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Idea/suggestion about what should come after end of dragons.


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Story wise Guild wars 2 has been about dragon cycle and with only one dragon left and assumably having its likeness in background of end of dragons promotional material, question of what comes after must loom ever greater on writers minds. I have a suggestion:

What id like to see after ocen dragon falls, is aurene trying her ”share magic whit mortal races” plan, but as she has made clear troughout story: her concern is balance that her Elder dragon colleges ignored, but as she shares magic that would open it for possibility that mortal races prove to be no better, mayby even worse. As aurene can see visions of the future storyline could be kickstarted by aurene seeing visions of magic sharing leading to cataclysmic event that would threaten the multiverse and aurene hoping to stop this would attempt a conference whit leaders of worlds factions, demanding restrictions that societies that have integrated magic to their daily functions could not accept, leading to a conflict that would divide allied and enemy factions and cast from stories previous steps into new sides of the conflict to decide what future needs to be. It would provide closure by needing to reaquint and negotiate whit previously met factions, cultures and characters about what this new world would be and brining previously met story elements back would allow clousre. As for need to fight aurenes crystal bloom would provide emotional stake as player has been key pillar in building up that faction and player could question wheter or not aurenes visions are inevetable or mearly a possible future thus leading to ultimatly unceirtain conclusion as player would be unceirtain if they actually did the right thing or not, or if there even was one and ultimatly hero would walk off to see the unceirtain future they broght into being. If written right it would be ideal end to story and thematically Great as question of what comes after dragon cycle is natrual ending point.

not sure if this is the right place to post about story, so sorry if its wrong one.

Edited by NIHILUS.4168
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Personally I would like to see

  • EoD ends with Bubbles dead, and Aurene and Kuunavang as the ones balancing the world's magic.
  • LWS6 expands on Cantha's various remaining plots, like LWS4 did for Elona. The main "villain" is Lyssa, with us finding out what her scheme is. Thus ending the god plot.
  • LWS7 takes us back to Tyria, and wraps up the various loose end plots via IBS style two parter maps. A map for Malyck, his tree, and the Nightmare Court. Another in the Woodland Cascades for the Centaurs who want to make peace with humanity, with E playing a part. A third map in Ascalon detailing the Charr and Humans taking Sohothin and Magdaer to Drascir to purge the ghosts of Ascalon once and for all. A 4th somewhere for the Inquest, to finish them off(assuming this isn't done as part of LWS6). Maybe a series of strikes, or a raid wing, for the Wizards' Tower.
  • Xpack 4 goes to the 4th human homeland off in the "Westlands" continent. Incorporates Utopia lore, new region is based off of Aztec/Maya/Inca aesthetics. Villian is some horrible entity from the Mists, possibly responsible for humanity having to flee their original homeworld.
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34 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Personally I would like to see

  • EoD ends with Bubbles dead, and Aurene and Kuunavang as the ones balancing the world's magic.
  • LWS6 expands on Cantha's various remaining plots, like LWS4 did for Elona. The main "villain" is Lyssa, with us finding out what her scheme is. Thus ending the god plot.
  • LWS7 takes us back to Tyria, and wraps up the various loose end plots via IBS style two parter maps. A map for Malyck, his tree, and the Nightmare Court. Another in the Woodland Cascades for the Centaurs who want to make peace with humanity, with E playing a part. A third map in Ascalon detailing the Charr and Humans taking Sohothin and Magdaer to Drascir to purge the ghosts of Ascalon once and for all. A 4th somewhere for the Inquest, to finish them off(assuming this isn't done as part of LWS6). Maybe a series of strikes, or a raid wing, for the Wizards' Tower.
  • Xpack 4 goes to the 4th human homeland off in the "Westlands" continent. Incorporates Utopia lore, new region is based off of Aztec/Maya/Inca aesthetics. Villian is some horrible entity from the Mists, possibly responsible for humanity having to flee their original homeworld.

All seem like intresting possibilities, but if they end dragon cycle, they’d technically need a new big threath to replace dragons, as thats kinda what Mmos drive on, and whatever drove humans to migrate would fit that, question would be tho should they go into a new big story thread in this decade old mmo, or would that be better spent on gw3, as danger is to tell that story n its entierty would be another decade long process and im not sure gw2 has that kind of lifespan left and if not they’d have to cut it short, tho other ideas seem fine enogh as filler.

Edited by NIHILUS.4168
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4 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Personally I would like to see

  • EoD ends with Bubbles dead, and Aurene and Kuunavang as the ones balancing the world's magic.
  • LWS6 expands on Cantha's various remaining plots, like LWS4 did for Elona. The main "villain" is Lyssa, with us finding out what her scheme is. Thus ending the god plot.
  • LWS7 takes us back to Tyria, and wraps up the various loose end plots via IBS style two parter maps. A map for Malyck, his tree, and the Nightmare Court. Another in the Woodland Cascades for the Centaurs who want to make peace with humanity, with E playing a part. A third map in Ascalon detailing the Charr and Humans taking Sohothin and Magdaer to Drascir to purge the ghosts of Ascalon once and for all. A 4th somewhere for the Inquest, to finish them off(assuming this isn't done as part of LWS6). Maybe a series of strikes, or a raid wing, for the Wizards' Tower.
  • Xpack 4 goes to the 4th human homeland off in the "Westlands" continent. Incorporates Utopia lore, new region is based off of Aztec/Maya/Inca aesthetics. Villian is some horrible entity from the Mists, possibly responsible for humanity having to flee their original homeworld.

Agree with EoD ending and LWS6 parts, and those are my most likely predictions for them as well. The recent Mists/Gods nudges do make me think it will be something involving the remaining Gods/the Mists. They could even bring back Razah and see what they've been up to for the past 250+ years.

However, the LWS7 stuff does not sound like it would be enough for a full living world season (a lot of it sounds like it would be better as a current event category that doesn't need new areas or assets, especially the centaur and Ascalon ghosts stuff) I really do hope that those loose ends do get tied up, but I don't think spending a whole LW season on them is worth it/exciting enough.

Expac 4 idea sounds awesome, I would love to see some of the Uptopia-esque areas. In addition to the Aztec themed environments, something like the Hub of Time would be insanely awesome and groundbreaking imo.

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I’m sorry this is neat and all but how in gods name did you manage to misspell WITH three times? ‘Whit’ is not a word.  I’m sorry I just couldn’t say nothing I guess I got a bit of ocd for that


as for the idea there’s no need to find an ending point nor blow the story up to the level of the multiverse (which doesn’t mean much here compared to marvel since the mists already have that and they’ve been around forever).  The game is continuing longer than just wrapping up after the dragons 🙂

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1 hour ago, Fenom.9457 said:

I’m sorry this is neat and all but how in gods name did you manage to misspell WITH three times? ‘Whit’ is not a word.  I’m sorry I just couldn’t say nothing I guess I got a bit of ocd for that


as for the idea there’s no need to find an ending point nor blow the story up to the level of the multiverse (which doesn’t mean much here compared to marvel since the mists already have that and they’ve been around forever).  The game is continuing longer than just wrapping up after the dragons 🙂

Short answer: thinking too much while typing.

as for threath to multiverse, yeah rekon i see your point, just thought since exploration of the mists is done trough asura magitech seemed like mortals starting to miss use it could have a cascading effect on the whole multiverse as it seems to be connecting system, but world ending threath would work as well. As for not needing ending point, true an mmo can basically go on forever, but looking at likes wow seems thers negatives like content bloat, story stagnation and game design and systems having outlived their day, so id rather gw2 go out on high note than starts to decent eternally, after all at some point id like to see focus shift to gw3. As for storywise altho overarching story of an mmo or any medium dosent necessarly need an ending, it is a way to ground the story and give it meaning after all even if the destination is not the point of the journey, its still a nessessary part of the experience, to have a retrospective whole on the experience, to contrast begining and end of it, whitout one id argue that story loses its meaning like dc or marvel comic that goes on forever and forgets main driving point of its story, bit long windead way to say that dragon cycle story still deserves a conclusion, even tho its really nothing special as far as mmo stories go, but even if they move on to next big story think it would be best to have some closure for current story.

Also sorry about too many commas, im just no writer.

Edited by NIHILUS.4168
Thinking too much while typing.
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I like the ideas above and hope for them. 

I think Aurean will give birth to new dragons for each of the magics and try to raise them to be peaceful. Death magic can focus on learning from our ancestors. Fire magic the energy to create, ice magic calm cool logic. Etc. 

but with that she and the new hatchlings will go into hiding. Other stories will evolve that don’t include the dragons. 

for example what if the chart gods aren’t really dead?

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3 hours ago, Brycar.2651 said:

I like the ideas above and hope for them. 

I think Aurean will give birth to new dragons for each of the magics and try to raise them to be peaceful. Death magic can focus on learning from our ancestors. Fire magic the energy to create, ice magic calm cool logic. Etc. 

but with that she and the new hatchlings will go into hiding. Other stories will evolve that don’t include the dragons. 

for example what if the chart gods aren’t really dead?

Chart gods?  Do you mean Charr gods?  They never really had any, the Shaman Caste forced the rest of the Legions into worshiping the Titans, and later the destroyers, neither of which were gods.

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3 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Chart gods?  Do you mean Charr gods?  They never really had any, the Shaman Caste forced the rest of the Legions into worshiping the Titans, and later the destroyers, neither of which were gods.

Well I am unsure how much of it has been put into in-game cannon, and how much was retconned but iirc, Charr have supposedely had "gods" before titans - gods they have slained for muh freedom. Forward couple hundred years later and humans arrive and are supported by their gods which makes it look to charr that having gods to give power is actually a good thing, which with certain bunch discovering the titans, gave rise to Shaman Caste.

I am quite sure I have read about it *somewhere* but since then I can't find where. I recall that the line "with engines of war we killed our gods" was supposed to refer to those older gods, not titans as well.

As for concept of whichever object of charr worship returning - to supposed originals - being very dead, would require further retcons to make them not-dead, but that may be avoided if they were never properly canonized in the first place. Titans on another hand, being spawn of Foundry of Failed creations, and Abaddons servants are kind more difficult to bring back to any reasonable degree, and even if we did mental gymnastics to bring them back without massively retconning everything, I don't see them being much of threat comparatively to things the pact commanders are dealing with on a daily basis.

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43 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Well I am unsure how much of it has been put into in-game cannon, and how much was retconned but iirc, Charr have supposedely had "gods" before titans - gods they have slained for muh freedom. Forward couple hundred years later and humans arrive and are supported by their gods which makes it look to charr that having gods to give power is actually a good thing, which with certain bunch discovering the titans, gave rise to Shaman Caste.

I am quite sure I have read about it *somewhere* but since then I can't find where. I recall that the line "with engines of war we killed our gods" was supposed to refer to those older gods, not titans as well.

As for concept of whichever object of charr worship returning - to supposed originals - being very dead, would require further retcons to make them not-dead, but that may be avoided if they were never properly canonized in the first place. Titans on another hand, being spawn of Foundry of Failed creations, and Abaddons servants are kind more difficult to bring back to any reasonable degree, and even if we did mental gymnastics to bring them back without massively retconning everything, I don't see them being much of threat comparatively to things the pact commanders are dealing with on a daily basis.

I don't know where you got that idea, but we have no evidence of the charr worshipping any gods prior to the Shaman Caste and the worship of the Titans and for a very short time the Destroyers. Everything we know about them is that they were disparate tribes until the rise of the Khan Ur, and we have little to no reference to any organized religion back then aside from a instance of them recognizing the existence of Melandru as she planted the forests, but that same story saw her as a power to defeat, not to worship. The story seems to point to the charr blaming the human faith in the Six as the reason that they could beat the charr, so the charr went out and found gods to worship to give them the upper hand.


As a second point, the charr we saw in Guild Wars 1 we're far more primitive than the ones we currently see, so there is little chance that they had machines of war in the far distant past for destroying gods with. I feel like that sentence gives the idea that the charr have switched their faith from gods to machine and are actively working against those who still desire to have gods over them. Mainly because that sentence isn't entirely true, they killed their gods with assistance from the humans who wanted them dead.

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2 minutes ago, Narcemus.1348 said:

I don't know where you got that idea, but we have no evidence of the charr worshipping any gods prior to the Shaman Caste

Well I remember reading about this, but ever since I am unable to pinpoint where - could be some printed material, could be random developper interview in pre-launch press period, or even translation error within same pre-launch press period - hence I said I am unsure if anything from that ended up as in-game cannon.

4 minutes ago, Narcemus.1348 said:

Mainly because that sentence isn't entirely true, they killed their gods with assistance from the humans who wanted them dead.

Well if there is no pre-shaman gods that they would kill hundreds of years before human arrival into Tyria, then that statement when taken at face value is flat out false - it's humans whom killed titans while fighting against charr that happened to not exactly help - to the contrary, and it's humans that has dealt with destroyer worship - although to be fair they had one rogue warband assisting them for a change. So I guess if what I remember reading did not end up in cannon, the symbolic meaning you mention would make most sense I guess.

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4 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Well I am unsure how much of it has been put into in-game cannon, and how much was retconned but iirc, Charr have supposedely had "gods" before titans - gods they have slained for muh freedom.

3 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Well I remember reading about this, but ever since I am unable to pinpoint where - could be some printed material, could be random developper interview in pre-launch press period, or even translation error within same pre-launch press period - hence I said I am unsure if anything from that ended up as in-game cannon.


Honestly, that lore tidbit sounds like it comes from Star Trek's Klingons rather than the Charr.


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11 minutes ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:


Honestly, that lore tidbit sounds like it comes from Star Trek's Klingons rather than the Charr.


it could be also definitelly a case that I may have read some tidbit of klingon lore in the middle of reading GW lore and my brain decided to mix and tangle those two together when making memories...... >.>

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4 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Well I remember reading about this, but ever since I am unable to pinpoint where - could be some printed material, could be random developper interview in pre-launch press period, or even translation error within same pre-launch press period - hence I said I am unsure if anything from that ended up as in-game cannon.

Well if there is no pre-shaman gods that they would kill hundreds of years before human arrival into Tyria, then that statement when taken at face value is flat out false - it's humans whom killed titans while fighting against charr that happened to not exactly help - to the contrary, and it's humans that has dealt with destroyer worship - although to be fair they had one rogue warband assisting them for a change. So I guess if what I remember reading did not end up in cannon, the symbolic meaning you mention would make most sense I guess.

Yeah, I feel like that sentence is more like propaganda than legitimate history. The charr did not have any machines of war until Guild Wars 2 and their "gods" were killed by humans. I feel like it more points to them fighting against the flame legion god lovers and human god lovers with their supreme technology.

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6 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Well I remember reading about this, but ever since I am unable to pinpoint where - could be some printed material, could be random developper interview in pre-launch press period, or even translation error within same pre-launch press period - hence I said I am unsure if anything from that ended up as in-game cannon.

As far as I know, the only example of gods in charr culture prior to the titans is their myth of Melandru creating the world, which comes from The Ecology of the Charr. But that isn't about worship, merely acknowledgement of their existence. The lines about the charr killing their gods for freedom is (technically propaganda) about killing the titans and overthrowing the Flame Legion - a combination of Pyre's and Kalla's rebellions.

The bit about the charr killing their gods is more specifically about Pyre's and the Fierce Warband's actions. After witnessing some humans kill some titans, they made a small rebellion and even killed some titans themselves, before being imprisoned leading into the EotN events. Though IIRC, that info is only ever said in the 2007 PCGamer issue that The Ecology and Movement articles came from and never mentioned in either game. So it's a piece of obscure lore, like the order of events surrounding Abaddon's fall that was only put on certain asian guildwars websites.

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2 hours ago, Narcemus.1348 said:

Yeah, I feel like that sentence is more like propaganda than legitimate history. The charr did not have any machines of war until Guild Wars 2 and their "gods" were killed by humans. I feel like it more points to them fighting against the flame legion god lovers and human god lovers with their supreme technology.

It's possible that they had very primitive machines during the Plains of Golghein battle against the Flame Legion, as most dwarves would have been turned to stone by then and gone into the Depths. Thus it'd be a mixing of events and using half-truths to establish a narrative that isn't a lie but still misleading.

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On 1/11/2022 at 10:12 PM, Poormany.4507 said:

Agree with EoD ending and LWS6 parts, and those are my most likely predictions for them as well. The recent Mists/Gods nudges do make me think it will be something involving the remaining Gods/the Mists. They could even bring back Razah and see what they've been up to for the past 250+ years.

However, the LWS7 stuff does not sound like it would be enough for a full living world season (a lot of it sounds like it would be better as a current event category that doesn't need new areas or assets, especially the centaur and Ascalon ghosts stuff) I really do hope that those loose ends do get tied up, but I don't think spending a whole LW season on them is worth it/exciting enough.

Expac 4 idea sounds awesome, I would love to see some of the Uptopia-esque areas. In addition to the Aztec themed environments, something like the Hub of Time would be insanely awesome and groundbreaking imo.

If they used IBS style two parters(like Bjora/Drizzlewood) dealing with the Centaurs, Ascalonian Ghosts, Malyck, and the Inquest, would mean LWS7 would be 8 releases long. Longer then LWS3 and LWS4, but shorter then IBS.

I would also tie LWS7 into Xpack 4 by having various odd Mist creatures show up in these locations, teasing/causing investigation into where they are coming from, leading us to eventually find out their source is far west in the "Wetlands" continent area/4th human area. With Xpack 4 giving us that area, and tying up the Mists plot.


It would also tie into a pattern GW2 has had for awhile now. With HoT we went deep into an area that was considered disconnected from central Tyria for a long time. LWS3 brought us back to core Tyria. PoF and LWS4 took us back out for a trip to Elona. IBS brought us back to Tyria. EoD is taking us out of Tyria to go to Cantha, and then LWS6 will likely continue that. LWS7 can bring us back to Tyria to tie up these loose ends before we go REALLY far away for Xpack 4. If they want to they can also give Xpack 4 its own LW season sequel, to tie up any loose end that may not get resolved there, but that would be a final stretch sort of thing for GW2.

Edited by Sajuuk Khar.1509
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17 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Well I am unsure how much of it has been put into in-game cannon, and how much was retconned but iirc, Charr have supposedely had "gods" before titans - gods they have slained for muh freedom. Forward couple hundred years later and humans arrive and are supported by their gods which makes it look to charr that having gods to give power is actually a good thing, which with certain bunch discovering the titans, gave rise to Shaman Caste.

I am quite sure I have read about it *somewhere* but since then I can't find where. I recall that the line "with engines of war we killed our gods" was supposed to refer to those older gods, not titans as well.

As for concept of whichever object of charr worship returning - to supposed originals - being very dead, would require further retcons to make them not-dead, but that may be avoided if they were never properly canonized in the first place. Titans on another hand, being spawn of Foundry of Failed creations, and Abaddons servants are kind more difficult to bring back to any reasonable degree, and even if we did mental gymnastics to bring them back without massively retconning everything, I don't see them being much of threat comparatively to things the pact commanders are dealing with on a daily basis.

Thanks. Yes I also remember a line that the CharR killed their gods. So, I assumed they existed at some point. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

As for "worldly" threats we have no lack of that for years to come if they so want. Krait are not going anywhere, Inquest seem to be so ubiquitous as to overpopulate the other Asuran schools, and let's not even mention our local mustache evil powerful elite of deep pockets Consortium. New threats could arise from settlements outside of the Tyrian main continent and Cantha and the aftermath of the Elder Dragon plot could even see us forced to fight previous allies for some reason. GW in general has enough established lore to keep localized stories similar to the ICB going on and on.


For world ending threats on the same level scale of EDs however, there are only some options from the Mists. The lore of Fractals and Raids keep teasing concepts of demonic entities that inhabit the Mists and feed on our negative emotions. GW1's Realm of Torrent featured gigantic slumbering insects hinted at as being older than the human gods themselves and they might be awakened by the utter destruction of magic balance we are undertaking.

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