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Opinions on the new charr faces?


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I'm just curious what others think of them.

For my own opinion... I can manage to create some nice-looking faces with the females, though they all seem to have a permanent wicked smirk - or at least it certainly looks that way. (I find the effect kind of interesting.) The males, however - yikes! Looks a bit like someone swung a cartoon anvil into their noses like Loony Tunes. They're all scrunched up and crumpled. I'm really not a fan of those, and can't seem to create a decent face out of them. Anyone else have success with it?

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They're hideously ugly, and I'm fine with that. I was able to put a Charr through a grinder and come out with Splash Meatface yesterday.

On a more serious note, I think the snarlier looks can be quite good for someone looking to make a rugged warbeast or emulate some of the models from GW1. The faces with the feathered fur are also quite interesting, and then of course there's the female housecat faces with the tiny teeth - those aren't my thing really, but I'm sure someone's happy with them. All in all not bad for Charr compared to the other options we had before.

I will say, however, that the texture quality does seem low/unfinished. That's an issue I'm noticing across most if not all of the new faces and hairs we got.

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More faces are always welcome, especially since Charr have so few.

I'm disappointed that all the new male Charr faces have pink noses. The older faces were hard to dye entirely black. The new ones take all black dye better... but the bright pink nose stands out too much. The female faces don't have this issue. Real cats: pink noses, black noses, brown noses, grey noses, spotted/multi-coloured noses, based on their fur colour. I'm not sure why they'd pass on the opportunity to tie it to fur colour. Or at least vary them.

Love the new hairstyles.

Edited by Udolpho.1209
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These was the inspiration, clear as day... along with  some sprinkling of Japanese/Chinese/Korean demons.



I'm fine with more fantasy inspired facial choices. Not every Charr has to look like a house cat ( looking at you Charr  ladies ) but those don't even look alive, especially those with the ornamentations. (Guradian Lions are made of STONE). I'm fine with the monstrous look for the males ( females could use some too ) but those do nothing for me. They are far too close to their inspiration material.

Silver lining though ( Charr players HAVE to cling to those when available ) ... all those faces actually FIT in our "Charr only" Helmets from IBS ( along the original ones from vanilla I assume?). Which is more than the Olmakhan batch of faces can boast. Oh and you can actually close the females' mouth ( males can't)... would be cool if the lower jaw wasn't a smidge longer than the upper one. Well, if you fancy an underbite?

Yes, I'm bitter but I've survived since Vanilla with the table scraps of attention the humans get. It's fine really and it's much easier on my wallet 😆


Since interesting faces isn't happening, how about some new horns? ... fur patterns ? No?

Edit: Forgot the elephant in the room: Hair styles. I've come to accept that I'm just not the target demographic for almost all the Charr hair styles Anet has released after Vanilla. Where I would have gone tribal with with stuff tied into their hair, tresses, corn rows,  close to the neck etc, they went with big Metal hair (looks great on metal legion.. and only them ) and bombastic hair styles. *shrugs*

Edited by Harak.8397
Forgot something
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11 minutes ago, Harak.8397 said:

These was the inspiration, clear as day... along with  some sprinkling of Japanese/Chinese/Korean demons.



Ohhhhh, that makes sense now. I had been wondering about the patterns on some of the faces. That's cool! But...yeah, the male faces are a bit too close to that inspiration. It seems kind of jarring, actually - almost every other charr face, male or female, has a long muzzle. These look a bit like the offspring of a pug and a bowling ball.

You can almost manage to close the males' mouths - except for that underbite (just make the teeth small and it's barely noticeable). I was surprised that the sliders for jaw/muzzle tilt actually controlled how far open the mouth is. On other heads, male and female, it controls exactly what it says: the angle the top and bottom teeth line up.


They're hideously ugly, and I'm fine with that. I was able to put a Charr through a grinder and come out with Splash Meatface yesterday.



Oh my.

Excuse me, I'll be...over here now. Somewhere else. Fleeing for my life. 🥴

Edited by Batel.9206
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I like the inspiration for the new male faces.

I just find it odd that in comparison, the female ones are all very pretty, and the males are all very creepy-ugly. Among the old faces, there are some monster/beast style faces for both male and female charr (though on average, the female ones are generally prettier). 

I mean, look at this glorious grimace, so jealous

Edited by deatine.2498
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1 minute ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I love them. I played with them last night and was able to make several Charr that don’t look all snarly. It’s nice to be able to create some more affable faces along the lines of Tybalt.

You did? Nice! I'd love to see pictures. 😄 I still can't seem to play with the sliders enough to make the male faces look better...

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I was able to turn 2 of them into something palatable. (males options that is) The strength of the latest faces is in how much impact the sliders have on them. Still some characteristics remain set in, well... stone. The face with the swirly motif cannot be helped but the one with the frills ( whiskers?) looks better with a darker fur color. Something in the texture work makes them look tacked on with lighter shades. The one with the most natural complexion will always have a blocky, thick features and that's fine but something seems broken with the nose height slider. Everything past the mid point towards the left makes the nose look broken.


Oh and the premium eye colors ( especially in the red/yellow range) do wonders for those tiny peepers.

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I like them! Not so house- kitty, expressfull and well detailed, even the male faces for once some faces are clearly inspired by asian beasts even, wich I like!!They even had 3 different lengths of the snouts to fit everyones taste! Not so much copy-pasting this time! The adjustment of the lower jaw is great! I didnt quite like when a-net shut all charr mouthes closed. Now WE can decide.  I gave my main, a male charr, a new face right away. Now I'm just waiting for equally well made horns...

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I like most of them.  While most of my lady charr are quite lovely, I welcome the more Canthan themed ones.  They would make for a more fierce look or a nice contrast to conventionally cute.  The designs on the faces are cool and interesting besides just the fur patterns.  There are some that are quite hideous, but eye of the beholder....if you want a snarly, gnarled veteran of many battles then it might be for you.

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The female faces are the easiest to get looking good (for a more mean/fierce look, just downsize the eyes and make the eyebrows look angry). The male faces are unique and I like them, but they feel a little bit rushed. For instance, all 3 male faces have the EXACT same eyes--when you swap between them the face around the eyes changes, but the eyes stay the same. Also, the eyes don't seem to be positioned quite right in the skull--on one male face in particular, when his eyes dart around, they roll back into his head and it looks wrong. I also wonder if Anet viewed the male faces from the side, against the male charr's body profile. Unless you give them max head size, those faces create a "big body, tiny pinhead" look.

Overall, I like the inspiration for the faces, but there are some little details/bugs that make me think they weren't looked over carefully enough. 



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1 hour ago, Avan.1540 said:

Weirdly, I'm not even able to see the new face or hair options for charr (I only have charr characters... ('charracters'?) so thats all I was able to test) - I'm not sure why.. do old total makeover kits not get the new options anymore? They used to..

They are on the far right of the Face selection tab because they are not exclusive faces.

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10 hours ago, DarkNighT.7319 said:

This is more of the crazy, he's actually kinda creepy scary like this.


Dont worry, it will be dead as soon as i get the key from the story xD

That...wow. That's Nightmare Fuel on par with two of the new asura faces. Yeesh. (I mean, in a good way, but...eek.)

I'm still torn on what to feel about these new male faces (I like the female faces, even if the fluffy fur on one looks jarringly low-resolution and pixelated). On one hand, I'm glad that, if people so choose, they can create the most hideously deranged charr/troll hybrid to ever exist, because more options in character creation are always good. 😜 On the other hand...I guess I was hoping we'd get more lion-like faces, but perhaps we already have plenty of those. I don't know.

Edited by Batel.9206
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