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Give Us Pink Fur for Charr Creation!


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I want to bring attention to something that's been bothering me for awhile: There is no option to have any kind of pink fur in charr character creation! Yet for some reason, there are NPCs who do have pink fur. They aren't even particularly noteworthy, just seemingly random story NPCs as far as I can tell. An unnamed, "Suspicious Charr" you fight in the Ash Legion story and a scrapper named Isola you interact with in one of the steps from the charr 2nd chapter. While Isola's fur isn't exactly pink, it's got a pink tint and can't be done in player creation as far as l've tried.

So I figure, while the devs are adding new face options, why not this, too? Why not give us some shades of pink for charr creation?

(As a side note, there's also Korukhan the Blacksmith who has a really nice deep blue coat of fur. That'd be nice to have, as well)

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23 minutes ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

They also don't have green, purple or neon orange fur colors for Charr either so there's really no reason to add pink when Anet seems to have specifically gone with natural shades for Charr fur.  Hard No from me.

I'm not talking about bright neon colors. l'm talking about the shades they've already used for a few otherwise unremarkable NPCs. Isola in particular is a very, very subtle tint of pink. "Suspicious Charr" is a dark pink, almost reddish.

My point from this is, if the colors are fine for NPCs, why not players?

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2 minutes ago, Smoky.5348 said:

I'm not talking about bright neon colors. l'm talking about the shades they've already used for a few otherwise unremarkable NPCs. Isola in particular is a very, very subtle tint of pink. "Suspicious Charr" is a dark pink, almost reddish.

My point from this is, if the colors are fine for NPCs, why not players?

I think that's lighting, not an unavailable shade.

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25 minutes ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

I think that's lighting, not an unavailable shade.

You might possibly be right for Isola, but there is no way this guy's pinkness is a result of lighting:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/243267327586598912/916945891250831370/unknown.png

Edited by Smoky.5348
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20 minutes ago, Smoky.5348 said:

You might possibly be right for Isola, but there is no way this guy's pinkness is a result of lighting:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/243267327586598912/916945891250831370/unknown.png

Try "foofoo" in the character creator. It looks pinker on male charr than female charr, but it's wine red on both.

As for Isola, try "peach gray."

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Every race has some aspects that are restricted to NPCs and charr being charr, sometimes that means fur colour in addition to faces or other unique features to show an NPC has something to do with the story and isn't a generic NPC. It would be nice if we got more fur colour options (always been a fan of Korukhan's) but it could be the result of two different teams working from the same base so those fur colours were never part of the character creator combined with the MMO equivalent of  having all background characters wear a mask except the ones that impact the story like in animation.


That said, it would still be nice to have more options as fur colour is one of the main customization options you can see on your own charr, especially if you use helms.

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1 hour ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

They also don't have green, purple or neon orange fur colors for Charr either so there's really no reason to add pink when Anet seems to have specifically gone with natural shades for Charr fur.  Hard No from me.

Its okay, because we can have three sets of ears, Super Saiyan hair or hair literally made of fire,  and evil glowing eyes. Also, we can still glow bright green or orange with infusions.


That's why these kinds of arguments don't work anymore.

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6 hours ago, mikansei.5742 said:

Try "foofoo" in the character creator. It looks pinker on male charr than female charr, but it's wine red on both.

As for Isola, try "peach gray."

I've just been trying out different options in the character creator and I agree those are close, but they're not quite the same. Peach gray is much whiter than Isola and foofoo is more of a reddish-brown, in the right light it might look different, but I've gone through the whole scrapper storyline with a charr using the peach grey fur colour and she never looked the same shade as Isola, my charr was always much lighter.

I think it is just that there's always NPCs who have features not available to us. Sometimes it's deliberate (I think I remember someone at Anet saying they'll never make Queen Jennah's dress available to players because it's supposed to be unique to her) and sometimes it's just the result of the people who make NPCs not going through the character creator and presumably having more options than we get.

It would be nice to have more options, and presumably if they've put it on an NPC (who has been in the game since launch) they think it's realistic for Tyria, but maybe there's different opinions within Anet on that or something. (Like how the guy who wanted invisible shoes could never get permission to make a check box, but could get an item made because that was a different department so it was approved by different people.)

Edited by Danikat.8537
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8 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

Its okay, because we can have three sets of ears, Super Saiyan hair or hair literally made of fire,  and evil glowing eyes. Also, we can still glow bright green or orange with infusions.


That's why these kinds of arguments don't work anymore.

I strongly disagree.  All those things can be explained (and in some cases out right ARE (though I don't quite understand the "three pairs of ears" part) as clothing or unnatural alterations to ones appearance not unlike what people choose wear or to do to themselves in real life, just many in Tyria are derived from magic. 

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20 hours ago, Smoky.5348 said:

You might possibly be right for Isola, but there is no way this guy's pinkness is a result of lighting:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/243267327586598912/916945891250831370/unknown.png

That's not pink fur. That is the usually dark reddish/brown fur in character creation. The hairstyle is just a lighter shade of that and that specific type of hairstyle covers a lot of the neck, making it look like a fluffier charr. The picture you linked is not pink fur and there was never pink fur, unless you use the new hairstyle colours.


I would much prefer if they stuck with natural fur colours that you would see in the wild, especially so for larger Carinvoran mammals.

Edited by Ogwom.7940
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3 hours ago, Ogwom.7940 said:

That's not pink fur. That is the usually dark reddish/brown fur in character creation. The hairstyle is just a lighter shade of that and that specific type of hairstyle covers a lot of the neck, making it look like a fluffier charr. The picture you linked is not pink fur and there was never pink fur, unless you use the new hairstyle colours.


I would much prefer if they stuck with natural fur colours that you would see in the wild, especially so for larger Carinvoran mammals.

I'm not talking about fluff, l'm talking about the color all around. That is undeniably a reddish pink that cannot be done in character creation to any degree. Nothing looks even close to that.


13 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

I strongly disagree.  All those things can be explained (and in some cases out right ARE (though I don't quite understand the "three pairs of ears" part) as clothing or unnatural alterations to ones appearance not unlike what people choose wear or to do to themselves in real life, just many in Tyria are derived from magic. 

That kinda reads like a contradicting argument. If crazy hair colors are unnatural alterations one can do, then dyeing the rest of one's fur is only marginally different. To solidify it as a personal choice, then it can be made an option in a Makeover kit. But, should charr be the only ones who get extra options like that? Well, basically yeah... More believable to dye fur than to dye skin as far as l know.

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6 minutes ago, Smoky.5348 said:

I'm not talking about fluff, l'm talking about the color all around. That is undeniably a reddish pink that cannot be done in character creation to any degree. Nothing looks even close to that.

"Foofoo" fur color looks like that on male charr. On female charr "foofoo" leaves the chest/belly greyish for some reason, though.

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18 hours ago, mikansei.5742 said:

"Foofoo" fur color looks like that on male charr. On female charr "foofoo" leaves the chest/belly greyish for some reason, though.

I'm sorry to be so blunt, but that is an incorrect statement. Foofoo is a kind of dark reddish-brown. It does not match the pink of the "Suspicious Charr". I added in an image from the character creator, but it cannot be said it's due to the lighting. The Black Citadel does not have a major color grading filter and the story mission does not take place at an odd time of day. Nothing else in the instance looks off-colored, either. You can even see the "Suspicious Charr" is wearing brown in his outfit and that brown is not tinted red or pink.



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Well norn get tattoos, I don't see why charr can't dye their fur.  Probably better for a makeover kit.  Add some more norn tattoos when you add the extra fur colors. 


I have never made a charr character though.  I know sylvari and asura can get different skin patterns, are the norn tattoos just a variant on that?  Do charr have different fur markings in a similar way?  Charr clothing is so concealing I have never seen enough of their bodies to know if they have different spot or swirl patterns.

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On 12/5/2021 at 12:28 AM, Smoky.5348 said:

There is no option to have any kind of pink fur in charr character creation! Yet for some reason, there are NPCs who do have pink fur.

And you're right, that's weird. Players have wanted NPC hairs and outfits for years, so it only follows that we'd want their other customization options too. In fact, there's a trick that allows you to have the Olmakhan Charr horns requiring some heckery with makeover kits - that's how far people are willing to go to Get That Look.

The pink you're describing is a fairly natural strawberry tone, not the neon some people are assuming, and so I think that's in line with the dull greys, browns, and rusts we already have access to. Honestly, if they added some type of mossy grey-green for Charr fur, I think that'd look fine too. Paired with the fact that we already have wild color infusions and fluorescent hair options, I think having access to NPC (or other muted tones) is a reasonable ask.

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20 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

I have never made a charr character though.  I know sylvari and asura can get different skin patterns, are the norn tattoos just a variant on that?  Do charr have different fur markings in a similar way?  Charr clothing is so concealing I have never seen enough of their bodies to know if they have different spot or swirl patterns.

Yeah, charr have a good number of fur patterns and it's in the same Body Features section as the others.

17 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

And you're right, that's weird. Players have wanted NPC hairs and outfits for years, so it only follows that we'd want their other customization options too. In fact, there's a trick that allows you to have the Olmakhan Charr horns requiring some heckery with makeover kits - that's how far people are willing to go to Get That Look.

The pink you're describing is a fairly natural strawberry tone, not the neon some people are assuming, and so I think that's in line with the dull greys, browns, and rusts we already have access to. Honestly, if they added some type of mossy grey-green for Charr fur, I think that'd look fine too. Paired with the fact that we already have wild color infusions and fluorescent hair options, I think having access to NPC (or other muted tones) is a reasonable ask.

That's the root of my issue here, really. I see generic NPCs with outfits l can't wear and l always think, "Why can't l wear that?" Sure, Queen Jennah can keep her custom-made dress; l want those generic outfits and l want to re-color them! Then l see charr with minor roles in the story with unique fur colors, making me feel baffled because they're otherwise unremarkable characters. Korukhan's got quite the voice, but he doesn't have much to do with the story, so why should his suave blue fur be limited to him?

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