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I love Mechanist


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Engeneer is my mian characters, and I've been playing around with it and I love. Maybe too much. I'm afraid is going to substitute the holographer.

I've seen that it can be use for damage and as well for support, which is nice. I hope it will be skins for the mech in the future, or the option to change the name or something to make it more personal.

That's it. I just wanted to let developers know that.

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2 hours ago, cielorojo.7043 said:

Engeneer is my mian characters, and I've been playing around with it and I love. Maybe too much. I'm afraid is going to substitute the holographer.

I've seen that it can be use for damage and as well for support, which is nice. I hope it will be skins for the mech in the future, or the option to change the name or something to make it more personal.

That's it. I just wanted to let developers know that.

You can already change the name off it (think you right click f4), it just dont stick something that should be fixed for release.

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I love it too and engineer isn't really the profession I like. This will definitely give me more reason to play my engineer characters more. 
However I fear that due to the introduction of the very powerful mech (a more powerful version of turrets) is leading to even more AFK farming that makes certain heart tasks on the map more annoying than they already are due to all the enemies being bombarded all the time... 

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41 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

So you want to set them up for disappointment when the thing A-Net ends up settling on doesn't match their initial beta experience?

No, I simply want them to enjoy whatever they're enjoying right now. Whether they see it as a disappointment in future, that's for them to decide when the full expac actually releases.

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Mechanist is definitely my favorite of the new specs, with catalyst a close second.

It's fun, and that's what matters most to me.  However, it does have a lot of issues I hope Anet works on before EoD launches.  A spec can be more fun than anything else, but if it doesn't get a spot in fractals or WvW/PvP you end up being forced to not use it for anything but solo play.

Mostly there's just a few big things I want changed:

  1. Toolbelt skills need to be available when the mech is not active, and the signets should have toolbelt skills added.
  2. All of the traits in the mechanist trait line need to have benefits for the player as well as the mech, or alternating benefits when the mech is active/inactive.  Having all 9 of your traits suddenly become useless because your mech dies is absolutely crippling and is in no way good design.
  3. The mech really needs to be usable underwater, the one skill we get right now is just not sufficient for losing the entire mech.  Give it an underwater 'form' if needed, but losing both our tank and our primary source of DPS whenever we go underwater, and being stuck with no toolbelt skills on top of that, and the fact that engineer is pretty poor in aquatic combat in the first place, and you just end up with a character that can't do anything.
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Honestly I love it as well the general gameplay is good but I do feel like the power version is lacking behind a bit in pve I think it's just because the power coefficient of the mace feels a little to low I kinda hope they up the power coefficient of the maces no.1 on the 2nd and 3rd hit a bit.


For abilities I really hope they make it so the signets don't focus on your golem but instead on yourself as right now it reminds me of bulwark gyro did at launch which makes it very odd to use. I would recommend just making the signets focus on the mech skills to focus on the mech that way it's kinda a back and forth thing for what you're doing.


I wanna see the toolkits coefficients for the auto attack on the maces. As it stands the tool kit has better damage for power than the mace.

Edited by Dakiaris.2798
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On 10/29/2021 at 11:49 AM, Dakiaris.2798 said:

I wanna see the toolkits coefficients for the auto attack on the maces. As it stands the tool kit has better damage for power than the mace.

The mace is doing more than the tool kit by providing boons, condis and barrier, so it makes sense

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On 10/28/2021 at 12:18 AM, Linken.6345 said:

You can already change the name off it (think you right click f4), it just dont stick something that should be fixed for release.

Changing name on your summon isn't the same as being able to at least change colour with dye as we can our Mounts. At least something like that should be possible to do without breaking how Jade Mech should look as it need to be a consistent look for other players to know what it is and where to avoid it will get hidden or too bright to see when other players stand around it in fights where how summon look might matter like in PvP mode  (incl WvW) or harder PvE content (where buffs and debuffs also have an impact).

Maybe devs could make it have a pulsing colour when it is in danger of low HP (less then 50 % and it will start a pulsating change in colour and at 25 % it would turn to a permanent colour change as warning [for those that can't stand fast changes in colour - option to pre-set colour]) to avoid having to stare at JM health bar on UI?

Another question: Can JM be healed from some other source then Jade Mechanist or is it only the Mechanist that can heal his/hers own summon?

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