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New Player Question about scaled boss HP

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Hey folks. So I'm new to GW2 endgame. I'm also fairly new to MMO's. I've leveled an ele, ranger, and rev to level 80... and immediately got excited and got my exotics off the TP and started fashion wars so I'd look cool getting my mounts and things like that. I prefer open world stuff, as I'm working on getting my elite specialization. I was using Metabattle builds until I learned the class and such. I've settled on my Revenant for now, as I just find it the most fun with Sword/Sword. I haven't played him in months and he was the first to hit 80. As I was looking over my gear to my horror I realized I had bought soldiers exotics. My ascended trinkets look like marauders... but I got them with laurels so I'm not entirely sure.

So in regards to harder open world content.... I've heard that if you don't do enough DPS you are actually making say a world boss harder for everyone else, because apparently each player involved adds to the world boss's hp? Am I making content harder for everyone else? I just use hammer on world bosses until I get renegade. Not interested in fractals or dungeons or wvw until I get properly geared, but I like the gold and loot from world bosses and things on the open world map.


Tl;dr : I accidentally spent the last of my gold before realizing I had soldier exotic armor on instead of bezerkers or marauders. Should I avoid the world bosses as Im just making things worse? How does the super hard content HP scale? I checked the wiki but I must have missed it.

Edited by OneoftheLost.8673
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It is true that world bosses (and a lot of other things) scale up based on the number of people present. I suppose that technically means someone doing less than average damage is making it harder, but not to the point where it would matter or anyone would notice. You'll never see a world boss fail because some people were using something other than pure-damage specs.

Considering a lot of them are in lower level maps just the fact that you're playing a level 80 character with a full set of exotics and ascended trinkets mean you've got an advantage. (You are downscaled in lower level maps, but each stat is downscaled individually so with 3-4 traits on your equipment you'll still have more overall than someone at that level.)

In some cases it can be an advantage to have some players who aren't using pure damage builds because if anyone misses dodging an attack or stays too long in an AoE those people are more likely to be able to revive them without getting downed themselves, and having more people attacking rather than slowly dying definitely helps.

So no, there's absolutely no need for you to avoid world bosses or worry about making it harder for other players. If you ever do see one fail the only likely reason is there weren't enough people there so even with it scaling down to the number of players present it wasn't possible to succeed.

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If you're at all interested in WvW, I was surprised recently to find you can get a set of exotics really quickly there.

If you have the Itzel vendor unlocked you can also get everything but the chest piece of a set of stat-selectable "bladed" gear there from the itzel master with Verdant Brink currency (airship parts) and one gold a piece.

Just thought I'd share a few ways I've geared up exotics with very little gold, if you want to get out of that soldiers gear.

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Open world is about contributing. As long as you are involved and not afking, then it doesn’t matter what build or weapons you use. There may be some exceptions where certain bosses may need crowd control skills, but most open world bosses (there are a few exceptions) are just for fun and aren’t hard enough to worry about what skills you use.

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3 hours ago, OneoftheLost.8673 said:

Hey folks. So I'm new to GW2 endgame. I'm also fairly new to MMO's. I've leveled an ele, ranger, and rev to level 80... and immediately got excited and got my exotics off the TP and started fashion wars so I'd look cool getting my mounts and things like that. I prefer open world stuff, as I'm working on getting my elite specialization. I was using Metabattle builds until I learned the class and such. I've settled on my Revenant for now, as I just find it the most fun with Sword/Sword. I haven't played him in months and he was the first to hit 80. As I was looking over my gear to my horror I realized I had bought soldiers exotics. My ascended trinkets look like marauders... but I got them with laurels so I'm not entirely sure.

So in regards to harder open world content.... I've heard that if you don't do enough DPS you are actually making say a world boss harder for everyone else, because apparently each player involved adds to the world boss's hp? Am I making content harder for everyone else? I just use hammer on world bosses until I get renegade. Not interested in fractals or dungeons or wvw until I get properly geared, but I like the gold and loot from world bosses and things on the open world map.


Tl;dr : I accidentally spent the last of my gold before realizing I had soldier exotic armor on instead of bezerkers or marauders. Should I avoid the world bosses as Im just making things worse? How does the super hard content HP scale? I checked the wiki but I must have missed it.

Don't worry about it.  It's typical in large open world events for the majority of damage to come from a very small number of players.  It's expected and nobody cares.

Just be sure to familiarize yourself with defiance bars.  If you contribute on those you'll generally be more useful than the average player in open world regardless of how much damage you deal.

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Chill. As was just said, a small, elite fraction of players do most of the damage. Open world is like one big street fest with piñatas that fight back. The best things you can do involve (i) not getting downed yourself, (ii) bringing back on their feet people who did not manage (i), (iii) break those defiance bars quick, (iv) having fun without spoiling other people's fun.

Your concerns belong more to instanced content.

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4 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

If you're at all interested in WvW, I was surprised recently to find you can get a set of exotics really quickly there.

If you have the Itzel vendor unlocked you can also get everything but the chest piece of a set of stat-selectable "bladed" gear there from the itzel master with Verdant Brink currency (airship parts) and one gold a piece.

Just thought I'd share a few ways I've geared up exotics with very little gold, if you want to get out of that soldiers gear.

For heavy exotic berserker simply buying from the TP is the easiest. That cost 2g74s. I don't think there are any other ways to get 6 pieces of armor in the same amount of time that it would take to get 2g74s.

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1 minute ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

For heavy exotic berserker simply buying from the TP is the easiest. That cost 2g74s. I don't think there are any other ways to get 6 pieces of armor in the same amount of time that it would take to get 2g74s.

Yep. Depends on the stats you want

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20 hours ago, OneoftheLost.8673 said:

So in regards to harder open world content.... I've heard that if you don't do enough DPS you are actually making say a world boss harder for everyone else, because apparently each player involved adds to the world boss's hp? Am I making content harder for everyone else? I just use hammer on world bosses until I get renegade. Not interested in fractals or dungeons or wvw until I get properly geared, but I like the gold and loot from world bosses and things on the open world map.

1) Each player involved adds to the boss' hp AND breakbar. Very important, since some bosses contain mechanics related to breaking their breakbar that can end up in a wipe. I.e. Brewmaster Asef.

2) This doesn't matter if there are couples of dozens of players, if not (a) hundred(s). To quote a great player: monke may remain monkey, but monke STRONG together. Same applies to pugs; you go over a certain amount of players and most events become infallible.

3) Gear for full marauder's for the time. When you get better, go for the squishier variants: berserker's and viper's; sometimes diviner's and assassin's. You can mix rather freely, no one's gonna ask you for your gear in fractals.

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A lot of people doesnt grasp upscaling at all.

Case in point with the blighting tree bosses in Dragons Stand.

Five is more than enough to down the boss, many more just upscales it and makes it take a lot longer.    I still try to spoonfeed it to people that they should NOT go to help because of upscaling!

You get no loot from them, nor can you use the hero point until the event is done. Yet people still pile on them like no tomorrow.

Edited by LucianDK.8615
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