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Forced Engagement nerf. But Why?


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I get the facing the target thing. Fair enough. I get the the reduction from 360 to 180 degrees when hitting additonal targets but reducing the range?

Three hits to one skill is frankly rediculous.

At least if you're going to reduce the range from 1200 make it 900 so it is the same range as the Shortbow skills.

Edited by Andy.5981
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Is there any way to know the reason for the nerfs of this skill? It does quite a bit of damage and is relatively useful except for tanking, even in WvW or PvP if it is avoided it is useless or even blocking. That the radius of zone is reduced, has the rigor but the rest I do not understand ....
It has a defensive side, on a defensive legend, with a weapon that has already been nerfed too....
The weapon that belonged to this dwarf legend is the hammer, which is a distance weapon....

Edited by Angesombre.4630
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   The range reduction is bs. No one asked for a buff in Forced Engagement, so losing half of the º and part of the radius was just going to where the skill  always was. But halving the range to 600 is utterly bullcrap. Is a 35% less than short bow's range, and 50% less than hammer, and the skill wasn't op. In fact, take a look at Dragon Hunter's F1: 1200 range, unblockable, tracks the target in any direction, burns the target, has a pull that interrups, cripples, reveals and pierces. Then people says that Rev skills are over bloated...

   They weren't just happy with delivering the Vindi with almost no cc; had to botch one of the few the core Rev had.

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This nerf is so bad I can hardly play Hammer properly anymore, never in reach to Taunt someone while if ever remotely close to the person CoR misses because the opponent walks towards me point blank. Did you even know that opponents can walk towards you and CoR can still miss with them right in the middle of it? What was wrong by having a slow projectile that never could hit anything at long range without proper timing?


None of this has been playtested, there's no way it has. So out of touch, this is insulting, I am actually offended. I can't believe that they did this, the facing requirements constantly have my skill reset if I ever look 10 degrees away from a target that's right in front of me, the skill barely ever goes off anymore.


Always on CD, this is really awful, even if playing optimally in most cases nothing can be achieved properly with any weapon but close combat and that's like the most unfair way to use it and Taunt seems to just be getting worst by being completely unable to stunbreak if ever affected with it, going as far as taking 3 full seconds for the game to respond, there are problems that are way more important than nerfing the range for no reason they could explain themselves.

Where are all the other nerfs for skills that do massive damage while running away from targets? Engineer grenades? Thief Shortbow? There are so many things that are way more "abusive" than this going under the radar ever since release.

Edited by Shao.7236
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Classic nerfing around a problem to make it go away rather than fixing the actual problem. Taunt is a buggy mess with regards to how stunbreaks tend to not work immediately on it so instead of fixing taunt nerf the main source of taunt into oblivion instead. Lazy and incompetent decision.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/1/2022 at 3:05 AM, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

I think the fact they nerfed it in 3 areas is the most ridiculous part.  There was no need to do all 3 nerfs.  They made the skill more jank to use (requiring facing), reduced its bonus effect, and then nerfed the range in half???  Personally I think the first two nerfs are fair, but the 1200 range nerf should be reverted honestly

I've already said it before:
Anet just randomly spins a wheel and nerfs something. FE didn't need any nerfs at all, it's never caused problems and in fact it's a perfectly telegraphed skill that can be countered by reflects. Also the projectile speed is kinda slow so it's a small matter to simply LoS or Dodge it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
17 hours ago, Angesombre.4630 said:

Since the modification of the skill of chain of the dwarf there are only 2 skills has a range of 1200 which are on shiro of which one which brings back to the cac except weapon. What is relatively little. Especially for a branch which wanted to be has distance.

The nerf of FE range is counter productive to the weapon it's supposed to be paired with. You're either too far or too close to use with the changes of Hammer in most cases.


Honestly when it was first designed, I'm fairly certain the people who came up with it didn't make it 1200 range to make strong but the fact that 600 is extremely short and hard to have any reward out of. The extra range was for making up to the jank it would introduce, we get to witness poor design right now.


In a lot of situations 1200 is not possible to hit players with and will miss due to the time it takes to travel.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't played my Rev much at all for the past four or so months. Played it some more in WvW last week and...didn't expect the skill to feel this bad. I do agree that it was overperforming but it feels awkward now. I swear the skill cancels on me half the time but I probably still need to get used to it. What I'd like for them to change:

  • Make it so if you start the skill cast while facing the target but then change position mid-cast, the skill still goes through. (Ex: Virtuoso Shatters F1-F3).
  • Increase the range to 750-900.
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2 hours ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:
  • Increase the range to 750-900.

   No chance. They buffed the skill when no one was asking for and now instead of reverting the buffs they HALVED the range of the original skill, making it way worse than the original. Is clear that they want it to stay trash. Is the same as happened with the hammer or the nerfs to the core Engineer from four days ago: if you destroy something that isn't even meta (or barely played) it means that is a personal crusade of the main designer. We wouldn't see it back.

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