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Max pips per week increased?


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Sure thats not a repeat of 6 of 6 and you got the 4 coins elsewhere?

I am at 1300ish and will prolly complete today but if they increased to 1600 thats really devious, since the pip gains was supposed to be a QoL.

Edit: ah nvm saw the second pic. Maybe a glitch this week? Had you already completed 1450 tuesday?

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Sure thats not a repeat of 6 of 6 and you got the 4 coins elsewhere?

I am at 1300ish and will prolly complete today but if they increased to 1600 thats really devious, since the pip gains was supposed to be a QoL.

Edit: ah nvm saw the second pic. Maybe a glitch this week? Had you already completed 1450 tuesday?

No, i hadn't completed 1450 on tuesday, i was at about 1100. 

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Uh yup can confirm. I just doublechecked and I have 1305 pips with like a quarter bar into diamond 1 of 6. Diamond itself is supposed to be 330 pips which land at... just about 1600 pips.

If its a bug its probably going to be fine next week when we restart with the pip bonuses (hopefully). 

If not Anet has done a bait and switch, publicly increasing pip gain but also secretely increasing pips needed to finish.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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Seems like a bug of some kind.  My wife finished her tickets this past weekend, with no repeats.  She is showing 1823 for the match (17 pips into the first repeat of diamond 1).  That would mean she earned 1806 pips, despite logging out when she finished diamond 6 the first time.


I didn't play much wvw this week, for once, so can't use mine to compare.

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Could it be that the pip calculation applies to how the new pip gain works, but the pip change occurred midway through the wvw week? So you technically gained less pips than is shown by the game.

I.e. you earned less pips before the change, but the game is drunk and is only counting how many times you got each of the pip types (gold/silver/bronze for your worlds standing, bonus for completing wood division, bonus from your rank). Applying the new rates to the count of times (and the count is higher than necessary, because you earned less pips before).

Edited by Hotride.2187
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24 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Could it be that the pip calculation applies to how the new pip gain works, but the pip change occurred midway through the wvw week? So you technically gained less pips than is shown by the game.

I.e. you earned less pips before the change, but the game is drunk and is only counting how many times you got each of the pip types (gold/silver/bronze for your worlds standing, bonus for completing wood division, bonus from your rank). Applying the new rates to the count of times.


Could be, I clicked Match totals, added them all up and what you see for the "Match" total includes your original outnumbered pip gain, however what is actually visable if you add all the pips gained without outnumbered, is less. Wood + Rank + Score shown is not counting outnumbered yet the match tab totals include it. 

Either just a bug or something, unless of course it is increased regardless. Which makes it even funnier then, cause that would be 2 undocumented changes to WvW they ninja updated in. Right after we praised them for having open communication. 

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It probably was increased.  Remember they did say overall it equates to less time in wvw.


Seems legit, atleast according to my math based on the average number of ticks I could've ended up in an outnumbered map vs the guaranteed constant pip intake now.


Now if you had a person constantly in an outnumbered map repairing destroyed walls, or capping runes or trebbing SET, or moving alts into place...or you know doing whatever someone does when they're always outnumbered.  Well, yes 1600 total is going to take that person longer.

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I'd wait until reset today at a minimum to see the total pips. The WvW maps have game state that persists for a week and that is stored in both the load balancer and the maps.

Game state is maintained if one is restarted but not both. Essentially it probably needs a hard reset (i.e. the weekly reset)

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35 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

I'd wait until reset today at a minimum to see the total pips. The WvW maps have game state that persists for a week and that is stored in both the load balancer and the maps.

Game state is maintained if one is restarted but not both. Essentially it probably needs a hard reset (i.e. the weekly reset)

Reward is based on it though so either way, we've lost skirmish chest (and those juicy coins). We wont actually know until someone get to diamond next week. I'm still hoping for just this week being bugged. If it's still 1600 pips... well then we know. Anet couldnt add QoL to WvW without ripping something out.

Purity Of Purpose for pips? 

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11 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

It’s actually two extra pips…. But here’s hoping it resets correctly this week.  

Right, 2. But still, kinda pointless if they also increased pips required to finish diamond...

Well, let's hope that's not the case.

I can't finish diamond so fast, so i'll wait for someone else to finish theirs who is higher rank and has an easier time maxing it.


Cause Anet won't tell us anything so have to rely on people to test it. 😛

But i think it's a bug from changing the pips mid matchup.

I think it should be ok now after reset. 

Fingers crossed! 🙂 

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It is good to hear there was no secret increase of the pips required to reach Diamond (not that I will ever be there on my available game time a week).
side note: With the current extra life bonus and the +2 to pips I kind of feel that this is getting to a good spot where I feel rewarded compared to other activities to the game. Sadly the 36% WxP bonus will go away again soon and I will crawl slower towards track completion, but perhaps this statement will be read and helps Anet to tweak rewards in WvW a bit more, even without the special event buffs.

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