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Pets confirmed with EoD, What do we know about them?


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So if i am not mistaken there are 4 new pests coming with EoD: The phoenix, white tiger, Wallow and the baby turtle. 

White tiger i can guess: another tiger model with maul, bite, slash but what could be the F2? i don't think Anet is going for the Freezing as we already have the snow leopard. 

Phoenix is easy to guess too: Juvenile wyvern model, wing buffet, wing swipe, maybe some tail lash. What could be the F2? 

The wallow i have no a clue. Probably ranged i guess? it looks like the bristleback model so it could also be similar to that pet. Maybe more into condition? 

And the baby turtle. I saw the model it seems like a new one. What would be this about? Support? 

What's you opinion on this? I would have liked to have more  pets in the EoD expansion  because it seems we are not getting a fix for old pets anyway.  

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Phoenix i would guess is supportive. We have a damage wyvern and a CC wyvern. So maybe an AoE cleanse, light or waterfield.

White tiger maybe resolution, cleanses or something like that. No feline has a supportive function atm and it would fit the purity theme of a white animal.

Wallow i hopefully porcine and also will hopefully lead to a rework for all porcine F2s. Its not realistic but a man can dream.

Turtle will be stout in my mind. Maybe even get a bubble on F2 that bolsters allies or something like that.

The last few expansions we got enough damage pets. Maybe they will hone in more on utility this time.

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I kinda hope that while Phoenix has Wyvern model it won't have Wyvern family skills and goes all in on teamplay (boons and cleanse [probably no healing for balances sake]).  Low chance since just slapping old skills is way cheaper and still counts as a new pet.

Tiger was one of the best pets back in HoT thanks to Fury and generous damage so I have high hopes for White Tiger. I don't think cleanse is a great choice since bear already does it with out leap animation (it could be roar I guess but doublt it). Maybe something like 5 player Light Aura?

Wallow seems a bit on the heavier pet side so I have no idea what direction it will go.

Turtle is 100% new pet family so it's hard to guess but it has no Jade gear or magical properties so I think I'll rule out stuff like bubbles. After so many complains maybe it will be a first actually tanky pet capable of surviving in sytuations like WvW squad.(and maybe causing a slight rework in all pets to get a similiar system but slightly weaker)

1 hour ago, InsaneQR.7412 said:

The last few expansions we got enough damage pets. Maybe they will hone in more on utility this time.

I totally agree that we need more utilty pets rather than pure damage pets for Ranger to break the cycle of being 2nd most selfish class in the game.

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Wallows were necros in GW1 FWIW. So it could have a life steal attack, some poison, maybe some weakness.
Phoenix I expect fire or support.
White Tiger could be anything, but would have somewhat standard feline stuff. F2 could be support though like AoE condi cleanse or Resolution.
Turtle I expect to be more like the Bristleback, but power focused abilities, with the F2 being a mini siege attack.

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1 hour ago, FarmBotXD.1430 said:

I found it weird that we didnt even get to test any of the new pets.
Hopefully they will be fairly unique instead off same kitten we have but with 1 different skill.
The other pets from expansions were all decent so there is a good chance they will be cool.

And unless they are using old models they usually aren't bugged and work with Quickness. 

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i am hoping for one of the pet to have in beastmode:
something like swoop for f1, 1000-1200 range maybe stun 5 targets or something + damage;
then for f2 an aoe range, 900 range 240-360 raduis big aoe;
and prelude lash for f3

maybe turtle can fit this with f1 turtle jet pack, f2 turtle siege cannon and f3 sort of rooting-ish to keep the turtle theme

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54 minutes ago, conquistator.6549 said:

i am hoping for one of the pet to have in beastmode:
something like swoop for f1, 1000-1200 range maybe stun 5 targets or something + damage;
then for f2 an aoe range, 900 range 240-360 raduis big aoe;
and prelude lash for f3

maybe turtle can fit this with f1 turtle jet pack, f2 turtle siege cannon and f3 sort of rooting-ish to keep the turtle theme

yes lets give pets skill that does what 3 other merge skills do combined, not a power creep at all.

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2 hours ago, InsaneQR.7412 said:

Then you should ask for untamed compensation and not powercreep soulbeast more as it is already.


Untamed is a total lost cause in its intended role by the dev that I have already given up. Also like even with this it's not like soulbeast is going to be OP anyways, at least wvw large scale fight pov.

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I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed to see another feline. Do we really need another one? Anyway. I'm super excited about the other 3, especially the phoenix and turtle, because they feel like something truly new, which is what I like to see for new pets 🙂 Speaking of new pets, I was hoping we would get at least 1 new underwater pet. Even if underwater content is not taken as serious as land content, it would still be nice to have a new underwater companion 🙂 

If I had to guess each new pet's stats (for Soulbeast), I would say:

White Tiger - Ferocious (straightforward damage)

Phoenix - Deadly (condi damage through burning?)

Wallow - Versatile / Supportive

Turtle - Stout (toughness seems to go well with the turtle's carapace)


I think most pets need improvement so that they're as viable as, for example, the smokescale. Right now we only have a few pets that are truly strong, especially in competitive game modes.  

Edited by TheLadyOfTheRings.9148
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