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Specter Bug Thread

Fire Attunement.9835

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50 minutes ago, Asur.9178 said:

Bugged Skills:

  • One of the most obvious bugs pretty much everyone should have noticed is with Triple Bolt. The skill triggers twice if used without a significant delay.
  • Skill retargeting is a core part of GW2 and is utilized heavily in all endgame content, in particular in competitive modes and regarding any channeled skills. Currently, the option under settings (labeled Allow Skill Retargeting) is supposed to work for enemies only. However, even that does not work properly in the case of Specter’s sceptre channeled skills.
    • For example, Unload is a channeled skills which can utilize this feature. Comparatively, Endless Night does not allow skill retargeting. You can see the targeting change and the character’s model shift, but the skill does not retarget.
    • Furthermore, this skill retargeting mechanic is a much bigger issue for Specter because it’s the only spec in the game that utilizes skills on allies as well.
  • The skill Twilight Combo has numerous issues with how it currently functions; all of which can severely impact gameplay and effectiveness of the class. Having said that, some interactions are interesting and can prove to be useful in certain situations.
  • The skill Measured Shot shoots the caster way past the ally chosen if they are close enough as it utilizes an actual projectile for the Shadowstep portion, defeating the intended purpose of the skill and often resulting in a very awkward and out of position situation. Unfortunately, I do not have a clip of this, but it is effortlessly reproduceable.


Bugged Traits:

The Acrobatics traitline has been considered a completely useless traitline by hardcore players for nearly 2 years now (and by some even longer); so, having bugged traits that don’t even function as they should makes the traitline even more of a joke. With the release of EoD, hopefully we will see some serious changes to this traitline – for the time being, hopefully the following issues are addressed.

  • The trait Assassin's Reward is one of the most inaccurate and buggiest trait on thief, and been that way for years (it does not heal for as much as it claims – base heal is supposed to be 102/initiative). Furthermore, Specter makes this situation even worse. The trait does not work for any of the Specter sceptre skills – NONE OF THEM!
  • The trait Swindler's Equilibrium does not reduces the recharge of Siphon.

Should anyone at ANet require a HD version of the clips showing the bugs and issues, I have them available at my disposal.

One would think that the new Specter trait (Shadestep- Which grants barrier and revives downed allies when you siphon on them) and the Shadow Arts trait (Merciful Ambush- Stealth and heal and ally when reviving them) one would think that these 2 traits would share a unique interaction where you’d assume that you could range stealth and heal/barrier and ally with those 2 traits, since they’re both “revive ally” skills

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On 10/26/2021 at 5:21 PM, Felices Bladewing.3914 said:

scepter dualskill with dagger shows error message: "You must have an enemy or ally targeted to use this skill" when using the designed shortkey. clicking does work

to add to this
" dont know if it was reported yet, not going to got through everything "
with action camera on, the skill is unusable, as in. it can not be used, it acts as if I didnt select target 

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Lucinellia.9247 said:

There are still numerous skill bugs with action camera, most noticeably Sc/D 3. Since this was raised lots and not resolved, I believe it requires more attention.

Is it a bug where it just wont work at all or is it just not connecting because of the bad skill pathing due to camera angle? On core, some angles will make something like Flanking Strike go off in a wrong direction if my camera isn't panned down for a top-down view and Infiltrators Strike sometimes will die out if I haven't leveled my camera view out some for skill pathing. 

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There is a bug with the mounts, if you are in "Shadow Shroud" and use the "Consume Shadows" Trait what happens is that you always consume all of your remaining energy while leavnig Shadow Shroud for healing, etc, BUT if you instead of leaving it simply "Mount" after a battle you exit Shadow Shroud while keeping all the remaining Energy.


I wish you could exit while OUT OF COMBAT and keep your energy, so the Trait only activates when engaged in combat and it could work like the actual bug with the mounts but I know it is not gonna happen =/


Also not from Sepctre but please fix the tooltip on this since it is absurd: Black Powder - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) IT DOES NOT GIVE STEALTH

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2 hours ago, AikijinX.6258 said:

Initiative Generation is slower here in beta 4 opposed to beta 3. I have video proof.

Can you upload the video to YT or something? I am feeling the initiative generation slower as well but I thought it was me since maybe the cut on initiative made me feel it that way (and I am used to Core Thief without the +Initiative, so it is even harder now to use more than 2 weapon skills linked compared to my Daredevil)

BTW  I am loving the Spectre but the bugs are killing me with the Battle Camera again...

Edited by Okaerin.3145
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Siphon skill on Specter not working. I play with action cam on at all times. When I press the Siphon skill, It goes into an interrupt cool down and doesn't cast it. When I get out of action cam and keep the right top mouse button pressed to move the camera the skill works fine. For me, Specter is not playable in action cam because Siphon is a big part of it's core mechanics.

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51 minutes ago, Primalblaze.7983 said:

Siphon skill on Specter not working. I play with action cam on at all times. When I press the Siphon skill, It goes into an interrupt cool down and doesn't cast it. When I get out of action cam and keep the right top mouse button pressed to move the camera the skill works fine. For me, Specter is not playable in action cam because Siphon is a big part of it's core mechanics.

Have you tried panning and holding camera at different angles when you fire off a skill? Skills like Infiltrators and Flanking Strike work and move wildly different depending on if I'm in a normal view, leveled out view, or top down views. It's probably just the Specter skill having problems but I didn't get a lot of time with it last night.

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I posted this to reddit already, but I made a list of known bugs for Specter when using action camera:

  1. The 3rd (dual wield) ability for dagger and pistol don't work on enemies in action camera. The pistol's first one does but then it's flip ability refuses to work just like the dagger. Switching off of action camera allows it to work even though no targeting has changed whatsoever. The game just says that you have no target selected with action camera on even when that's false.
  2. The Steal ability doesn't work on enemies either, it causes a shorter cooldown and does nothing, as if it cast the ability but failed. Again like the last one above, toggling the action camera off with no other difference allowed it to work, so I don't know why it doesn't just flat out work in action camera when the enemy is targeted either-way.
  3. Found by /u/lala005614 on https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/r6d4tc/bug_thief_specter_class_not_healing_giving/ Specter 1 ability in action camera doesn't heal at all if you hold mouse 1.
  4. Ability 1 does not autoattack in action camera.
Edited by Sorez.1675
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22 hours ago, Sorez.1675 said:

I posted this to reddit already, but I made a list of known bugs for Specter when using action camera:

  1. The 3rd (dual wield) ability for dagger and pistol don't work on enemies in action camera. The pistol's first one does but then it's flip ability refuses to work just like the dagger. Switching off of action camera allows it to work even though no targeting has changed whatsoever. The game just says that you have no target selected with action camera on even when that's false.
  2. The Steal ability doesn't work on enemies either, it causes a shorter cooldown and does nothing, as if it cast the ability but failed. Again like the last one above, toggling the action camera off with no other difference allowed it to work, so I don't know why it doesn't just flat out work in action camera when the enemy is targeted either-way.
  3. Found by /u/lala005614 on https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/r6d4tc/bug_thief_specter_class_not_healing_giving/ Specter 1 ability in action camera doesn't heal at all if you hold mouse 1.
  4. Ability 1 does not autoattack in action camera.


I can now confirm that the small patch last night actually fixed bug 1 and 2! Specter is totally playable in action camera now! The last 2 bugs can be avoided by just spam clicking anyways, but for people with accessibility issues spam clicking may not be possible, but this is some great progress! Thanks ANET!

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The patch for action camera and the toggle for swapping targeting are amazing.  The only other bug I notice is that when you don't have anyone targeted and you try to steal, instead of it not working and the game telling you that you need a target, it actually goes on a short cooldown as if you'd targeted an ally.  I think it's a bug as I'd expect it to work the same as base, DD, and DE steals where if you have no target, you can't use the ability and it doesn't go on cooldown since there's no benefit to being able to cast it with no target

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  • 2 weeks later...

Following the completion of Beta 3, I submitted this bug feedback hoping they would all be addressed before Beta 4. However, while ANet managed to address quite a few of the bugs, not all of them were addressed, nor acknowledged. So, I'll repeat some of them again so they can actually go ahead and address them before EoD goes live.

Bugged Skills:

Bugged Traits:

  • I appreciate ANet fixing Assassin's Reward to make it function with Sceptre skills, but it still does NOT heal for as much as it should...for any of the skills, not just Sceptre – base heal is supposed to be 102/initiative).
Edited by Asur.9178
Fixed odd formatting.
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  • 2 months later...
3 hours ago, Xanhawk.3806 said:

Does Endless Night still only hit one Ally?  If so, makes sense they don't want the first half to hit multiple allies.

the beam doesnt effect multiple allies, but effects multiple enemies. the pistol shot SHOULD pierce both allies and enemies and right now only effects enemies piercing wise. i understand the beam got nerfed in that aspect however the pistol shot prohibits the trait interaction from #3 Sc/P pistol attack BEFORE it flips to beam attacks

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Was in an alliance doin Guild Hall capture and noticed my Shroud's Auto Tether never activated. Only worked manually after I used Siphon while in Shroud form. I guess alliances break it? Also minions seem to body block my Sc/D 3 ? I actually can't hit my intented target nomatter what with it in large groups because everything bodyblocks it.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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