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Be Careful. 3rd Party Cheating Ele on Fergusons Crossing


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Sadly I am unable to put a name due to limits here but figured I would report here as a heads up. I tested him 3 fights in total to see how his toon reacted to different abilities whether long range, medium range, and melee range. 


He is a Gold Invader though. 


At long range he was able to avoid scorpion wire. But that can be evaded as it has a quick telegraph.

"NOTE" I did get one scorpion wire but he was standing on a pillar and I am correct in that the program tried to dodge but it won't dodge off an edge.


Medium range, he also avoided and is more difficult but  I still gave the benefit of the doubt.

Melee range. He avoided every time. The probability of that is nil as there is no reaction time available.


Shadow Strike: I never landed one shadow strike on him. That has never happened in any fight and I spend 99% of my time in WvW. 

Checking the whole combat log for all fights. I only hit him with the "1" Key auto attack. Nothing else.


Steal has zero telegraph but he avoided every steal in 3 fights.


So just be careful. 


Edit " I've meticulously gone through the combat log. The only attack that hit him was the "1" auto attack.

Too funny. 

Edited by Jitters.9401
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This is quite funny.


Curious. is it just the cheat with multiple accounts or others who cheat like he does replying? not to sure.


Not sure what inadequacies you are trying to make up for but cheating in a game won't resolve your issues. 


Cool thing though. With the combat logs I sent into support, it is obvious I have still not lost to a legit player for a long while now... so I'm good. The fact, that the only person to have beaten me in ages has to cheat just makes me laugh harder.


You e-tuffs always amuse me.

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1 minute ago, Gfkd.1836 said:

He’s not cheating. Your just bad.

This is him on another account isn't it. 


Too funny.  The fact someone needs multiple accounts on forums as well. You do realize you can't troll a person who you need to cheat to beat do you not? This is just a game after all. 


Anywhoo. A buddy and I are having a good laugh at this while we roam. At least you do provide some entertainment value.

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1 hour ago, Jitters.9401 said:

This is quite funny.


Curious. is it just the cheat with multiple accounts or others who cheat like he does replying? not to sure.


Not sure what inadequacies you are trying to make up for but cheating in a game won't resolve your issues. 


Cool thing though. With the combat logs I sent into support, it is obvious I have still not lost to a legit player for a long while now... so I'm good. The fact, that the only person to have beaten me in ages has to cheat just makes me laugh harder.


You e-tuffs always amuse me.

No. He is just a long time and well known player. We've either fought with him or vs him and seen people get destroyed or been destroyed ourselves. I know it's mind blowing but not shocking at all for weaver to basically evade you and take no damage while blowing you up.

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Just like 9 out of 10 eles agree the ele is the worst melee class that has no survivability or damage, 9 out of 10 thieves agree that the thief is the worst duelist and roamer.

When they fight its like two terminally ill in hospital beds trying to poke each other with their IV stands, the classes are just that bad according to the class forums.

Which settles the argument - all enemy eles and thieves must cheat.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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Once upon a time, I asked myself why doesn't my teleport skill not not go to the target?  Well, you see it goes to your target's location, but there's this incredible hack that you can access on your keyboard called the W key where a moving target's location is suddenly different and slightly ahead of where they once were!

To make matters worse, even the Veteran Camp Supervisor is capable of such cheats too. This is unfair because I expect all my enemies to stand still. Also, did you know the Supervisor at South Camp can walk through the fence you have to jump over! Why is there no report button on them?????

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I think I encountered him the other day.  Didn't know he is a celeb.  Maybe that explains why he kept picking fights.

Don't know if he likes fighting thieves, but he always focused me in the outnumbered fights he picked.  First time, after he tried to jump me in the middle of fighting camp NPCs, a few of us made him run and I chased him down.

He came back for more when we were taking the south center sentry. Once again he went for me. I mostly played defensively and tried to regroup as I realized he was hard to hit. Then some Mags crashed the party and he blew me up while I was working on one of them.  He was obviously good, and really focused on me for some reason, but I never thought he was cheating.

If it wasn't him, then I guess it was another FC Gold Invader ele. 😝

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You generally have to pressure (power) thieves  (also applies to rangers and necros), because they will do a lot of damage if  allowed to freecast.  It's also why people are bad at fighting these classes because they panic and just run run run burn cooldowns when a good punch to the face can make them back off a bit.

This is also probably how some people  get clapped and get the illusion of someone cheating. . Pressure forced them to mess up their rotation, and nothing seems to work right. Happens to everyone, though not everyone makes a thread about it.

So if they kill you first; it's nothing personal. You're just a priority target.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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