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Make PvP Power Mirage Great Again


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These changes will make Power Mirage a capable duelist that is fun and more importantly fair. Every class will be able to outplay mirage regardless of damage type, but mirage will have the tools to outplay it's opponents. This makes it a competitive in slot option to thief and it's elite specs, who will still be able to gank and escape better, as well not negating them as a mesmer counter class.

The added side effects are the proportionate Condi culling in competitive modes that are on par with it's condi burst and to allow it to be an effective duelist while removing the "clunk" and "janky" feel of the class from everything following 2018, but still maintaining the intention of the reduction nerfs post feb 2020, as well as keeping things that should remain gone, such as: Mirage cloak duration, the cooldown on evasive mirror, and blurred frenzy animation/duration, etc.

The Buffs! In competitive modes only.. I guess you can buff PvE too where applicable.

  1. Restore endurance bar on Mirage - Mirage cloak: Endurance Threshold Increase: 50.
  2. **Mirage Cloak: When Stunned, Knocked down, Pulled, Knocked back, Launched, Floated, Sunk, Feared, or Taunted: Gain exhaustion for:
    -Option 1: 3 seconds. This can only apply once every 3 seconds. (aka 3 second interval)
    -Option 2: For the duration of the applicable control effect, no internal cooldown or interval.
    -Option 3: Wiggle room between 2 - 5 second duration, and a 2 - 5 second interval.
    (If too punishing, and chain stuns are a problem relative to the the interval increase the threshold.)
    (If Mirage's don't feel any pressure from 2 -3 seconds increase the duration)
    (Needless to say; the interval should Never be lower than the duration.)   
  3. Fully restore Jaunt usage: 20 second c/d per charge, 3 charges. - Confusion reduced from 3 to 0.
  4. Illusionary Ambush:  recharge time of this skill from 35 seconds to 25 - 28 seconds.

  5. Critical Infusion and Nomads Endurance:
    -Option 1: CI from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. NE from1.5 seconds to 5 seconds.
    -Option 2: CI from 3 seconds to 10 seconds (back to original). NE from 1.5 to 3 seconds, Loses condi dmg factor.
    -Option 3: Rename CI give it flat permanent 25% endurance recharge (same as ranger). NE 3 seconds, Loses Condi dmg factor. 

  6. Blink: from 35 seconds to 30 seconds.

  7. Desperate Decoy: Reduce cooldown from 120 seconds to 40 seconds. (Optional)

  8. Mirage Advance: Reduce cast time to 0. Damage coefficient reduced from 1.5 to 0.5. (or just make it 0), Immobilizes instead of blind.

  9. Maim of the Disillusioned: No longer applies conditions on Diversion and Distorion/CS Plus:
    -Option 1: Torment Duration increased from 3 to 6 seconds.
    -Option 2: 2 stack of torment for 3 seconds.

  10. Blurred inscription: Grants aegis for you and allies instead of granting you distortion.

If overperforming Nerf the following

  1. If Mesmer on a whole is surviving too much while not running inspiration: Signet of Illusions - No longer recharges Distortion.
  2. If Condi mirage alone over performs and wins via an a unfair game of attrition. Axe, Staff, Scepter clones no longer apply conditions when auto attacking.
  3. If Everyone is running inspiration and abusing signets on top of the defensive changes and is it's just too much: Nerf Blurred inscriptions more.


**Discussing #2
This might seem quite punishing, but it's also quite clear that A-net, along with the plethora of players doesn't like it's functionality regarding stuns; and for the most part I agree; even if we never had placements from power mirage to prove it was an issue 🙄. But it does stand that Something needs to be done about it for everyone to be satisfied. People can make a big stink about "casting while evading" But I will contend that point in relation to Mesmer's kit until the day I die; a mesmer evading while casting is not analogues to a Ranger or a Thief or a Ele or Whatever doing the same. But I wont go into that issue until it's inevitably brought up in the comments 😒. But the way I see this working is that it punishes poor play and rewards good plays; as it should be.

If you are eating hard CCs, you are undoubtedly going to be evading the follow up. This STILL allows you to evade while CCed, however your endurance is going to take a hit for not actively avoiding the hard control effect. At the same time, your general evasive abilities and damage would be more in line with the other builds allowing you to fight on an even playing field.

The neat dynamic here is that if you're really good and know how to anticipate and avoid the hard CC's you wont feel it. Contrast to a situation where: being low on endurance, eating the hard CC, and blowing a cooldown to avoid a burst, is going to hit your endurance hard. If scaled correctly it should suck but not be the end of the world if you are blind sided with all your cooldowns and endurance (but you should still feel it a little). 

If we have to have a drawback this is a much more fair drawback.

Edited by Daishi.6027
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From the bottom knocked condi mirage, not only did the mirage condi nerf everything that is possible from damage to skills, so also the normal pvp amulets were taken away)) At least the amulets were not touched by power mirage.

Edited by Zraurum.8493
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13 minutes ago, Ombras.2853 said:

It makes no sense, since Virtuoso is the designed Power Spec for Mesmer.

Yes, it has to be improved to compete (especially in PvP, it’s at least decent in PvE and as a roamer in WvW), but that’s another story.

Between the 2 specs Mirage though made for condi is still a better power spec then Virtuoso. There is more mobility, sustain, and ranged attack from GS ambush that gives vulnerability to enemies and might stacks to yourself, its a ranged non projectile attack. Power mirage just offers more with one dodge then Virtuoso with 2 dodges.

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Mostly good, but if Blurred Inscriptions loses distortion I would like something like 3 seconds of protection or stability on top of the aegis. I also disagree with your view on Blurred Frenzy. It roots you in place and does less damage than auto attacking. 1 second of evade (less with quickness) is too little. Or give it back its damage.

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5 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

Exhaustion doesn't work on mesmer. 

It does on DD because they've a miriad of skills to bypass it. 

As for the Virt is the power yadda yadda, Virt is neither power nor condi, its garbage. 

Its quite hilarious you say that, when I was testing it, Virtuoso offered better condi burst and pressure better then its Power counterpart. Then again celestial statline is stupidly strong and left unchecked when they decide to add more stats giving it so much value while not nerfing the rest to even out the extra stats it was given.

Edited by Salt Mode.3780
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9 hours ago, Ombras.2853 said:

Sure, but that’s off the general argument.

Virtuoso was designed to be the Power class.

Hence they won’t (likely) adjust Mirage to be a better Power class than it already is.

I don't see how it was designed to be a power class except for players wanting it to be. Virtuoso can do power/condi just the same as base mesmer or chronomancer. It even has a dedicated condi trait line.

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12 hours ago, Ombras.2853 said:

It makes no sense, since Virtuoso is the designed Power Spec for Mesmer.

Yes, it has to be improved to compete (especially in PvP, it’s at least decent in PvE and as a roamer in WvW), but that’s another story.


10 hours ago, Ombras.2853 said:

Sure, but that’s off the general argument.

Virtuoso was designed to be the Power class.

Hence they won’t (likely) adjust Mirage to be a better Power class than it already is.

Disregarding the fact we all know virtuoso is garbage, there has never been anything in the game saying a class or spec has to be played one way, and a lot of classes get access to dual viable damage types for an elite spec. Dare Devil (thief class as a whole really), same with Weaver, same with SB, to a lesser degree DH (but I'd argue it's still more functional that power mirage) all for example can take either and do fine, Hell even Chrono had both builds until the nerfs, then power was no longer viable until danger time was buffed and then nerfed again; with condi being the only consistent build for the longest time and through most of HoT. Even though the runes are power and precision.

Also if A-net wants to prove Virtuoso is a power line then they'd get rid of the bottom traits lol. But really, fact is; given the nature of PvP, Condi is easier to make work on almost any spec so long as skills apply conditions, this is why we've seen some (anecdotal) evidence of condi virtuoso functioning a bit better than core even without illusions... And I'm willing to bet A-net still hasn't realized this reality.

More over the point is moot, I'm not asking for direct power damage buffs, I'm asking for reversions to the survivability nerfs to allow both builds to thrive. What I'm actually suggesting takes away the clunky janky feel from Condi Mirage, and makes it a little better as a duelist in exchange for a small amount of it's condi sustain damage, tweaking so it's burst is largely unaffected but more front loaded for counterplay purposes; making it a fair 1v1 for the opponent if they are good at avoiding getting hit.

Even if we take the conceit that "Condi Mirage, must be Condi; Condi is the only viable thing and the only thing that should matter in PvP/WvW" Well to be fair, Mirage was always actually supposed to be the evasive slippery playstyle where it would trick people and shuffle itself in clones... It does not do this, that aspect and most of the functionality has been nerfed out of the class. And the funny thing is; GS Mirage could do that playstyle better than the condi specs ever did. But the truth is A-net has always struggled to balance the condition side of it; and resolved to gutting the whole class in an unintuitive, cluncky, janky, and frankly lazy way. What I suggest restores what it lost while keeping condi in check and preserving the nerfs to things that were problematic.


9 hours ago, Yoci.2481 said:

Mostly good, but if Blurred Inscriptions loses distortion I would like something like 3 seconds of protection or stability on top of the aegis. I also disagree with your view on Blurred Frenzy. It roots you in place and does less damage than auto attacking. 1 second of evade (less with quickness) is too little. Or give it back its damage.

I don't know about stability, that kind of steps on the toes of bountiful disillusionment. But Protection would be a solid fit for a GM team support skill in Inspiration.

As for Blurred frenzy, in general I mostly concur. It's one of those skills where it was supposed to be both a solid evade and damage; problem is it can't be good at both in competitive modes. Plus condi mirage can work using hybrid stats which also sets a problem for this skill if the damage is increased. The best solution might be to make it not root you in PvP/WvW, and let it keep it's damage in PvE but still keep you rooted, or maybe a Cooldown reduction...? but thinking the latter is a little unlikely (and probably OP) and the former is probably too difficult to split; I think generally increasing the evasive abilities of core, particularly in the dueling line should make up the difference.


6 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

Exhaustion doesn't work on mesmer. 

It does on DD because they've a miriad of skills to bypass it. 

"Doesn't work" is relative. For your general point I agree; This is why it didn't work with Elusive mind.
However, the fact that it is so punishing and doesn't have as many ways to bypass it, but still allows for it's entire functionality; is exactly why it "works". By harshly punishing poor plays, getting out played, and poor awareness even harder; we allow for a situation where you won't even feel it when playing well.

As opposed to old Elusive mind which just punished you for "doing the thing", and with no leniency for "When", in a game prior to Feb 2020.

Edited by Daishi.6027
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6 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Its quite hilarious you say that, when I was testing it, Virtuoso offered better condi burst and pressure better then its Power counterpart. Then again celestial statline is stupidly strong and left unchecked when they decide to add more stats giving it so much value while not nerfing the rest to even out the extra stats it was given.

we are talking about pvp, not open world content

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22 hours ago, Daishi.6027 said:

These changes will make Power Mirage a capable duelist that is fun and more importantly fair. Every class will be able to outplay mirage regardless of damage type, but mirage will have the tools to outplay it's opponents. This makes it a competitive in slot option to thief and it's elite specs, who will still be able to gank and escape better, as well not negating them as a mesmer counter class.

The added side effects are the proportionate Condi culling in competitive modes that are on par with it's condi burst and to allow it to be an effective duelist while removing the "clunk" and "janky" feel of the class from everything following 2018, but still maintaining the intention of the reduction nerfs post feb 2020, as well as keeping things that should remain gone, such as: Mirage cloak duration, the cooldown on evasive mirror, and blurred frenzy animation/duration, etc.

The Buffs! In competitive modes only.. I guess you can buff PvE too where applicable.

  1. Restore endurance bar on Mirage - Mirage cloak: Endurance Threshold Increase: 50.
  2. **Mirage Cloak: When Stunned, Knocked down, Pulled, Knocked back, Launched, Floated, Sunk, Feared, or Taunted: Gain exhaustion for:
    -Option 1: 3 seconds. This can only apply once every 3 seconds. (aka 3 second interval)
    -Option 2: For the duration of the applicable control effect, no internal cooldown or interval.
    -Option 3: Wiggle room between 2 - 5 second duration, and a 2 - 5 second interval.
    (If too punishing, and chain stuns are a problem relative to the the interval increase the threshold.)
    (If Mirage's don't feel any pressure from 2 -3 seconds increase the duration)
    (Needless to say; the interval should Never be lower than the duration.)   
  3. Fully restore Jaunt usage: 20 second c/d per charge, 3 charges. - Confusion reduced from 3 to 0.
  4. Illusionary Ambush:  recharge time of this skill from 35 seconds to 20 seconds.

  5. Critical Infusion and Nomads Endurance:
    -Option 1: CI from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. NE from1.5 seconds to 5 seconds.
    -Option 2: CI from 3 seconds to 10 seconds (back to original). NE from 1.5 to 3 seconds, Loses condi dmg factor.
    -Option 3: Rename CI give it flat permanent 25% endurance recharge (same as ranger). NE 3 seconds, Loses Condi dmg factor. 

  6. Blink: from 35 seconds to 30 seconds.

  7. Desperate Decoy: Reduce cooldown from 120 seconds to 40 seconds. (Optional)

  8. Mirage Advance: Reduce cast time to 0. Damage coefficient reduced from 1.5 to 0.5. (or just make it 0), Immobilizes instead of blind.

  9. Maim of the Disillusioned: No longer applies conditions on Diversion and Distorion/CS Plus:
    -Option 1: Torment Duration increased from 3 to 6 seconds.
    -Option 2: 2 stack of torment for 3 seconds.

  10. Blurred inscription: Grants aegis for you and allies instead of granting you distortion.

If overperforming Nerf the following

  1. If Mesmer on a whole is surviving too much while not running inspiration: Signet of Illusions - No longer recharges Distortion.
  2. If Condi mirage alone over performs and wins via an a unfair game of attrition. Axe, Staff, Scepter clones no longer apply conditions when auto attacking.
  3. If Everyone is running inspiration and abusing signets on top of the defensive changes and is it's just too much: Nerf Blurred inscriptions more.


**Discussing #2
This might seem quite punishing, but it's also quite clear that A-net, along with the plethora of players doesn't like it's functionality regarding stuns; and for the most part I agree; even if we never had placements from power mirage to prove it was an issue 🙄. But it does stand that Something needs to be done about it for everyone to be satisfied. People can make a big stink about "casting while evading" But I will contend that point in relation to Mesmer's kit until the day I die; a mesmer evading while casting is not analogues to a Ranger or a Thief or a Ele or Whatever doing the same. But I wont go into that issue until it's inevitably brought up in the comments 😒. But the way I see this working is that it punishes poor play and rewards good plays; as it should be.

If you are eating hard CCs, you are undoubtedly going to be evading the follow up. This STILL allows you to evade while CCed, however your endurance is going to take a hit for not actively avoiding the hard control effect. At the same time, your general evasive abilities and damage would be more in line with the other builds allowing you to fight on an even playing field.

The neat dynamic here is that if you're really good and know how to anticipate and avoid the hard CC's you wont feel it. Contrast to a situation where: being low on endurance, eating the hard CC, and blowing a cooldown to avoid a burst, is going to hit your endurance hard. If scaled correctly it should suck but not be the end of the world if you are blind sided with all your cooldowns and endurance (but you should still feel it a little). 

If we have to have a drawback this is a much more fair drawback.

1 Nomads endurance should be giving + 100 power and condi. instead off just 150 condi. maybe 120/120 depending how good it is.
2  If they wont bring 2x dodge mirage, the least they should do is give us 75 endurance, so we are not constantly waste the dodge unless spam off cooldown. 
3 While illu ambush needs some form of buff, turning it from 35s to 20s is insane, it along deception trait with GS clone ambush is insane, keep in mind its still 1200 range teleport, and can be used to rotate around the map, or escape by using enemies as teleport target, at 20s it would be too overpowered, 30s-28s ? reasonable.
also it can be used while controlled, you can teleport to far away target while you wait out the CC. Its a decent skill.

Edited by FarmBotXD.1430
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5 minutes ago, FarmBotXD.1430 said:

we are talking about pvp, not open world content

Yes i understand that and i am talking about PvP not PvE, the amount of confusion stacks you were able to apply was insane on the F2 which was more reliable then power variant, not to mention you applied both power and condi dmg by wearing full celestial gear.

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Just now, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Yes i understand that and i am talking about PvP not PvE, the amount of confusion stacks you were able to apply was insane on the F2 which was more reliable then power variant, not to mention you applied both power and condi dmg by wearing full celestial gear.

First off all F2 was bugged and was hitting twice ( 2x the damage its supposed to have )
Sec of all, you can avoid F2 ( which is 75% of your damage ) by walking
Third of all, celestial stats do not exist in PvP

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4 minutes ago, FarmBotXD.1430 said:

First off all F2 was bugged and was hitting twice ( 2x the damage its supposed to have )
Sec of all, you can avoid F2 ( which is 75% of your damage ) by walking
Third of all, celestial stats do not exist in PvP

oh im sorry you meant sPvP for some reason people seem to forget WvW is also a legit PvP gamemode. 

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15 hours ago, FarmBotXD.1430 said:

1 Nomads endurance should be giving + 100 power and condi. instead off just 150 condi. maybe 120/120 depending how good it is.
2  If they wont bring 2x dodge mirage, the least they should do is give us 75 endurance, so we are not constantly waste the dodge unless spam off cooldown. 
3 While illu ambush needs some form of buff, turning it from 35s to 20s is insane, it along deception trait with GS clone ambush is insane, keep in mind its still 1200 range teleport, and can be used to rotate around the map, or escape by using enemies as teleport target, at 20s it would be too overpowered, 30s-28s ? reasonable.
also it can be used while controlled, you can teleport to far away target while you wait out the CC. Its a decent skill.

1. IMO I think sorting out the vigor is a bit more important for an evasive class, In general I don't mind your suggestion and think equality between static traits would normally be fine... But in the case of Mirage I do see a problem with this unintentionally buffing hybrid builds though; because mirage builds around hybrid stats in a particularly effective way.

2. If this really is something A-net will never allow then sure, but I've always held the argument that Power never over performed when Condi was doing it's thing in 2018 with two evades; Any reason why it can't have two can be balanced around so long as we hit the right things.

3. It's a good skill yes, but I don't think what was mentioned here is a bad thing. Maybe a 25 - 28 second c/d might be more in line with the feb 2020 update, however even with what I suggested thief is still doing a better roaming job and isn't predicate on another player. As for being a defensive utility, I agree that is a strong usage; but that's particularly why I advocate for the drawback I did. If you are hit with a hard CC skill and automatically exhaust, but you use this to escape, if you are already low on endurance for any reason; making such a move is going to hurt a lot more when chased, rather than doing it with a full bar. But it might just be easier were it a problem to make it not actuate while stunned.

As for it's ambush power with something like GS I have a bit more doubt for. Beyond maybe being too frequent to hit people who cover LoS and trigger a target drop relative to the 2020 feb patch; Sure? Maybe I'd concede that. As it is now however, there are ways to stack up ambushes between Desert distortion, Signets, and Illusionary ambush; and it doesn't do enough damage to be a problem. And for the historic precedent is that it used to be 20 sec c/d; to which: *insert every argument I keep making about power not over performing at the time*. Purely on a Feb 2020 design though I can agree, but the cooldown should not be over 28 seconds.

Also I'm not entirely sure why you mentioned the deception trait as though it was an issue? I don't particularly think it makes the clone generation too high or anything? You might need to clarify this one for me.

Edited by Daishi.6027
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@Daishi.6027I dont think deception trait is overperforming NOW.
but you want to buff jaunt to 20s cd and IA to 20s cd.
And since IA procs clone ambush its very easy to use it as an ambush trigger for 3 GS clones, even without IH.
It turns IA into an do everything skill, and having only 20s cd on skill like this would be far too good. I already use it occasionally and get a lot of good value from it, on 20s it would be insane.
Think about it this way, as long as you have at least 1 GS clone, it will 
1 Evade
2 Teleport
3 GS ambush
4 Generate a clone ( and since you have at least 1 its at least 2 clones doing the ambush, loads of damage loads of vuln, loads of chaos during a fight )

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9 hours ago, FarmBotXD.1430 said:

@Daishi.6027I dont think deception trait is overperforming NOW.
but you want to buff jaunt to 20s cd and IA to 20s cd.
And since IA procs clone ambush its very easy to use it as an ambush trigger for 3 GS clones, even without IH.
It turns IA into an do everything skill, and having only 20s cd on skill like this would be far too good. I already use it occasionally and get a lot of good value from it, on 20s it would be insane.
Think about it this way, as long as you have at least 1 GS clone, it will 
1 Evade
2 Teleport
3 GS ambush
4 Generate a clone ( and since you have at least 1 its at least 2 clones doing the ambush, loads of damage loads of vuln, loads of chaos during a fight )

you can also think about IA this way:

you risk getting ported into an aoe
you risk getting ported into random corner/behind the wall
you risk wasting the skill on the spot if the enemy moves 1 step away from 1200 range
it does not detarget ai/mobs when used (or at least they instantly target you back)
it doesn’t break stun
it works counterproductive with self-deception when you have 3 clones up (the 3rd clone gets resummoned and doesn’t proc the ambush)

I too think the skill on 20s would be too spammable, but it could use at least a stunbreak or something for its current cooldown and questionable reliability

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Don't do this! Power Mirage is already the best variant of power Mesmer. Buff core power Mesmer instead! Buffing core automatically also buffs power Mirage, while the reverse isn't true. Jaunt is already the best Mesmer elite skill! Do not make Mirage Advance an instant immob! Illusionary Ambush is already a decent skill and the best Deception utility, do not make it 20 seconds cd!

The idea of exhaustion if you dodge while CCd is a good idea though.

Edited by agrippastrilemma.8741
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On 1/7/2022 at 4:29 AM, Yoci.2481 said:

Mostly good, but if Blurred Inscriptions loses distortion I would like something like 3 seconds of protection or stability on top of the aegis. I also disagree with your view on Blurred Frenzy. It roots you in place and does less damage than auto attacking. 1 second of evade (less with quickness) is too little. Or give it back its damage.

Blurried inscriptions got changed back in the day and moved. Its hard to remember everything, but at one point back in 2015 BI was in the domination line and inspiration had other GM traits and it all had some insane synergy potencial to provide sustain. It was tweaked around and greatly reduced the impact of both Blurred instriptions and also many traits in inspiration that healed, and also its when they removed the glamor related traits. Its why so many people always go back to the 2018 or even back to 2015 patch when trying to understand why mesmer looks the same at a casual glance but is a sliver of what it once was. Why so many say all the build options are gone. Its just been happening over and over to Mesmer. I think its hopeless cause Anet wont ever really dig in and fix Mesmer.


I feel like we all need to remember HOW MUCH was taken before 1 dodge and get over the idea that 1 dodge was ok. Its why people say a bunch of things need to be restored. Just look at the list of traits from back in 2015 and think a moment. 





then look at present trait lines.


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On 1/8/2022 at 3:32 PM, FarmBotXD.1430 said:

@Daishi.6027I dont think deception trait is overperforming NOW.
but you want to buff jaunt to 20s cd and IA to 20s cd.
And since IA procs clone ambush its very easy to use it as an ambush trigger for 3 GS clones, even without IH.
It turns IA into an do everything skill, and having only 20s cd on skill like this would be far too good. I already use it occasionally and get a lot of good value from it, on 20s it would be insane.
Think about it this way, as long as you have at least 1 GS clone, it will 
1 Evade
2 Teleport
3 GS ambush
4 Generate a clone ( and since you have at least 1 its at least 2 clones doing the ambush, loads of damage loads of vuln, loads of chaos during a fight )


15 hours ago, Kondor.2904 said:

you can also think about IA this way:

you risk getting ported into an aoe
you risk getting ported into random corner/behind the wall
you risk wasting the skill on the spot if the enemy moves 1 step away from 1200 range
it does not detarget ai/mobs when used (or at least they instantly target you back)
it doesn’t break stun
it works counterproductive with self-deception when you have 3 clones up (the 3rd clone gets resummoned and doesn’t proc the ambush)

I too think the skill on 20s would be too spammable, but it could use at least a stunbreak or something for its current cooldown and questionable reliability

Realistically I've always viewed IA as kind of intrinsic to the entire playstyle mirage was supposed to be centered around, and pretty much what Mirror Images should have been but without the ambush.

Stealth and being the only one who goes invisible and comes back doesn't really fool players.
Target drop is only a mild annoyance given targeting priority around the reticle, along with the abundance of cleave and AoE.

IA is the first thing that took mesmer places it around a target and actually shuffles you making them have to guess while you pretend to be a clone; where only your boons and signets give you away.

Axes of Symmetry does the same, at a shorter distance and putting you into cleave range. But in terms of damage is also huge for condi burst.

Granted we're talking about more range, here and not putting you in something face so having more utility, so a higher cooldown but not too disparate seemed to make sense; But then again Axes of Symmetry went to 15 seconds for Feb 2020. So I do concur 20 seconds might be a bit too short. If it wasn't for feb 2020 patch I'd still be saying 20 sec though.

Again you guys are correct, but I think 30 is still to high; 25-28 does sound more reasonable and I will update the OP in relation to that.

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8 hours ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

Don't do this! Power Mirage is already the best variant of power Mesmer. Buff core power Mesmer instead! Buffing core automatically also buffs power Mirage, while the reverse isn't true. Jaunt is already the best Mesmer elite skill! Do not make Mirage Advance an instant immob! Illusionary Ambush is already a decent skill and the best Deception utility, do not make it 20 seconds cd!

The idea of exhaustion if you dodge while CCd is a good idea though.


"Is already the best variant of power Mesmer." Is a meaningless metric when the class and build is meaningless and made irrelevant in slot by other classes.

It's a worse team fight than majority of the meta.
It's awful side node and doesn't secure it's kills nor stay on point as well as it's own condi counterpart, let alone the rest of the meta.
It's a worse roamer than thief or stealth core mes, and doesn't 1v1 as well as a thief either. Even core could hypothetically be better at 1v1s since it has more ways to hide GS shatter combo.
Its not a bruiser nor bunker; and investing in those stats would be pointless (and arguably no longer "power")

More over I think I should point out; other than my suggestions about Mirage cloak, restoring Jaunt, and making the two port utilities more useful, The buffs I did ask for are core Particularly around Critical infusion and balancing it wi

Mirage Ambush being an instant imob is on par with Infiltrators strike, and taking away the blind means it doesn't also proc confusion, and would be a universally useful skill between the damage types; I don't know why this is an issue for you.

Maybe 20s for IA is too much as stated above, but honestly only power has room on it's bar unless condi isn't using interrupts with dom line, which I'd argue is a lot more value. it being "The best deception" isn't a metric that matters if deceptions aren't even really run. 

To clarify my idea on Exhaust you would get this when stunned REGARDLESS of if you evade. (probably why so many confused people lol) To which honestly; you don't need that. Hypothetically you could only restore the evade, and maybe touch up Critical Infusion. But then Power would still be a worse build compared to ranger, thief, and core mes; and Condi would just be buffed which is what most people are worried about and why power got nerfed out of existence in the first place.

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13 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

No thank you, I've seen enough mirages as is in pvp. What I'd like to see are real options for core and chronos.

That is because Mirage is the only real viable e-spec left for mesmers to be somewhat competitive in PvP. Buff chrono and mirage will be gone if the changes are for the better.

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