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Verbal abuse


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You are bad at the game. The game youre playing is not 1v1, its team-based gameplay. Youre fragile. Bro, you dont need a chemistry degree to know whats gonna happen when you combine those 3. 

Also, toxicity in gw2 is probably the best content this game offers. Like straight up, since everyone has 10k gold infusions, legendaries, titles, balance is kitten and leaderboard filled with bots/wintraders, at least good old trashtalk remains the same. Instead of whining, try to be one of us, join the darkside young padawan!

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9 hours ago, Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267 said:

Let me just say this. 90% of the pvp community in ALL Games, Not just gw2, Are only in it to grief others. Even this thread is filled with people dismissing you by saying "Use ignore" And stuff like that, just to make you feel worst about yourself. And while it is true that you should use the ignore feature, It's a band aid fix, pure and simple, because the truth of the matter is, If the Gw2 gave the player the ability to harass you, they will do it without hesitation. Just so they can throw you into the pit of despair, just for the lul of it. They don't care about your feelings, your opinion, your very existence. They only care about your suffering. Why you think they're rude and vulgar all the time? Saying stupid nonesense like "Sit." And "Seethe and cope."? Because they don't want competition, they want rewards, seeing people lose it. That is why Pvp is toxic. That is why you should be above it and not let it get to you. Because if you're not the one who is win trading? If you're not the one who gets Angry and rage at someone because you lose? You are FAR Better then this joke of a game mode. Trust me, if Anet give griefers the tool, they would steal everything in your account just so they can see you lose it, so be thankful that is not the case.

Bruh, you taking this too seriously only thing people want to do is win they do not care about any of that stuff and wouldnt say a word to you outside of asking for help bell or a rotation if your decent lmao. This is hilarious wanting to win is not griefing and telling some one they suck even in a bad way isnt griefing either lmao.

Griefing is beating up on new or low ranking players in pvp you cannot do that in spvp but you can in wvw.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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15 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:

Bruh, you taking this too seriously only thing people want to do is win they do not care about any of that stuff and wouldnt say a word to you outside of asking for help bell or a rotation if your decent lmao. This is hilarious wanting to win is not griefing and telling some one they suck even in a bad way isnt griefing either lmao.

Griefing is beating up on new or low ranking players in pvp you cannot do that in spvp but you can in wvw.

HA! You're delusional if you think that "Pvpers" Want to win. Oh yeah, they wanna win alright, but they don't wanna do it the honorable and fair way, ooooooooh no. They have to be absolute clowns about it. Win trading wouldn't have became a big issue if it was all about competition. Grand theft auto online wouldn't be a cesspool like it is now. You know New world was be far more pvp focus back then? Full loot and everything. Pvpers like you ruined that because you couldn't help yourself to grief low level players and to get them rage. Should I mentioned that in old school runescape, the pvp community tried to outvote the pve crowd in regards to a EXTREMELY Anticipated mode? All because a pvp streamer had a hissy fit that he lost a pvp tourney and decided that everyone should suffer, and have his cult do the same.

Op shouldn't have posted in these forums, Let alone posted in the pvp forum of all things. Because the truth of the matter is, You thieve on seeing people get hurt, emotionally, and mentally. You throw temper tantrum when things don't go your way, and you act on your high horse because being good at pvp suddenly make you think you have the rights to look down on others and disregard their feelings. And you can deny any and all of this you want, you can tell me I am being Too "Serious." But there has been plenty of evidence where Pvpers doing immoral things just because they are able to. From street fighter, to call of duty, to games like this.

And let this video serve as proof that you pvpers have no integrity, no honor. Just someone who want to go high on a power trip, and act like utter childs when they lose.

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17 minutes ago, Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267 said:

HA! You're delusional if you think that "Pvpers" Want to win. Oh yeah, they wanna win alright, but they don't wanna do it the honorable and fair way, ooooooooh no. They have to be absolute clowns about it. Win trading wouldn't have became a big issue if it was all about competition. Grand theft auto online wouldn't be a cesspool like it is now. You know New world was be far more pvp focus back then? Full loot and everything. Pvpers like you ruined that because you couldn't help yourself to grief low level players and to get them rage. Should I mentioned that in old school runescape, the pvp community tried to outvote the pve crowd in regards to a EXTREMELY Anticipated mode? All because a pvp streamer had a hissy fit that he lost a pvp tourney and decided that everyone should suffer, and have his cult do the same.

Op shouldn't have posted in these forums, Let alone posted in the pvp forum of all things. Because the truth of the matter is, You thieve on seeing people get hurt, emotionally, and mentally. You throw temper tantrum when things don't go your way, and you act on your high horse because being good at pvp suddenly make you think you have the rights to look down on others and disregard their feelings. And you can deny any and all of this you want, you can tell me I am being Too "Serious." But there has been plenty of evidence where Pvpers doing immoral things just because they are able to. From street fighter, to call of duty, to games like this.

And let this video serve as proof that you pvpers have no integrity, no honor. Just someone who want to go high on a power trip, and act like utter childs when they lose.

Lmao you got me at pvpers doing immoral things this is a great way to get more people to pvp you should be our spokesman.

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12 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:

Lmao you got me at pvpers doing immoral things this is a great way to get more people to pvp you should be our spokesman.

Lmao, Who said I was trying to get more people to try out a dead game mode like this? No, I'm only here to console op because I know how they feels, among all the other post that only serve to dismiss their concerns in the most condescending way possible. And to do that, I have to demonize the pvp community, because they deserve to be demonize. I have to because I want to show how much of a better person this person is. You think pvp deserve to have more people? I don't think so. You haven't done anything to earn the privilege. Not when there a history of pvpers doxxing, ddosing, cheating, harassing, among other things. You don't deserve to see this game mode revived.

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18 hours ago, Fny.4502 said:

Oh how I wish reporting people for verbal abuse actually did something. 


I am not that good at pvp, I admit it. I basically do it for dailies, while my main focus is pve. I generally end up somewhere in gold. But hey, even if I'm not all that great, I don't deserve the kind of abuse I've been getting the last few days. What the kitten is wrong with people? Going to such lengths to single someone out, spew insults, and generally be just kitten MEAN in every way they can - what do they get out of it? Do they seriously enjoy making people feel bad? The last one was very clear, he told me outright that he wanted me to feel as bad as possible. Are these people kittening sociopaths? That last one also declared he hoped I'd uninstall the game, because I had just "ruined" the game for 9 other players. How? I dunno, seemed to me I died about as often as everyone else on that team, and I still had some top stats. But I used a heal skill he didn't approve of, so I suppose that "ruined" it for everyone. Including the enemy team, somehow. 


*deep breath*


This is a rant, and I'm sorry. But I can't take this any more. I'm fragile enough as it is, and PvP is currently making me break down in tears every kittening day. This used to be fun. This is supposed to be fun. But... no. 

Report, block and move on. Thats the best thing anyone can do. Anything else is just a waste of time.

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I think one of the most logical things to do would be to use the hate to forge you into a stronger player. Parsing through their insults with an unbiased (unemotional) lens might yield some useful bits of info that you could use to improve yourself. Otherwise I don't see any point in using even a second more of your time worrying about what they say. Turn it into something useful 🙂

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I have to say, the responses telling OP to "suck it up" is why I will never refer myself as a "gamer".  Gaming communities have simply not emotionally progressed past high school. It's very easy to sit there and tell people to "ignore trolls" or "suck it up", but more often than not it never works. It's just blaming the victim. Trolls simply do not care whatever it is that you do, it is simply about power for them. The only thing trolls give a kitten about is consequences to their actions. The least I can expect from anybody that is not an anti-social is not be condescending or snide and be more constructive.

OP, I will relay some practical advice: Screenshot the offending situation, whatever it may be, and send a ticket. Send many tickets if you must. This is, without a doubt, the most likely way that any action can be taken. As it is in the world, it is hard to deny evidence. This is not guaranteed to work, but it is really the best you can do.


Another thing, spvp is essentially dead. The only people left are bitter try-hards, trolls, cheaters and unsuspecting new players. New players barely come in as is. They will simply fall prey to matchmaking shenanigans, win-trading, etc.

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It would say it depends on what has been said, sometimes players are offering up advice they just lacking the execution...this comes from personal experience, after playing a few seasons I guess I'm just outside of noob status and along the way have picked up decent strategies however I do notice that when I try to explain these mid game it probably come across harsh...I guess my point is unless it's something like "you're trash" there might be some tips in amongst the mid game rants.

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14 hours ago, Zagerus.8675 said:

I think one of the most logical things to do would be to use the hate to forge you into a stronger player. Parsing through their insults with an unbiased (unemotional) lens might yield some useful bits of info that you could use to improve yourself. Otherwise I don't see any point in using even a second more of your time worrying about what they say. Turn it into something useful 🙂



Usually PvP improvements come from insulting,salty experience.

I was mocked by pve jerks from my country, I tried to improve myself, and now I am better than most of them.

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Ι've played over 20,000 games and yes, I've run into a LOT of toxic players who love to blame ME for the team's loss (even if I'm, say, 2v1 far all game and they can't cap anything in the meantime).

I've heard a lot of terrible things over the years, and as someone mentioned in this thread, some people deserve to be abused back. It's a risk I'm taking often with certain players who won't shut up any other way. The worst I've been "hurt" by something someone said was "I hope your mom gets canser" and since my mom IS a canser survivor, it hit me hard. Also, I'm a gay player, and I tend to take offense at things others might not. 

What I do is, turn team chat off entirely and appear offline so no one can whisper me. If someone says ONE mean thing in team chat, it's an insta-block. Don't need to read their entire novel of insults. After all this time, most of what other plays say simply amuses me and I just poke fun at them being all serious. 

Over time, you build a thicker skin. Try not to let the randoms get to you. Enjoy the game.

PS. Misspelled the word canser on purpose because it kept turning into kitten and that's just silly.

Edited by wondermuffin.9680
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21 hours ago, Gamble.4580 said:

Learning how to stand up for yourself is part of life. At the very least even my 9 year old can online.

The 16-late 20’s demographic were never taught to stand up for themselves.  They want other people to cater to their feelings and their beliefs.

Hell, my 6 yr old daughter has more sense than these people.

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6 hours ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

"Hmm maybe people need to learn how to behave like human beings.."


"nah lets just blame the person that gets insulted, that'll do it !"


Pretty much! And you notice it's ALWAYS the person who gets venom who needs to develop a "thick skin", it's NEVER the perpetrator of said venom that's to be held accountable!

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21 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

I have to say, the responses telling OP to "suck it up" is why I will never refer myself as a "gamer".  Gaming communities have simply not emotionally progressed past high school. It's very easy to sit there and tell people to "ignore trolls" or "suck it up", but more often than not it never works. It's just blaming the victim. Trolls simply do not care whatever it is that you do, it is simply about power for them. The only thing trolls give a kitten about is consequences to their actions. The least I can expect from anybody that is not an anti-social is not be condescending or snide and be more constructive.

OP, I will relay some practical advice: Screenshot the offending situation, whatever it may be, and send a ticket. Send many tickets if you must. This is, without a doubt, the most likely way that any action can be taken. As it is in the world, it is hard to deny evidence. This is not guaranteed to work, but it is really the best you can do.


Another thing, spvp is essentially dead. The only people left are bitter try-hards, trolls, cheaters and unsuspecting new players. New players barely come in as is. They will simply fall prey to matchmaking shenanigans, win-trading, etc.

its our gaming culture. its like in football you wont see a player go cry to a ref that someone from your or enemy team called you a name. Its legit part of the game, my football friends look forward for that part almost as much as they look forward to actually playing the game.

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8 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

its our gaming culture.

No, it's really not, I don't go around and absolutely spew vile bile onto anyone that I happen to play with or against.


Gaming culture is people who like to play games, not send vile stuff onto others. 


8 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

my football friends look forward for that part almost as much as they look forward to actually playing the game.

Okay, great that it works for you, really, but have you ever thought that you are doing it to your friends, and not others ?


8 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

. Its legit part of the game

Then it really should be changed.


But again this has nothing to do with Football, this has to do with PvP. It's two very different things, both are competetive in nature, yes, and there is where a lot of toxicity is coming from, but is it an excuse for it to continiue ? Absolutley not.

Edited by GoldenPants.1870
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8 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

No, it's really not, I don't go around and absolutely spew vile bile onto anyone that I happen to play with or against.


Gaming culture is people who like to play games, not send vile stuff onto others. 


Okay, great that it works for you, really, but have you ever thought that you are doing it to your friends, and not others ?


Then it really should be changed.


But again this has nothing to do with Football, this has to do with PvP. It's two very different things, both are competetive in nature, yes, and there is where a lot of toxicity is coming from, but is it an excuse for it to continiue ? Absolutley not.

you can mute me in 2 clicks of a button, guys like OP is the reason why you cant even talk with people in games like DbD because half the kittening dictionary is blocked
Then again we are talking about 2 different things, offensive banter and insulting are 2 very different things.
There is a difference in saying I hope X dies in a fire
And saying something along the lines of " thief you dimwit, hold the steal for the glyph/signet "

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2 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

Then again we are talking about 2 different things, offensive banter and insulting are 2 very different things.

Yes, because the first one won't happen in PvP. It's only the latter one.. 

2 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

There is a difference in saying I hope X dies in a fire

This one.


People shouldn't have to go block/mute crazy on half a gamemode's population, people should instead really learn how to not behave like raging volcanos spewing out all manners of horrible words.

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45 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

Yes, because the first one won't happen in PvP. It's only the latter one.. 

This one.


People shouldn't have to go block/mute crazy on half a gamemode's population, people should instead really learn how to not behave like raging volcanos spewing out all manners of horrible words.

dude, 90% of the player doesnt even use chat, saying that 50% of population rages is just wrong.
Honestly as someone that is very snarky and annoying, people dont insult me more often then maybe every 3rd game, and I not only encourage people to do it, never mute but also banter back, mute and move on WORKS, people that complain about verbal abuse dont even kittening use it. You guys are like that one friend that always complains about not having space for things but he never wears a kittening backpack.

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1 minute ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

Honestly as someone that is very snarky and annoying

Then I can see why YOU think it is not a problem. But it is.


Muting and moving on will never really solve the problem, it just pushes it further along for someone else to hear the vile things instead. Anet really should be more respondant on answering reports for toxic chat, and mute repeat offenders more often and harder.


3 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

You guys are like that one friend that always complains about not having space for things but he never wears a kittening backpack.

I see literally 0 what this have to do with anything ?

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