at adrenaline..
Or a mesmer with illusions spamming.. or Thief with initiative and Revenant with Energy ( i don't mind swapping stances ) it's mainly the energy.

I'm currently just thinking of Dragonhunter again even though i dislike the asthetic of Guardians. i only felt like Dragonhunter was just as Simple as Soulbesat.

So please guys if you have any idea on how i can get over this mindset please help me out



Edited by LunaDeviner.6514
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If it's for openworld then I would say condi firebrand is pretty easy especially after mantra changes. Power scrapper is rather decent too and you can self apply quickness (plus deal with phase shift using grenades). Quickness has a far greater effect than any other boon if you have might and fury already.

Condi renegade has energy management so it isn't as easy and condi scourge has a slower ramp. You mentioned you didn't like berserker or daredevil so it's difficult to recommend anything else (mesmer, elementalist in general).

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Honestly in my opinion Dragonhunter is not a very good option if you want something simple. I get what you mean about maintaining adrenaline on warrior or heat on holos can sound difficult but in reality they are not. What is however difficult is playing Dragonhunter correctly, you gotta always position yourself inside hitboxes for maximul damage, use certain skills on certain occasions, rotation is very fast and needs proper timing, many animation cancels etc... Honestly for me DH is the hardest power class out there.


First of all I would advise you power reaper. I guess you will like power reaper if you like simplicity and destroying stuff. Honestly seen so many reapers humiliating meta power classes on raids just by the straightforeward simplicity and effectiveness. A nice bonus: you got a spin to win skill like Soulbeast.

Second one would be Condi Firebrand. Chill, eazy and self-sufficient class with an easy rotation that absolutely destroys anything now. ANET's favorite class. 


Should also recommend power holo. Very strong now, and anyone who claims that holo is a difficult class "because heat" is at wrong. It is literally your only job when playing holo paying attantion at a very visible bar and press one button on a very large window. Way easier than soulbeast imo, as you don't have long casts that lock you in place, but does way more damage than soulbeast too. Today there is no reason to play soulbeast as there is Holo that does the same thing but easier and  better.


Lastly, why not thief honestly ? I mean I get your point on rev energy, but thief's initiative mechanic makes it easier to play than other classes with cooldowns. Initiative is the same as weapon cooldowns but better. Just try it out and do a thief rota, maybe you will like it. 

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2 hours ago, Armen.1483 said:


Lastly, why not thief honestly ? I mean I get your point on rev energy, but thief's initiative mechanic makes it easier to play than other classes with cooldowns. Initiative is the same as weapon cooldowns but better. Just try it out and do a thief rota, maybe you will like it. 

Thank you for the in-depth comment.

I have tried Reaper and it didn't really click. I still managed to get my 100% world completion on the reaper though (Minion master reaper)

Firebrand i have never tried i always thought it'd be hard to play as it had 4 books i believe? And they all gave a whole new set of skills which looked overwhelming to me.

Holosmith. I have one maxed out but i didn't play it much. I'll give that one another try later this week currently levelling my Herald to get into Renegade a bit. See how that goes.

As for Thief. I don't really mind the initiative too much. It's more the No cooldown skills. Thief was my very first class i played and got 100% map completion on. However i tend to just spam a skill and then i'm left defenseless without initiative cause i spam lol 😛
Thief is cool i really can't play it correctly though. I might go for a Deadeye but i'll go try Renegade , Holosmith first.

If Renegade, Holo, Deadeye aren't doing it for me i'll give Firebrand a shot!
I'm not really feeling the light armor classes at the moment. Maybe the Mesmer End of Dragons spec. or Chronomancer a 2nd chance

Thanks all for the tips ! I'm still looking forward to more if anyone has some ideas !

Edited by LunaDeviner.6514
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That's easy, wait for Anet to start nerfing your main to the ground and you'll be forced to try out the other classes just to stay relevant in certain modes. Though, they only do that for Mesmers so you might be stuck with Soulbeast for a while...


I can give you my experiences in playing a few classes that i found fun after trying them for a bit.

Also, whichever class you try, try it from level 1, don't boost, and stick with it for a while to see the ins and outs of it, it's easy to get lost if you suddenly try lvl 80 content on an elite without first getting to know the base.


So, my Main is a Mesmer. 

If you're into open world only - Mesmer can be a LOT of fun, especially Mirage. It's just fun to see it jump and blink around with its skill animations and teleports, feels very flashy. Core mesmer is less flashy, but still has that same playstyle more or less. Also, Mirage dodge, once you get used to it, it's hilariously fun to just stand in one spot while the big bad boss telegraphs an attack, then just phase through it at that same spot and get an extra attack for your effort haha. 

Chronomancer is a bit different. Do you like playing a piano? If so, you'll love chronomancer and Continuum Split. 🙂 It should be rewarding to make a complex rotation with continuum split, but Anet doesn't reward complexity, so when you see other classes do exactly the same and more with 2 buttons because Anet wants everyone to be the same, it starts feeling pointless.


Before my Mesmer, i leveled an Engineer to lvl 35-ish before switching and making a Mesmer. I just found it too confusing with all the different weapons, kits, F skills that depend on your utility ones... But after the elites came, i once again tried it out and well... Both of the elites are a direct improvement over the core in terms of usability! You still have the kits, but each one feels distinctly different from core. So i leveled it to 80 now and i have a few builds for it to play open world with and it's actually fun. Both elites are power based so you only need one set of Berserker's or Marauder's to make both work which is pretty cheap.


Scrapper -  great for WvW, slap on minstrel's and clense/heal your group. You also get group stealth and superspeed on it. In PvE it also has nice damage, but you'll never know were that damage is coming from because some skills are pretty subtle. Your basic PvE rotation consists of dropping function gyro which gives you a lightning field - then blast the KITTEN out of that field with your skills, and every skill is a blast of some sort. It's combo extravaganza and pretty fun! You also get a "backup lightning field" on Hammer skill 5. So thoughtful of Anet.


Holosmith - VERY flashy elite. Fun to look at! You need to kinda watch your heat levels, but i thought it was gonna be harder than it actually is. It's basically like you described your Soulbeast. Press F5 to enter holo mode, do damage, exit, do other skills after you get 50% heat, wait for heat to drop, press F5 again, etc. It deals nice damage for how easy it is to play, and looks fun to boot! You can of course complex the kitten out of it because it IS an engineer with all its bells and whistles, F skills, utility, kits etc., but i feel this elite simplified it and that's a good thing. 🙂


Next, i tried a Warrior. I wanted some class that i can take into Fractals because Mesmer became useless in pretty much every mode due to the nerfs and well, after trying Berserker... Fractal braindead mode engage! Geared it up to 150 AR and never looked back.

Your rotation? Drop banners, Axe/Axe when you want to do damage, Mace/Mace when you want to CC. Press 5, wait for the animation to finish - congratulations, your rage meter is full and now you get to spam F1 for tons of damage. Each F1 depletes your rage, but you get it in 2-3 hits from Axe skills back, so you just 5, F1, 2, 4, F1, 3, 1, F1, heal (yes, heal fully fills your rage), F1, spam, spam, spam, spam... And they complained that staff Mirage is braindead. Staff mirage has nothing on Berserker. The only complaint i have is that it doesn't really work in open world like that. Trash mobs die too fast for your F skill to be useful, Berserker is made to hunt bigger pray. 😉What's funny is that, berserker is inherently a condi spec, but power works so much better on it. Though, i tried the condi variation with Sword/Torch and Longbow, it's ok, but doesn't fill your rage nearly as fast as Axe does. I still haven't tried spellbreaker so i can't comment on that. I did see some pretty fun open world builds for it. I'll look into it.


And lastly, my last slot i went with the usual suggestions that i see al over the forum. Guardian and Necromancer.

I didn't get either of them, like, i kinda got the gameplay, but i couldn't get into it, wasn't particularly fun, never grabbed me like the others did. I can't explain why though... So i deleted those and made an Elementalist...




And you know what? It's like having 4 weapon swaps. It's kinda awesome. 😄 And once you Espec into Weaver, well, you've entered big brain mode! 😄 What's your first attunement and what second? If i swap to Earth now to get the first 2 skills, i need to swap to fire after that so that earth moves into last 2 skills and combos with fire in skill 3.... 




Faceroll your keyboard and watch stuff die. I feel like Weaver is both complex if you wanted it to be and simple if you don't. Just press F skills, do skills and GG really lol, i mean, sure, you can plan it out, but you know how many combos there are? Facerolling is the way. So i made a Weaver for open world as well.


Tempest on the other hand is much less complex, you get to overload your active attunement and warhorn has some pretty dope skills. Haven't played much with it yet though.


And before anyone "umm acutally"-s me, all my experiences are from a new class perspective in open world, i'm not commenting on "elite content" like raiding. I'm commenting on what OP would likely experience when learning the class at first and seeing if they like it or not.


So, there you have it. 

Those are my recommendations.

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Go to Youtube, and watch videos that show cases the professions. That way you can see the build, skill rotation and the result before having to invest in building up a character from scratch. Difficulty of a class is purely subjective - I can not tell you what would be fun or easy but at least with those videos you can get a general sense of the different classes.
Myself, I have made one of every class, and one for every specialization. There are definitely some classes I find difficult to the point of not being fun for me to play.

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Try using the raid meta builds and vaible classes and work on rotation and stuff so you can do raids. That's where the real content and cahllenge begins (even though raids are easy even with CMs). 
Oh and please please NEVER use bearbow ranger. People hate this kind of build ever since the game was released. 

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Sounds like you should play something similar to Soulbeast, but not Soulbeast. Other than being 'simple' it's hard to tell what you like or enjoy about Soulbeast to recommend something similar to it. 

Without knowing more, I would say Scourge is a good bet ... you get 'utility' on your F keys, like your Soulbeast. it's pretty easy (you can just swing a scepter for conditions if you want) and it's as survivable as you want, depending on what traits/gear stats you decide to use. 

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On 9/24/2021 at 7:15 PM, LunaDeviner.6514 said:

Firebrand i have never tried i always thought it'd be hard to play as it had 4 books i believe? And they all gave a whole new set of skills which looked overwhelming to me.

Honestly CFB is a very chill class. Don't look at tomes. It is no ele. You only use F1 tome skills to do damage while other 2 tomes f2 and f3 tomes are for support builds mostly. You can use them on DPS when you are in tough situation. Those are just bonuses but not mandatory to use. Fb is so easy that you don't really have to do a proper rota to do tons of dmg. Just use F1 skills then as and spam 2 and 4 to begin with. You can learn the real rotation in 2 days max. 

CFB has even less buttonmashing than soulbeast despite of tomes and stuff. From 100 skills CFB has u only use third of that.

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