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I guess I'm not going to get the siege turtle.

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They will most likely remove the strike mission requirement when they see a tiny% of their playerbase has the turtle unlock and they want skin money. Expecting the average GW2 player to do a Strike Mission is like expecting drafting toddlers into a war to go well.

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3 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Do I need to call my primary school English teacher to help me explain it to you that by the time you reach level 80 on Ranger and unlock Druid you will know how to play RANGER?
Speaking of old build, go for Soulbeast then, your old build will work, even if not as good as the potential of Soulbeast.

if i didnt know how to play ranger, then i wouldnt be able to unlock the elites.

i have tried SB, its roughly on par with my old build. 

and you still havent explained, how i automatically would learn how to play druid, by playing ranger

i am VERY curious about that

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24 minutes ago, TheDraco.3965 said:

Expecting the average GW2 player to do a Strike Mission is like expecting drafting toddlers into a war to go well.

It's a bit more like asking board game players to switch to football. Both are valid ways to play a game, but one is clearly more physically demanding and requires a higher level of pre-planning and moment-to-moment coordination. I hope you're right in your prediction though, since I can't think of too many people who will purchase skins for a mount they don't own.

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40 minutes ago, Victor.2813 said:

I think the 'open world only' casual subcommunity are positively drunk on coddling and in due need of growing mechanically as players, but that's just my TED Talk. It's okay if you disagree.

they have been trying to do that since launch, and the result was always the same.

nerfed content and buffed rewards. this will be no different. it has already started.

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11 hours ago, MorpheusDV.8592 said:

Willing to bet if they removed the strike requirement, someone would still find some other reason to complain about the unlock process.

Easy bet, it happened with the Gryphon and Skyscale mounts.


The fundamental issue is that MMOs used to be games you engaged with in the long term with goals that needed time and commitment to get to, and that required playing in cooperation with other players. The original Guild Wars community (GW1) was no different (you could play solo later on... but good luck beating some content...).


Today we have a split in the community with people who are fine with getting mostly casual content (which is what MOST of the new content is about) and players who are just looking for a more engaging/meaningful way to play the game.


And every clash seems to happen over this.

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1 hour ago, battledrone.8315 said:

if i didnt know how to play ranger, then i wouldnt be able to unlock the elites.

i have tried SB, its roughly on par with my old build. 

and you still havent explained, how i automatically would learn how to play druid, by playing ranger

i am VERY curious about that

I said nothing about learning how to play a Ranger elite spec. 

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5 minutes ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

you guys need to actually try doing the strike, make a guild group you can count on not ragequitting.

The strike is not that hard, the 'hard' spot is jademaw given how easy it is to overscale.


There is no point in trying to get the people complaining here to do the Strike and be done with it anymore. 

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1 hour ago, TheDraco.3965 said:

They will most likely remove the strike mission requirement when they see a tiny% of their playerbase has the turtle unlock and they want skin money. Expecting the average GW2 player to do a Strike Mission is like expecting drafting toddlers into a war to go well.

You are comparing my gameplay to being a toddler... and I have to completely agree with you!  😄  I'm such a klutz with game mechanics.  I blame old age, arthritis, and stubbornness.  Tried strikes before, hated them, not gonna do them.  Period.  If I lose out on a mount or a shiny, so be it.

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5 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Read this again:

If you reach level 80 and finish an elite specialization on a profession it is not a profession you have never tried before.

If you pick a new build and don't know how to play it it tends to feel worse than the one you already know.

this is what you said. and i have druid unlocked, without ever playing it

you are wrong.

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On 3/15/2022 at 7:05 AM, Cronospere.8143 said:

You tried 2 times and already claim that you will never be succesful. 


Where is learning? Where is motivation and not giving up? What is happening with people all around the world having the feeling that everything should be easy and with every obstacle they give up. 

Come on man. You can do it. Learn the behavior of mechanics and most of all don't give up. 

Tbh a lot of people work HARD at work, and want their gaming time to be enjoyable to them and not a ‘motivation’ thing.

Don’t confuse or conflate people wanting their recreation time to be chill, with they themselves not being motivated. 

they’re just not motivated by this.


most people I’ve met who have this mindset in game, often don’t have anything else they have to be motivated about. 


just because you like or enjoy X doesn’t mean anyone else must.

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3 hours ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

you guys need to actually try doing the strike, make a guild group you can count on not ragequitting.

The strike is not that hard, the 'hard' spot is jademaw given how easy it is to overscale.


I have tried the strike mission. It is not for casuals, because of gearing, technique, experience, the list goes on. If you enjoy that kind of content, fine. But asking casuals to do this is like taking someone who doesn't know soldiering and dropping them in a war zone. It just isn't going to end well.

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56 minutes ago, Almaden.6782 said:

I have tried the strike mission. It is not for casuals, because of gearing, technique, experience, the list goes on. If you enjoy that kind of content, fine. But asking casuals to do this is like taking someone who doesn't know soldiering and dropping them in a war zone. It just isn't going to end well.

I don't know where the idea that casual players don't make progress in the game (in the form of getting gear) and can't learn game's mechanics came from, but it's false. You already don't have gear/lvl treadmill here, so no need to rush or catch up every x months.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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29 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't know where the idea that casual players don't make progress in the game (in the form of getting gear) and can't learn game's mechanics came from, but it's false. You already don't have gear/lvl treadmill here, so no need to rush or catch up every x months.

In other words, don't be a casual player, play like you do!


There are casual players, and there are players like you. And even other kinds. But don't pretend you understand us. You may enjoy strike missions. A casual player almost certainly won't. I play a game to unwind, not to get stressed. It may be an obstacle I have to overcome, but once I do, I won't be going back.

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9 minutes ago, Almaden.6782 said:

In other words, don't be a casual player, play like you do!

No, that's not at all what I said.

9 minutes ago, Almaden.6782 said:

There are casual players, and there are players like you. And even other kinds. But don't pretend you understand us. You may enjoy strike missions. A casual player almost certainly won't.

If you're playing to unwind (as if I'm not btw?), then wouldn't you just continue playing whatever/however you enjoy instead of beelining for the rewards?

9 minutes ago, Almaden.6782 said:

I play a game to unwind, not to get stressed. It may be an obstacle I have to overcome, but once I do, I won't be going back.

Ok? And you're free to do that.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Maybe they'll change the unlock requirements for a second time, who knows. But I thought I'd come chime in here with some tips and advice on the fight for those who want to give it a shot but feel intimidated by it and aren't quite sure how to go about getting a group (or just those that want their turtle now instead of waiting for possible changes). 


The normal mode strikes in this expansion are neat because if you've completed the story, you'll already have seen the basic encounter and had to deal with those mechanics already. Most of the Kaineng Overlook strike is the Minister Li encounter from the "In the Name of the Law" story step, with a few extra stages.


For those scared of trying it- I promise it isn't some raid-difficulty encounter that is impossible to complete for more casual players. If you've completed the story version and don't quit on the first wipe, even groups going in with no experience should be able to get this in a few tries. These strikes don't have an enrage timer on them like raids do, so even if your squad has low DPS it's fine, you can take your time on it. My first two runs of this strike were with random, no requirement groups from LFG that hadn't done it before (including myself the first run, before guide videos were even out for it) and both times we were successful within 3 pulls.


Kroof has a really clear video guide on the mechanics here, where they go over every step in detail, I recommend giving it a watch!

The main 3 punishing mechanics that are essential to keep an eye out for are:

1. If you have roman numerals above your head and a yellow border around your screen during part of the fight, move out of the group and away from the others with it over their heads (it'll cause massive damage to the rest of the group if it hits you when you are stacked with other people, usually insta-downing the whole squad.)

2. The jade-cannon skill from the mech. It's a huge red rectangle AOE, you've got a couple of seconds to dodge or step out of it and get behind him, usually very easy to avoid.

3. Green circles, if you get a green circle with arrows pointing inwards on you (or see a group member with one) everyone should stack in it. If there's not enough people standing on it by the time it runs out, it deals huge damage to everyone.

The rest of the mechanics are very forgiving, so as long as you've got healers in your group and people are reviving those who go down, the rest of them won't kill you outright, even if you mess up a few times.


A good group setup if you are starting your own is 2 people who can heal, 2 that can give alacrity (faster skill recharge) 2 that can give quickness (faster skill speed) and then 4 other dps players (if you can find one, having 1 of your dps be a warrior with banners helps a lot and if you really aren't confident, have one of those players be a scourge for extra survivability is also a good call!) if you don't see any groups running, you can just ask for the above roles in LFG and add something like (First try, Chill run) or something. Often players that have done it before will join less experienced groups to help out anyway! 😄 Also a huge bonus to giving it a shot is that you get a mastery point for completing it, a some gold and some of the strike currency that can be used to buy mystic coins/clovers, in addition to the turtle collection item.


That being said for OP and anyone else, I'm running the strikes once a day atm (usually around 9pm GMT) and would be happy to teach anyone who's afraid of jumping in for the first time, provided you are willing to be patient and kind and try your best. (none of the rage that's in this thread xD) Preferably watch Kroof's video beforehand! But it's mainly those 3 mechanics I listed above that are the 100% essential ones to know, the rest can be explained when we get to them.


 On 3/17/2022 at 1:49 AM, Tom.6478 said:

I was ready to give it another go tonight. I tried to join several groups. I could join, but not completely. I had

 no option to join. Just whisper or some other kitten thing. In other words, I couldn't join where they were as I did before with other groups. I did whisper, they told me to go to the Eye of the North. Did that, it did not work.

I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but for the love of God, I don't know what it is.


Also I don't know if you figured this out in the end, but the new strikes are joined from Arborstone (or the respective maps that the original instance was in, so new Kaineng for this one) If you don't get a pop up for your group automatically you can manually join them/start the instance from the NPC to the east with the blue icon above their head. So it's likely the group you joined was doing the Icebrood Saga ones or a full clear or something! 🙂 


But yeah, if you're still having no luck, don't be afraid to chuck me a mail or something if you are on EU, OP and I can sort out a chill run sometime!

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't know where the idea that casual players don't make progress in the game (in the form of getting gear) and can't learn game's mechanics came from, but it's false. You already don't have gear/lvl treadmill here, so no need to rush or catch up every x months.

one of the reasons, that i dont play anymore, is that i dont have the gold for better gear. and even if i had the gold,

i still dont have a functional build. not only do geargrinders make it easy to make a build, they actually lets you play that build the entire game. and the gear drops like candy in the normal game too. 

so, you have all the disadvantages of a gear grinder, but none of the good things from it

and it was a good thing that i didnt return for this xpac either, since they gutted most of the LI builds

no need to rush is false too, seeing that i had to spam map chat 2 days to find a group for LW

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No, that's not at all what I said.

If you're playing to unwind (as if I'm not btw?), then wouldn't you just continue playing whatever/however you enjoy instead of beelining for the rewards?

Ok? And you're free to do that.

yep, new content is only for the good players. just suck it up and pay for their entertainment, while you go back to the decade 

old core game. thats a compromise we all can be happy with.

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