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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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Looks like its time to wait for the 15th and see even more changes to the worst meta the game has ever seen for 10 years. If they keep it like this, fine, let the map die and let it never be played again. So many mistakes with EoD, launching with a balance patch surprise to ending with a In your face in every single advert turtle locked behind a raid boss in the non-raid MMO that does things differently. 
Really hope they don't make you have to fail the meta 20 times to unlock it. 

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4 hours ago, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

Hello everyone, we have an update from the Guild Wars 2 team. We'll be localizing this for German, French, and Spanish as soon as possible:

Hi all,

Last week we made some changes to the final encounter of the Jade Sea meta event to help improve the accessibility of the fight, and we’re happy to see that the rate of successful event completions continues to rise each day. We’ve kept a close eye on the community discussion after those updates were made, and today we have two more changes that we’d like to discuss.

First, effective immediately, we’ve reduced the frequency at which the Jade Sea Final Boss activates their 'Tail' by about ~50%. This will give players longer windows to deal damage to the boss and contend with the various other mechanics of the encounter. To be clear, this change does not require a game build to take effect.

Second, in the March 15 update, we’ll be providing players with an alternate path for acquiring the Siege Turtle Egg, which unlocks the collection required for the Siege Turtle mount. We’ll be adding a new vendor to the Jade Sea map that will sell the Siege Turtle Egg at the cost of 200 Writs of the Jade Sea. The Siege Turtle Egg will continue to be awarded to players that successfully complete the “Battle for Jade Sea” meta event, so players will have the choice to unlock the collection via a challenging meta encounter or through time investment.

We’re looking forward to seeing how today’s “tail” adjustment plays out, and we’ll continue to iterate on the fight until it achieves our goal of being a challenging yet doable encounter for most of our players. Achieving that goal will require continued attention from us, and some patience and learning from our players. This situation feels not too dissimilar to the release of Tequatl, Triple Trouble, or Dragon Stand, all of which are popular encounters in Guild Wars 2 to this day.

As always, thank you for your feedback!

We'll see you in-game,

  • The Guild Wars 2 Team

Perfect! The people who only want a big selling point of the expansion will still benefit from failed runs. People who have already failed a number of times likely have 200 writs already.


Those of us who *also* enjoy the meta should be able to beat it now! After the last improvements it was just barely doable.  With the annoying and inconsistent tail cut down it should be comfortably challenging, if that makes any sense 

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45 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

The word casual explains it all sadly... 
So many great metas have been ruined. Also a lot of us long time players only play rarely because of nothing to do in this game at all except the weekly raids and daily T4 fractals. This is the reason why such a good game has begun dying down. There's not much to do for veterans. 

hi beta player and daily player. what do you mean there isnt much for veterans to do. i still find plenty of things to do on a daily basis, achivments, farming for loot, helping friends out. maybe your talking about tryhards not having things to do. please do keep in mind im not using tryhard as a negative. the game is super casual thats how they made it. from the inital posts with colin back in the day where he literally stated "we are trying to make a game where anyone can run any role at any time and not get penalized for it" its almost the games DNA at that point. hard content is nice and is needed. it should not be in open world content like map metas that take an hour and a half to complete and if you fail you get no rewards at all. 

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34 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

HoT metas aren't popular because people enjoy them the most. They're popular because

1) They're directly tied to legendaries
2) They drop really rare infusions. 
3) Bauble farms (Neither PoF or EoD to my knowledge let you directly farm valuable vendor junk. I haven't quite figured EoD yet, but PoF it seemed random/not tied to map bonus rewards). 

They're also fast unless you enter a dead map/non-meta map. In the span of one DE meta (which has a high chance of failure), you can do VB, AB, and TD which have a high success rate and, even on failure, get loot. Depending on how you time it, you could also possibly do a full DS.

All in the time it takes to attempt one DE meta where you can't even leave the map if you finally get into one that's organized and you get nothing if you lose. There's a hurry up to wait aspect of DE that's unfun and actually punishes players for showing up early and costs them potential loot in they're forgoing so much when they decide to try DE.

You can supplement your farming routine with HoT metas; you give up your farming routine and ability to do what you want when you do DE.

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48 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

There's plenty of deadly enrage timers in raids. Some aren't sure, but OW isn't a raid. People pick their builds to give them the survivability that matches their playstyle. A timer is explicitly expecting a particular amount of DPS which may or may not match someone's composition. One of the advantages/cool things about this game, your customizability, suddenly becomes a liability at the whim of the devs. The very same devs who let you make those "poor" choices. Also note that people may not enjoy raid playstyles. Also note, raid level DPS isn't 100% achievable in large meta events sheerly due to lag. There's so many things that this meta is testing other than your actual skill it's ridiculous. With apparently random mechanics to boot. XD.

Another difference between this and the Enrage Timers in raids...

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2 hours ago, blackheartgary.8605 said:

It would appear as if a well thought out solution  to some of the issues has been obtained. 

It would also appear that now, for some strange reason, that these changes are being offered,  people are asking for more stuff. 

This feels like someone delivering a perfectly cooked meal, then offering desert, and still the one who has eaten is still hungry.


Give somebody your hand, to help, and he'll take your arm...

Edit : to the answer just before mine.

You are not wainting. You are playing the game !

Edited by MornJack.3579
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17 minutes ago, Fenom.9457 said:

Perfect! The people who only want a big selling point of the expansion will still benefit from failed runs. People who have already failed a number of times likely have 200 writs already.


Those of us who *also* enjoy the meta should be able to beat it now! After the last improvements it was just barely doable.  With the annoying and inconsistent tail cut down it should be comfortably challenging, if that makes any sense 

Exactly the question I asked about 1-2 hours ago...
Is the "Writs of "Jade Sea"" a typo and they mean "Writs of "Dragon's End"
... Or are they going to drop another currency on our hands?

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1 minute ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

Exactly the question I asked about 1-2 hours ago...
Is the "Writs of "Jade Sea"" a typo and they mean "Writs of "Dragon's End"
... Or are they going to drop another currency on our hands?

They mean Dragon's End. They're using Jade Sea as a combination of reducing spoilers and I guess that's what they called it during development.

Can't link to it but a dev was asked that in Twitch chat and that's what they said.

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I don't know if anyone else has said this already or not.
But if you're going to encourage people to do this by collecting writs, you're going to have to make the meta itself give writs too when it fails. Otherwise people are going to do events all around the map for writs, then just disappear when the meta actually starts because there's no point to sticking around when they fail.

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3 minutes ago, Roman.7640 said:

I don't know if anyone else has said this already or not.
But if you're going to encourage people to do this by collecting writs, you're going to have to make the meta itself give writs too when it fails. Otherwise people are going to do events all around the map for writs, then just disappear when the meta actually starts because there's no point to sticking around when they fail.

HAH! that's a good point actually 

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14 minutes ago, Roman.7640 said:

I don't know if anyone else has said this already or not.
But if you're going to encourage people to do this by collecting writs, you're going to have to make the meta itself give writs too when it fails. Otherwise people are going to do events all around the map for writs, then just disappear when the meta actually starts because there's no point to sticking around when they fail.

Glad I did it when I had the brain and motivation for it, I have 200 Writs waiting safely in my own bank aside from the Storage. Just waiting 6 days now.

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Well lost again (with 2 anet tags in the group). We did great in the beginning stages. Its when at the end part where your burn opportunities are rare as hell, yet they almost instantly get interrupted by a cluster of - Its her tail, no its bubbles, no she is hungry. I also love it when we are down to 3 mins to get her down 30% and then end up fighting bosses on the outside platforms. Then, we get back in time for a quick burn but..... no she's hungry and she's gonna make a wave and she needs her tail beaten and then its over.

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Just did this after the "fixes". FAILED AGAIN!!!!!! Sorry - this META is the most broken and frustrating thing you have ever released. The 50% cut on the tail still didn't fix this atrocity. This should never have been in the open world.  You truly have not listened to the feedback you have been given. 

This META will be a dead META real soon. You have guaranteed that this map will die. 

Your observations of "success" in this meta are only because dedicated commanders decided to help it along. It wasn't a TRUE TEST of the meta. You have false DATA. The dedicated commanders will not continue to pad your numbers.

You have truly failed the overall community. You are SO convinced that you didn't make a mistake that you refuse to admit this was a big mistake. I can't enjoy this META like I did the past METAS. Stop trying to create something that is beyond normal skill levels. 

Edited by Heibi.4251
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Got to 20% then it was stalled, she was invincible until we broke people out of whirlpools (which takes the entire squad to CC) and then it did the 3 boss split so we ran out of time and failed this for now a 5th time. I could've used those 10 hours to get to Diamond 6 in WvW and finish working on legendary armor or countless other things. Instead I have next to nothing to show for it but frustration.

All this is making me feel is not wanting to try this again with people who are new and I totally understand why some people have gone the kill proof or ping your build route, which is antithetical to what open world events are supposed to be.

I guess I'll try again on or after Tuesday.

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i have commanded squads for 27 hours straight, totaling 29 runs i commanded since the begging of eod  all failures, loweest was 1% last run 4% so dont tell me get good or go home, why dont you go home, i have done my time over and over, till the 15th we will need commanders to help the meta out, i will be there, its not oh the elitest beat the meta lets give then a turtle, its all hard, 29 times, 30 times 50 times, till they tweak the final boss more its going to keep people away, im determained to get a egg before the 15th if i can i wont give up just yet.


we had a good organzization problem is the main boss flips more goes into god mode and keeps us from allowing us to attack.


we have discord for this meta, so to us we are doing it right, i think and i want to see who ever came up with this final boss battls rng to be fired.


so they determained the failure rate/ keeping people away from the meta and if they dont give a turtle no new turtle skins can be purchased so they decided to give it easier to keep your wallets in check.


just my opinion and 2 cents, i will not give up till the 15th.

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7 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

Just did this after the "fixes". FAILED AGAIN!!!!!! Sorry - this META is the most broken and frustrating thing you have ever released. The 50% cut on the tail still didn't fix this atrocity. This should never have been in the open world.  You truly have not listened to the feedback you have been given. 

This META will be a dead META real soon. You have guaranteed that this map will die. 

Your observations of "success" in this meta are only because dedicated commanders decided to help it along. It wasn't a TRUE TEST of the meta. You have false DATA. The dedicated commanders will not continue to pad your numbers.

You have truly failed the overall community.

Sampling Pools have always been difficult in the market, hence why it is going down, slowly but surely...
Casuals, like us, are complaining about a difficulty curve we cannot perform.
While the Hardcores Raiders are ALSO complaining for the content drought because they always wants more to do.

Admitedly it can be hard to actually balance both but that is the mission of the developper who want to get into the MMO Market, if you cannot maintain it well, you will be stuck with only hardcorer who wants more and more and less newcomers, or newcomers and veterans who has no goals or pursuits into getting anything done.

That I can understand being the stagnating part, but honestly just keep it simple... 

Why make complex when you can do simple.

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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6 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

Just did this after the "fixes". FAILED AGAIN!!!!!! Sorry - this META is the most broken and frustrating thing you have ever released. The 50% cut on the tail still didn't fix this atrocity. This should never have been in the open world.  You truly have not listened to the feedback you have been given. 

This META will be a dead META real soon. You have guaranteed that this map will die. 

Your observations of "success" in this meta are only because dedicated commanders decided to help it along. It wasn't a TRUE TEST of the meta. You have false DATA. The dedicated commanders will not continue to pad your numbers.

You have truly failed the overall community.

even dedicated commanders likemyself have a failed rate 100% i havnt won one yet, so i keep trying because  im determained to beat the kobiyahsi maru test.


i spent 27 hours straight all my data was accurate 100% failure, map chat all failure, so to me, the true data is in the hands of the commanders not a net, oh and i never seen a anet emplyee or dev in the map yet, just food for thought.

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Update for try 23, post tail nerf:

It definitely felt better but there was still the issue of her swooping when her health threshold was reached rather than instantly changing phases, eating up precious time where nothing could be done and there was nothing to do but wait for the phase to change. Now, the group had poor DPS so this wouldn't have changed the outcome but it could be the difference between passing and failure given how many people win with seconds to spare.

It also showed that a PUG squad of mostly non-raiders still has no chance at this despite putting 2 hours into it and not knowing how they'll do until the end of said 2 hours.

Whirlpools are also kinda pointless as there's no way for one person to break them (I tried during a transition phase while we were waiting and EMP plus 4 breakbar skills didn't even move the bar a quarter of the way) so serve as a red herring given doing anything with them will cost the group DPS beyond the person who's trapped. It also goes against 9 years/2.75 expansions + 5 Living World seasons of training people that it's better to save another player from a mechanic than ignore them.

Maybe if I'm masochistic I'll try again, but it's still scaled too high (scaling in the whole zone seems to be off, too) for an open world meta. I'd also suggest decoupling most of the collection achievements from it succeeding in the same way the turtle is going to be decoupled from it on Tuesday because if organized groups have such a hard time doing the meta for a whole mount, there's not going to be people doing the same for some AP.

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3 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

Sampling Pools have always been difficult in the market, hence why it is going down, slowly but surely...
Casuals, like us, are complaining about a difficulty curve we cannot perform.
While the Hardcores Raiders are ALSO complaining for the content drought because they always wants more to do.

Admitedly it can be hard to actually balance both but that is the mission of the developper who want to get into the MMO Market, if you cannot maintain it well, you will be stuck with only hardcorer who wants more and more and less newcomers, or newcomers and veterans who has no goals or pursuits into getting anything done.

That I can understand being the stagnating part, but honestly just keep it simple... 

Why make complex when you can do simple.

I raid weekly. This is the worst open world piece of trash I've ever seen. They are trying to satisfy the wrong players, believing they will get more players into the game. But in all actuality they will ultimately lose players. I'm really angry at this point, wondering what in the kitten they are thinking. They keep trying to defend this. The map will be abandoned after the 15th. All their hard work will be lost. We paid good money for this expansion only to be spit upon by ANET. 

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Commanded a group again today and failed.


 I only get 2-3 hours a day to play so only one attempt a day for me.  Got really organized relayed as much info about lanes, and boss fight. We divided up into two tags could get someone to do a third had 53 people between the two organized as best we could into sub groups. Its really hard to find enough boon support players.


Luckily the participation buff and jade buffs help with some boons. Lane phases where fast and good.


Then the boss.... 


Mechanically break bars where destroyed which is good, and we phased to 80% fast. She then still continued pretending she wasn't phased for at least 30 sec. 


Are rng after that was pretty bad.. but worst part was damage we just didn't have it like 8 people where doing around 20k dps and the rest where doing very bad dps.


Yes I understand this meta is doable and good hard content, but the real rng comes with how skilled the players that join you lfg are. Like should commanders start forcing people to switch builds and send them exotic gear thru mail? Even then they won't understand rotations well enough to perform it while doing mechanics.


Right now the only garenteed way to complete this meta is to join a community like hardstuck discord or other discords which try to organize externally first before going to the lfg, but that doesn't help the users using your in-game lfg feature.


The changes are good removing the turtle from the meta will possibly help get people off the map that are in it for the reward not the challenge. Idk tbh this should of been instanced, then we could have time to recruit people into the squads based on what we need, instead of having the meta map where players are fishing and doing other things once their on your map that spot is gone.




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5 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

I raid weekly. This is the worst open world piece of trash I've ever seen. They are trying to satisfy the wrong players, believing they will get more players into the game. But in all actuality they will ultimately lose players. I'm really angry at this point, wondering what in the kitten they are thinking. They keep trying to defend this. The map will be abandoned after the 15th. All their hard work will be lost. We paid good money for this expansion only to be spit upon by ANET. 

And that's exactly what I was saying!
A core refocus on what they think they are doing is probably in order... seen the decline since HoT, and even more after the 2019 layoffs.

I start to believe that they felt safe and then THAT HIT THEM HARD so they are struggling with keeping afloat and making some major incorrect decisions since.

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