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New Sylvari Hair... Um... What Happened?

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They really missed the ball on Sylvari where changing the hair color just changes a flower or leaf on the hair. Like what the heck? It looks bad. Why didnt you make it so changing the hair color changed the overall hair and maybe an accessory color option that changes that single leaf or flower? Why does the hair match the skin on Sylvari? It just looks bad.

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Ha, just came here to comment on this as well. The pigtail loops on the females and long hair on the males (both of which are SO GOOD aside from the monocolor) look almost bugged. I kind of get the 'bark' looks since that fits in with previous hair styles, but two I just mentioned are clearly leafy, which generally has had a different color from skintone. Even if they just added more of the accessory color it would look a lot nicer.

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I'm quite disappointed. Like what's with the ears (and parts of some faces) clipping so horribly through the hair? And why can't the hair be dyed properly? I can understand when "branchy/wooden"  parts keep the skin color, but why can't we dye the "leafy" parts and only a blossom at the top is dyable? It just looks weird. And the pin is just stuck with the default color. And somehow the hair look... I don't know... like a cheap plastic imitation without much details overall. 

At first I thought I'd be quite happy with the new faces. But the female ones are pretty much all the same - a lady with stuff glued on (and not very detailed stuff or glued on particularly well). I like the male options a bit better except for the fact that mostly the sliders hardly do anything at all.

Did they perhaps forget to finish the new options before release?

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1 hour ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

oh, so the sylvari face sliders don't work either? A lot of folks were complaining that the new "Asian" faces have no reaction to the face sliders.  I wonder if that is a bug?

Hope so. I really don't want it to be a case of "don't mess with my creation" from the devs.

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Whole host of issues with the Sylvari hairs and faces this go around.

From my tinker I discovered they:
- Largely can't be dyed
- Have incorrect textures (one of the faces uses a glow pattern very clearly meant for another one)
- Barely respond to sliders and in some cases do not respond to sliders at all
- Clip horribly (the long hair I kind of expected that, but the Naruto headband for males clips into all but one of the ear options)
- Are using low-rez textures and a seemingly different artistic style from the rest of the game (smooth and featureless with a few overtextured pieces slapped on, mostly on the female faces - Almost feels like The Sims, if I had to put a finger on it)

Just a bunch of weird. I'm genuinely sad about this, because I'm a salad main. I keep hoping we'll hear that these are just preliminary looks that are still being refined.

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I’d love to see even the edges of the leaves dyable for the long/bun hairstyles. As it is, the hairstyle loses all depth and distinction at any distance, and your character looks bald. It’s so sad because these hairstyles are absolutely gorgeous and exactly what I’ve been hoping for for years.

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13 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

- Are using low-rez textures and a seemingly different artistic style from the rest of the game (smooth and featureless with a few overtextured pieces slapped on, mostly on the female faces - Almost feels like The Sims, if I had to put a finger on it)

I'm so glad it wasn't just me who noticed this! Yes, it does look like a completely different artistic style. It's not a bad style, but it's jarring when compared to the rest of the game.

Two of the male faces look okay, but texture-less. But the one with the leaf-mustache just looks...off. The mustache looks glued on. While I can see some young/naive sylvari doing that ("humans and norn have hair on the faces, why can't I look the same?"), it doesn't look very good for the actual face. All the faces, male or female, look like they're made out of clay. Artistic and well-sculpted clay, but...it's just flat.

The hair, too, seems made out of clay or plastic. There's none of the detailed textures present on other hair. Even a hairstyle like the swirled smooth wood for lady sylvari has texture that makes it look like a vine or a twisting piece of wood. Only one of the new female sylvari hairstyles seems to come close, and even that's disappointing. The designs for male and female hair are lovely! But...that's about it.

Also, what's up with the almost total lack of glow? The hair doesn't glow very much, if at all - often it's only on the tiny flower accessories or very faintly along the very edges of the leaves, only noticeable by staring hard at that one area. One of the male hairs (the bun with the needle through it) doesn't glow at all, and two of the male faces (the very smooth one and the leafy mustache one) don't glow at all, either.

Edited by Batel.9206
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18 hours ago, Neo Mortem.3627 said:

I doubt it's a bug if 2/3 haristyles for sylari cant be dyed for male or female other than a single item... How can you even come to the conclusion that it really is a bug and not intended?


2 minutes ago, Doggie.3184 said:

They did this in the past and got complaints and never fixed it so it's an intentional bad idea. 😞

I think this time it's a genuine bug. 

Human hairstyle dyes to Accessories instead of the actual Hair colour. That means they most likely buggered the hairstyle for Sylvari because we have no access to Accessory colours, so that means the flowers and the little leaf on the hairstyles were designed with accessories in mind, not just standard hairstyle

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I will say it does look like there is a lot of texture lost in some of the "skin color" hairstyles.  If you use a lighter skin color it all gets quite washed out, you lose any definition, and can't really make it look good.  Reminds me of using flesh-colored alien tendrils in their current form (which is kinda cool, but I think they need to keep their planty look).

I think both male and female got some really good looking hairstyles.  But they do leave some room for improvement imo.

Personally changed my Sylvari hair after like 6 years to the new bun with the orchid pin.  One of the few without a lot of problems.  I did notice some of the dyes were barely different in how they showed up.  The lack of any night glow isn't a big deal to me, but I think it could help it since it kind of disappears at night alongside the rest of your Sylvari lighting up.   After all these years we got used to our hairstyles having glow. 

Definitely feel like there is bugs in some of the new hairs/faces across the board on almost all races.  I do think as far as Sylvari go, could probably benefit from just adding alternates of the same styles,  "Fixed" and the current version.  Obvious clipping fixed across the board hopefully.  Similar to how the older vine hairstyle has the version with and without flowers.

Edited by Katreyn.4218
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5 minutes ago, Katreyn.4218 said:

I do think as far as Sylvari go, could probably benefit from just adding alternates of the same styles,  "Fixed" and the current version.  Obvious clipping fixed across the board hopefully.  Similar to how the older vine hairstyle has the version with and without flowers.

I'd love that! Perhaps a version of the long hair with the lily flower bun - one *without* the flower, able to be dyed like every other hairstyle; and one *with* the flower, where the leaves are the skin color and the flower is able to be dyed (as it is now). Like the example you cited, the vines with and without flowers.

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I really don't like when the hair is the same color as the skin. I wish they would change the current hairstyles that are like that too since it really does look like they're bald. These honestly looked rushed to me.


I'm hoping there are more hairstyles and faces, because I've seen so much good art from the community that I'd prefer over these. 


That leaf mustache does look taped on lol 

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I agree that the solution here is to add an accessory color to them. People would still have the option to have skin-color hair, and it's not like an accessory color is already being used for something else. Even the hairstyle with the pin, that should be giving us an accessory color option, doesn't have one! I always felt like the other hairstyles that do this (like the backwards, kinda twisted branches) should have had a bit of a gradient/texture on them at least. On most characters, the lack of color variation just ends up looking weird.

That said, I did end up having this look grow on me, so I wouldn't want to lose it to some belated changes now. The hair + accessory color fix seems like an obvious solution, with the only 'difficulty' maybe being the addition of another dye channel.

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4 hours ago, Emergencee.8259 said:

I’d love to see even the edges of the leaves dyable for the long/bun hairstyles. As it is, the hairstyle loses all depth and distinction at any distance, and your character looks bald. It’s so sad because these hairstyles are absolutely gorgeous and exactly what I’ve been hoping for for years.

Interestingly, if you toggle the lighting the edges utilize the glow color. But I 100% agree, they need more depth and distinction and even hits of hair color blended in would solve that.

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