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Completely clueless in PVP


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I've played for a week or so now so i don't have much experience. Even though i was excited about pvp, my prospects of actually getting better at it are really depressing. I have absolutely no idea what is happening to my character. 


From a noob's perspective i really don't feel like getting into PVP. Every match it's a slaughterfest with little to no enjoyment. Either every player i get matched up with is a God or i'm just completely incapable of grasping the game's pvp system.



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5 minutes ago, Soulsignnuub.2098 said:

I haven't tried that one, this week I have been playing core warrior and finding it to be really good even though I have no experience on it, if you haven't already I would suggest reading the info about the class on the metabattle page it can help point out where the class works and doesn't work.


Tbh there are some other classes that are easier to play when starting out as you can focus on learning pvp tactics without learning a more difficult class.


What time do you que relative to reset?

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7 minutes ago, Lacdanon.1483 said:

I haven't tried that one, this week I have been playing core warrior and finding it to be really good even though I have no experience on it, if you haven't already I would suggest reading the info about the class on the metabattle page it can help point out where the class works and doesn't work.


Tbh there are some other classes that are easier to play when starting out as you can focus on learning pvp tactics without learning a more difficult class.


What time do you que relative to reset?


Not a praticular time or day, just throughout the day/evening.

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One can only hope that Anet will start caring about PvP, because Blizzard announced their desire to implement solo q pvp content (they changed their minds) due to the number of players they lost. This can be an even bigger obstacle to the increase in pvp population gw2. The cooldown skills system remains only in two popular pvp mmo games, which makes them adorable, but gw2 is graceful in its own way due to an attempt to introduce an eastern philosophy of fighting (let's call it a kind of dance)

P. S. What they have in common is the epic kills through CC. I think this is the merit (strategic element) of the founders of Anet, who previously worked on Warcraft, Starcraft, WoW.

Macro game in the WoW between melee cleave, dots cleave, ranged pew pew, healers and tanks makes a lot of sense for over a decade. There is a tough counterplay between specializations, it's just that not everyone understands this.

Edited by DomHemingway.8436
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42 minutes ago, DomHemingway.8436 said:

One can only hope that Anet will start caring about PvP, because Blizzard announced their desire to implement solo q pvp content (they changed their minds) due to the number of players they lost.


What happened to Blizzard exactly? Are we talking about Overwatch or World of Warcraft? Mind just giving me a quick rundown because I haven't been following their current events

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10 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


What happened to Blizzard exactly? Are we talking about Overwatch or World of Warcraft? Mind just giving me a quick rundown because I haven't been following their current events

This is about World of Warcraft. 

In an interview with Morgan Day on GramerBraves, Lead Game Designer on World of Warcraft, it was announced that Solo Queue is finally coming to World of Warcraft. Solo Queue has been a community request for many years within the PvP community and Blizzard is finally looking to implement the feature as a PvP Brawl.

To read the full interview on GamerBravers, click on the link below --

Morgan Day: I love PVP, and we had reintroduced Conquest in Shadowlands for players to buy their gear. As Conquest became more exciting for players and more wanted to get engaged in PVP, we often get a request about queueing for rated PVP solo.

That has many challenges, but we’re introducing a new PVP brawl with the Eternity’s End update as our take on what solo queue in World of Warcraft could look like. It’s called Solo Shuffle, and we want players to give us feedback and see if it’s a feature we can permanently add. The idea is that we take 6 players, throw them in a pool, and have them fight in 3v3 arena matches in every possible combination you could form among those 6 players. The one with the best rating at the end essentially wins.

We think that’s a unique solution instead of trying to come up with some matchmaking system that can understand meta group compositions. We think it’s going to be really fun and create opportunities for interesting social interactions, so yeah, we’re excited to get feedback on it!
oops, sorry about the problem with the color of the text due to copying. Here original https://www.wowhead.com/news/solo-queue-solo-shuffle-pvp-brawl-coming-to-shadowlands-eternitys-end-patch-9-2-324850
Edited by DomHemingway.8436
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Actually warrior is one of the if not actually the hardest to play class. The class is litterly all about timeing and kiting (stay out of range from enemy skills). The things to know are:


Arcing slice: your hardest hitting skill after enemy is under 50% life


Endurepain or Stomp: are actually meta since you need to be more tanky to hold against the bursty metaclasses


Rampage: good used to safe the time since you got long CDs on your stunbrakes/ or good for defence or mobility plus good for some bursty combs since skill 3 does still do some damage.


Mending and shake it off: are basicly for condi cleanes but shake it off could also get used for stunbrake


Your roles in spvp are just Roaming ( kill other enemys out off point since your a faster class) and point Holding (not as good as it Was back then since it deal with mutch nerfs in terms of damage and defence)

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7 minutes ago, DomHemingway.8436 said:

This is about World of Warcraft. 

In an interview with Morgan Day on GramerBraves, Lead Game Designer on World of Warcraft, it was announced that Solo Queue is finally coming to World of Warcraft. Solo Queue has been a community request for many years within the PvP community and Blizzard is finally looking to implement the feature as a PvP Brawl.

To read the full interview on GamerBravers, click on the link below --

Morgan Day: I love PVP, and we had reintroduced Conquest in Shadowlands for players to buy their gear. As Conquest became more exciting for players and more wanted to get engaged in PVP, we often get a request about queueing for rated PVP solo.

That has many challenges, but we’re introducing a new PVP brawl with the Eternity’s End update as our take on what solo queue in World of Warcraft could look like. It’s called Solo Shuffle, and we want players to give us feedback and see if it’s a feature we can permanently add. The idea is that we take 6 players, throw them in a pool, and have them fight in 3v3 arena matches in every possible combination you could form among those 6 players. The one with the best rating at the end essentially wins.

We think that’s a unique solution instead of trying to come up with some matchmaking system that can understand meta group compositions. We think it’s going to be really fun and create opportunities for interesting social interactions, so yeah, we’re excited to get feedback on it!




That's, very interesting. Got to hand it to them, that's very clever.

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6 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:

You know the guy asked for advice on how to get better not your take on the state of pvp folks....

My reaction to this topic was that meta builds already have certain meta modifiers in order to be meta and the new person automatically addresses them. My advice is likely to be obvious, it takes more time to learn weaving between meta builds.

I did not express my opinion on the state of pvp, I just said that the developers need to change something in order for the population to increase.

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4 hours ago, Soulsignnuub.2098 said:

This build is a duelist, so if you are in 1v1s it will take a lot of time to learn all the different matchups. In teamfights you will probably find it hard to do much with all the spam. Additionally warrior is very dependent on knowing the matchup. If you use your defensive skills and cooldowns at the wrong time you cant really set up damage combos and its easy for people to counter you. Its not the worst class to learn pvp with, but its definitely not very forgiving, at least until you learn how to kite well.

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Just some basic warrior advice, take your home node at the beginning of a match if you can and try to stay out of big team fights. Operate on the side nodes, but be aware of the respawn reinforcement potential at far. As a warrior, you're most effective fighting 1v1. If additional enemies disrupt your duel, simply run away unless your teammates arrive simultaneously.

When you're fighting, weave in and out of close range so that you can land your skills but avoid the enemy's damage (don't stand in red circles). This is key because you lack the defenses to simply tank this damage. Whirlwind attack is good for this. Dagger 3 can be really good for setting up shield bash -> weapon swap -> arcing slice because its cast is near instant and it immobilizes your target. Landing full counter is really important for creating windows to burst your enemy down.

Good luck out there.

Edited by covahlam.6391
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If you're not really "getting" PvP then I'd recommend trying WvW first. There's less individual pressure running with a group, you can see what others are doing, get more advice, have more team-mates to assist.

Although they've kinda given up on it, the original design for the game seemed to me to be that PvE = tutorial, WvW = introduction to PvP, sPvP = endgame, and it's still a good pathway for development IMO.

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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I do not recommend starting out in sPvP unless you're a seasoned pvp veteran from other MMO-s who picks up everything within minutes.

Also if you only care about PvP, and leveling/learning in PvE is out of the question, I do not recommend warrior as your first class to learn. It's one of the best designs, but it means it's carried by player skill, not by busted OP class mechanics.

So my advice would be: learn the basic mechanics in PvE/WvW, and once you got them down start PvP with a bunker build, or just play necromancer. And you know if anyone gives good advice on how to be new it's me, I haven't leveled a character in 8 years.

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Save yourself the trouble and pick another class.  I'm a casual player and my first class in this game was a warrior.  I actually stop playing the game because the class was so awkward and clunky to play. If you're not willing to dedicate a lot of time then it's just easier to play literally any other class. I main thief daredevil and now leveling a guardian and actually enjoy playing instead of being frustrated.

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If you really want to play warrior you can use this build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAwyNlZwuYYMLWJeMTqLfA-zZwOlIFCZqA6VCkwIQPDA


I've been teaching my friend with it and it's relatively viable even in ranked and is probably the only warrior build that can reliably kill and handle D/P thieves.


It's really tanky so you can start learning the animations and what other classes do rather than getting 100-0'd before you know what happened. "For Great Justice" is your heal rather than the actually ability in the heal slot. It's also a relatively passive build. 

You want to make sure you are using your longbow burst ability to keep up adrenal health (second minor trait in defense). 

Doing damage is the hardest part you basically win 1v1's attrition, just by living so long the enemy will run out of ways to cleanse your conditions. Your damage comes from conditions, to kill someone relatively quick with this build you need to learn how to combo your big condition stack abilities (sw/sw burst and 3,4,5) and (lb 2, 5). It's got good mobility with sword 2, good warrior  builds always want to have decent mobility. It's weakish in teamfights but your condis will help especially longbow burst and you provide decent team healing, in general this is like a introductory side noder build than a teamfighter but it's still good enough in any category to just go where you think you should at any given time.

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14 hours ago, Soulsignnuub.2098 said:

From a noob's perspective i really don't feel like getting into PVP. Every match it's a slaughterfest with little to no enjoyment. Either every player i get matched up with is a God or i'm just completely incapable of grasping the game's pvp system.



   Check the irAjaxx channel in Twitch. Is one of the best Warriors out there and plays that class almost exclusively.

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Take a read through the OP post of this thread if you haven't already:

Job Roles & Intuitive Rotations Based On Job Roles - Guide Overview - Player vs. Player - Guild Wars 2 Forums


Also, might I mention that if you are talking about your experience in "Ranked" queue, you should know that ranked is now littered with bots and all forms of match manipulation. You cannot judge your skill & game experience on playing ranked. None of it makes sense anymore.

The only places to get relatively clean matches to where you could judge if you are doing good or bad, is Unranked and ATs "Automated Tournaments". Also, WvW is just in every way more wholesome than what they've allowed the pvp scene to turn into.

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16 hours ago, Soulsignnuub.2098 said:

That doesn't helps, its the class with the lowest powercreep on pvp at the momment, just wait for a balance to that class (if the miracle happnes). Read all classes skills/traits on an evening (or/and play them) if you wanna get better on pvp, you need to understand how do other classes works, there are some videos on how to deal against X class, from a youtuber called "Vallun".

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On 11/13/2021 at 7:20 AM, Soulsignnuub.2098 said:

I've played for a week or so now so i don't have much experience. Even though i was excited about pvp, my prospects of actually getting better at it are really depressing. I have absolutely no idea what is happening to my character. 


From a noob's perspective i really don't feel like getting into PVP. Every match it's a slaughterfest with little to no enjoyment. Either every player i get matched up with is a God or i'm just completely incapable of grasping the game's pvp system.



metabattle for builds and how to use it.
godsofpvp to learn with guides
look for streamers on twitch: rom, grimjack, helseth, notoriousnaru, zenyus, sindrener, boycerino, cjay, for instance.

understand what are the roles of each class and practice 1x1 a lot to counter classes.

it is a good start.

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