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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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1 minute ago, Ozimul.9185 said:

The "reduced by 50%" tail popped up every couple of minutes, as usual, in my latest attempt.

Take the RNG out of the fight altogether, please. Give Soo-Won a set attack pattern instead of complete chaos.

Had a feeling this would Happen. Means for some groups they get 2 tail. Some several.
Git gud at foretelling the future, I guess.  /s

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After witnessing a failed attempt where we were 6mins to go at the 20% mark when that phase started, had broken all CC bars, didn't move too much before that point, was a fine epic battle. We kept all Thorns down, had people complete the wisps, hardly any deads needing to revive, everything was going well, we downed all three champs at about the same time. 

What on Earth is that final 20% phase? When I landed back on the platform, she instantly went into a CC phase which of course, means no one had EMP due to the game removing it from you, then during it swapped sides then spawned Tail and kept swapping sides. At the same time as the many, many side swaps half the squad got put into bubbles or Pools, myself included. I died from the infinite CC bar pool, respawned, landed, Pooled. Did it again, landed pooled. Sat there, dying, unable to do anything but watch others die and fail the boss at 11%ish. 


Why is so much expected from Pugs? From the majority of the playerbase which are casuals or who are playing GW2 because it is the relaxing MMO? Why is open world content like this at all? What were you smoking when you designed this? The Whirlpool's bar needs a huge nerf, or better yet just outright remove it. How anyone can defend this terrible boring unrewarding meta amazes me. This is not a challenge. This is just dumb. Six minutes.... and I doubt more time would have helped anyone with how so many people couldn't even do anything as they had to keep running back and forth to get to the tail. Yet alone the boss. 

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23 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

This is how events or dungeons or raids in other MMOs work actually. Beat a hard (and actually hard thing) thing for a chance for a prestigeous reward. In WoW you'd get cool mounts from some of these usually. 

Only, this is not WoW, GW2 is not a raid game, it is the casual MMO game. Keep that stuff instanced so the majority doesn't have to do it. 

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34 minutes ago, Vexona.6452 said:

No. The community believed they were going to get the turtle egg with soloing and doing nothing with anyone else ala Skyscale that takes weeks and this event it only 2 hours. SO...


Edit: For the record: I'm not "elitist". The fact you think we're elitist because of this is a shame on you. I've taken "casuals" and people with physical disabilities and we've completed it. Don't confuse your frustration with your ability. You could do it, too.

This event is failed and should have been a new raid instead of an open world meta.. Honestly, The focus going into strikes over Raids clearly has Anet fairly disconcerted.. Meta events are supposed to be casual, or at least semi-casual events and capable of being completed more often than failed.. 

As to the "edit": You stated this change takes away from your accomplishment.. That's an elitist mentality.. Whether you like this fact or not, is of no consequence.. Trying to cite taking people with disabilities thru is actually fairly shameful of you. Anet has pretty much admitted the event is overtuned. They are trying to rectify this.. Don't confuse your luck with skill. 

That being said, this meta has 0 replay value to it.. Once you get your egg, there's no reason at all to replay this unless you just enjoy the meta for whatever reason. The achievement associated with clearing it before finishing story was ok, but locking the biggest thing you advertised and baited players to buy the xpack with, AND telling them it's going to be comparable to getting the Roller Beetle in difficulty pretty much makes me think that either Anet was worried nobody would care enough to play their content so they needed to force it some way (at best) and at worst, some form of false advertisement where they said it would be fairly easy, then put it behind something like this to force players to play (not necessarily enjoy) the content they made.


I don't sit around with rose colored glasses, praising any garbage that master Anet puts out.. HoT and PoF, Anet had put out MUCH better content than this.. They didn't lock any major advertisement stuff behind overtuned metas.. My calling this crap out isn't an act of malice or defiance against Anet.. It's my way of holding them to the higher standards I've seen before, but they seem to have lost sight of with this... thing.. they have pushed at us, and prayed we would just go with and sing praises blindly (like many are just happy to do).. those people do NO good for the company. They NEED to be challenged to do their very best, otherwise they will not produce the same great quality we saw in HoT and PoF

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3 hours ago, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

Hello everyone, we have an update from the Guild Wars 2 team. We'll be localizing this for German, French, and Spanish as soon as possible:

Hi all,

Last week we made some changes to the final encounter of the Jade Sea meta event to help improve the accessibility of the fight, and we’re happy to see that the rate of successful event completions continues to rise each day. We’ve kept a close eye on the community discussion after those updates were made, and today we have two more changes that we’d like to discuss.

First, effective immediately, we’ve reduced the frequency at which the Jade Sea Final Boss activates their 'Tail' by about ~50%. This will give players longer windows to deal damage to the boss and contend with the various other mechanics of the encounter. To be clear, this change does not require a game build to take effect.

Second, in the March 15 update, we’ll be providing players with an alternate path for acquiring the Siege Turtle Egg, which unlocks the collection required for the Siege Turtle mount. We’ll be adding a new vendor to the Jade Sea map that will sell the Siege Turtle Egg at the cost of 200 Writs of the Jade Sea. The Siege Turtle Egg will continue to be awarded to players that successfully complete the “Battle for Jade Sea” meta event, so players will have the choice to unlock the collection via a challenging meta encounter or through time investment.

We’re looking forward to seeing how today’s “tail” adjustment plays out, and we’ll continue to iterate on the fight until it achieves our goal of being a challenging yet doable encounter for most of our players. Achieving that goal will require continued attention from us, and some patience and learning from our players. This situation feels not too dissimilar to the release of Tequatl, Triple Trouble, or Dragon Stand, all of which are popular encounters in Guild Wars 2 to this day.

As always, thank you for your feedback!

We'll see you in-game,

  • The Guild Wars 2 Team

Perfect changes, nice job.

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33 minutes ago, RyuDragnier.9476 said:

I'll be honest, I find that hilarious. Tequatl was just as destructive in the past as Dragon's End currently is. It was because of the efforts of the legends of TTS (Tequatl Terror Squad) that the community learned how to fight and defeat it properly. Dragon's End has given me major flashbacks to that Tequatl rework of yore, and so I expect that it may reach that point, but until then will remain challenging for a number of map groups to clear.

What mount does Tequatl drop, again?

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Just tried it again tonight, only missed one cc bar. 

Everyone had near max boons, most of us had 10% participation.

I don't know why you expect people in open world to be running maxed out fully optimized raid gear and builds but if you think that's what you attract in a typical open world event you're a little out of touch.

I don't have a problem with hard metas, but this fight takes an hour and a half just to get to, the fight is frankly annoying after about 20 failures. 

Also, I think the wisp phase is far too long. I got trapped in it tonight and knew what to do but between the terrible ui and tiny endurance bars, the general anxiety that comes with knowing 50 people are relying on you to do this perfectly and in a timely manner, and the fact that there are MANY players that have handicaps that prevent them from having either the motor capability or the mental capability for reaction...  

Are you TRYING to drive people away? I loved heart of thorns and the blighted tree mechanic wiped plenty of groups, especially at release, but the timer was thankfully loose enough that you could still salvage a run. 

This? It's like I'm rolling the dice and playing a 50 man raid for.... a mount once.. but then what? A few blues? Greens? Currency #532 that I don't even know where to spend?

I'm all for creating fun and engaging encounters, and I think this could be if the timer wasn't ridiculous or every other 2 minutes the boss wasn't doing some nuking ability while being completely invulnerable. 

Personally I would have rather the wisp be a non-endurance based ability and the memories be somekind of damage modifier that increases the damage the boss takes. Let people collect them for however long and even if they die, they still benefit everyone else by collecting memories. 

I think it would have been really cool, given that this is a culmination of 10 years of story or whatever, to have the memories be fewer, there not be this clunky endurance crap, and have them summon ghosts or friendlies or something from the mists pertaining to those specific memories to aid us in battle for a short time. 

But anyway. I'm definitely done with this now. It's great that you guys are all e-sports players with lightning fast reaction times but the vast majority of your playerbase isn't. I'm assuming you realized this when you stopped making raids, or maybe it was just that raids were a waste of resources because they had some of the best environments in the game and many people will never even get to see them...

Either way, the longer this goes on the worse it will get. And tonight I only saw ONE group listed in lfg for the meta. Granted it was only 4 hours, but that's nearly half my time spent preparing for a meta that I don't even enjoy anymore because I know there's about a 90% chance we won't even get to 10% health. 

This isn't working. 

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28 minutes ago, Islyn.8019 said:

This post is entirely BS. I have like 6 li from aaaagrs ago, as no time to remain on a set gaming schedule, thus no consistent raiding, and play condi scourge, and have 0 problem getting a spot.

I hope this is sarcasm.



Not sarcasm but a real thing if you want successful and organized runs. 
You need to have brain and be experienced to succeeed at "hard" content. The ahrd stuff is a joke anyways in this game. The playerbase just isn't fit for this content and it really shows. 
This meta will turn in yet another 11111 spam meta after the nerf sadly. 
What's a "aaaagrs" by the way??? 

Edited by Cynder.2509
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nice adjustments to tail.  the change is welcomed since it is still challenging with less bs, but please do add some actually good rewards to it in the next build so people wont ditch this meta.  

this map meta is such a step up for playerbase to taste what it is like to be actually competent so dont overnerf it!

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Fixing the consecutive bites/side switching definitely helped with the success rate. I've already got my 4th kill in and it has been a ton of fun every time (always loved doing green (or wisp) just so I can see more of those messages). Absolutely stellar music too.


A good tip is to bring revive skills. If you know you won't be able to contribute much DPSwise, being able to rez people as frequently and quickly as possible (no matter the class, because every class has a revive skill) will contribute so much more to the fight.

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As a criticism of this battle:


- Targeting Soo-Woon is very difficult. Please make her targetable along her model. Right now I feel I can only target her if I click the small ui cross and that is very frustrating since there are so many visual cluter and other assets obstructing it.

- The whirlpools seems to be very much unfair. They don't seem to be dodgeble aoes and once u get stucked in it there is no way to break it reasonably.

- The tail needs polishing. Its very deceveing her tail to move but the target to be acttualy an invisible asset. Many times i lost dps just trying to run after a tail that is not real.

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20 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Only, this is not WoW, GW2 is not a raid game, it is the casual MMO game. Keep that stuff instanced so the majority doesn't have to do it. 

The word casual explains it all sadly... 
So many great metas have been ruined. Also a lot of us long time players only play rarely because of nothing to do in this game at all except the weekly raids and daily T4 fractals. This is the reason why such a good game has begun dying down. There's not much to do for veterans. 

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2 hours ago, Austincap.6951 said:

Why? I don't understand why you are making the Turtle egg buyable without doing the meta. If you're just nerfing the tail as well. In my opinion, just nerf the tail and make it so you can get the egg after you complete the meta

I actually agree with you. Everyone is just not going to do that god forsaken meta now they can jump around it. They need to make all of the challenge in terms of mechanics, not a stupid timer.  

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3 minutes ago, miles.5961 said:

Fixing the consecutive bites/side switching definitely helped with the success rate. I've already got my 4th kill in and it has been a ton of fun every time (always loved doing green (or wisp) just so I can see more of those messages). Absolutely stellar music too.


A good tip is to bring revive skills. If you know you won't be able to contribute much DPSwise, being able to rez people as frequently and quickly as possible (no matter the class, because every class has a revive skill) will contribute so much more to the fight.

Simple solution. Don't rezz and tell people to wp instead. It's a huge dps loss otherwise. I've seen less and less people being revived in the last 9 years because of taht. Dead people scale the boss and rezzing is a dps loss. You can event make an instant wp with the jade bot now. Why is this so hard to understand. Especially the "Leaves No Hero Behind" people aren't rezzing because the title is just for shwoing off like other titles. 

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4 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

The word casual explains it all sadly... 

I rather be a "filthy casual" than going insane with breaking my own head on content that I know are far beyond me.
Yes, you can consider me stupid or unskillful and I'll take it; I just know where to put limits where there is too much risks.

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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1 minute ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

I actually agree with you. Everyone is just not going to do that god forsaken meta now they can jump around it. They need to make all of the challenge in terms of mechanics, not a stupid timer.  

The timer is disputable. Raid bosses have an enraged timer and you can beat them even after the timer but you usually kill them in 1 to 2 minutes anyways. So increasing the meta timer by one minute or making the timer into an enrage timer would be better. 

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2 hours ago, Ahkaskar.3906 said:

I've only really made one attempt at the meta, which was a failure. But overall I liked it! I think these changes will go a long way, though I would add that one thing to keep an eye on is performance. This meta definitely dropped me to 15 fps at some points with an extremely beefy computer and without a doubt issues like that will affect how well everyone can attack and react especially in a fight with a lot of quick, board-sweeping attacks

This, a thousand times!

Unfortunately, I don't have an extremely beefy computer, so my FPS drops much lower than that to the point of being unplayable during key mechanics. And that's with DX11 enabled. This is the only meta in game that does that for me.

As a result, I've decided not to participate until performace improves or I'm able to upgrade, because I wouldn't want to be a liability to everyone else in the squad putting in all their time and effort into completing this event.

Edited by Femanon.4028
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Just got done it, the tail change did feel helpful but I do agree. I do question long term viability based on time it took waiting around doing literally nothing.


Also I guess you can say this was a success event wise cause people talking none stop on it...just not sure this is the talking you were looking for.


Side note noticed bunch of achieves related to fight like jump wave but no credits ever, wondering if that is bugged?

Edited by Shadows Creed.3902
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2 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

The timer is disputable. Raid bosses have an enraged timer and you can beat them even after the timer but you usually kill them in 1 to 2 minutes anyways. So increasing the meta timer by one minute or making the timer into an enrage timer would be better. 

There's plenty of deadly enrage timers in raids. Some aren't sure, but OW isn't a raid. People pick their builds to give them the survivability that matches their playstyle. A timer is explicitly expecting a particular amount of DPS which may or may not match someone's composition. One of the advantages/cool things about this game, your customizability, suddenly becomes a liability at the whim of the devs. The very same devs who let you make those "poor" choices. Also note that people may not enjoy raid playstyles. Also note, raid level DPS isn't 100% achievable in large meta events sheerly due to lag. There's so many things that this meta is testing other than your actual skill it's ridiculous. With apparently random mechanics to boot. XD.

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Just now, Femanon.4028 said:

This, a thousand times!


Unfortunately, I don't have an extremely beefy computer, so my FPS drops much lower than that to the point of being unplayable during key mechanics. And that's with DX11 enabled. This is the only meta in game that does that for me.


As a result, I've decided not to participate until performace improves or I'm able to upgrade, because I wouldn't want to be a liability to everyone else in the squad putting in all their time and effort into completing this event.

my fps drop too because there's no way to turn off player infusions or weapon effects yet. I even crashed and disconnected a few times (crash might be due to the DX11 beta enabled as the whole map usually crashed while dc might be coming from german internet which is prehistoric and the worst internet in the world or because of Anet servers). I have an RTX and a pretty good cpu. I can run Cyberpunk at 60 to 80 fps but in gw2 in EoD, especially Dragon's End meta it drops to 20 or 15 fps when gw2 is running at 250 fps normally. There definitely needs to be some performance optimization tweaks for EoD. 

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3 hours ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

We're investigating this. Ultimately, we want the End of Dragons metas to be a staple of the endgame open world experience, like the Heart of Thorns metas. We'll be taking the first step towards addressing this in the March 15 build.



HoT metas aren't popular because people enjoy them the most. They're popular because

1) They're directly tied to legendaries
2) They drop really rare infusions. 
3) Bauble farms (Neither PoF or EoD to my knowledge let you directly farm valuable vendor junk. I haven't quite figured EoD yet, but PoF it seemed random/not tied to map bonus rewards). 

Very few people I believe would say that HoT is the gold standard in terms of how the meta FEELs. It's definitely doable in large swarms, which is what people do. Though the current EoD implementations even miss that mark with how much they're expecting of players. Swarms of nooblets can still survive HoT. That's not the case here in EoD. 

WP was surprised at people saying they liked HoT better, but if you were paying attention, to me it sounded like more for the reasons I mentioned above than the meta design itself. HoT becomes palatable once you're an experience player, but I by far enjoyed Season 4 and even some season 3 metas better and I bet you that's true for most of the player base. 

That's not to say some people don't enjoy HoT at all, but it's far from Anet's best work and I'm tired of everyone listening way too much to elitists and ruining this game. You also have to realize, when you're getting information from a streamer like WP or like teapot, you're getting some of the most hard core opinions sampled, because they're popular I would expect with most of the die-hards. Not necessarily the consistent casual playerbase. And I would highly recommend taking what they say with a grain of salt for this reason. 


Edited by Firebeard.1746
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2 hours ago, kettering.6823 said:

It's great that you made an alternative way to get the egg, but I worry that means almost no one will bother trying to do the meta after the change. It desperately needs new/better rewards for there to be any incentive for the time sink if you're making the only unique reward available elsewhere. 


I have already seen more successes since the tail change, and as more people learn the mechanics and how to organize for it. But the rewards simply are not worth the time investment. Perhaps consider adding chests along the way like in Dragon's Stand, or add research notes to the reward pool; at least consider adding daily chests to the EoD map metas to get amalgamated gemstones (or maybe ambergris). Down the line, since there aren't any in the game yet, adding unique ascended weapons to DE as a rare drop like Drakkar or Teq or Dragonfall would be good too. Anything for there to be an incentive to play. 

hopefully with added rewards this will make the meta event worthwhile, like ALOT of rewards, as you have to be in the map for close to 2 + hours for all rewards.

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16 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

That's not to say some people don't enjoy HoT at all, but it's far from Anet's best work and I'm tired of everyone listening way too much to elitists and ruining this game. You also have to realize, when you're getting information from a streamer like WP or like teapot, you're getting some of the most hard core opinions sampled, because they're popular I would expect with most of the die-hards. Not necessarily the consistent casual playerbase. And I would highly recommend taking what they say with a grain of salt for this reason. 

agree with all that.

basically streamers build-up their audience showing unusual stuff of game, included beating hard stuff.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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