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Expansion shipped 1 year before ready

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This thing was shipped way before it was ready. The story is good and all, but all the serious content, class changes, balance, itemization etc etc etc, everything is simply just so far off and for an expansion there is very little to play with except very very very unfinished new speccs. WvW restructioring etc etc.

It will take you 1 year to bring this up to a more finished state - that the expansion should have shipped with. Also i will bet because you keep rushing the schedule, you will try in that time that you should be finishing what you have, to bring other new stuff and so you wont get as in depth with what you should be finishing because of it.

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5 minutes ago, Horus.8304 said:

They wanted to compete with FF14 and rushed. Think DC Justice League trying to be the next Avengers.

No way anyone in their right mind at Anet thought they were gonna compete with FFXIV and win.

More likely is that NCSoft gave them 2 years to show results, they already delayed the launch by a few months, and they were forced to release it in February no matter what. Hence why they chose the last day of the month, to buy as much time as possible.

Edited by witcher.3197
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3 hours ago, Horus.8304 said:

They wanted to compete with FF14 and rushed. Think DC Justice League trying to be the next Avengers.

Or ESO, which has an expansion comping out soon also, though they do yearly so it's probably not as big of a deal. I know I am one of the peopel that GW2 pulled from ESO (at least for now) until their expanion comes out. 


That all being said I've been going through the story and map exploration and have only encountered 1 bug so far. 

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4 hours ago, Crackmonster.2790 said:

This thing was shipped way before it was ready. The story is good and all, but all the serious content, class changes, balance, itemization etc etc etc, everything is simply just so far off and for an expansion there is very little to play with except very very very unfinished new speccs. WvW restructioring etc etc.

It will take you 1 year to bring this up to a more finished state - that the expansion should have shipped with. Also i will bet because you keep rushing the schedule, you will try in that time that you should be finishing what you have, to bring other new stuff and so you wont get as in depth with what you should be finishing because of it.

What with Lost Ark and the FF expansion and others around and Eldin ring and stuff, my guess is they hurried their schedule to compete with everything. It was honestly such a bad time to launch an Expac with how much else was going on. And then to also launch it with no true new E-spec changes and a rushed balance patch and nerf to fractals and large change to remove all 10 man stuff and everything that terrible update had. Alliances launching with EoD launching with 9 good E-specs that people like and want to use woulda been great. A lot better then an expac launch with nerfs amongst other games launching. 

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I have to agree with the aforemented statement. There are things that badly need polish. And I'm not talking about the bugs. Going as far as the second map, there is a clear issue with some of the voice acting of unnamed NPCs, which is uncommon for Guild Wars 2. Some lines seems badly/not acted or directed. It's jarring. That's not something I saw coming.

Bugs I expected, let's be clear, I've seen Way rockier releases when it comes to bugs, but some corners have been cuts, and noticeably so. Luckily, nothing that cannot be adressed at a latter point in time, but not a good feeling. I can still appreciate that they Did release based on their estimate, which I'm fairly sure was imposed on them by the publisher though.

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5 hours ago, Horus.8304 said:

They wanted to compete with FF14 and rushed. Think DC Justice League trying to be the next Avengers.

And yet released during Elden Ring's release. Not sure if they're trying to compete with anyone, more just trying to exist. Also, nothing can really compete with FFXIV at this point. Though it's perfectly fine to play both, FF14 is in a downtime state atm as most finished the story so even if they were it was actually decent timing. I don't think anything was really rushed much.

They probably just don't know what to do with the elite specs. We're unpaid beta testers after all, they have to release them as is if they're going to figure out anything at all.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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6 hours ago, witcher.3197 said:

No way anyone in their right mind at Anet thought they were gonna compete with FFXIV and win.

More likely is that NCSoft gave them 2 years to show results, they already delayed the launch by a few months, and they were forced to release it in February no matter what. Hence why they chose the last day of the month, to buy as much time as possible.

FF14 was in an extremely bad state when Guild Wars 2 was in its prime. in fact they had to rewrite the entire game, and the reboot was largely based upon many precedents this franchise set.


It may be more popular now but it wouldn't exist without this game, so give credit where credit is due.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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So today, continuing my adventure through the new story (not to say that I listened to any of the story, or that it feels like an adventure) I ran into this:


I was like "woah, thats dumb". There were other players, who, like me, had finished the HP before the storyline got to it. So I went "wait, I'll come with an alt, but please wait for me to log my other char once I start it".

And you know what? It didn't let my alt do it either. I have no idea whatsoever how you manage something like this. 5 people sitting for 10 min, waiting for some player to come to start the HP, because of what? You didn't think of players who complete every new map as soon as they enter it?

Its not just this, of course. Its the new specs being what they are, a broken thing here and there in the story, a broken thing here and there on the new maps. And aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the existing content that needed attention but didn't get any, for this to be released?

I'm just glad that I'm in a position where 30 eu doesn't mean much to me, otherwise I would be pissed. But there comes a point where heaping bad on top of other bad becomes too much, and players move on to another game.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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I did laugh when the first map had a broken hp. Kirin, which for some reason doesn't have a time out either, and anchoring your boat with a friend on it keeps popping up that I'm still moving. That was the main feature and it doesn't work? Whoops.

But still enjoying even just the scenery while I wait for map completion to actually be possible.

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two of the features they advertised a lot as big things in this expansion - jade bots and the turtle mount - were unavailable on launch and still are afaik due to bugs/awful balancing. so obvious they were rushed and just hoped most players would be too busy with the story to notice.

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1 hour ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Is Final Fantasy really a threat to Guildwars2?

As a GW1 vet I think GW2 is a threat to GW2 lol. Joking aside, FFXIV is doing great but it's more of a competition with WoW. GW2 is just too different, it's usually treating as a "game on the side" though.

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For me the expansion had to little features.  No PvP related Content, No WvWvW related Content. I really had hope that when we go back to Cantha some new PvP Features would be added but nope.


The New Guildhall is nice but still it lacks alot of cool Features. In ESO u can place NPC and even the pathing to make it more Immersive. And yet there is simply not that much why Guildmates would be there. Also no new decor. You see all those beautiful cherry trees but Anet didn't add them. Also since PoF we can't change the Guildhall Music, it is still the same old ones from Core.


The Lack of really new enemy types. It feels that they are just reskins.


No New Race


only a few Armor skins


only 2 new Stats.


Barebone Specs which also killed for me the Immersion and feeling of the class. I mean thief a healer hahaha.


Positiv is that the Maps are pretty and the Cantha Flair hits but overall yes the addon lacks some meaningful features other games deliver. I think most palyers will be finish next week and then we have again no content for months. It is indeed crazy how ZOS can push out every year 1 mayor Addon + 2 Dungeon DLCs +1 Minor Addon. Sure Eso has also it flaws but it keeps the player much more exiting content wise.



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