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What's the point of jade bots?

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Seriously. I keep missing the point of jade bots. Besides of one or two useful utilities it doesn't add anything but annoyance into the game. All offensive and defensive buffs are being removed on map change. Battery charges are also being removed on map change. Even the personal waypoint thing disappears when you change maps. And with all of this annoying things we have the whole Cantha full of batteries scattered around all possible and impossible places. It could be so much better and more fun but ended up being restrictive instead.

Edited by Rosen.9387
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Yeah, the ideas aren't bad, but I feel like I'm micro-managing a lot of little things - keep my battery charged, check my buffs that all look the same, changed maps, start over blah blah. I also don't like the jade boosts and batteries scattered everywhere, it looks ugly. I'm not a huge fan.

And the fact that my alts can't use them until I craft a core for them ... that felt really bad when I discovered that. Why even put zip lines in the first map cause who's going to go back often enough to use them and having them there is just a tease.

Edited by Shaaba.5672
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I agree. I thought one of the masteries for the Jade Bot would be 'wireless power' to make you have infinite charge, and as a bonus it could remove all the battery clutter from maps. The buffs kind of become tedious after repeatedly getting them over time. I did think the waypoint utility would be nice, since I thought it would be like an invitation to the Lily but wherever I wanted.. however that's not how it works, haha.


Plus if I do get used to a feature like glide-boost, the lack of account bound utility makes hopping to alts jarring. Where any of my characters can use any of my mounts, there's a process for simply enabling the Jade Bot per character with a core. I don't really see myself doing that 20 times for all my characters.

Edited by Wraith.3524
lil grammar
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I logged on to one of my alts and found out that the glide boost wasn't account bound. It was a little disappointing. I feel like Glide boost should have just been a mastery ability. Possibly same with the others - Mount stamina, skiff boost? Although skiff already gets its own boost, not sure how different they are besides having 2 cooldowns?

As for the littering of batteries across the map and the need to keep your bot charges topped up per map, eww. Get rid of the batteries from the maps and have your bot recharge over time. The masteries give you more total charges as you level it anyway.

And add the jade bot direct control ability to masteries. Seriously, flying the little RC copter bot around is cool! 

Masteries could have been:

level 1 - Glide boost, +1 charge

level 2 - Zip lines, +1 charge

level 3 - Mount stamina, + 1 charge

level 4 - Skiff boost, +1 charge

level 5 - Direct bot control ability


I guess there's also that vitality booster module thing to deal with...

Edit: Zip lines! I forgot about zip lines. Updated list.

Edited by Reborn.1738
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Personally I'm annoyed with the defense and offense protocols. For some reason, you cant use the object multiple times in a row at low buff duration. Once you have like 20+ min (maybe even 10+) you don't need to wait to use the object again (how it should be IMO).

Also you can't just use the object whenever you see one, if you are e.g. above 1 hour 20 min a charge of your battery will be consumed but the maximum duration (apparently 1 hour 30 min) is not set. So you just lose a charge.

Also pretty annoying you can't see on the buff icon if you are losing "charges". I know its not an intensity stacking effect so there aren't really "charges" to it, but I want to know at a glance whether and how many more of the objects I need to be again at maximum duration (or at sufficient duration). Give it like stacking triangle brackets for every 20 min remaining (1 bracket -> 20+ min, 2 brackets -> 40+ min, etc.). Anything would be better than having to mouse-over the 2 buffs (who are who knows where if you have banner buffs, boosters, food, profession boons, etc.)...

Just to keep the duration at a sufficient length, I have to check every time I'm near one of the objects "OK, do I need this or do I save my charges". It leads to paranoia of using each object I see and wasting charges for no reason.

And honestly 4 max charges for the battery is way too low (I didn't level up the last mastery section, maybe its 6 charges with it...). 10+ would have been way more preferable. Its not like they carry over to another map...

Also no custom binds for the flying drone is the worst possible corner to cut (well, other than most of the new specs being lackluster). If you were really that pressed for time, better to have released the expansion later on... Its not like you won't have to add the customizable keybinds.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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Well, to me it makes sense to have batteries everywhere as Cantha is powering literally everything with those.
The rezz and gliding boost is extremely useful even outside of EoD maps.
And in EoD it just adds another layer of gameplay. 
I agree the charges should persist across maps though. Won't ask the same for wp as it would probably be a nightmare to implement.

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2 hours ago, TexZero.7910 said:

The system could certainly be handled better.

I'd personally love nothing more than the upgrades and even core to be account wide.


Would be lovely if the Jade Bot inventory remained on all the characters on your account. Sure you can toss the core and modules around on other characters, but having to go to those workbenches on my characters then tossing stuff into the bank and reslotting every time I want to play another characters is plain stupid. At this point I'm pretty much ignoring that stupid jade bot. 


I'd love for ANET to remove it from the game but that doesn't seem likely...

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17 hours ago, Rosen.9387 said:

Seriously. I keep missing the point of jade bots. Besides of one or two useful utilities it doesn't add anything but annoyance into the game. All offensive and defensive buffs are being removed on map change. Battery charges are also being removed on map change. Even the personal waypoint thing disappears when you change maps. And with all of this annoying things we have the whole Cantha full of batteries scattered around all possible and impossible places. It could be so much better and more fun but ended up being restrictive instead.


+2k HP, Jade Slivers and Treasure Hunter seem like a good enough bonus to me.

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For me, the Jade bot shines more in its passive abilities rather than its active ones. 30% mount energy regen adds a whole new level to mount owners, especially the Skyscale. The 235 vitality boost is also nice, albeit not really necessary given the power creep over the years.


I do agree there is a tedium with jade boosters. 10 minutes per charge adds a tedious back-and-forth mechanic that is counter to good game design. I would prefer to see 30 minute boosts per charge. A max rank Jade bot owner would be able to get a more effective 1 hour offensive and defensive boost without the mucking about. I would also like to see more application for energy charges rather than just min-maxing stats. Hopefully they'll think of new and useful ideas in the follow up living world chapters.

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6 hours ago, TexZero.7910 said:

The system could certainly be handled better.

I'd personally love nothing more than the upgrades and even core to be account wide.

Yup, so much this.

Also, an unique "Upgrade Chips"-Inventory as you have for example with wardrobe unlocks would be nice too, since when you craft all the chips that are available to get the most out of them and have the opportunity to switch them out from time to time would really clutter up your inventory and / or bank in the end.

Oh, and maybe the ability to swap them without the Jadebot-Workbench? I mean, come on, this station exists for only that one purpose and I don't see any reason why you should only be able to swap them at the station, neither lore- nor gameplaywise.

I mean, for Cantha being so High-Jade-Tech, they surely know how to design that.

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Jade Bot is as useful as you make it.


Once you are familiar with the maps, you'll recognize that some ziplines are a time saver while others don't do much when you have PoF Mounts.


I only pick up the offensive/defensive buffs if I think they'll be useful in the next fight. I can't imagine you are saving much time managing these buffs just to kill trash. I save the charges for Jade Bot Chests and the occasional teleporter.


As for the core and chips? 3 more equipment slots. A stat stick and 2 utility. The mechanic itself is easily expandable, so I expect we'll see more ways to use it as we explore Cantha.

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21 hours ago, Rosen.9387 said:

Seriously. I keep missing the point of jade bots. Besides of one or two useful utilities it doesn't add anything but annoyance into the game. All offensive and defensive buffs are being removed on map change. Battery charges are also being removed on map change. Even the personal waypoint thing disappears when you change maps. And with all of this annoying things we have the whole Cantha full of batteries scattered around all possible and impossible places. It could be so much better and more fun but ended up being restrictive instead.

In HOT we got gliders, in POF we got mounts, in EOD we got skiffs and jade bots. Both of which have little impact on gameplay and are just a vehicle to sell us more skins in the in game shop. Atleast with gliders and mounts they gave us totally new and innovative gameplay. 

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My biggest issues with the jade bot is that the cores and such are not account wide and the things you can actively do with the jade bot are very tedious. All other masteries I can think of are enjoyable across all your characters, but having to craft unique items for all my characters just to even be able to use the basic functions is annoying at best. Then on top of all that, once you can use the jade bot, having to constantly recharge it with batteries and refresh buffs is just...tedious. For tech that's suppose to be so amazing, it certainly feels very inefficient to have to recharge it constantly at a bulky looking battery just to get 1 or 2 actions before it needs to recharge again. I think it's neat to have it augment other parts of the game, like mounts, gliding, down state, etc. But when those augmentations all require a lot of crafting if you want it on multiple characters it kinda loses the novelty very quickly for me.

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