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The line in the sand

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To anyone who feels content is too hard or too long or too expensive or whatever. I bid you to figure out what game you are playing and why.

This game while being a casual fun MMO is also not a costume Fashion collection game. You will need to grind to get some items. If you want your Griffon mount, you need to do some work for it including grind for gold to get it. For Skyscale you need to EARN this, not just get it because you whined about it enough or want it. We all want these things, but it is gameplay that keeps us here. If from day 1 you are given all these items, what else is there left to do? I feel like most have forgotten about the gameplay itself...why play if there is nothing to do because you have everything from day 1?


It took me 10xtimes to get in a group that successfully killed Soo Won. The 9 failures of those times were so much fun because we learned a little more as time went on and I enjoyed playing the game. Now I have my turtle, and I'm quite frankly bored with it already. Everyone wanted to complain about getting a turtle that doesn't do all that much.


The overall point I'm trying to make is, so many people whined and complained and now can simply buy the Turtle Egg from a vendor soon...for what? So you can run around and say you did practically nothing for it? There is no fun in that at all to me.

The map is gonna be a deadzone eventually because it isn't that great of a mat/gold farm map like Silverwastes or other better meta maps. I'm just confused to why the complainers want to play a game that involves no thinking, no skillset, nothing but smashing the 1 key to get stuff?


I think the people that smash Soo Won should get a special skin or doubleheaded turtle or something to signify we EARNED our Turtle mount instead of crying about it. Also, before we get responses on "It's impossible to kill, the rng is insane"....people are beating Soo Won daily and multiple times a day and I'm seeing more and more turtles on maps everyday(currently prior to the vendor being added)...so it is very possible, you just may have to learn JUST A BIT more about your class/character than smashing the 1 button....and this is coming from a VERY casual GW2 player who isn't the best at any class, still learns daily, and just likes to have fun...but I end with, there is nothing fun about just being handed something. Them nerfing EOD meta and Soo Won is content killer actions to me.


What are we left with after they nerf the new "huge" expac we were sold?

 - A map that the farm/meta is not really worth much outside the fun of doing it, which after 10-11times we need something earned for doing it which we currently aren't getting.

- A dragon that gives nothing special because you can just buy the egg from a vendor soon.

- A day...maybe two worth of storyline? (I completed my story and all map completions in 2days).

- A jade bot in which one feature is not usable yet, and overall doesn't provide all that much benefit.

- A turtle mount which is helpful in ONE part of the Dragon's End map meta, and the rest its just a big slow mount. ( but looks cool, so its a must have right?)

- A boat and fishing(nothing negative about these)


I'm just confused that the one challenging part of the new expac is being completely nerfed and what incentive is there to play these maps or anything outside of the storyline?


Where do we draw the line in the sand and just say "hey you just gotta keep trying" or "hey this is actually too hard for people"...because I don't think it is that hard to do under the right community coordination. If you are a good communal player, it isn't hard to make some friends and find your way into groups that are doing successful runs.

Edited by HellsPriest.6745
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4 minutes ago, Hollowhisper.1093 said:

Whether intended or not, your post is riddled with polarisation, generalisation and accusations, which doesn't exactly make it a strong post.

It is not a polarization, it is quite accurate to the current state of things in which you can see many complaining in map chats, forums and elsewhere for reasons they'll state as the content is "too hard" and I've literally seen people say things such as "I don't care about the meta, just give me my turtle" so my "accusations" are very accurate and on point.

Next time though I'll focus on making a "strong post" which is more important I guess than giving a post on my opinion of the experiences a lot are seeing. There is definitely a split community at the moment where a lot enjoy the challenge of the new meta and a lot are complaining, so again I say to the naysayers...why play the game if you don't want to earn anything?

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The truth is, almost all people that claim they got the turtle because they are better then others, got the mount purely because another person took the time to organize it. 


If you go on discord to get a squad slot, even that would count as leeching. 

Knowing a discord link is not being better at the game. 

Getting carried by stacking meta builds is not being better at the game. 



Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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4 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

The truth is, almost all people that claim they got the turtle because they are better then others, got the mount purely because another person took the time to organize it. 


If you got on discord to get a squad slot, even that would count as leeching. 

Knowing a discord link is not being better at the game. 

Getting carried by stacking meta builds is not being better at the game. 



I'm not disagreeing with you there and I'm also not stating that you need to be "better" at anything to get it. What I'm simply stating is, it isn't hard to find a community that is successfully doing this which is part of the point of the meta/boss. It is a community based MMO, is it not? I mean the turtle is NOT necessary to own so if you are truly an invert to the point where you don't want to talk to anyone ever...then you don't neeeeed the turtle either really. My point is, I loved the fact that it forced people to talk to each other, work together, maybe took a 2nd look at their builds and changed up some things...and gave you more of a challenge is all.


I never once said you needed to be "better" at anything. I've met several new friends because of EOD and how challenging the end dragon is.

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I will wait with playing this expansion until I am burned out on Lost Ark. By then the kinks in EoD will have been ironed out, hard content will have been nerfed and I can breeze my way through it, the way I like it.  Also, I was never much of a Fashionmonger, but I am definitely becoming more appreciative of the fantastic cosmetic options that GW2 has for skins, Outfits and dyeing, after the scarcity of options in LA.   So as much fun as I am having in that game,  it will wet my appetite for some serious GW2 later on. 


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49 minutes ago, HellsPriest.6745 said:



The overall point I'm trying to make is, so many people whined and complained and now can simply buy the Turtle Egg from a vendor soon...for what? So you can run around and say you did practically nothing for it? There is no fun in that at all to me.





Yeah they should not nerf it, and if people can't do, then they can pay up some gold to buy runs from expirianced players, like Raids

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6 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:

Yeah they should not nerf it, and if people can't do, then they can pay up some gold to buy runs from expirianced players, like Raids

I don't know about all that haha. I just think a meta/boss that is requiring community based effort should stay community based effort. This nerf will make this a dead map outside of doing your storyline...I'm calling it now. 

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9 minutes ago, HellsPriest.6745 said:

I never once said you needed to be "better" at anything. I've met several new friends because of EOD and how challenging the end dragon is.

"...so it is very possible, you just may have to learn JUST A BIT more about your class/character than smashing the 1 button...."

Then maybe I misread what you wrote there but "learning a bit more about a class" is indeed getting better in my view, especially when you insinuate people just smash their 1 buttons. I also find it quite revealing you need to write "smashing 1 buttons" twice in your post to make clear what you think of other players.

I wrote it in another post: People should have choices. You want to fight for your mount? Fine, do the DE meta. You want to acquire your mount? Good, do enough map content for your 200 writs and get it from a vendor. Both is "earning" the mount, although it doesn't match your definition of the word:

"I think the people that smash Soo Won should get a special skin or doubleheaded turtle or something to signify we EARNED our Turtle mount instead of crying about it."

This is what I meant with polarisation. Now you want to have a cosmetic separation so you can show off you did the "right thing"? Sorry, this is just entitlement and elitism: "I am better than all these crybabies and my purple turtle makes this clear." Hilarious!

Luckily, ANet has a different take on the situation.


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16 minutes ago, Hollowhisper.1093 said:

"...so it is very possible, you just may have to learn JUST A BIT more about your class/character than smashing the 1 button...."

Then maybe I misread what you wrote there but "learning a bit more about a class" is indeed getting better in my view, especially when you insinuate people just smash their 1 buttons. I also find it quite revealing you need to write "smashing 1 buttons" twice in your post to make clear what you think of other players.

I wrote it in another post: People should have choices. You want to fight for your mount? Fine, do the DE meta. You want to acquire your mount? Good, do enough map content for your 200 writs and get it from a vendor. Both is "earning" the mount, although it doesn't match your definition of the word:

"I think the people that smash Soo Won should get a special skin or doubleheaded turtle or something to signify we EARNED our Turtle mount instead of crying about it."

This is what I meant with polarisation. Now you want to have a cosmetic separation so you can show off you did the "right thing"? Sorry, this is just entitlement and elitism: "I am better than all these crybabies and my purple turtle makes this clear." Hilarious!

Luckily, ANet has a different take on the situation.


You really polarized my words for yourself my friend. You took words and ran with them to the fullest extent and stretched as far as you could, so let me be clear a bit more for you.


Learning a bit more about your class is a form of "getting better" but not meant to be taken that you by any means need to be an elite style player or anything of the sorts. It is quite clear ANET is/was attempting for players to push their limits just a bit more(this meta/boss) in learning their classes because it is unfortunate there are so many who don't learn mechanics of a the game and then get upset when they don't succeed at something.


Why should/would ANET spend all this time putting these things into the game for people to simply ignore them and then complain once they don't get the things they want? So, they simply made it so that you should learn again "a little bit" more about what you are doing,...not forcing you to buy better gear or train hard or anything...just maybe switch up a skill or two in your bar (for instance, add defiance break to your skill bar). I've never had to explain CC so much before in this game, and I'm glad to explain it...but it doesn't change the fact that I had to do it, which proves my points more.


Games are an extension of life, meaning you do/earn something, you get something for it. Whining is not doing anything, nor is it a mechanic that should be valued in life or a game to get an item. Otherwise, there is no point to builds, no point to metas, no point to any of it...just log on, pick a mount, pick an outfit and run around.


In games there is a fun sense of entitlement. It's not about saying "I'm better than you", but it is a statement saying I have earned this stuff, and maybe you can ask questions from a veteran player and they will gladly help you get there as well. Guild Wars 2 has always been like this. In a game or in life, you shouldn't just get things on a horizontal platform where everything is so easy just because "well he got, so I deserve it too"....noooo, you should work for it like they did and THEN you can have it too.


A jerk sense of entitlement is when you think you should have an item and others should not...and that is NOT what I'm suggesting at all. I want/hope everyone gets their turtle mount, I just think everyone should do the equal work for it and can ask for help when they need it.


I've made many friends by asking questions, and I've made many friends by answering questions. There is no elitist mindset here with me, it's a community mindset and content being created that makes people work together...this is not a single player game by any means and is not built or intended to be in my honest opinion.


ANET doesn't have a different take on the situation, they just don't want to lose money so they are listening to complainers who sadly drown out the other majority of the community who LOVES the challenge of the new content. Negative reviews ALWAYS shine over positive, sadly...and sadly they are listening to them. If there intention was to have a vendor, they would've done it from the beginning...so no, they don't have a different take...they want the negative players to stop complaining.


You will see when they do this how fast the map becomes a dead zone, no need to farm here for not good drop rates, no reason to fight the boss, no reason outside of your storyline. That sucks man.

Edited by HellsPriest.6745
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I understand your points, and yes, I agree to some. But I take issue with you labelling others as whiners, 1-button-smashers and whatnot just to make your point. And that's what I meant with a "strong post". Your argument doesn't get more weight by belittling others. You come across as one of those countless "get good" people, though by reading your posts I think you are not.

There seem to be quite a few issues with what "earning" actually should include - not just here but across the forums - and you make a point of what you think it should be. I don't agree, though.

Things should be earned in various ways, maybe even more so, if they were at the heart of a marketing campaign. ANet seem to have understood that (now) and are acting accordingly. It's good if people have choices here and "earning" 200 writs of Dragon's End seems like an okay compromise to me, because it means they spent time and effort on that map, whether they beat the endboss to pulp or by helping in countless other skirmishes.

Above our apparent disagreement on - let's say nuances of a word - I am happy you found some pals and friends with whom you can play the game in the way you want. It's what gaming is about.

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16 minutes ago, Hollowhisper.1093 said:

I understand your points, and yes, I agree to some. But I take issue with you labelling others as whiners, 1-button-smashers and whatnot just to make your point. And that's what I meant with a "strong post". Your argument doesn't get more weight by belittling others. You come across as one of those countless "get good" people, though by reading your posts I think you are not.

There seem to be quite a few issues with what "earning" actually should include - not just here but across the forums - and you make a point of what you think it should be. I don't agree, though.

Things should be earned in various ways, maybe even more so, if they were at the heart of a marketing campaign. ANet seem to have understood that (now) and are acting accordingly. It's good if people have choices here and "earning" 200 writs of Dragon's End seems like an okay compromise to me, because it means they spent time and effort on that map, whether they beat the endboss to pulp or by helping in countless other skirmishes.

Above our apparent disagreement on - let's say nuances of a word - I am happy you found some pals and friends with whom you can play the game in the way you want. It's what gaming is about.

I would go as far as to agreeing with you if the options are in value of the same amount of effort, just the ways to do it are different. I think 200 writ is so overly easy...I have well over that already just from running around the maps. So, if we are to compromise our disagreements...my middle ground opinion would be to make the vendor purchase way have to have a lot more writs and things for equal value. Again, I just think looking at it from one side is negating the other...I love earning it, but I also value that I earned it and an item becomes next to nothing of importance if you just get it. An example, some materials are more expensive cause they are harder to get...same thing. I'm glad we are at least at a discussion point here now haha.

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Well, there are many cross-map collections and achievements already. I think at this point it doesn't really matter anymore the turtle was a Luxon beat of burden once so why not make it a "global" Cantha thing?

I think I have some 350 DE writs myself now but I also used the map heavily to shamelessly level my masteries - a thing why I think the map will not "die" anytime soon. The event density is just fantastic. I wouldn't mind spending all my writs on a turtle (although I "earned" it already by beating Randomius The Great) because - different topic - I find the rewards for the writs underwhelming.

But on the other hand, the siege turtle was such a marketing anchor for the entire expac that I wouldn't object to it being an "all of Cantha" mount just like maybe the skyscale was with all the map hopping. I think this would also take out some of the stress with all the toxicity alarm bells ringing in the forums and hopefully people toning down their derogatory language a tad.

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2 hours ago, HellsPriest.6745 said:

To anyone who feels content is too hard or too long or too expensive or whatever. I bid you to figure out what game you are playing and why.

This game while being a casual fun MMO is also not a costume Fashion collection game. You will need to grind to get some items. If you want your Griffon mount, you need to do some work for it including grind for gold to get it. For Skyscale you need to EARN this, not just get it because you whined about it enough or want it. We all want these things, but it is gameplay that keeps us here. If from day 1 you are given all these items, what else is there left to do? I feel like most have forgotten about the gameplay itself...why play if there is nothing to do because you have everything from day 1?


It took me 10xtimes to get in a group that successfully killed Soo Won. The 9 failures of those times were so much fun because we learned a little more as time went on and I enjoyed playing the game. Now I have my turtle, and I'm quite frankly bored with it already. Everyone wanted to complain about getting a turtle that doesn't do all that much.


The overall point I'm trying to make is, so many people whined and complained and now can simply buy the Turtle Egg from a vendor soon...for what? So you can run around and say you did practically nothing for it? There is no fun in that at all to me.

The map is gonna be a deadzone eventually because it isn't that great of a mat/gold farm map like Silverwastes or other better meta maps. I'm just confused to why the complainers want to play a game that involves no thinking, no skillset, nothing but smashing the 1 key to get stuff?


I think the people that smash Soo Won should get a special skin or doubleheaded turtle or something to signify we EARNED our Turtle mount instead of crying about it. Also, before we get responses on "It's impossible to kill, the rng is insane"....people are beating Soo Won daily and multiple times a day and I'm seeing more and more turtles on maps everyday(currently prior to the vendor being added)...so it is very possible, you just may have to learn JUST A BIT more about your class/character than smashing the 1 button....and this is coming from a VERY casual GW2 player who isn't the best at any class, still learns daily, and just likes to have fun...but I end with, there is nothing fun about just being handed something. Them nerfing EOD meta and Soo Won is content killer actions to me.


What are we left with after they nerf the new "huge" expac we were sold?

 - A map that the farm/meta is not really worth much outside the fun of doing it, which after 10-11times we need something earned for doing it which we currently aren't getting.

- A dragon that gives nothing special because you can just buy the egg from a vendor soon.

- A day...maybe two worth of storyline? (I completed my story and all map completions in 2days).

- A jade bot in which one feature is not usable yet, and overall doesn't provide all that much benefit.

- A turtle mount which is helpful in ONE part of the Dragon's End map meta, and the rest its just a big slow mount. ( but looks cool, so its a must have right?)

- A boat and fishing(nothing negative about these)


I'm just confused that the one challenging part of the new expac is being completely nerfed and what incentive is there to play these maps or anything outside of the storyline?


Where do we draw the line in the sand and just say "hey you just gotta keep trying" or "hey this is actually too hard for people"...because I don't think it is that hard to do under the right community coordination. If you are a good communal player, it isn't hard to make some friends and find your way into groups that are doing successful runs.


Honestly... the moment you started to define the game for others in your first paragraph is the moment i stopped reading and taking you seriously. Good luck with that. 

Edited by MechanicalMind.9126
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To anyone who feels content is too hard or too long or too expensive or whatever. I bid you to figure out what game you are playing and why.

Most people who are raising their concerns are. Why do you feel like questioning it ? 


This game while being a casual fun MMO is also not a costume Fashion collection game. You will need to grind to get some items. If you want your Griffon mount, you need to do some work for it including grind for gold to get it. For Skyscale you need to EARN this, not just get it because you whined about it enough or want it. We all want these things, but it is gameplay that keeps us here. If from day 1 you are given all these items, what else is there left to do? I feel like most have forgotten about the gameplay itself...why play if there is nothing to do because you have everything from day 1?

How one plays this game is totally up to them.  The mounts mentioned above did not require the effort of a whole community to obtain it . Was easily doable by pretty much anyone. How multiple players voice their concerns on not obtaining a mount which is clearly advertised on the website which involves a gameplay style he or she is not accustomed is whining is beyond me. Perhaps you didn’t know that events generally get tuned based on feedback or in your terms whining. 



It took me 10xtimes to get in a group that successfully killed Soo Won. The 9 failures of those times were so much fun because we learned a little more as time went on and I enjoyed playing the game. Now I have my turtle, and I'm quite frankly bored with it already. Everyone wanted to complain about getting a turtle that doesn't do all that much.

I’m happy to hear that . Did you consider that there is a populace that does not have the same amount of time you have an abundance with.  How you feel about the turtle is irrelative to another person . Perhaps they just like travelling on it to random zone x and stomping rats . It just doesn’t matter. 


3 hours ago, HellsPriest.6745 said:

The overall point I'm trying to make is, so many people whined and complained and now can simply buy the Turtle Egg from a vendor soon...for what? So you can run around and say you did practically nothing for it? There is no fun in that at all to me.

I thought you enjoyed the experience rather than the prestige associated with it. Are you claiming this is something only a select few should have . Perhaps it would do good to look further in what would be more fun for a major portion of the community than just a few? 


3 hours ago, HellsPriest.6745 said:

The map is gonna be a deadzone eventually because it isn't that great of a mat/gold farm map like Silverwastes or other better meta maps. I'm just confused to why the complainers want to play a game that involves no thinking, no skillset, nothing but smashing the 1 key to get stuff?

Although I didn’t want to say it, at this point you are being toxic. So all failed attempts are people who have been doing nothing but smashing. May I remind you that you failed 9 times. Perhaps you didn’t press 1 enough . Actually I apologise maybe the other 40 + carried you….


I apologise in advance for the above statement but I hope it will clear where your post above is just wrong in so many ways. 

And to be clear the reward s for the time invested for this meta is better spent elsewhere. This has been raised multiple times and I’m sure the devs are working on some kind of plausible solution. 


I think the people that smash Soo Won should get a special skin or doubleheaded turtle or something to signify we EARNED our Turtle mount instead of crying about it. Also, before we get responses on "It's impossible to kill, the rng is insane"....people are beating Soo Won daily and multiple times a day and I'm seeing more and more turtles on maps everyday(currently prior to the vendor being added)...so it is very possible, you just may have to learn JUST A BIT more about your class/character than smashing the 1 button....and this is coming from a VERY casual GW2 player who isn't the best at any class, still learns daily, and just likes to have fun...but I end with, there is nothing fun about just being handed something. Them nerfing EOD meta and Soo Won is content killer actions to me.

Sure why not. And again the snide EARNED remark is more appearing like you are asking for some kind of prestige status attached to the mount. I wont point out while the rest of that quote is just wrong but I’m sure you can figure out. And again I urge you to look at the regular gamer who isn’t as well versed at this game. Perhaps give the egg  from the NPC. And all those who earned it early a neon flashing one for all I care. That is something people would standby. 


What are we left with after they nerf the new "huge" expac we were sold?

 - A map that the farm/meta is not really worth much outside the fun of doing it, which after 10-11times we need something earned for doing it which we currently aren't getting.

- A dragon that gives nothing special because you can just buy the egg from a vendor soon.

- A day...maybe two worth of storyline? (I completed my story and all map completions in 2days).

- A jade bot in which one feature is not usable yet, and overall doesn't provide all that much benefit.

- A turtle mount which is helpful in ONE part of the Dragon's End map meta, and the rest its just a big slow mount. ( but looks cool, so its a must have right?)

- A boat and fishing(nothing negative about these)

How is providing another alternative for other gamers a huge nerf to the expansion is beyond me. In the further points you are merely reinforcing what I’ve said. The map  is going to be dead zone unless it soon finds a balance which is amicable for all types of gamers. 


I'm just confused that the one challenging part of the new expac is being completely nerfed and what incentive is there to play these maps or anything outside of the storyline?

Which will hopefully be addressed. As for the difficulty in the event. It’s not per-say difficulty if you have been doing content. It’s just an item has been locked under an event which requires the coordination of people who randomly joint the map. Unless of course you are calling for people to organise outside the map and call for meta builds and leave the rest out ? Definitely don’t see the community growing after that . 



Where do we draw the line in the sand and just say "hey you just gotta keep trying" or "hey this is actually too hard for people"...because I don't think it is that hard to do under the right community coordination. If you are a good communal player, it isn't hard to make some friends and find your way into groups that are doing successful runs.

Had this been a raid / strike I would have probably said a nerf is just injustice. Had it not required a higher level of coordination I would have said not to touch it. A good communal player would have been inclusive of most folks not regretful about random player x getting horrible mount y from the Event z. But I guess prestige in games do that . I probably will get ranted at but nonetheless I just felt like point out why this thread is just wrong. 

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For my money, this game as at it's best when it's challenging me and I am glad that ANet respects their players by providing them more difficult open world content that they need to engage with in order to overcome it. I would suspect that ANet expected a bit of pushback from some quarters of their playerbase. If it was too easy, there'd be complaints the other way. I'm glad they chose to embrace the potential their game has and invite people to rise to the challenge.

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29 minutes ago, dace.8019 said:

For my money, this game as at it's best when it's challenging me and I am glad that ANet respects their players by providing them more difficult open world content that they need to engage with in order to overcome it. I would suspect that ANet expected a bit of pushback from some quarters of their playerbase. If it was too easy, there'd be complaints the other way. I'm glad they chose to embrace the potential their game has and invite people to rise to the challenge.

I don't find it respectable when the game forces players to engage in content like this.  There already exists modes for more challenging content and those who want it may opt-in to it (strikes/raids).  Putting this type of content in open world, and then gate-keeping a major selling point of the expansion, is not what I call respecting the players. 

I hardly think that this particular meta event in EoD is "inviting" players to rise to the challenge -- not when it is made mandatory.

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8 hours ago, HellsPriest.6745 said:

It took me 10xtimes to get in a group that successfully killed Soo Won. 


How many days did you spend on those 10x tries?

I think you are making unfair assumptions about the people who are complaining.  Maybe not everyone has that much free time for such a steep learning curve.  Just because someone complains doesn't mean they want it to be face roll easy.  Just because you like it doesn't mean everyone else is required to like it.

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There are as many ways to play this game as there are players.  Your way is not the only way, and it's not my way.  You said the game is "... not a costume Fashion collection game."  Probably to some people it is, and that's all it is.  So what?  If they are enjoying a game they bought and play, what do you care?  I hate PvP, but if that's all another player wants to do, more power to them, and I don't mean that sarcastically.  I want everyone to enjoy this game or any other in their own way.

I am not complaining about the DE meta because I haven't attempted it yet.  TBH, I have zero desire to even try.

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I'm on your wavelength, and I think most people are; but it just comes down to reality and the nature of the playerbase.  There's a kitten-ton of dad-gamers in this game...and in the MMO genre at large.  They may want to stay in the flow and do what the game suggests, but if they barely have the time to devote to a portion of a fight, to just participate, let alone min/max a 2hr event of uncertainty and disdain, you're done.  Your options are spent, at the expense of your enjoyment no less.  


Some days I'll walk outside on a cold-kitten winter day with just a light shirt and no coat, tired and resentful at my circumstances, attempting to make the day warm up by sheer imposition of will.  Wanna know how many times I've been successful in changing the weather?  Easy guess.


Nobody wants to be the guy to crash the party for everyone.  Nobody wants to be the handicap, but the drowning man will do what he must to survive.  I don't condone dragging people down with you.  A strong person should take the L like a man, but it is a perspective to consider.

Edited by Borked.6824
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